AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Can't Rotate Plot To Fit Paper
Aug 3, 2009
I am trying to print a tall, thin window, auto-scaled to fit on 11x17 paper using a Windows PC3 driver. I want the image to be essentially 17" tall. No matter what paper orientation I choose in the printer Properties (Portrait or Landscape), the image is rotated automatically the wrong direction. (The print preview shows the paper rotated as Portrait or Landscape correctly, but the image is always rotated to fit the 11" dimension of the paper). I'm using AutoCAD Electrical 2008.
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
I'm using autocad 2000 and I have a problem printing & plotting. The print, plot preview only shows a section of the drawing. What settings do I need to change for the entire drawing to print for the paper size I need.
I was wondering if the 8.5 x 11 dimensions change at all when going through an inkjet printer, and if so, how much. I suspect this is not a significant issue with scale accuracy, but wanted to be sure.
Normally I plot in paper space and everything works well. when I plot in paper space all the lines ae much, much lighter and almost invisible, whereas if I plot the same drawing in model space the plot comes out perfectly, though not in scale. I must have pushed a wrong button somewhere but wnat button is beyond me.
I`m using AutoCAD2004 with HP Designjet 800 Plotter.
The Plotter is connected to network.
I want to add some Custom Paper Sizes, however, when I open the options for the plotter(User-defined Paper sizes&calibration), I can`t add or modify paper sizes. The `Add` button is not available.
I set my computer to `Power Users` but still cant add. How to make the `Add` or `Delete` buttons usable?
I'm having a problem making paper size filtering 'stick'.
For years I've configured PC3 and their associated PMP files for each of our printers and plotters. As a part of the configuration, I filter out all the paper sizes we don't use. Once the PC3 and PMP files are configured, they're copied to all the local PC's. I've never had a problem with this, until now.
On the PC where the PC3 file is configured, the filtering is correct. On any other PC, various paper sizes are added. For instance, I'll filter out all paper sizes on printer "X" except for 8.5x11 and 11x17. On a similar PC, the paper sizes "16k 197x273mm" and "8k 273x394mm" are added.
If I point the PC's to a location on our network where the PC3 and PMP files are stored, I get the same results.
We have two OS's here - Win7 Pro and XP Pro. All OS's are kept up-to-date. All the Win7 PC's use the same version of the HP Universal Print Driver. All the XP PC's use the same version of the printer specific drivers.
We have a T790 44in, with 42" roll paper installed.
The thing I'm having trouble with, is getting it to act like it has roll paper. I can set custom paper sizes in the printer drives all day (such as 42" x 42") but this is only half way accurate, and can waste a lot of paper.
Is there a particular way to set the printer to use the roll paper?
How to set the printer setting in Autocad that only show ISO paper size only? Currently i am using HP DESIGNJET 800 42 and when i need to do plotting, it show me a bunch of unnessary of paper size list as shown in attachment.
I have layouts set to print to a printer in the office, sometimes with different sized sheets. Everything worked perfect until we upgraded from Civil 3d 2013 to 2014. Where I'm gettin a problem now is publishing to PDF. It will cut off the left and right margins of the 11x17 sheets. I've tried everything and looked everywhere but can't keep it from doing that.
Is there anywhere to set the publish to PDF settings? I've played with the DWG to PDF.pc3 settings and no change.
2 of 3 viewports in paper space do not show up in print preview, nor will they print. The viewports are all on the same layer, defpoint layer. Even if I create 3 new viewports and erase the old ones, still can only print preview one viewport and only one viewport will print.
Have a dwg with two layouts sheets that print to pdf in paper space - one layout works just fine the other NOT.
Both include one view port and a few small details as pdf underlays(@ 150 kb each) in the PAPER space layout.
The problem sheet - ran a very slow plot preview but it did complete a full view of the layout, then when selected to do the plot it never completes the pdf.
I tried a pdf plot of the same area in MODEL space and it previews just fine and plots to a pdf just fine.
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
When I publish a drawing as a multipage DWFx (or PDF for that matter) with "Include Layer Information" selected, the Plot Stamp (Simple Date/Time and Text) comes out but on different layers on different layouts.
Example: First Layout : Plotstamp resides on Layer 0 Second Layout: Plotstamp resides on Layer 3P Third Layout: EQPT-VC etc
Some general information: Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 64bit Autodesk DesignReview - 2012 Adobe Acrobat X Professional
Layer 0 Is thawed/plotable and on in all layouts, viewports all layers, viewports. It has at least one entity per layout
Is there anyway to rectify this and still use the built-in Plot Stamp?
So the firm I work at has AutoCAD 2000 and 2007. 2000 is installed on 5 out of the 7 computers, and 2007 installed on 6 of the 7 computers. 2 of the computers running just ACAD 2007 are Windows Vista, while all the other computers are Windows XP. We have an OCE TDS320 CAD Printer, an HP Wide Format Printer and a Panasonic 330 Copier/Fax/Printer. Our Problem is that When you try to plot an ACAD2007 drawing it will only plot it in color. This problem did not exist before 1/12/12.
When I select the Plot Style to print I select "monochrome.stb" which has always worked, now all of a sudden it doesnt. The only way i have found to fix this problem is to change my drawing to layer "0" which is white, so when it tries to print in color it will print black. Another Guy in the firm i work at has ACAD2007 on his computer running XP, he also has 2000 running on the same computer. When he tries to plot on ACAD2007 the same thing happens, so it is not isolated to my computer.
There is a difference though between his Plot Styles on his computer and the ones on mine. His end with .ctb, which works. It only doesnt work when he tries to print a drawing i made off of my computer. Because of this we copied his Plot Style folder for AutoCAD 2007 and installed it into the folder with all of my plot styles on my computer, replacing the ".stb" with ".ctb" That did not work at all. The last thing we tried was to copy over a file that plotted correctly, delete the drawing and draw what we needed, This also did not work. So basically we are thinking that ACAD2007 is not reading the Plot Styles correctly, or the Plot Styles are wrong or currupt.
I have several objects on various layers in model space and they are exposed through a viewport in a paperspace layout. I also have a corporate CTB plot style.
Here is my problem: If i plot the objects from model space, they all plot with the correct lineweights as defined in our corporate CTB, but when i plot them from the paperspace layout, some but not all objects plot with a heavier lineweight than what is defined in the CTB.
I thought the CTB was supposed to override any settings applied to individual objects, but more importantly, why the different results, on the same objects, depending upon the space from which they're plotted?
I have found that when I Publish, the drawing comes out shifted about 1/8" down and 1/8" left as compared to when I use Plot. Which of course is just enough to cut off the sheet border which is 1/2" from the paper edge. I am using the same Page Setup for both Publish and Plot, same drawing.
This is to an Oce TDS600, and it only happens with 15x21 paper size. All paper sizes are set to 0" border. Probably an Oce issue, but have any of you seen this before?
I recently upgraded from 2010 to 2012 and when trying to plot, using the very same page setups as before the upgrade, the quality (or resolution) of the plot is very poor and pixelated. I am using very high resolution aerial imagery. The output is not at all high resolution (totally pixelated, not presentable as professional). It seems like AutoCAD is reducing the image quality now. Is this a system variable that can be adjusted?
This is an issue for which no one in my office has any solution. We create all of our plan sets on E1 size paper. However, when we plot them for redlines we print to C-size to save paper. I know you can "publish selected layouts" to plot numerous tabs at a time. However, I am unable to figure out how to make them plot to a smaller size paper than what the page is set up for. Is there a way to plot all of the tabs at a smaller scale without plotting each tab individually?
If I import an Arcview shape file into Autocad Map, why can't i plot it out from Paper Space??? I can plot out shape file data in Model Space but not Paper Space. The data is mapped to a layer, and it can be viewed in "Print Preview" but nothing comes out when i plot from paper space.
I made an attempt at drawing out what I'm trying to say in MSPaint. At my office we use an HP Designjet 800ps to plot our drawings, most everyone uses AutoCAD 2010-2011 and I use AutoCAD LT 2010. All of our drawings are ANSI C size (17"x22") and we use paper rolls that are 24" wide x 150' long. For some reason our plotter always prints our drawings sideways causing us (read 'me, the assistant') to have to trim the excess off of every single print. Not only is this time consuming but it is a huge waste of paper! If I can get it to rotate we will get 19 MORE plots out of every roll of paper!!!
I was wondering if there is some way to change settings somewhere so that our drawings are printed the correct way, saving me lots of time and saving our company lots of paper? Is it normal to plot this way?
I've run into a small problem while trying to export a drawing from paper space as a PDF. The drawing is of an electrical panel for a product. The panel is rather large, but the drawing includes some smaller details, such as a vendor logo on a component or a few extra lines on the border of a display screen. We have a large, multi page PDF file that uses A4 paper size that I need to insert this drawing into, so the export must be at this size. When exporting, I have CAD set to use monochrome and ignore the line weights, which solved my initial problem that the parts would show up as solid black splotches.
Now that the back story is over, here's the problem. When I export the pdf, everything looks great except these small details around the components. For some reason, the lines in the components will shift to one side or the other, causing breaks between features. Most of these breaks occur between an arc endpoint and a line endpoint. The export also excludes some smaller bits of geometry.
Using an HP 1050c Plus with the latest HP drivers for Windows XP on AutoCAD MEP 2009. If I use the standard printer margins it all works fine, except that the margins are way too big and no border we have will print without cutting off at least .25" all around. If I go to properties and change the margins to .1" all around, my 42x30 sheets will print out with 43" of paper. If I make them .25", I will get 42.5" of paper. I just started at this company and have never had this problem before with an HP 1050 plotter. I have tried different combinations of the Extend margins, Inked area and autorotate checkboxes but haven't been able to figure it out yet.
Created new PC3 for KIP 3100 plotter using its AutoCAD Heidi driver for Win7x64. Upon plot preview the following error occurs.
This causes a crash report which has been submitted to Autodesk. The response was to install service pack 2. Error still occurs after installing the service pack.
In AutoCAD 2014 and ASD2013 I cannot choose one of the printer, which is installed on Windows (OCE TDS600). It is strange, because Autocad sees it on the list of available plotters, but when I try to select it - it automaticly changes to "None".
The plotter is properly configured - I can print with it from Revit 2013 without any problems. Also when I switch account to any other (on that same computer) everything works fine.
I tried to add this plotter through "Add-A-Plotter Wizard", but each time I obtain an error massage "Autodesk Hardcopy component failed..."
Unfortunately I am using ACAD 2000 so bear with me and the only ACAD training I have is a 3 day crash course at the local software reseller.
I am attempting to plot a drawing that was created from a template into a .pdf but it is plotting colored lines instead of black lines.
Here is some background info. My template is set up as a .dwt which I will save as a .dwg when I begin to make my drawings. Plot style table is “monochrome.stb” and I have selected Adobe .pdf as my plotter configuration. I then select the “Properties” then go to “Custom Properties”, “Paper/Quality” tab and then select “Black & White” as my color.
When I go to plot the drawing as a pdf and do a preview of what I am about to plot, I see that the lines that make up the drawing are a shade of gray in color. All my lineweights in the layers property manager are set to default. I have attached a blank drawing that is based off of my template.
2004 and how to turn "plot to file" off? Any time they go to plot the plot to file is already set and grayed out. It has been way too long since 2004 and I don't know where to have them look although I assume it is in Options somewhere.
I'm using autocad 2011 LT License version 5 users & autocad 2012 Lt License Version 5 users.I have got a HP Laserjet 5200 printer, when i give a plot command from one of the workstation having autocad 2012 lt
the application gets terminated automatically every time.This issue is only with a single client having 2012LT all other autocad LT 2012 workstations in the same network plots w/o any complaint.
I have a user which we just installed Autocad Civil 3D 2014 on his computer that is running on a Windows 7 64-bit OS. However, he has had the same problem with Civil 3D 2011, 2012, and 2013 ever since we took him to 2011 in September 2011. So, it is not something new. It may have been around before then but my companies common practice back then was to freeze layers with a script file before plotting. While attending a class back in 2010 or 2011, he and his group were told to “do not use FREEZE on layers in Civil 3D” since things frozen did not get updated like they would if they were just turned off. So, they have been using the “ON/OFF” commands on all Civil 3D files since then.
Here is the problem:
A drawing, typical of this and other jobs he does, has a title block which is an xref in paper space and the site plan xref in model space. He can turn "OFF" certain layers from the site plan as viewed from paper space to remove clutter and then go to make a plot. After getting it set up to print and going to the preview the layers he has turned off appear in the preview and if he goes ahead and makes the plot or PDF those layers that were turned off will plot out.
The work-a-round they have been using ever since has been to go back into the file(s) and “FREEZE” the layers that were turned off, make the plots and then go back and “THAW” the layers before ending the drawing.
Things we have tried:
Set Visretain=1 Used the “Publish” command. Set Layerevalctl=0 or 1
Is there a way to use ON/OFF instead and have the layers NOT plot out? OR, is this something that AutoCAD will not do regardless? Has it always been that way and we have been unaware of it through the past four releases?
Printers: from HP 5000 series to a KIP 3000. CAD,from 2008 to 2012 versions.ALL of the PCs are having this strange behaviour:Open a drawing, Press File then Plot and..
Scenario 1: if the KIP3000 is online then plotting window comes in few seconds, a normal, decent delay! Scenario 2: if the KIP 3000 is offline then plotting can be delayed to minutes!!!
Downloaded the drivers from KIP web site, installed and tested, prints fine once the above issue with delay is sorted! I’m guessing that is something built-in CAD, pre-emptive, background checks running for printers status when you attempt to plot to the printer / plotter !