AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Any Way To Extract All Dimension Text At End Into Excel
Aug 16, 2012
I'm dimensioning an old drawing with the real (measured) dimensions and with the drawing dimensions in brackets (using ' 1500 (<>)' to give '1500 (1505)' for example.
What I'd like is to also be able to put on the difference between the length I type in and the length in brackets - as this would let me see any really glaring errors that can't be attributed to user-error on the laser measure.So I could type in '1500 (<>) (X)' where X is the formula, and get ' 1500 (1505) (5)' back?
How to be able to run a script that could highlight any dimensions where the number is brackets and the typed number have a a difference of, say, 50.Or failing that, any way to extract all the dimension text at the end into excel so I can see the differences myself?
I am trying to export what looks like a table of text to Excel. The problem I have is the table is not an actual TABLE within AutoCAD but rather just columns of text with lines drawn around it. How I can grab this text and then put it into an Excel Spreadsheet.
Currently, when I do drawings, I give my machinists drawings with each point, and they program their machines. To do that, they calculate the round part diameters, which is basically 5" - 2x<Dim>.
I'd like it if I could give them drawings with the real number, and in parenthesis next to it, 5-2x<Dim>.
I've attached a jpg of what I normally give them and how I'd like it to look. Is this something do-able via a macro or something?
How can I pass the contents of a cell value (text string) to Acad? I want the user to click on a cell, then have lisp use the string as the name of a block to insert.
I would like to set dimension text fill color to "background" instead of, you know, dimensioning my drawings properly.
I have this code I got on these forums and it works well except for the 'TextFillColor' variable. I can't find the correct color number or syntax for "Background'. It's currently set to 0 which produces ByBlock, and any number I put in there corresponds to the AutoCAD color number (1 = Red, 2 = Yellow, etc.)
If you have a better routine that you could post that works for me too. Or maybe you could just do my work for me? Even better.
(defun c:test (/ obj num cnt) (vl-load-com) (setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "Dimension"))) num (sslength ss1) cnt 0)
I got a new work and get it done in the next 2 days, but first I need to do this... from a text file (or excel file, I got both) I got 3 columns, 1 one for node number, and 2 other for X and Y coordinates for each node.
So from that file I need to insert into autocad the node numbers as text (using the current style and height) at the point specified by the other two columns, that are the X,Y coordinates which will be the insertion point of text..
I am trying to write a lisp file that extracts the LAYER, Z, X, Y, TEXT HEIGHT, POINT NUMBER, from the attached DXF file. Ultimately I will have the lisp insert a "POINT" at the X,Y,Z, cords, and then a "TEXT" entity at the same coordinates with the text height value and the point number string. Both entities need to be on the layer ending in "-PN". The layer name will change depending on the date. I have a third party program that creates the DXF file.
The point of the lisp file is to insert the point numbers and points into my drawing at their correct locations. For the life of me I can not make this work. I have attached the little bit of lisp I have, which unfortunately does not work properly because of it searching for the "TEXT" entry in the DXF file of which there are three per point number. I only need one. I have also attached the DXF file I have. maybe just an overall procedure that I can then code myself? I'm just not good at getting lisp to read a file and extract what I want from it.
I would like a lisp routine that can extract and export the x, y, z coordinates of all the points in a drawing into a text file so I can use the same in excel.
A quick lisp routine to extract the elevations of a selection set of 2d polylines? I have a massive "contour" file composed of 2d polylines with elevations. I need to find the min and max polyline elevation in selected areas. I can't figure out how to extract just the elevations of my selected polylines so I can quickly see the elevation values?
I've got a linetype that's part of our autocad template file and has been for so long that nobody around here even knows where the original line file is.
I need to extract the linetype out so that I can make some minor modifications. I did do a search and found a nifty lsp routine from Paul Turvill. (Here's the thread that pointed me there: [URL] ..........
I ran it and it SEEMED to work. All the linetypes in the file it created look good EXCEPT for the one I needed to extract. That one looks like this in the line file:
*TREELINE,Series of arcs used to indicate tree drip lines A,0.0001,-0.0001,
The linetype DOES display properly in the dwg file (meaning lines drawn using it look good).
Is there a lisp that will allow me to do a continuous dimension, but will alternate the dimension position from low, high, low and high? If there is no lisp already created, how to create one?
See Continuous dimension attachment for example.
I work at a glass and glazing company and this is how we dimension mullion width and DLO. See typical window dimensioning attachment for window elevation with dimensions.
I have a inserted block with 4 tags for Length, Thickness, Elevation and Width.How can extract attributes tag values and draw a closed polyline + 2 internal lines, parallel to the block?
how to sensibly extract angular dimensions as attributes.
I can extract the attributes from a block containing angular dimensions, the attributes list angular dimensions as a field but don't actually list the number of degrees for the angular dimension.
It is the number of degrees that I am actually trying to obtain - but I cannot work out how to obtain the information
Is that possible to have a lisp to extract the Field Expression of a attribute in a block?Specifically, to extract the property VALUE (TextString) of this attribute.After to extract, I would like to put this text extracted in a different layout tab, in the same drawing. In this way, I will have a text linked to the attribute value between two layout tabs. So, when I have to change the attribute value, the text will be updated automatically.
I know that if I use the FIELD command to manually copy and paste this value it will work, but when I have a lot of attributes it becomes very laborious.
I design a small plant in Autocad 2012. For the pipes we used cylinders and boxes(for square pipe), now we need to make the bill of materials, but I don't know how to extract the data from each cylinder(radius and height) or box.
It is possible to do this?
I place a small sample from the plant. Totally I am having around 6000 elements.
I was wondering if it was the COND statement that I would need to use to evaluate a block to confirm that two attribute tags existed and if so, if would process the block to perform an attribute extraction of both of those tags. It would ignore blocks that only had one or the other attribute tags - and only extract the attribute values if the block had BOTH of the tags present - It could be blank, but it had to exist.
For example, I want to find blocks that have the attribute tag "PART_A" and "ID" - and then create a CDF that has the value of "PART_A" in the first column and "ID" in the second column. Then it closes my CDF file.
Then, I want it to scan my drawing again for blocks that contain attribute tag "PART_B" and "ID" and then re-open that CDF file and append the values so that the values of teh attribute "PART_B" is in the first column and the values of the tag "ID" are in the second column.
I have been playing with the following code --- is there anyway to modify the code to get it to do what I need? I have already removed the part that writes the header-row....
I wasn't able to find out any information on what format the parameters are required to look like when passed along with the Method ExportAsFixedFormat.
I'm currently using the following code to change the active printer followed by the printout command
(vlax-put-property XL "ActivePrinter" "DocuCom PDF Driver on Ne03:")(vlax-invoke-method XLS "Printout")
where XL is my spreadsheet and XLS is the active worksheet. This works but the printer controls filename and location.
(vlax-invoke-method XLS "ExportAsFixedFormat"
I've found the ExportAsFixedFormat but can not find any documentation that shows how to format the parameters within LISP to send to Excel.
The object browser for VBA in Excel shows the following:
Sub ExportAsFixedFormat(Type As XlFixedFormatType, [Filename], [Quality], [IncludeDocProperties], [IgnorePrintAreas], [From], [To], [OpenAfterPublish], [FixedFormatExtClassPtr]) Member of Excel.Chart
I recording a macro and got the following that shows some additional information.
I need to draw a table with point number, easting, northing, elevation for a lot of points and need a lisp to read the xl spreadsheet and draw the table.
I'm trying to get an excel sheet to open and count cells based on the text inside a selected column then compare it to cad. The column says "red" or "green" and I want to compare it to a count of red and green hatches in cad.
I managed to get them to be counted in cad but I'm not sure how to get the excel part to work.
Note: I posted an earlier post thinking to count the actually color in the excel cells rather than the words but that ended up being quite complicated.
I have some coordinate in the excel file. How to import from excel to dwg. All coordinate i will make polyline. I know one method all coordinate copy and paste to command prompt. But i need script file or other method.
This probably isn't the correct discussion group but not sure where else to post this.
My sales department wants to be able to create drawings based on entries in selected in their Excel qouting tool. Basically, they want to configure a product in the field, and be able to show the customer the drawing with TrueView. (They don't have AutoCAD installed).
I would think the best I can do, is manipulate a .dxf file based on their selections but that may get very complicated.
Lisp routine that can write to an already existing XLS file? What i need is an Excel file that will be updated with a users 'hostname' when they start AutoCAD. I can get the hostname information with the below code, but I'm not sure how to get this value into an Excel file.
(getenv "computername")
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