AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change Color Of Hatch Inside Blocks
Oct 2, 2013
I don't give the right keywords with Google !?So from a classic selection (or ALL for ALL Blocks of the DWG) of entities,
we will keep ONLY blocks (Static or Dynamic)I am looking for a Lisp/VLisp routine to update all Color of Hatches inside Blocks when the Hatch Color is xxx If the color hatch is NOT XXX we don't update !
The problem : update all hatch from blocks where Color = 255 (or any other value)
---> other classic Color (1-256)
--> RGB Color 255,255,255 or any other
I don't know at all how to switch hatch entities from classic color to RGB color inside a Block..And dynamic block in Lisp/VLisp are far from my level 0.2 in Lisp ...
I wanted to flatten arcs, circles and lines inside a block using the following lisp (which I found in this forum). I found that sometimes this lisp is unable to flatten the ARCs inside the blocks. I do not understand why it is not working for all the blocks. I have attached a drawing in which this lisp is not working.
I need a lisp code to burst all "blocks with text/attributes inside" in selected area. That means user should select an area (window selection) and lisp program should be find all blocks with TEXT or ATTRIB inside in selected area and then applys "BURST express tools" command to all these blocks in the selected area by user.
I have a bolt program that draws the thickness of a bolts in elevation as a polyline with a global width, what i need is a lisp to then change this lwpolyline to a hatch, ie if global width is 20 and the polyline is 30 long i need to change this to a 20x30 solid hatch, is it possible to get the the global width and length and convert this to a boundary hatch? I need the same thing done for bolts in plan too as the circle is a lwpolyline also.
We wanted to automatically fill a block's attributes from a selection in Excel. I have a piece of code that has the user select/pick a block to fill. What I want is for the selection to fill multiple blocks in an active drawing. Some of the blocks are the same - which means the same tags/attributes. I've included the code that allows the user to select the block and throws the Excel selection to certain attributes.change the code so that
1) I don't have to manually select blocks - it will find them.
2) One cell (from Excel) will go to multiple blocks - some are same block name.
3) An IF statement that if a certain cell isn't blank/nil
(pretend it would be (nth 21 vl) change DESC11 to XYZ and DESC12 to ABC. For Block namesake we'll call one, BLOCK1 (say it has 3 instances and gets different info in each case) BLOCK2 (say it has 2 instances, also gets different info) BLOCK 3 AND 4 both have an attribute - DESCAA1 that gets different info from Excel.
I have 4 Dynamic Blocks with the same name, but each are on different layout pages. I need to change the visibility state of all 4 to the same value. So far every attempt of mine has failed.
My process at this point is to: build a selectionset of all 4 Dynamic Blocks with the same effective name, convert the selectionset to a list of entity names, then use a foreach to change the visibility states one at a time. Currently, I get "error: bad argument type: lselsetp <Entity name: 7ffff7b6c90>". <Entity name: 7ffff7b6c90> is the entity name of the first block in the list. I'm guessing it's because the block is found on a non-current tab
(defun chgdynprop (e propname newval / obj v vval sal tot i) (setqobj (if(= (type e) 'vla-object) e (vlax-ename->vla-object e))) (if (= (vlax-get-property obj
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
In our 2010 version users used the "OPT Color Control" in a toolbar. When we went to 2012 we switched our users to the Ribbon. I am not able to move this Control to a ribbon panel. I can place in a toolbar and it works okay. Best I could find is "ACObjectColorCombo", Object Color Gallery drop down. Unfortunately I find that this drop down doesn't handle a selection set the way the 2010 toolbar did. I find that one cannot reliably pick a selection and use this to change objects to color bylayer. I can pick the object prior to using the OPT Color Control and they work fine. I pick the same objects and use the Combo box and sometime they are found and change other times I pick one or two and they work.
Is there a way to move this toolbar control to the ribbon, it will not let me drag and drop to a panel in the CUI.
Is there another solution to change object(s) color in a drop down from a ribbon panel? I have tried searching but am not finding other commands or control with selection drop down in the CUI. (Our choice is not to use the Properties dialog. Which, by the way, does work every time on the objects.)
I use the following lisp to control my window background colour,
;Setting window colour to crimson (uses OLE colour code system)...(vla-put-TextWinBackgrndColor(vla-get-display(vla-get-preferences(vlax-get-acad-object)))3937500)
However I would like to change the drafting tool tip background also using lisp, but I don’t know which vla-put-….. I need?
I was trying to do one that can change color and line weight using a number provided by user. What i want to do is to ask a number to the user, 5 for example, and then change the color to 5, and the lw to .5. I was starting with this:
(defun c:ccv (/ eco lun ob cc clw) (setq eco (getvar "cmdecho")) (setq lun (getvar "lunits")) (setvar "lunits" 2) [code]......
but is not working, it has a bug with the clw variable.
I'm looking for a lisp that will change all the layer colors of selected xref by clicking the xref and select color from the color table palette. I have a routine that would change the layer color of a selected entity other than xref.
;;Changes selected object layer to a true color ;;of chose from a dialog box (defun c:cvc (/ ent ent_data rgb str objlay) (setq ent (entsel) )
I want a lisp to change all object colours from bylayer to its color Example (if layer doors its color is blue the color of objects drawn in this layer will by blue not bylayer)
I have a library that has a primary folder with 11 subfolders. If the LISP can go through all the subfolders, that would be great. But, if it cannot, I can work with going into each subfolder and running the routine. There are over 12,000 files and I don't have the time to open each one and change the color.
Here's what I need the LISP to do:
open the drawing
select everything
change the color to "bylayer"
open next drawing in folder and repeat
Once it gets to the end of the folder it can stop.
I'm attempting to create an easier way to change layer colors of nested linework by selecting the linework and having the ACAD index color dialog box appear to select the replacement color.
defining the "ic" variable;
(defun c:clc (/ ent ent_data ic ent_lay) ;change layer color(setq ent(nentsel)) (setq ent_data(entget(car ent)))(setq ic ;index color(cdr(assoc 62(ACAD_COLORDLG))))(setq ent_lay(cdr(assoc 8 ent_data)))(command "-layer" "c" ic ent_lay ""))
I have a Lisp that I have been working on with some folks in the office, and i feel like i am close, but i am not getting the cigar. The idea would be to have the lisp allow the user to select a nested x-ref entity, and change the color and linetype of the selected layer, similar to the old "LAP" command (I know it is a dinosaur, but I still miss it). I seem to be doing swimmingly, code I have quasi-plagiarized. It seems to crap out where i try to pass the selected linetype back to the layer. I get the nastygram "Command: ; error: no function definition: GETLINETYPE" right after selecting the linetype from the dialog.
Code below...
x(defun c:CX (/ Sel EntList DataList cnt Num ClrNum EntData) (if (setq Sel (nentsel " Select object to change layers color and linetype: ")) (progn
I have an attribute blocks and this att block has two tag values , is there a simple code for to change 1st tag values automaticly according to 2nd values ?
for example :
1st tag (50x50) - 2nd tag ( 100 ) ==> 50x50-100
if i enter 201 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 100x100
if i enter 501 valuse to 2nd tag then 1 st tag has to change as 150x510
(defun CELBLKS ( / e blk ss blkl) (setq blkl "" ss (ssadd)) (while (setq e (entsel "
i have this lsp, it works great but how can modify it if i want select with a window.? exemple: if i have 3 differentes blocks, i want to select them with windows and the lisp select all blocks that are identical of those 3.?
I have a project in 3D that I would like to export to Stadd. This requires lines rather than blocks. Is is possible to convert the blocks in the attached dwg file to to lines that are centered on those blocks?
Basically I have one hatch pattern that was used at different UCS values. The hatch patterns are correctly shown on the screen as shown in the attached image. But the puzzling thing is that they both have a pattern angle of 0.
I have been writing a program that globally changes hatch patterns, but the problem is that once I update the pattern, they all have the same angle. I need them to keep their current rotation when the patterns are updated. I cannot seem to find object access to what that actual angle is.
vla-get-patternangle does not seem to provide the data I am looking for.
I'm trying to create a hatch pattern to match a floor tile. I want a 24" long x 6" wide plank tile. The tiles should be offset from each other 8" (a 2/3 1/3 pattern lengthwise). My problem is I only can get a 6" offset (3/4 1/4 pattern).Here's the code I've got:
I'm looking for a lisp routine which will 'convert' number of 2dsolid into hatch. Drawing contains dozens of 2dsolids (solids are on one layer, there are also other entities on this layer) which have different colors, have common verticies and edges. i.e. I want to kind of 'join' solids of the same color and convert them into one hatch colored as original solids and placed on existing layer (let it be layer '0' zero for now). Same color solids can exist in few locations - there is a case to make few separate hatches of the same color (all joined solids should be represented as 1 hatch, should not separate after separate hatch command). There is max of 20 different colors (all of them from ACI index). Solids are not crossing themself or other solids (just joining with 1 or 2 verticies).
There are also 2dsolids with 'zero-area' - represented as a line - those should be erased at the beginning (not to have a line-like hatch).
I have the following code to delete all hatch in a drawing. At the end of the command there is a notice that all hatch have been eliminated.
However, the last message displayed is: "Hatch boundary associativity removed".
(defun c:deletehatch ( / d l )(vl-load-com) (setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for a (vla-get-layers d)(if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock a))(progn(vla-put-lock a :vlax-false)(setq l (cons a l)) ) ) ) (vlax-for b (vla-get-blocks d)(if (eq :vlax-false (vla-get-isxref b)) (vlax-for o b (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname o) "AcDbHatch")(vla-delete o)) ) ) ) (foreach a l (vla-put-lock a :vlax-true)) (vla-regen d acallviewports) (princ (strcat "All HATCH have been removed")) (princ))
Modify the attached lisp I found in this forum to work using a different hatch pattern, scale and angle. The new hatch should be in default Autocad "LINE" pattern and angle set to 90 degrees (vertical). If possible, I would like the angle and scale to be editable. Find attached Multi_Hatch-45 code posted by CADaStroumph in 2008.