AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Open File To Write On External Drive - Bad Argument Type
Jun 5, 2012I'm trying to open a file to write to on my external drive, I get this message "bad argument type: stringp nil".
View 8 RepliesI'm trying to open a file to write to on my external drive, I get this message "bad argument type: stringp nil".
View 8 RepliesI discovered yesterday my burst lisp routine isn't working. It gives the following error message:
bad argument type: VLA-object collection: #<VLA-OBJECT 0971e1d4>
The routine does not appear to have changed. But here is the
(Defun C:BURST (/ item bitset bump att-text lastent burst-one burst BCNT BLAYER BCOLOR ELAST BLTYPE ETYPE PSFLAG ENAME ) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Item from association list ;----------------------------------------------------- (Defun ITEM (N E) (CDR (Assoc N E))) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Error Handler ;----------------------------------------------------- (acet-error-init (list (list "cmdecho" 0 "highlight" 1 ) T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up. );list );acet-error-init ;----------------------------------------------------- ; BIT SET ;----------------------------------------------------- (Defun BITSET (A B) (= (Boole 1 A B) B)) ;----------------------------------------------------- ; BUMP ;----------------------------------------------------- (Setq bcnt 0) (Defun bump (prmpt) (Princ (Nth bcnt '("
-" "
\" "
My code returns the error, but it still works.
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(vlax-for ucs (vla-get-UserCoordinateSystems (vla-get-Activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(setq UCSList (cons (vla-get-Name ucs) UCSList)))
(setq FileName (vl-Filename-Base (getvar "Dwgname")))
(setq NewUCSList (vl-remove-if '(lambda (x) (vl-string-search FileName x)) UCSList))
(setq Listlength (length NewUCSList))
By running this routine it returns the following error message:
ERROR: bad argument type: VLA-OBJECT 7
(defun _make_tblstyle (stlname / adoc acmcol tblstyle txh)
(setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
(setq acmcol (vla-getinterfaceobject
[Code] .......
I know how to write a single line of text to a txt file with LISP, but how do i write two or more lines of text to a txt file ussing lisp?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to write content of variables to a text file but I should have conversion function for variables.
for example
(setq a 123); a is an integer type, contetnt of a is 123
so I should use (itoa a) to get "123" as a string and then I can write it to text file.
but what about another type of variables?
(defun ToString ( a / result)(setq result "")(cond((= (type a) 'ENAME) (progn (setq result "Entity names")))((= (type a) 'EXRXSUBR) (progn (setq result "External ObjectARX applications")))((= (type a) 'FILE) (progn (setq result "File descriptors")))((= (type a) 'INT) (progn (setq result (itoa
I can't write unicode characters to a text file.
as you know, you can write chars on text screen easily: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122"))
but if you want to write chars to a text file, this command does not work: (write-line (strcat "\U+" "2122") TxtFileVar)
Here is a part of my code to test:
(defun C:HexGen ( / d f S w x y z h c)(setq d '("0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F") f (open "c:\0000-FFFF.txt" "w"))(foreach w d (foreach x d (foreach y d (progn (setq S "") (foreach z d (progn (setq h (strcat w x y z)) (setq c (strcat "\U+" h));;;<===character (setq S (strcat S " " (strcat h " = " c ))) ) ) (write-line S f) ) ) )) (close f)(startapp "notepad" "c:\0000-FFFF.txt"))
how I could open an external .CSV file which is assigned to a variable called INFOFILE and scan line by line and replace each instance of the string "WIDGETTE" with the string "WIDGET"? I assume the function vl-string-subst woud be involved.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to write a lisp routine that, when I invoke the mleader command, osmode is set to "nearest" & orthomode is set off. I then would like the original settings to be returned.
attached is what I have written so far:-
I am trying to make a script file to open a drawing and run a lisp routine. They both work independently just fine, the script file will open the all of the files fine... and the lisp is in the startup suite and works in all the files. But when I tell the script file to open the first drawing then run the lisp it hangs trying to open the next file after running the lisp. I have Filedia set to 0, but the message I get when it goes to open the next is "No canvas exists. click New Canvas." (And on top of that... Filedia even set back to 1 still does not display the Dialog box anymore, I have to shut down AutoCAD 2012 and start again then it works.) I Have tried several ways, Opening one at a time then run lisp, and open all files first and then try to run lisp (that closes the file after running) and try and run it again in the next... It will only run the lisp one time and then locks up from there.
View 7 Replies View Relatedlike in AutoCAD there is REMEMBERFOLDERS can u tell me if i use syntax with getfiled and i want the path to be remember next time what should i do or what syntax i use for that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some numeric data like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in mtext format in autocad drawing file and some numeric data like 1,2, 3 in notepad.
How can i get the remaining numeric data of autocad dwg into another notepad using autolisp or visual lisp
How can I extract all layers in an open drawing to a notepad or txt file?
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how do I access the autocad object in autolisp?
I am trying to write a lisp routine that will make a layer called hatch, set it as current and then run the hatch command.
BUT the hatch command is not bring up the hatch dialogue box, it just puts things on the command line.
The layer is being made & set current.
The lisp is as follows:
(defun c:hh (/ ec)
(setq ec (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command "-layer" "m" "hatch" "c" "8" "" "l" "continuous" "" "s" "hatch" "")
(command "hatch")
(setvar "cmdecho" ec)
On another matter, I have just found the bevel lisp routine by Terry Miller which works great BUT only for imperial measurements. How to make Terry's metric, that will work for metric measurements.
Is it possible to write a Macro in the CUI that opens a drawing in Read-Only mode? Limitation : AutoCAD LT.
View 7 Replies View RelatedId like to append a file with the following text...
Quotation marks and all but how do i Handel them and the open and closed brackets using the following lisp example
(setq f(open "C:/ICT/AutoCAD_Architecture_suite_2012/LSP/acaddoc.lsp" "A"))(write-line "(load "C:/ICT/GEBERIT/LSP/GEBERIT.LSP")" f)(close f)
Is it possible to loop through multiple files in a directory?
Like this: (setq file (open "..\TOPO QUADS\*.jgw" "r"))
Windows 7 x 64 Professional
Nvidia Quadro 4000
8 GB Ram
i5 2500 @ 3.30 GHz
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1
I have a block with:
tag1: XX
tag2: YYYYYY
I have an external file check.txt with string:
I would like to create a lisp program that check the attributes of block using an external database, if tag1+tag2+tag3 = XXYYYYYYZZZZZZZZ ok end program, if not make a circle on block :
is it possible to retrieve the names of all the nested external references, and how should it be done?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to know if it's possible to replace a drive by an environment variable in a search path in the profile. For example:
to replace C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD Mechanical 2012Acadm by %LOCAL DRIVE%Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD Mechanical 2012Acadm.
I am reasonably experienced in coding in VBA but cannot find any references as to how to achieve the above within VBA so am now turning to LISP to see if I can achieve it in that language.
Basically I want to be able to create multiple instances of an attributed block using an external source, e.g. a spreadsheet to provide data for the attributes.
I'm not even sure if this is possible.
I can find lots of references for extracting attribute date to a spreadsheet but I want to go the other way!
I'm trying to check for the existence of a drive using lisp, then if not found perform a task (represented in my below example by the alert)
(if (vl-file-directory-p "C: en") T)(alert "exists"))
I know it doesn't work because if I change the T to nil as demonstrated bellow I should invoke the opposite reaction from autocad but instead I get the exact same outcome which is an alert telling me the file exists?
(if (vl-file-directory-p "C: en") nil)(alert "exists"))
Is it possible to open a file from an external drive? In the open dialog window I see only references to my internal drive.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to determine the type of ACAD object that the user selected? I need to retrieve the value from either a dimension or text. The info could be in either format so the lisp routine needs to determine what was selected so the correct vla-get command is used.
Once I determine what the object is I can use an if statement to retrieve the value.
;user selects the object
(setq dimobj (vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel))))
;If ACAD object is a dimension do this.
(setq dimvalue (vla-get-textoverride dimobj))
;If ACAD object is text do this.
(setq dimvalue (vla-get-textstring dimobj))
The attached image shows a table that I created as a AEC Object from my Civil 3D Alignment (i can turn it to 'MText' and then 'Text' in one or two steps). What I need is a routine, or anything, that fills the third column with an information based on the second column: the deflection angle, something like that:
Curve Angle Type of angle
C1 22°30'00'' 2
C2 39°21'28'' 3
C3 44°59'59'' 3
C4 45°00'00'' 4
C5 45°00'01'' 5
Is there something I could read to study to solve it myself and specify my own angles/types of angles?
Without opening the drawing...
How can I iterate through and check the object type of all objects in model space? And... then delete them if they are certain types... like lines, circles, polylines, text, mtext, etc?
I am looking for some code that would allow me to select a MTEXT Entity - or other entity - (as the DEFAULT option) but also to allow me to type in some text manually or to pick a point in the drawing. Something that would present the user with:
"Select an object or [P to pick a point]" or
"Select MTEXT or [M to type].
I can write some code to type in text manually as the default option and get the second option to select entity using get string and then write some condition of if code but I don't know how to do it having entsel as default option.
My external hard drive has disappeared from the 'open file' window in photoshop CS6. It's working fine and appears in other applications such as bridge and lightroom. How do I get it back? I'm running a Mac on OS X.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using PSE 11 on a macbook pro and am experiencing difficulty saving an edited file to an external disc drive. I keep getting an error message 'Could not save as “2011-08-04_0_edited-1.jpg” because write access was not granted.'
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have this code w/ which I can open up Block Library Blocks for editing. We have R2012 installed w/out VBA.Our MIS department is impossible to deal with. We have this new fangled permission hysteria so I cannot install VBA myself.Is there any other way to open up my blocks? What I can I do instead?
(defun CpL () (prompt "...Open Library Block or Xref...")(terpri)
(setq a (entsel)) (setq b (car a )) (setq c (entget b)) (setq d (assoc 2 c))
(setq e (cdr d)) (setq ff (strcat e ".dwg")) (setq PP (findfile FF))
(setq opath (strcat " ""PP"""))
(command "vbastmt" opath))