Paint.NET :: Prevent Blurring When Transforming?

Aug 24, 2013

how to get better transforming. I am working with pixel art and I want to stretch it out by a few pixels. When I start to do that, the preview looks absolutely fine, but the final result gets blurred and starts going into alpha channels. How do I prevent this from happening? I know how to install plugins

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Paint.NET :: How To Enlarge Image Without Blurring

Jan 2, 2014

Without blurring it?
Also, how do I enlarge it with percents (like so, if I want to enlarge an image by 200%, how would I do so?)

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Paint.NET :: Getting Started - Blurring Sections Of A Picture

Jun 10, 2010

where to get started. I have a picture of a web page and the only parts I wish to blur are the text fields and text areas. Not sure how to blur just a portion of a picture.

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Paint.NET :: How To Undo Operation Of Blurring Some Objects

Apr 12, 2011

I don't have experience with graphics so this is hard thing for me. I want to know how to undo the operation of blurring some objects (faces .etc) or whole picture made by brushing those objects that should be covered. I mean, i want to hide someones' face or other shapes, and i use for example "Ellipse" tool and create ellipse filled with black color. I use this ellipse to cover prefered shape on picture. After that i save the picture, then close it. When open again i can't undo this operation with "undo" button. And that's my question - which tool can undo such cover/blurring operations on images that are made long ago or aren't work of mine?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: How To Stop Blurring When Downsize Image

Feb 1, 2012

What I am trying to do is replicate Australian racecars onto 1:64th models.

I take photo's of a particular car & then try to create the decals using the images in Corel. I clean up the images/photo's & when ready downsize the images to basically 1:64th size (matchbox car size) but the image blurs when I downsize & can't use the image.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Clicking Box Does Nothing To Prevent Message Come Up

Dec 14, 2011

I am getting quite annoyed with COREL..Every time I open PSPX3U this message pops up clicking the box does nothing to prevent the message come up the next time I want to use PSPX3U.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Prevent Part Of Image From Being Transparent?

Sep 16, 2012

I am using PSP X4.

I am working with transparent images. An example is the image below. I've added borders so you can see what I'm doing.

As you can see, the background is solid white, but the image itself is primarily white. I want only the background to be transparent.

I've dabbled with the GIF Optimizer feature to make the background transparent, but part of the actual image becomes transparent also, since it contains white.

One thing I tried doing was use the color replacer to change the white background to another color, but in doing so, some of the image itself changes to yellow, despite my trying to avoid that.

Is it possible to configure PSP so that only the background is transparent? If so, what's the most practical method?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Prevent Transferring All Pictures From Present Location?

May 12, 2012

Is there a way I can *prevent* PSP4 from transferring all my pictures from their present location (Picture It Premium 10) to PSP?

I have them sorted into categories and PSP4 "unsorts" them. If I could transfer the categories/albums, keeping the titles, etc.

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Photoshop :: Images Are Slightly Blurring

Nov 28, 2013

when i am saving into save for web & devices .. images are slightly blurring . when i'm seeing in photoshop images are good quality . after saving web & devices images are slightly blurring.

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Photoshop :: Blurring Layer Mask

Dec 1, 2012

I have a dark and light layer from the same RAW image. The dark layer is on top.
I create a luminosity mask (Cmd-Opt-click RGB channel) from the light image.

I apply the selection as a layer mask to the top, dark layer.
The detail is bad, looking, maybe, posterized. The image does have lots of fine detail.
When I blur the layer mask, about 40, the image looks great.
****What does the blurring of the layer mask do, to bring out the detail of the image?**** I use layer masks often, and don't usually have to blur to see detail.
I tried to attach/insert a small crop with the 2 layers and mask for you to see, under 2 mb, but the content is not allowed.

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VideoStudio :: Blurring Face In Video

Jul 19, 2011

I need to blurr out part of the video, i.e. the face when it appears in shot. Is this possible in Video Studio Pro X3 and how to do this?

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Blurring Faces In Video

Jul 27, 2012

I need to blur someone's face (at their request) for an educational video. How do I do this in Videostudio Pro x5?

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Photoshop :: Take Away Blurring Effect When Reducing Size

Jan 17, 2013

I created a 1318x358 PNG (300DPI, Anti-Aliasing - Type Optimized) from Illustrator. Now I reduced the image in Photoshop from 1318 to 800 pixels, and it is creating some edge blurring. Look at the image below.
How can I take away that blurring effect when reducing the size? Even if I save it as PNG-24, with highest quality settings, it still does that effect.

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Photoshop :: Resize Simple Icon With Blurring?

Oct 12, 2011

I'm trying to resize an image (which I can't post the link to because I'm new), which is a simple iPhone icon, to about twice it's size however when I do this it comes out really blurry. Is there anyway I can enlarge this and still maintain the integrity of the image?

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Photoshop :: Blurring Of Text In Printing CD Cover

Feb 24, 2007

Someone said that photoshop causes blurring when used for text in the printing stage on a cd cover.

How do I check to see if jpg images have been saved at a resolution of 300 dpi?

What if my original jpg image resolution is less than 300 dpi and I require 300 dpi; Is it possible to resave them to a smaller image size and in doing so increase the dpi?

What if a jpg image says it is ?.jpg @ 25%RGB? and I am supposed to save the files in CMYK; What is this ?Mode? setting and can it be changed through resaving the jpg somehow, or is it changed to CMYK when you open it in Photoshop and choose CMYK in the'Rasterize Generic PDF Format' window?

I am using XP and Photoshop 7

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Photoshop :: Blurring The Back Ground Of An Image

Aug 19, 2005

how to blur the background of an image. What i want to do is take a pic of my daughter & then blur the background so it makes her the prodomenant focuss of the picture.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Blurring Or Removing Logos?

Feb 13, 2014

I've been combing through several tutorials, but I can't seem to find a straightforward way to blur logos. I am looking to track and blur a logo throughout a shot that's already in my sequence. Occasionally instead of a blur, I 'clone stamp' the logo with a nearby area from the image to make the logo disappear.

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3ds Max :: Blurring Maps Doesn't Work Anymore?

Jan 11, 2012

if the blurring of maps works ok on their system? It behaves very strangely on my system. For example Checker works fine, Noise just blurs with the Blur option, the Blur Offset does not do anything, Gradient and Gradient Ramp only blur the edges and create strange patterns, Smoke and Cellular do not respond at all, neither to the Blur nor the Blur Offset. The renderer or the coordinates source do not seem to change that. Am I missing something, could this be a bug in v2012? I do not recall this behaviour from earlier versions. According to communication center I have all updates installed.

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Premiere Pro :: Blurring Out Faces That Leave Screen

Mar 20, 2014

I've seen plenty of tutorials on how to blur out faces that stay within the frame, and these tutorials only showed demonstrations on short clips of one scene. What i am trying to do is blur out faces of people that appear on the video and then leave the frame, and there are other people that show up later in the video that i want to blur out as well. Would the blur remain on the video when the person leaves, and is there a way to have blurs for multiple faces that come up throughout the video?

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Photoshop :: Transforming?

Apr 26, 2009

I'm trying to go from one picture to an another picture in the same one.

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Photoshop :: Drop Shadows Show Waves When Blurring In Cmyk

Aug 2, 2013

Any else out there illustrating custom drop shadows may have encountered this.  If I do a hard drop shadow ro in RGB does not happen as much. When I convert to cmyk happens more.
Have had some success by rather than going form 0,0,0,0, to 1,1,1,1,, I curve correct to from 0,0,0,0 to 0001 then to 1,0,0,1. I do not think this is a monitor collaboration issue, as have had this problem forever on so many different systems.
Below is a screenshot (i darkened the right half so you could see better). 

I tried many different techniques all same result. Brushing with a 0% hard large brushgaussian blurring default black on a layer set to 11% opacity running all the blurs over and over again using eraser set to 0% hard adn large brush feathering a selection spatter filter in rgb mode, then covert to cmykadding noise .

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GIMP :: Blurring Images And Layering Color Over Black And White?

Sep 6, 2012

I have done a little work and created these images. The blur does not look completely right to me because I just used the free select tool and would copy the coin part of the picture out and paste it back on with a different layer and line it up as well as I could. I would really like to make it look a lot better with no blurred part of the coin in the back ground. I would also like to turn the background of the image B&W and leave the coin in color.

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Photoshop :: Transforming Images

Mar 22, 2007

what would i have to do in photoshop to make my images do this?

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Photoshop :: Transforming A Selection

Apr 2, 2009

I've been following a couple of books on how to transform a selection. I've gotten as far as placing the bounding box and then resizing the selection but when I hit 'enter', the original object is just as it was, and the 'new object' is a resized marching ant shaped object (that you can see right through). I've followed the instructions in two different books (several times!) and the exact same thing happens. Any idea why this is happening? Can anyone tell me how to successfully resize a selection?

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Photoshop :: Transforming/Feathering

May 14, 2006

I have PS CS2. I tried to make a fireball I ran into a problem. I had to expand it by 5 pixels after selecting it (it was on its own layer). The selection box was the only thing affected by the transformation. I tried the other transformations and only free transform seems to do anything to it. Feather also does nothing to the selection and I have tried doing these steps on different images but I still get the same results . I know it must be a small setting somewhere or something I might have overlooked, I am even thinking of reinstalling

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Photoshop :: Transforming Text

May 12, 2009

I have hundreds of ship's names to enter into a fixed size box.  Font is FIXED at Times Roman Regular 40 pt.  After entering the text I tried recording an Action - Transform / Scale, where I set it to the required length, the beginning and end of which is shown by two guide lines.  When I used the action for the next name, instead of Transform / Scaling to the guide lines, it scaled by the same percentage (horizontally) as when recorded.  This gave an incorrect result because all the names varying in number of characters.  I know the x co-ordinates for the ends of the bounding box, how can I do an action that uses those co-ordinates or scales to the fixed guide lines? 

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Photoshop :: Transforming Images To Fit A Screen

Mar 15, 2013

I'm working on a video for a teacher at school. It involves him teaching for a bit, his whiteboard needs to have the slides on.

We filmed from two cameras simultaneously  - neither straight on to the board. Is there any way to rotate the slides so as to make them fit the board?

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Photoshop :: Transferring / Transforming Spider?

Jun 18, 2013

Cut out and realistically transfer this spider (if a zoomed in version is preferred) on to to this wall. If any editing could be done to the actual spider, to make it look slightly different.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Transforming Paragraph Text

Jul 26, 2012

I have created a A4 size leaflet, there I put a three column paragraph text layout (font used: Arial; 11pt), now I to reduce the leaflet size, so if I transform the entire design by grouping all object along with the text but text size is not reducing...the font size still 11pt.

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Photoshop :: Transforming The Contents Of A Selection

Aug 22, 2004

how can i transform or scale the contents of a selection without transforming the selection too

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Photoshop :: Transforming In CS2: Rotating 45 Degrees

Oct 8, 2006

im making a character for a computer fighting game, but ive hit a stumbling block.

click to enlarge

I want to rotate something thats already fairly pixelated (but its fine because the character is in constant motion, and fairly small) but rotating something 45 degrees makes it all blurry and whatnot. In this particualr frame of the characters animation, i am going to have him be still, so it will be very noticeable if i left him this way.

I know i cant expect perfect transformation because of the shape of pixels, but what is the best way to go about this so that the image comes out fairly crisp.
If its not too much to ask you to explain it to me in detail because i dont know my way around photoshop too well.

The character itself is done, im simply adding sprites that make the character have unique introductions when he faces other characters. Anyways, if anyone is interested, heres what my guy looks like in action. As you can see, his pixels arent too noticeable, only in that frame that i posted earlier.

click for larger

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