Is it possible to examine the linetype definition stored in a drawing. I would like to update linetypes that use an old SHX file with newer definitions but because the name of the linetype can change (RENAME or XREF merging) the only way to reliably do this is to look at the definition (e.g. A,7.25,[LINE5,old.shx],9.25,-5) of a linetype and update it (e.g. A,7.25,[LINE5,new.shx],9.25,-5). Is this possible with .NET or LSP?
I'm trying to set the plot styles to use specific linetypes for given colors. The theory is that using adaptive linetypes, then lines that are color 50 for example will always display dashed regardless of the length. This seems to work great, except that I'm not happy with the linetype scale (dashes plot too long). Obviously changing linetypescale does not work because adaptive is turned on. So the only solution I could think of was to change the actual linetype definition, but the acad.lin file does not seem to be related to the linetypes shown in the CTB editor (or is it?). How to change the linetype definitions that are linked to the ctb style?
There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences. [code]....
I have this strange situation.. i use the Arial font inside my cad drawings and when i print my paperspace layout, the text inside the viewport is a little bit more "bold" then the text i put directly on paper space.
Maybe it's a trick to know what text is placed where, but i want all this to be uniform, same thickness. Is there a system variable to correct that issue?
See the image below: It's a 400 DPI scan from an impression i did.
Up to COUPE C1 is the text inside the viewport, under COUPE C1is the paperspace text. Both are the same height... but difference tickness.
I really enjoy this new draw inside feature in Illustrator. But, I find that it does not always work. It seems to be grayed out sometimes. For example, I have drawn a shape with my Wacom tablet using a blush. I then converted it to a shape instead of keeping it a stroke by expanding it. But it will not allow me to now draw inside of it, even though it is a shape.
I have a really large sphere and have put a camera on the inside to see the inside surface. I have used the normal modifier to flip the normals and so have the skin on the inside. Something is going very wrong at this point because I have this ugly shadow line that I cannot get rid of and I also seem to not be able to light this interior, when I use an omni light it makes no difference. Where am I going wrong?
I am creating custom linestyles using the mkltype command.The issue I come across is. A simple line is drawn and the linetype is applied to it.
Line type definition. The length of the line before the first shape is set to a specific value, the length after the first shape is the same value (the shape should sit in the middle of the two values if they are equal), but the position varies when the line is stretched to a length anything other than a multiple of the original length.
why this happens and how to force the first shape to stay in the specific value (length from start of line) position.
I have a question regarding parameters in a block definition, or more specifically how to constrain parameters. I have attached a PDF showing exactly what I am working on. Basically I have an arm for a monitor which I need to add some parameters to. I need to be able to have a point that I can grab where the "primary grab" is located, and when I grab that I need the arm to pivot at the indicated pivot point, but be restrained by the first arm that is constrained to the circle. Is this possible to do in AutoCAD?
I have a .lin file, that keeps giving me several "Bad Definition" dings. I acquired this ".lin" file at a previous job, and am not sure why I can not get it to load correctly now.
I am not the best, at writing computer language, so I know my issue is operator error, and me being the operator; I don't know how to solve it. I changed the ending of the file to ".txt" so it would upload, I couldn't get it too attach in the ".lin" format.
On another note, I'm extremely distracted right now from work, after Yahoo flashed there was a shooting incident at Texas A&M Univ. It makes a person wonder, "What is going on, with all the gun violence lately?"
I'd like to know if it is possible, with the .NET API provided in AutoCAD 2009, to define dynamic blocks (dynamic properties and actions) completely from .NET code (VB.NET or C#).
While I tried to start a loop on a selection set object as below,
foreach (AcadObject SelDrawingObject1 in GenSelSSetObj)
I get an error as below,
foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadObject' because 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common.AcadObject' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
Is there any way not to show a particular block in block definition table ? My program bring a block into drawing thru a user form . And set some Xdata to it after insertion . If user bring the block manually into drawing then how would we know which one has xdata and which one doesn't. I came to this solution to hide it in block definition list.
how I can get VBA to insert/redefine a block reference from another file into a block (of the same name) that already exists in the target drawing?
I've tried using the insertblock method but it produces a 'filer error' - As a bonus point, it'd would also be good to be able to retrieve the contents of the blocks collection in the source drawing in some clever way other than opening it (a bit like browsing using the design centre) ?
ACad, MEP, 3DS Max Windows 7x64 X5482 @3.2Ghz 8Gb Ram Quadro FX1700
I need to remove lines from a block definition and replace them with LWpolyLines. I see there is a way to Append entities to a BlockTAbleRecord but I don't see a way of removing an entity.
I am programmatically creating several property defintions inside of a property set definition. I would like to be able to set the display order of the property definitions but the property is read only. How to be able to accomplish this using the API?
I am wondering what Block Authoring actions i can use to move my Attribute Definitions up and down in a Dynamic Block. I understand duplication the definitions can get really ugly.
So i want to be able to have a second visibility tab in my block the nwhen i select it my Attribute Definitons insertion point moves to another co-ordinate with in the block.
How to do this so it doesn't ask for a block definition!
I have an extruded region of 50 x 50 (SHS) that I want to put a 45 degree mitre on, so I orientate my UCS to ortho, I have a reference line drawn over the job for my 45 degree/3 points to pick...
I Select 'both' to keep and it asks me for a block definition?
Description or definition of a "Reflective Ceiling Plan" to give to the guys in the shop? Some of them are having a hard time interpreting the drawing and I guess I am not able to communicate it to them properly.
I have a large symbols library and need to have 1 block name and count but be able to show them in different colours depending on where they are placed. (eg pink block at low level and green at high level, but when counted by block name it counts 2 not 1 green 1 pink).
I am having issues with the Batch File changing a attribute definition. I do not want to go in to the 500 or so dwgs just to change the one attribute definition i can code to replace.
The code format works for every one of my att in the title block except the DEPT#. I think it is because it is the only att with the # sign as an end character in the Att definition. I can not change the attribute name bc it is my customers title block. I am working on 2013 LT and would prefer a fix for LT but can get access to mechanical 13.
I have had this issue at least 3 times and twice on the same drawing. I create a surface from corridor and add several polylines and feature line as well as a boundary to the surface. Randomly it will lose all definition (breaklines and boundary) and i will have to "select similar" (and hope I get everything) and add all of my definition back.
It seems to only occur on large files and when my frequency is tight on curve and vertical curves.
I have used the example of Map Object-data. I try to change the Object-data definition from a character to integer to do other querys.
How Do I have to Change the Column definition of the object-data? Where I have to add the definition "as integer" or "as long"?
Set amap = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCADMap.Application") 'Create OD Table Definition Set ODfdfs = amap.Projects(ThisDrawing).MapUtil.NewODFieldDefs ' Add Column Headings and Defaults