AutoCAD VB :: How To Split A Polyline At Its Self Intersection Points
Jul 21, 2011
I'm trying to split a polyline that have some intersection points at its intersection points. So, if a polyline have two self intersection point, then it will become three different polyline. I attached an example of a polyline that I want to split.
I'm trying to split a polyline that have some intersection points at its intersection points. So, if a polyline have two self intersection point, then it will become three different polyline. I attach the example of a polyline that I want to split. I wonder, does the get split curve method ?
I am drawing a few feature lines within my surface and it is creating split points.....not even sure how they are created and how do I get rid of there a way? I read a little about them and what I have read so far indicates that it is a point where two feature lines cross? I don't have another feature line created anywhere near this one.
I'm seriously stuck trying to join 3 open paths with stroke only, into something of an intersection that is dividing 3 pie slots. However I can't join more than 2 of them, as the screenshot below the third one gets left behind, Join command doesn't work Because I have the opacity down to 70% you can see the ugly overlap in the intersection and I need to join all the 3 points for them to look as they should. If/how this can be done in Illustrator?
I'm currently trying to use the draw > point > measure tool to create a set of points around a polyline but I can't seem to get them to start at a point that I want. When I try and create the points they start from a random place.
I am aware of creating a polyline and using .AddVertexAt() to give the points, my question is if I want to create a polyline in acad I generally will pick a point and then type out @10.5<0 or something similar of that nature to pick my next point. Is it possible to add vertices to a polyline in .Net giving it the distance and angle of one point2d to the next point2d?
acPoly.AddVertexAt(0, New Point2d(0,0),0,0,0)
acPoly.AddvertexAt(0, New Point2d(1,0),0,0,0)
but instead?
acPoly.AddVertexAt(0, New Point2d(0,0),0,0,0)
acPoly.AddVertex ( use code equivalent of New Point2d = @10.5<0 from point at 0 index)
I have a couple of hundred 3D Polylines which have point crosses at each vertex. Any way to remove these point crosses that fall on the 3D Polylines.
(IF 3D point vertex = any 3d Polyline vertex THEN delete)
Reason I can't just filter out the points and delete is that there are points that don't fall on Polylines which I want to keep. All points are on the same layer. Polylines are on various layers. Data is from a 3D topographical survey.
Im supposed to connect them like they're displayed in the picture. I did both of them separately but i just did all four to show how i want them. Im supposed to connect those two but when i press enter when im done, it disappears. Then use the insert edge loop tool to make the neck line smaller.
Both Pictures are the same. The second one just has backface cullin under display
is there a command (or method) that will create a polyline from selected cogo points instead of manually connected each point from a create line command?
This is something I should know as a long time CAD user. I have line of points, ~200 on the screen and I want to draw a polyline through them without selecting each point. I know there was a command to select the first point and the last and ACAD would draw the line between. I am using AutoCAD 2010.
I want to create new vertex points in feature line and 3dpol.
I have this: try { if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Polyline3d)) { Polyline3d p3d = (Polyline3d)trans.GetObject(entRes.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
always catches the same Exception "the value is not within the expected range" .I have translated it because I get "El valor no está dentro del intervalo esperado". Perhaps is this: " Value does not fall within the expected range.".
I have tried it with different point3d values but always catches Exception.
With pol3d I have similar problem.
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1 Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz. ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd 32gb RAM 1600 Mhz. nVidia Quadro 2000. Win 7 Pro 64bit
Any way to reduce the number of vertex points in a polyline or 3d polyline and retain the basic shape but without having to redraw over the top it?
Ideally, I would like any adjacent segments which are in the same direction as each other to become one segment.
In my image you can see the number of points it has, the majority of which are not necessary for my needs (it was imported from a client's drawing). My desired linetype will also not show because of this.
There are times that I have a really long curb polyline that has both line and arc segments. I wish to pick two points along that polyline and have it give me the distance between those two points along the path of the polyline.
Do we have this ability natively? Have I been missing something all this time? Normally I have to make a copy of the original entity, ... break, break, list erase or undo....
How can I drag-select muliple vertex points form a polyline, a workaround I found is:
-select object
-shift select first vertex, shift select next vertex, etc
But this workaround is limited because I want to delete those vertexes, I cannot find the remove vertex command when I have multiple vertexes selected.
What distinction is between “intersection” and “apparent intersection” in snaps,. I’m not sure what difference is between the “intersection” and “apparent intersection” in snaps.
I am trying to create an intersection design using the Intersection Tools in C3D 2012. I followed the steps in the tutorials, created a corridor on the major road, splitted the regions, created the intersection and added it to the major road corridor, and connect the regions with the intersection portion.
I used the same assembly throughout the design just for simplicity, however, i notice that there are gaps of curb between the curb return section and the through section (as outline in red rectangles).
Im still new to Civil 3D and i would like to know how to connect inported points using 3D polylines. I imported my points from Excel in a PNEZD format. How do i get the 3d poly line to snap to my points so I can Connect them? someone mentioned using a feature line to connect the points but im not sure how or what that would do.
I made all my polygons with the same technique but somehow interactive polygon split tool does not split all polygons... I attached a file with which I have problem. Split tool just "disappears" after submitting changes...
Is there a way, when you are drawing a polyline, to have the tooltip box show the cumulative length of the polyline, rather than the length of the current segment being drawn?
Due to modeling purposes, I need to convert a 3D polyline to a spline. What I have been doing is:
- change polyline fit/smooth to cubic from properties - convert polyline to spline by typing spline -> object - method -> fit from properties
You can see the original 3D polyline (green) and the resulting spline (magenta) in the attached drawing.When I zoom in and measure the distance between the two entities at different points along them, at some points the perpendicular distance exceeds 5 millimeters, and I want to ensure the deviation remains under 1 millimeter or even less.
I know I can change the knot parameterization of the spline, and this does work at some locations, but the difference increases at others.Why is there a 5.6 mm difference between the spline fit point and 3D polyline vertex, as measure in the attached drawing?
Now, I can go and manually stretch the fit point to coincide with the vertex. Also, I can add fit points between existing ones to drag the spline closer to the original 3D poly.
However, some of my polys are really long, and it is very time-consuming to do this manually while measuring points along the entities to make sure the distance stays small enough.
how to automate this process? For example a lisp that would maybe take the original vertex points, add say maybe 3 (not too many) new ones between them, and then generate a spline while making sure the deviation is less than the set value of 1mm? I am using AutoCAD 2013.
I've been working on a custom polyline object, and I've got it functioning!!Having said that, I plan to run its creation around picking a point for bounary selection.
(Other than trying to step through every vertecies) is there a technique I can thow the polyline data from a traceboundary result into my custom object? I've been trying to add the polyline from traceboundary to my object BEFORE it's added to the transaction by the way...I assume that's right, since I want to put it's data in my custom object then add my custom object to the transaction instead.
Is there any way at all to draw a new polyline - from the endpoint of another polyline, and have it automatically join as one polyline from the existing section??
I know this can be done via PEDIT, but its so laborious and soo many clicks, and I have alot of segmented Polylines that I need to consolidate when I draft.