AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Setting A Previous Selection To Nil?
Jan 12, 2012How to Set a previous selection to nil from say a move command?
View 5 RepliesHow to Set a previous selection to nil from say a move command?
View 5 RepliesThe Field dialog box has an item for CurrentSheetNumber with field expression: %<AcSm Sheet.Number>%
Is it possible to create a Field to display the Next Sheet Number (CurrentSheetNumber + 1) and a Field to display the Previous Sheet Number (CurrentSheetNumber - 1)?
I wrote (setq oldtext (getvar "textstyle")) to save the current text style,
(setvar "textstyle" (getvar "dimtxsty")) to change the text style to the current dimension text style (which appens to be romans) and later (setvar "textstyle" oldtext) to restore the text style to its original setting but it won't work.
This is the same format used to save and restore osnap in many lisp routines.
When I check the program in the visual lisp editor, oldtext returns "standard" (the original text style - so that part works) but "textstyle" returns nil. I even tried (setvar "textstyle" "standard") to no avail. "Textstyle" remains romans.
why do not draw the line between ptm1 and pt3?
(defun c:PUNTOM (/ pt1 pt2 pt3) (setq pt1 (getpoint "
Initial point : ")) (setq pt2 (getpoint "
Final point : ")) (setq pt3 (getpoint "
Offset : "))(setq ptm1 (mid (pt1 pt2))) (command "_line" pt1 pt2 "")(command "_line" ptm1 pt3) (princ));;;;;;;(defun mid (p1 p2) (list (/ (+ (car p1) (car p2)) 2.0) (/ (+ (cadr p1) (cadr p2)) 2.0) ));;;;;;;;
I am looking for a way to force all DWG files created with previous versions of AutoCAD to automatically open "Read Only". For example, using Civil 3D 2011, I open a file that is a 2007 format DWG. I want this file to automatically open read only, and inform the user that it has opened read only.
I'm hoping that this is possible, since opening a 2007 format DWG in a newer AutoCAD already tells you that it's an older format in the command line, and files can already be opened as read only.
I am using Autocad 2013, and need to have lisp wblock to a 2010 format file. Is there a way I can force it to, without the trouble of opening the file dialog box and setting the format there?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor a program i am working for i have to extract the base point of a dynamic block.
This can be done perfectly by this function:
(cdr (assoc 10 (entget (car (entsel)))))
But i want the entity selected based on a previous slected point. So for example when i selected pt1 (which is a point at the border of the dynamic block) i want to be able to extract the base point on the block whit this point.
I've created a lisp that draws the boltholes of a pipe flanges, using the correct number of holes, at the correct diameter at the correct bolt-hole diameter and then rotates. Everything works seamlessly, when i do just one flange. But I've discovered that fewuently there will be mulitple times when a user will have to perform the command.
So the idea I had was to do the following:
Select all circles with (setq CirclesFirst (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Go through the code to create the new circles.
Select all circles with (setq Circles (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Remove selection set "CirclesFirst" from "Circles".
But what for some reason (command "" Circles "R" CirclesFirst "") does not work.
I need to use visual lisp to set the workbook if it is already open. What is the syntax for this?
I got the ExcelApp already set as well as the FilePath.
If the workbook is not open then this works
(setq WorkBook (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-open (list (vlax-get-property ExcelApp "WorkBooks") FilePath)))
I want to be able to see if the workbook is already open and if so set it otherwise open it.
a simple lisp file?
I want to set "hideprecision" to 1. This variable can not be saved - I looked it up in Express Tools.
So I thought a lisp file to load at start up would do the trick.
I can use for startups on new work stations. It will set all our custom search, toolpalette, and plotter paths and I have it working pretty well. My last hurdle is to add a trusted path to the environment to avoid users having to ok the startup lisp.
Here is a piece of the *file* is set further up in the code. It works line by line but evidently "vla-put-trustedpaths" is not legit. How can I get the additional trusted path written in to the environment?
(setq trstpath "");initialize
(setq trstpath (strcat trstpath (getvar "TRUSTEDPATHS")))
(setq trstpath (strcat trstpath ";\\CAMERONFS1\AutoDesk\ACAD SUPPORT\C3D2014 Support\LISP;"))
(setenv "trustedpaths" trstpath)
(vla-put-trustedpaths *files* trstpath)
Is there a way to set the Auto Constrain setting using lisp. I would like to be able to run a quick constrain all and then delete all constrains to fix gaps in geometry. However I only want to use the coincident, Vertical and horizontal.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to check if an Annotation Scale already exists and if it doesn't I would like to create it using the SCALELISTEDIT command and then set it to be the curent scale. I then plan to invoke the MLEADER command.
I do not want to have to rely on adding every possible scale in the list beforehand as my program would fall appart when a user decides to set an unusual scale I haven't thought of adding to the list.
See my initial start of the program.
(defun C:MLD ()
(command "cannoscale" "1:55") ;STOPS HERE WHEN 1:55 DOES NOT EXIST
(setq IfAnnoScaleExists (getvar "CANNOSCALE"))
(command "-scalelistedit" "add" "1:55" "1:55" "e")
I have a problem that I cannot seem to solve. I have a drawings with a whole bunch of layout tabs that have a few viewports in each tab. One of these viewports on each layout tab is on the layer VIEWPORT. I did this so it would be easy to filter out the other viewports in the drawings. I am using the code below to change all of the viewports with the layer VIEWPORT to the Custom Scale 0.020833. This works for all of the layout tabs except the first tab. It will not for some odd reason work on the fist tab.
(setq vieportfilter (list (cons 0 "VIEWPORT")))
(setq ssetvp (ssget "x" vieportfilter))
(setq cntrp 0)
(while (< cntrp (sslength ssetvp))
Attached is a lisp that reads an attribute block value and uses that value to set a named view. The attribute block is a diesel expression field which reads the drawing number, so it changes as the drawing is saved to a new number. I use it when I am preparing road alignment drawings. I prepare the first drawing in the set, saving views for all drawings and when I'm done I copy that drawing 001 as many time as I need, rename them drawing 002, drawing 003 etc. and use the attached lisp with scriptpro to set all my saved views.
I also have a dynamic block called "key" in the drawing with visibility states matching the named views.
either expand this lisp or create a new lisp to set the visibility using the "VN" variable.
calculation a viewport scale of 1"=30'.
I've looked around and only find nearly what I looking for. For 1"=20' I have a value of 0.004167 Paper Units = 1 Drawing Units, but what is the formula to calculate 1/30"=1'-0"?
I'm trying to fix an issue with entlast where if the user hits escape during the process, the wrong entity gets erased, etc. Here's the problem code...
From a function that would have just inserted a dynamic block at 0,0 then modified it - here's where we pick up..
(SETQ ss (SSGET "L"))
(vl-cmdf "_.copybase" (getvar "LASTPOINT") ss "")
(prompt "
Pick insertion point... then rotation angle ")
(vl-cmdf "erase" ss "")
(vl-cmdf "_.pasteblock" PAUSE)
(setvar "polarmode" 1)(setvar "autosnap" 63)(setvar "osmode" osm1)
(vl-cmdf "_.ROTATE" (entlast) "" (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (entlast)))) PAUSE)
(vl-cmdf "_.EXPLODE" (entlast) ""
I would like to do..(setq ss (vl-cmdf "_.pasteblock" PAUSE)), but of course, that doesn't work - it returns "T".
My goal is to get rid of the entlast usage from the last two lines - unexpected cancels rotate and explode the wrong entities.
If I try (setq ss (entlast)) or (ssget "L") after the pastblock, I might still get the wrong selection set if the user hits cancel before picking.
I am trying to select all blocks of a certian name. I am using the following:
(setq ss1bk (ssget "_X" (list (cons 2 blkname))))
My issue is that this will not select any dynamic or attribute blocks that are not at the default insert state.
how to select all of a block by name including reguardless of current state?
Is it possible to get a selection set of what was just pasted into drawing?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm putting together some quick function that I can send 2 arguments and get from it the total area of a given hatch on the given layer. I think everything is in order but I'm having trouble with the selection set filter:
(DEFUN GET-HATCH-AREA (HATCH LAYR / area sset) (COND((AND(ssget "X" '((0 . "HATCH") (2 . HATCH) (8 . LAYR))) (SETQ area 0) (VLAX-FOR H (SETQ sset (VLA-GET-ACTIVESELECTIONSET (VLA-GET-ACTIVEDOCUMENT (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT)))) (SETQ area (+ (VLA-GET-AREA h) area))) (ALERT(STRCAT "Total area = " (IF (OR (= (GETVAR "lunits") 3) (= (GETVAR "lunits") 4) ) (STRCAT (RTOS area 2) " sq. in. (" (RTOS (/ area 144) 2) " sq. ft.)") (RTOS area) ) ) ) (VLA-DELETE sset) ) ) ))
with the mouse I can select objects on the screen and then start a command that uses these objects.
How can I perform this in lisp?
I can create my selection set, that's no problem, but how can I 'make it active' for an external function?
(ssget "_C" p0 p1 '((0 . "TEXT")))
R14 Autolisp:
I can create an empty selection set (setq EMss (ssadd)). As I loop through a list I can use the counter to create selection sets on the fly by using:
(set (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))) EMss) and even keep a list of the ssets created with (setq sslst (cons (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt)) sslst)). But when I try to add an ename to the ss with (ssadd ename (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))), I get a error: bad argument type (SSADD NEXTE (READ (STRCAT "ss" (ITOA CNT)))).
why I can create the sets but not add to them this way? I can add to them from the command line.
I wrote a lisp program which creates a selection set using ssget. Then I use the bounding box commands to get the lowest point of that selection set. Now I want to move that selection set as a whole using the vla-move command. Can we vla-move a selection set?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI need to copy a selection set from p1 to do this I wrote the following
(defun c:test () (setq sel (ssget)) (setq p1 (getpoint "
Origine: ")) (setq p2 (gettpoint p1 "
Destination: ")) (command "_.copy" sel "" p1 p2))
works, but this way I can not see objects dynamically attached to the mouse cursor.
To visualize this effect, I noticed that I can use:
(command "_.copy" sel "" pause pause)
but in this way I can not save the variables p1 and p2: I need for these, subsequently in the rest of thefunctions lisp.
I have a simple lisp routine that loads everytime one of my users opens a new drawing, It sets the printer paths, sets the template paths and sets a bunch of environment variables
One thing I would like to add to this lisp routine is the ability to add support file search paths.
Is there a simple setenv variable for this? or is it more complicated?
I have some working code that sets the Text Style name to ROMANS inside my Mleader Style called ARROW. Here it is:
(setq dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE") ; start setq q
dict1 (member (cons 3 "Arrow") dict) ; code 3 is Mleader Style Description
el1 (entget (cdr (assoc 350 dict1))) ; code 350 is dictionary entity handle
er (tblobjname "style" "Romans") ; new value for MLEADER Text Style
) ; end set
(entmod (subst (cons 342 er) (assoc 342 el1) el1)) ; code 342 is MmTextStyleId - write new vale to mTextStyleId
I want to modify this code so that it sets the Arrow Head Size to a specific value, say 0.125. Having a tough time figuring out the DXF codes and tblobjname to do this.
To get the 'File Selection dialog box' in AutoCAD via LISP, which command should I use other than 'GETFILED' ?
I have a program which using GETFILED to select the drawing file , but I think this dialog box size is too small to browse folder/file , as you cant see the favorites list and you cant resize the dialog box.
I'm working on a lisp that goes through a whole list of files and does different things to those files. I've been racking my brain for a way to select just a folder via a dialogue box, but haven't found a way. I'm sure it can be done with dcl, but I don't know where to start.
This would not be the standard "file" selection box, but would only list the folders and let me select one even if there are others "under" them. This is what I'd like it to look like.
I'm not sure if there is a standard AutoCAD box that I could call for this or not
I have a lisp routine that creates a "frame wall" and I want to be able to automatically dimension said wall within the same routine. I have created two sets of points, each set being on its own new layer. I have made selection sets of each set of points, and want to cycle through each set dimensioning as required. This what I have so far for this part of the routine:
(command "DIMSCALE" 24)
(setq sel1 (ssget "x" '("VPOINTS")))
(setq TC (polar (ssname sel1 0) (dtr 180.0) 9))
(command "DIMLINEAR" (ssname sel1 0) (ssname sel1 1)) "V" (polar TC (dtr 180.0) 9) "")
When I run the program I get the error: bad point argument. So what I think is happening is that the ssname command is not returning the actual value but just the name? I am new to AutoLisp and even newer to selection sets so be easy... Along with this, I am also curious as to how a selection set is ordered when it is chosen ie how does it determine what would be in (ssname sel1 0). Also, how would one go about deleting the points in these selection sets after the dimensioning has been completed.
Looking to make a selection set of points that are on a specific layer, and then create a dimension between, in this case, two points. I feel like it should be very simple, but I can't get it to work for the life of me. Here is the test code I've been playing around with:
(defun c:test (/ sel1 TC)
(setq sel1 (ssget "X" '((8 . "VPOINTS"))))
(setq TC (polar (entget (assoc 10 (ssname sel1 0))) (dtr 180.0) 9))
(command "DIMLINEAR" (entget (assoc 10 (ssname sel1 0))) (entget (assoc 10 (ssname sel1 1))) "V" (polar TC (dtr 180.0) 9) "")
I wish to collect a selection set of blocks in paperspace of a certain name. For model space I would use the following line:
(setq x1 (ssget "_x" '((2 . "*etc*") (410 . "model"))))
when it comes to setting paperspace as the 410 ssget list value as the name can be modified and I need it to work in all drawings. I tried
setting a variable to the paperspace layout name and using a print function at the (410 . "model") point but without sucess.