AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Change Layer Color
May 21, 2003I am looking for a lisp routine to search the layer table to find a particular layer color and change color.
View 9 RepliesI am looking for a lisp routine to search the layer table to find a particular layer color and change color.
View 9 RepliesI have 2000+ drawings that have either the layer state "LMAN_DWF" or "DWF". I want all of them to read "DWF" for scripting purposes. LSIP routine that will go into a drawing and change rename a layerstate if it is named incorreclty, but do nothing if it is named correctly?
Does Layer State "DWF" exist?
If Yes, skip file and move on to next file
If No, does Layer State "LMAN_DWF" exist?
if Yes Rename Layer State to "DWF"
If No, skip file and move to next file.
Or a LSIP routine that can simply dump a list of all drawings in a directory that contain "LMAN_DWF" as a layer state. I could then use that list to do a simple script to change the layer state names on those specific files.
I'm looking for a lisp that will change all the layer colors of selected xref by clicking the xref and select color from the color table palette. I have a routine that would change the layer color of a selected entity other than xref.
;;Changes selected object layer to a true color
;;of chose from a dialog
(defun c:cvc (/ ent ent_data rgb str objlay)
(setq ent
I want to change all pline in drawing to a specific object color (color 253). My code is not working & my brain is not functionning properly today...
(DEFUN C:TR() (SETQ ALL_PLINE_IN_DRAWING (ssget "_X" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE")))number_of_pline_in_dwg (sslength ALL_PLINE_IN_DRAWING)entity (ssname ALL_PLINE_IN_DRAWING 1)data (entget entity)new_LAYER (list(cons 62 253))data (append new_LAYER data))(entmod data));END OF DEFUN
I want a lisp to change all object colours from bylayer to its color Example (if layer doors its color is blue the color of objects drawn in this layer will by blue not bylayer)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a library that has a primary folder with 11 subfolders. If the LISP can go through all the subfolders, that would be great. But, if it cannot, I can work with going into each subfolder and running the routine. There are over 12,000 files and I don't have the time to open each one and change the color.
Here's what I need the LISP to do:
open the drawing
select everything
change the color to "bylayer"
open next drawing in folder and repeat
Once it gets to the end of the folder it can stop.
I would like to make an on screen layer picker routine that sits in the upper left corner of the screen and always stays there.
I currently have a list of layers printed out in the drawing that I can do a "select current layer by pick" but they are always getting in the way as they are part of the drawing.
I would mind if the pallette was part of the drawing if it could "float" and always stay in the upper left corner somehow.
I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.
defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))
Is it possible to change the system variable "TEXTSIZE" with an autolisp routine? I have hundreds of drawings that have varying textsize settingings and I can't get it to let me change it, unless I go into "Style" and manually change the value to "0" before I run the routine, and there are simply too may drawings to do that everytime. So, is there a way to reset the textsize to 0 through Lisp?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe are trying to update our company logo on hundreds of autocad drawings, any lisp routine or a better way to get this updated. We are trying to update our title blocks that have company logo in it and want to change the logos to the new one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCreating either a Lisp or a script to change the pen weights of two layer in autocad 2011?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to write a lisp routine that will make a layer called hatch, set it as current and then run the hatch command.
BUT the hatch command is not bring up the hatch dialogue box, it just puts things on the command line.
The layer is being made & set current.
The lisp is as follows:
(defun c:hh (/ ec)
(setq ec (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "-layer" "m" "hatch" "c" "8" "" "l" "continuous" "" "s" "hatch" "")
(command "hatch")
(setvar "cmdecho" ec)
On another matter, I have just found the bevel lisp routine by Terry Miller which works great BUT only for imperial measurements. How to make Terry's metric, that will work for metric measurements.
I have too many blocks with specific layers inside.
develope lisp can change all to layer 0 but keep color and linetype as it is.
I will use this as a part of script to change multiple block.
lisp..It work fine but just that i need some minor modificatio to it...At moment, when i activate the lisp, it will automatic select all dimension,leader and multileader to a layer call "DIMENSION"...Anyway i wonder if it is possible to prevent any dimension,leader or multileader in layer "Section" will not be change to layer "Dimension"?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to have/write a lisp to change all objects on layer "0" to layer "PC - Module"
If possible also;
save the document close the document open next in directory run layer changer program again.
I'm trying to write a lisp routine that, when I invoke the mleader command, osmode is set to "nearest" & orthomode is set off. I then would like the original settings to be returned.
attached is what I have written so far:-
Any script that when ran will set lineweights of a layer based on what color the layer is assigned. For instance if I have 3 lines that are green on 3 different layers. I need the script to change all 3 layers lineweight to .015mm. I have drawings that are inconsistant with layer names so layer translator and methods of that nature will not work because I do not know all the layer names and I have 100 drawings to do this to.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am looking for a lisp routine which can change all lines in color yellow ( in different layers) to color 8.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLisp that can select all hatch in a drawing with a layer called AELE, even if it is embedded in a block and change it to layer AHAT with Green colour?
The layer AHAT may or may not already exist in the drawing.
We need to run the lisp on a lot of drawings (exported from Revit) so I need to use the script to run this lisp on multiple drawings.
I have been filtering through this descuession group for a whil this morning looking for what I need and have found somethings that are close but haven't managed to change them a little to do what I am wanting..
I have drawings with a block named UG101 and has been inserted on all sort of different layers.
What I would like to do is run a lisp routine that would select all blocks with the name UG101 and put them on the layer CableInfo.
I have many other blocks that i need to do the same to but with different names, so I was hoping, I could change the lisp routine around to do the rest of the blocks in the drawing..
I have the following Lisp command that changes a selected layer to a different layer. I have tried modifying it change known layer names to different known layer names. i.e run routine and it changes layer "2" to "3" then changes layer "dim" to "dims" ect then stops.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am interested in a program that can select layers by its color, and then change those layers to a different color and add a prefix of Z- in front of those layers.
Layer Names: Layer Color: New Layer Names: New Layer Color:
Wall 2 Z-Wall 100
Berm 2 Z-Berm 100
Fence 2 Z-Fence 100
I found a program (below) that works pretty close to what I am looking for but not quite.
;;; Change the color of a layer to another color by Jeff Mishler July 9, 2003
;;; Usage - (lay_col_chg oldcolor newcolor
;;; example: Command: (lay_col_chg 142 100)
As a consultant we grey out architectural backgrounds for our sheets. We use the SetByLayer command to change the color of the objects in our sheets to gery out. The issue is with dimsensions. Dimension Line Color, Extension Line Color, and Text Color are all set at By Block as default and no one ever bothers to change it unless they are setting it to a specific color which is even more of a problem for us. You can edit the properties of an existing dimension and set Dim Line Color, Ext Line Color, and Text Color to by layer, I am looking for a way to automate this. Something that can search through a drawing, grab all the dimensions (even in blocks) and set everything by layer.
View 9 Replies View RelatedBasically, the routine asks for the user to choose the hatch type (Retirer/Percer), then the layer (Defpoints/Select/Current) and finaly the type of the object to draw (Polyline/Rectangle). My original routine has also a Circle and a Boundary options, and an Error trap to reset the variables but I will keep it simple for the purpose of my issue.
So, my issue is: when I choose the type of object to draw, it draws just one of it and the routine ends. I would like to have something that "says" to the routine that I want to keep drawing that object (Polyline or Rectangle) and putting the hacth inside until I do enter and then the routine goes to its end.
I have created an acad.lsp file in where I want to arrange all our company settings. I've stored it on the network to make sure everyone will use the same one and when updates take place I don't have to run past all pc's to change it. I've set everything in the deployment package but users can still change it when they reset their profile. Plus some pc's are already installed with AutoCAD before creating the lisp routine, how can I enforce the support directory to check on the network for the acad.lsp each time?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwith the mouse I can select objects on the screen and then start a command that uses these objects.
How can I perform this in lisp?
I can create my selection set, that's no problem, but how can I 'make it active' for an external function?
(ssget "_C" p0 p1 '((0 . "TEXT")))
wondering if is possible to have a lisp routine to:After use the INSERT command, the routine will automatically change the layer of the inserted block to a specific layer according of its name.
Step 1 : I will insert a block named Block A using the normal autocad INSERT command (I do not want to insert the block without the Insert window dialog box)
Step 2 : After the insertion, the routine will select the last insertion (or the last object, or any other best way to select this block and will take it's name)
Step 3 : The routine has a list that says:
(If the last insertion (or object) is named Block A, put it in the layer Layer A with color Bylayer and linetype Bylayer)
(If the last insertion (or object) is named Block B, put it in the layer Layer B with color Bylayer and linetype Bylayer)
and so on... I can make the approprieated list by myself folowing my standards.
I think it will be nice to avoid an error if the block is not in the list. So:
(If the last insertion (or object) name is not in the list, do nothing)
To finish, it will be nice to create the layer if it does not exist. Also, Unlock, Thaw and Turn on the layer if it's Locked, Frozen or Off.
I need to do three things in a LISP routine for around 200 drawings. First, I need rename lots of old layer to new standard layer name, like change layer name "CL-RAILWAY-0" to new layer name "CL-0".
Secondly, I need translate some layer to standard layer, like all the things on layer "CL-WATER-160" to layer "CL-0"
Last, change some linetype, like change linetype"CENTER" to "CENTERLINE". I can do all those things by "CHECKSTANDARD" manually, but I really need someway faster and easier.
how to write a lisp that when i activate it, it will change all the objects in the drawings to be change to "Layer 0" and all linetypes "Dashed" change to be "hidden"...
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis is in regards to the LIP command in Toolpac. The layer properties for a selected nested object (LIP) used to default to nested. Now you have to select nested from the list of options. Why they would change LIP. My whole company had gotten so used to it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using 2011 Civil 3D and there is a bug I am trying to get a workaround for. If your drawing is not closed with layer 0 being the current layer several different civil 3D entities assume the color of the current layer of xref'd drawings.
From my reading it appears I need a reactor to thaw layer 0 and make it current before close or exit commands. I am not a programmer and have struggled making this work.