i have created this landscape and would like to know if it is possible to, and if so how to, sooth the 'landscape'..i have tried using the tool 'smooth objects' but i dont think this is correct.. and its not having the desired effect.
I am working on a batch print application. I check the page info in current layout. I like to know if it's landscape or portrait? How I can do it in the code?
Our company is setting up the Publish command to utilize the different title blocks within the Layout Tabs so we can create one file PDF(Multisheet). Our title blocks vary from sometimes been all portrait to on other occasions been a mix of both portrait and landscape layouts.
The issue that has arisen is the following example:
When creating the PDF using the publish command it doesn't not recognise the Landscape format therefore is not creating the Multisheet function or creating this function but the rotation of Layout 2 in the example is portrait. Where as when they are all Portrait sheets it creates 1 file which is what we are after.
I can not get our HP T1200 to plot landscape using AutoCAD 2013. I have the latest firmware and drivers for the plotter installed and HP support says its an AutoCAD problem. Plotting from AutoCAD 2012 works fine.
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
If AutoCAD 08 has the ability to create wire frame arrows without building them from scratch? I'm trying to show circulation patterns on a landscape plan. I'd like to be able to click and drag like a polyline etc.
Someone new needs to use our drawings, and requires DXF. However this end user has requested that our landscape drawings be rotated to portrait for their use.
Without having to alter our entire drawing to accommodate, is there an easier way?
We just recently updated to AutoCAD 2013 from 2011. We use Publish to create PDF files that we send to our customers. When I tried to create a PDF in 2013 some of my drawings are oriented landscape while others are oriented portrait. I went back to 2011 and used the same drawings and it created them all oriented landscape.
I can't print my drawings in PDF with format A2, A1, A0 in landscape with good orientation (A3 is ok). The attachment file "ScreenShot-A1" is the only correct pdf but oriented in portrait.
If I print with landscape orientation (preview on Autocad is good), I get the pdf file "Document-A1".
Note: We can't use DwgToPdf due to problem lines which disappeared or moved with different versions of Adobe Reader.
I am working with AC 2012 LT on a Windows 7 x64 system and printing to an HP Laserjet 5200tn connected by USB. The issue that we are having is when we try to print a secion of a drawing. Under the printer properties, portrait is selected and the layout window shows a portrait orientation. However, when we preview or print, the results are in landscape orientation. I've gone over the printer settings a few times, updated the driver, and tested that other programs on the same computer don't have the same issue.
I am a PC user of Autocad LT making the transfer to Mac.Just purchased AutoCad LT for Mac 2012.While printing a file from layout in landscape, the bottom edge is missing.
If I print a file in Portrait It will center and fit to page perfectly.(Within The Dashed Lines)The layout page shows the print inside the dashed lines of the printing area as it should.
I have tried moving the layout above the dashed line, then the top that shows outside the lines won't print.I have tried every hing I can think of, without success.
On PC_71, While ploting(creating the pdf via autocad) the pdf,its everytime coming in portait format but we want in landscape format.
On PC_71, if we create the pdf of any document by our Adobe pdf printer PRT13 then its creating pdf properly for both portait and landscape format . But for any autocad drawing file , the pdf printer PRT13 is not creating in landscape format.
I also cross-checked all plot setting with other proper working PC , its same then also its behave differently.
And if we create pdf on any other PC then its creating the pdf properly for any drawing but not on PC_71.
Also 1 more typical point I noticed that if we delete any pdf file from PC_71, then after refreshing its again appeared on same location.
I have an HP Designjet 800 that is currently loaded with a 36" roll. I'd like to print to ANSI D in a landscape orientation, but D (landscape) isn't an option in the paper size drop down. Printing D in portrait orientation just wastes a bunch of paper space.
How do I change the paper from 22x34 to 34x22? (or vice versa, whichever way I need).
Among about a dozen ACAD users in my office, one is missing the "Arch D (landscape)" paper size that accompanies the PC3 file we generally use. I have checked that the roll size and other settings in the machine in question and all of that looks good. I don't want to edit this PC3 as it works for everyone else and don't want to create a new PC3 for this one user.
is there a way to set an a4 in landscape orientation rather than seeing it as a portrait? and i don't want to change the settings from a4 vice versa to make it landscape.id like to know if there is a hidden option for the orientation we can set our document to.
I have a couple of vacation photos where I'm not sure whether the horizon should be straightened or not. There are really nice clouds in the shot, and they form a horizontal line across the image that isn't parallel to the line of the land. If I straighten to suit the clouds, the land is not straight and vice versa.
I have a document with two pages, and each page is two pages wide.
The document needs to be four pages on top of one another, but I don't know how to convert the original. I know how to change landscape/portrait views in Preferences, but the document itself is two pages wide.
if I have a portrait photo and want to change it to a landscape photo. I used resize to change the the dimensions of the photo but the results make the photo a bit distored.
This is probably easy, but I'm a newbie to Photoshop. I was just on vacation, and took some pictures of some old castles. I couldn't frame the whole thing, so I thought I'd take several shots and see if I could merge them all together.
i have a lovely picture that is taken in landscape and i want to change it to portrait so i can print it and hang it. how do i do this with out losing qualtiy in the print.
I want to create a hole on a golf course and need to be able to add some gentle rolling effects to the fairway layer so it doesn't look flat. Can PS6 do this? I do not currently have CS6 extended but could get it if needed. I was thinking maybe some kind of wire frame and then it could generate some hightlights and shadows based on that frame?
I know nothing about 3d but from what I do know that is what came to mind. Right now I'm doing it with the burn and dodge tools and other similar methods but it's time consuming.
CS6, no page setup? I see no option permitting me to choose landscape or portrait view. I'm using mountain lion and a canon mp560. There's nothing under print settings. "layout direction" Is it a compatibility problem between CS6 and my printer? Is there a workaround?
when we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then if you put it to landscape in print preferences (still having it as landscape in the program) it will print portrait!
if we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then print 1 copy it will stay at landscape, if you then print 3 copies it will switch to portrait.
Both of the above are happening on a HP 5550 laser printer, we have 4 classrooms each with a 5550 printer in.