If you have a steel plate bent in several directions and with non-perpendicular ends, designed in 3D Auto Cad.
For example, the plate can be curved with a certain radius in the vertical direction and another horizontally. How would you, or what software would you use, to get the plate flattened to the exact measurements of how it should be cut.
I am trying to constrain a curved wheel to a round, steel track. No constraint has been effective so far. Is there anything I can do to make the wheels stay on track?
We need to fabricate a curved component but in order to do so we must first flatten it. Usually when I come across something like this I just do the math and draw it out by hand but I really need to learn how to have autodesk do it.
Suppose we have a plastic part modeled as bent around a cylinder with an x-axis. Because the material is plastic and the manufacturing method is injection molding, part stretch is not a concern.
Suppose further that the part is a solid part that will be converted to a straight spring. The part needs to be flattened to obtain the correct spring dimensions--the part may have variable width in the x direction.
If there is a way to "flatten" a non curved polyline or series of lines to one straight segmented line, without altering the distances of each segment?
How to create a flow arrow label for a feature line that parallels the curve?
I've a vague notion that this could be done with a dynamic block and a few fancy expressions. I'm comfortable with expressions, but I've never used dynamic blocks at all, so I wouldn't know where to start.
To be clear, I know curved text is possible, but I'm looking for a curved line (ie an arc) that would look 'parallel' to the arc of the feature line (ie have the same centre point). This would have to be dynamic to allow for different radii and for flipping to the left and right side of the feature line.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
Having a time getting ribs to align 2m below top of ridge beam, and connect to curved wall below. I created one, then arrayed, but the radius changes at each 2.5 degree interval. I don't think I should have to calculate the % radius change to get the beams to do this. Some constraint button maybe?
Not sure if editing a wall profile is the best way to model this, but it's working.
Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).
I know that AutoCad 2008 has a library of steel shapes in it that inserts a profile view as a polyline, but I cant remember where it is or how to use it.
I am currently working in a facade that has a stylized gondola on it. The gondola has curved walls for the sides, and I need to have the curved cut to give it the shape. The tools I know are for straight walls, not curved. and the Opening/wall makes a squared opening, not curved.
How I would draw a simple plate transition? It would be 3' - 6 1/4" OD at the top and 10' - 6 7/8" OD at the bottom. It would be 62" tall. I draw this but can't figure out how to make it "flat" like a layout on a piece of plate to cut out and then form / roll into into it's final shape. I looked at one of our past project's drawings and it shows this, but looking at the dimensions on it, I cannot figure out how it was done.
I have a face plate with strokes on it to represent pressure increments.I cannot get the numbers onto the face plate.On the large stroke it starts at 0 and goes to 9 .. How do i add the numbers. Also i used extrusions for the increment strokes with circular patterns and mirror features.Is this how it should be modeled?
I seem to have made what many might consider a rookie mistake. Built a fairly complex structure for an overhead crane system and get to the end to find that I missed two holes. The problem with these two holes is it is ONLY 1 plate (my grounded part), but I have used this same part in one other instance. So if I edit (even from within assembly) and add the two holes to the grounded plate it creates them in the other plate, which I dont want.
Since I have the second plate being used as a refence to locate MANY other parts on this unit, it would be quite difficult to replace it with a new part (same but different file name).
Any way to add said two holes to the grounded plate only and not the other?
Basically we are trying to make a 3D plate (in this case a 2" thick piece of steel) and have a 3D hollow shape inside. Its split into Top and bottom, as shown as the below picture.
top View (plate 1).jpg
I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But I wish to use its as the opposite, where the middle is hollow and the rest is a solid object.
Side View (plate 1).jpg
I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But for the life of me does not know how to get it as one big object with the middle shape hollow. Am i missing a step or is it another command completely?
Also, once the object has been created, I want to split the object on its X axis mulitple times, almost like an exploded view. Each split will have its own set of top and bottom orifices which will represent multiple plates.
Is there a way to do that? Also is there a way to gain and separate the top and bottoms of these newly split plates?
Here is the drawing file as well to work on -> 3D-MK1.dwg
I have a piece of steel that I need to flex. It is a piece of blue tempered spring steel pressed against the corner of a brass pressure transfer. The opposite end of the transfer is tangentlly constrained to a latching mechanism. When the latching mechanism is lifted, the transfer rotates slightly around a screw (made invisible) and the spring is flexed. When the latch is released, the spring returns the latch to the closed position. I have several other assemblies that use the same principal, but some with just a piece of mild steel used as a cover as well as a spring.
I got this code below to place a channel in an assembly, but don't know how to change the length of the steel.
' Set a reference to the active assembly document. Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument ' Set a reference to the ContentCenter object. Dim oContentCenter As ContentCenter oContentCenter = ThisApplication.ContentCenter ' Get the content node (category) "Structural Shapes:Channels" Dim oContentNode As ContentTreeViewNode [code]..........
I use to work drawing, calculating and budgeting corrugated steel for foundations and I always have the same problem. Once i have desinged and drawn all the lines (or polilines) i have to count every single corrugated steel to know how many of them I have in order to know metters of steel that we have to order to the manufacturer.
any command that autocad has to measure this kind of lines or polilines?how many metters of corrugated steel I have.
I'm familiar with basic solid modelling for walls, roofs etc. but for my project at the moment I have a concrete wall with a number of suspended platforms held up by 45 degree steel tension cables.
I don't know much about curves and pipes and things.
Do you know the easiest way to model a steel tension cable with some form of connecting eyelet at each end. Preferably the cable should look as though formed from twisted wires rather than a smooth rod.
We use several different classes of steel such as A572-65 or A572-50 etc. Any way to add those values in Inventor 2014 without having to reinvent the wheel?
I'm modeling a band that will be screwed onto the inside of a sheet metal cylinder. The band will be rolled to the ID of the cylinder. I'm trying to model the holes in the band, and place screws into the holes. I'm not sure yet how the holes will be machined out in the shop--whether they'll be drilled or punched, made before or after the band is rolled, placed based upon degree or arc length, etc.
1. Is there a better way to model the band and its holes?
2. How can I properly and easily insert the bolt into the holes since they're no longer "perfect holes" that can be used in an "Insert" constraint.
3. How can I then pattern the bolt so I don't have to insert one into each hole?
I have attached a jpeg file of a Plate out of a heat exchange.It shows half of the Plate but it is identical shape for top and bottom.I am able to create the solid shape but i need creating the numerous patterns onto the plate.How would i place the pattern feature onto the Plate?
Also from the picture there is a gasket.Would this be made as a separate part and placed on the Plate in a assembly file?Would the gasket be best made using sweep function?
I have created the plate as a solid model but would Sheet Metal also work or even be a better choice?
I have an oddly shaped flat plate extruded from a sketch, the sketch of which has lots on constructions lines, none of which actually represent solid edges of the plate. However, I want to locate the plate to other components via the geometry defined in the sketch.
I find that when I am trying to constrain the plate to other parts none of the sketch geometry is available to me. Points, lines, construction lines, circles; I can select none of it when constraining. I am confused. How can I constrain such a part?
Just to clarify - the flat plate is the base of a structure. Its profile is decoratively shaped, so nothing about the cut edge of the plate is suitable for constraining to. I need to constrain off geometry defined in the sketch.
I want to form a plate (collar palte around branch (riser) connection, which when is flatened the projected circle will be eliptical. Before Refold I want to cut plugholes for welding. In flat position it looks like a flange /w holes and the middle cut-out is elliptical. I want to refold it to be again in rolled shape.