wondering if is possible to have a lisp routine to:After use the INSERT command, the routine will automatically change the layer of the inserted block to a specific layer according of its name.
Step 1 : I will insert a block named Block A using the normal autocad INSERT command (I do not want to insert the block without the Insert window dialog box)
Step 2 : After the insertion, the routine will select the last insertion (or the last object, or any other best way to select this block and will take it's name)
Step 3 : The routine has a list that says:
(If the last insertion (or object) is named Block A, put it in the layer Layer A with color Bylayer and linetype Bylayer)
(If the last insertion (or object) is named Block B, put it in the layer Layer B with color Bylayer and linetype Bylayer)
and so on... I can make the approprieated list by myself folowing my standards.
I think it will be nice to avoid an error if the block is not in the list. So:
(If the last insertion (or object) name is not in the list, do nothing)
To finish, it will be nice to create the layer if it does not exist. Also, Unlock, Thaw and Turn on the layer if it's Locked, Frozen or Off.
Create a routine that looks for a block based on a portion of that block name, using a specified path or search path.
For example, block to search for is BLOCKABC123, so if someone inputs ABC or 123 as a block name, it will locate that block within that folder and inserts it into the drawing at a user specified location.
Ideally, if there is a check in that if it finds more than one match, then perhaps it flags or prompts you to choose 1, 2, or 3 option which block to use. But I can live without this special function if it requires too much time to code.
I have been filtering through this descuession group for a whil this morning looking for what I need and have found somethings that are close but haven't managed to change them a little to do what I am wanting..
I have drawings with a block named UG101 and has been inserted on all sort of different layers.
What I would like to do is run a lisp routine that would select all blocks with the name UG101 and put them on the layer CableInfo.
I have many other blocks that i need to do the same to but with different names, so I was hoping, I could change the lisp routine around to do the rest of the blocks in the drawing..
I need a function that accepts a block name as an argument and will insert the named block without fail no matter if the block was made to scale uniformly or not.
How can I determine if the block should be inserted like:
How can I find a block with a specific name and get what the coordinates are? What we have is our Bill of Material is attributed blocks. I am attempting to change the first one. Well all of the lines that list the parts are seperate blocks with the same name. Now the Top Line of the Bill of Material is a different named block. If I can find the coordinates of this block I can then select the first line to do what I need to.
If needed: AutoCAD 2013 User using Visual LISP for editing LISP and DCL files Also I have AutoCAD 2011 currently still available for us, but we are using AutoCAD 2013 for 99.9% of AutoCAD use
We have several AutoCAD drawings with hundreds of block references inserted with imprecise coordinates. Now we need to dimension all elements and need to correct these positions.
I am searching for a routine to round these positions up or down towards a 5mm precision so I don't have to manually move every single block element.
Is there any way to automate the task or do you know any workaround (like inserting the elements into a drawing with poorer unit precision settings)?
I've have code to test if the insertion point is within a closed polygon. But prior to testing the insertion point I use ssget to trim the selection set initially..
this requires that the whole Crossing Polygon is visible, so I do a zoom first. This requires time. Is there a way I can do this that does not require the zoom?
lisp..It work fine but just that i need some minor modificatio to it...At moment, when i activate the lisp, it will automatic select all dimension,leader and multileader to a layer call "DIMENSION"...Anyway i wonder if it is possible to prevent any dimension,leader or multileader in layer "Section" will not be change to layer "Dimension"?
Looking for starting point to writing a routine that will open blocks in a drawing and change the colour.We receive drawings from clients with their blocks and would like to have them changed to our company colours.
So basically, i am looking for something that would within a drawing, change every block to a specific color without exploding and redefining. The colour changes will be the same throughout new drawings.
We are using autocad 2010 and I have written a routine that will insert several blocks on to several layers. I thought it worked flawlessly, until I used it. Our drawings use layer states. When one state is in use, all the other layers are frozen. We want to insert a block, at a specific point chosen by the user, and the lisp routine will insert a couple of other blocks at that same point, but on a layer that is frozen. Three blocks installed in all, at the same point, on two layers. The routine works if all layers are thawed, but not if the layers are frozen.
(defun c:lP1 () ; this starts the routine (setq temperr *error*) ; saves *error* (setq *error* rerr) ; sets the new error variable (command "_.Undo" "_mark") ; start of "undo" command [code]....
I have blocks that were created on one layer but inserted on another layer. So, when i turn the layer off that the blocks were inserted on they remain visible because you have to turn off the layer they were created on to have them disappear. Is there a way for me to determine what layer the blocks were created on?
I have the following Lisp command that changes a selected layer to a different layer. I have tried modifying it change known layer names to different known layer names. i.e run routine and it changes layer "2" to "3" then changes layer "dim" to "dims" ect then stops.
We are trying to update our company logo on hundreds of autocad drawings, any lisp routine or a better way to get this updated. We are trying to update our title blocks that have company logo in it and want to change the logos to the new one.
What I am trying to do is grab the value of the owner tag (of which there are four), and use that value to determine which layer to place it on. What it seems to be doing is hanging.
I need to do three things in a LISP routine for around 200 drawings. First, I need rename lots of old layer to new standard layer name, like change layer name "CL-RAILWAY-0" to new layer name "CL-0".
Secondly, I need translate some layer to standard layer, like all the things on layer "CL-WATER-160" to layer "CL-0"
Last, change some linetype, like change linetype"CENTER" to "CENTERLINE". I can do all those things by "CHECKSTANDARD" manually, but I really need someway faster and easier.
how to write a lisp that when i activate it, it will change all the objects in the drawings to be change to "Layer 0" and all linetypes "Dashed" change to be "hidden"...
This is in regards to the LIP command in Toolpac. The layer properties for a selected nested object (LIP) used to default to nested. Now you have to select nested from the list of options. Why they would change LIP. My whole company had gotten so used to it.
I'm looking for a lisp that will change all the layer colors of selected xref by clicking the xref and select color from the color table palette. I have a routine that would change the layer color of a selected entity other than xref.
;;Changes selected object layer to a true color ;;of chose from a dialog box (defun c:cvc (/ ent ent_data rgb str objlay) (setq ent (entsel) )
I am using 2011 Civil 3D and there is a bug I am trying to get a workaround for. If your drawing is not closed with layer 0 being the current layer several different civil 3D entities assume the color of the current layer of xref'd drawings.
From my reading it appears I need a reactor to thaw layer 0 and make it current before close or exit commands. I am not a programmer and have struggled making this work.
Can I have a lisp to select all objects in the layer "Defpoints" (including model and paper space, and including objects inside blocks) and change the color of those objects to color 30?
select all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way
(defun c:control() (graphscr) (Setq sc (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT")