AutoCAD .NET :: Allow User To Select Red Line

Dec 29, 2013

Closet point? No

Intersection point? No...

This point is a special point, just corner of the PolyLine.I plan to only allow the user to select the red line, then the program loops through all polylines near the red line, and then find that point

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AutoCad :: Draw Straight Line Without Protractor Shaped Dotted Line / Unable To Set User Interface

Jan 22, 2012

How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.

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AutoCad :: How To Select All Object Or Line With Single Select

Oct 4, 2013

master im new in autocad 2014....i have a problem now when i select line or object it highlight or make a broken line....but when i select the other object or line my previous selected back to normal..i mean i can select only one line if i use single to select all object or line with single select continuously, except using hold left click...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prompt User To Select A View When In Macro?

May 14, 2012

I have a macro which

1) checks to see if the active document is a drawing

2) Checks that the drawing is of a part

I want to prompt the user to select a view on the drawing, if this is not the first view on then a warning message is displayed.

Then I want to take this active view and change all of the geometry lines and holes EXCEPT for bend lines to a specific layer.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Prompt User To Select Existing Pipe Network In VBA

Aug 31, 2012

I'd like my macro to prompt the user to select a pipe network that I will then export to excel. How is this possible to achieve? 

Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Pause To Allow User To Select Layout Tab

Sep 13, 2011

I need a command that will allow the user to select a layout tab.  I thought the following would work, but it just ends the LISP program:

(command "layout" "s" pause)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: User Is Prompted To Select A Row Of Blocks?

Oct 25, 2011

I am looking for a way where a user is prompted to select a row of blocks and then that row is completely mirrored about the middle of the selection set - such that if the blocks are originally inserted, from left to right "A" "B" C"  then after mirroring, we want them t occupy (roughly) the same space in the drawing area as "C" "B" "A".

Then, immediately after mirroring that selection set in place, each individual block that makes up the selection set is mirrored about its insertion point along the x axis..... basically i need to mirror a selection set of a row of blocks so I change their order of occurrence and then mirror each individual block back again to the way it is meant to look.

Is this possible?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Select Line Then Enter Command - Line Unselects

Jun 28, 2012

if I select a line, then enter the move command, the line unselects also when I select a line, then hit delete, the line is still there both of these used to work

2013 Civil 3D

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AutoCAD VB :: Select Line And Move The Line To Another Layer

May 12, 2011

I wan't to move a line with color red and linetype continuous on layer Kader to another layer called Plaatuitslag.

Which code must I use to select the specific line and move it to the other layer Plaatuitslag?

Is it something like If line has color red and linetype continuous then move etc??

At the end i wan't to select all objects in the drawing which aren't on layer Plaatuitslag and delete all those objects.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Multi Value Select To Custom Value Input In Ilogic User Parameters

Aug 31, 2011

I want to change 'mutil value select" to "custom value input" in ilogic user parameters. something like this:

if condition A then

multivalue.setlist("length", 1,2,3,4,5)

(users can enter any value they want, how can i remove the list first and set it to custom value input?)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: User Select In Button Marco Not Working In 2014?

Jul 29, 2013

I have various Button macros with the user input select in them, but in 2014 they dont seem to be working anymore.

they worked in 2013.

It just says invalid selection.



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Illustrator SDK :: Prompt User To Select Art?

Feb 21, 2012

Is there a method available to have the plugin pause and wait for a user to click some object, then continue? Or does all user interaction have to happen before/after the plugin is run?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Prompt Line Entity From The User?

Aug 16, 2012

How could I prompt a "two points" line entity from the user?

Something similar to " Editor.GetPoint() " ??

I was trying to use Editor.GetPoint() method two times. But this option does not show the preview of a line.

I also tried a combination of

doc.SendStringToExecute("line ");
db.ObjectAppended += new ObjectEventHandler(LineAppended);

but this option triggers LineAppended event handler as soon as I create the first point of a line. So it does not work.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: User Doesn't See First Line / Until Second Drawn

Nov 21, 2012

I have a user that when he draws the first line he does not see it until the second line or other action is taken. Photoshop is similar to this when drawing lines. Is there a setting to change that in the command line?

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AutoCad :: How To Make New (user Defined) Line Type

Aug 30, 2012

how can i make new(user defined) line type.

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Illustrator Scripting :: User To Select A Font Family From A Drop Down List

Mar 25, 2013

I'm building a script that will open a dialog box allowing the user to select a font family from a drop down list (not a list of all of the fonts), and then compare that value against the fonts that are in use, highlighting everything that doesn't match. I have not yet built the dialog, but I've got  everything else working as I want except the list of font families.
The following code loops through the list of fonts (only 20 for testing purposes), compares the family name to the previous on the list (error trapped for the first loop), and pushes the family name (if it doesn't match the previous) into an array which will be used in the dialog box. With the two alerts at the bottom (for troubleshooting), I expect the alerts to show the same family name. For the first three fonts they do, but after that the array value is "undefined." 
var iCount = 20;
//var iCount = textFonts.length;
var nameHolder = "";
var nameArray = new Array();

1) Any speculation on why this behavior is happening (it isn't truetype versus opentype)?
2) Is there a better way to get the list of font families without duplicates??
2) Is an array the best way to populate a dropdown list in a JS dialog box??? [this will be my first dialog with a dropdown, the others have user-typed values]
EDIT: Additional Info
When it reaches the ninth font in the list, the above script starts writing undefined, but when tested manually, as below, it works fine. Hmmm.
alert (textFonts[9].family);
var nameArray = new Array();
alert (nameArray[0]);
EDIT: More info
tried replacing nameArray.push(familyName); with nameArray.splice(i,0,familyName); bad behavior remains

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Embed Data In Table So That User Can Select From Group Of Data Within One Cell?

Oct 24, 2013

Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?

I use this technique quite often in Excel.  One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D.  While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from:  BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE.  The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.

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Illustrator :: How To Prompt User To Select Multiple Files In File Dialog Using Scripts

Oct 5, 2013

Is there a way to allow user to select multiple files inside the file dialog using scripts? So not just something like "*.ai" or "*.eps" but where the user can actually use their shift key to select a batch of files inside the file dialog and then the script would process each one.

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AutoCad :: How To Select More Than One Line At A Time

May 3, 2013

How can I select more than one line at a time? Until recently every line I selected would stay selected, now for some reason, I can only select one line at a time. If I select a line say to delete it, and then a second the first de-selects and only the last line selected will delete.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fold Will Not Select Line?

Apr 18, 2012

I am trying to fold the attached sheet metal part that is created from an imported ACAD drawing. After cleaning up the sketch I created the face and then created a sketch with the first bend line on it, but when I attempt to flod the part it will not sellect the bend line. I have attempted selecting the line before selecting fold and that does not work. I have placed the sketch both on the part surface and the datum plane. The only line I can get fold to select are the two ends of the part but I don't see how anything could be bent off the end of the part.

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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AutoCad :: How To Select Individual Line In A Design

Aug 20, 2012

There is a layer or I would like to cal it a design which is made up of several different lines. But when I try to select a single line, the whole design gets selected/highlighted instead of a particular line in the design. What is this issue and how to overcome it? Layers are confusing in Autocad

In the top image I tried to select a single string but the whole design is highlighted where as the lower image shows it before selection.

Selected.jpgNot selected.jpg

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Transition From Single User / Desktop Content To Two User / Vault?

May 7, 2013

After getting Vault installed on our server and successfully setting up users and connections, I used the Library Transfer Guide to move our Content Center (including custom) to the Vault. I then changed the Inventor Application Options -> Content Center -> Access Options to Autodesk Vault Server.

This seems to have worked, as I can Place from Content Center when in an assembly, and it is pulling standard content as well as our custom files properly from the vault.  However, in the instructions that I used for the installlation, it was suggested to stick with a standard folder structure within the Vault, namely two Library Folders named 'Content Center Files' and 'Libraries' and also a regular folder named 'Designs'.

 I created those folders prior to transferring the library, as I thought they would be populated with the standard/custom content. This was not the case and I am curious when these folders come into play? *they are empty*

Also, today I will be attempting to 'Check In' a project to the Vault that I recently completed; does this usually maintain structural relationships between files?

Would you recommend using a single project structure in vault for two people? It seems, since we won't be working on the same project at the same time, having a single project would not be relavant to our situation..

Inventor 2011 / Windows 7 Pro SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1607 @ 3.00GHz
AMD FirePro V4900
20 GB Ram

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AutoCAD .NET :: Select Entity With In Line Closed AND Not Using Editor?

Jan 1, 2014

I want to load file with database.ReadDwgFile

i dont want use editor (i don't want use CommandFlags.Session)

after the load in the database (see my code for xdb), i want to select all bloc within a closed line entity (within the xdb)

but how to do that whitout editor (editor..SelectWindowPolygon )

here my code for load each file , and mémorize all block for each file
Dim CollDocOuvert As New Collection For Each NomFichier In Fenetre.CollFichier 'recherche et extraction des blocs Dim Fichier As New IO.FileInfo(NomFichier) If Fichier.Exists = True Then GestionAUTOCAD.TxtOnLigneCOmmande("Gestion du


StatusLabelBar is a component of my form for write msg. is use me.refresh and a timer (1s) for refresh my form. (a trick i have found for do this [if you have better trick i take it.])

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Marker Can't Select Points On A Line

Nov 8, 2012

When I try to use the move tool and hover over an object, the marker tool bounces around and has trouble finding the selection point. When I zoom in close to get the exact point on a line - it doesn't select anything, so I can't actually move an object.

I've tried adjusting the object snap settings however this doesn't seem to be working.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Select Table - Line Weight To Max

Oct 9, 2013

How can I change this :

Unselected           -            Selected

Can I make this line a bit thinner ?

It's a kind of highlight but makes the table unreadable.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Command Line To Select Certain Objects?

Oct 12, 2012

Is there a way in the command line to select certain objects. For instance if there is a cirlce a line and a square can i just select the circle using the command line. When i try to save as an STL file i can't find it anywhere. Does surfsculpt not work? Everytime i use it it says it failed. Also when i make an ellipse is there anywhere to specify the X Y and Z lenghts?

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AutoCAD LT :: Select A Group Of Line To Make A Copy

Jun 20, 2013

why, when i select a groupe of line to make a copy,when i zoom, i can't see anymore half of line.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making Extrusion From Every Select Line In Part

Sep 16, 2011

i wanna making a extrusion from every select line in Part

Public Sub test()
Dim oPartdoc As PartDocument
Set oPartdoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oCompDef As PartComponentDefinition
Set oCompDef = oPartdoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim oSelectSet As SelectSet


so this code dosent work

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Select Line / Group Of Lines Or Objects

Feb 21, 2013

I am running AutoCAD 2010 full version. Every time I select a line or a group of lines or objects. My program freezes up for a couple of seconds each time, to scan the drawing. So a task that should take 10-15 minute is turning into 25-30 minutes nightmare. Every selection I make there will appear a progress bar and the words "Scanning the drawings..." in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Is there some setting somewhere i can turn this scanning feature off? Is this issue linked to the layer states?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Texts On A Line?

May 22, 2012

There is a very complecated drawing. Texts are on a line and crossing a line or something like that. Some texts has insertion points on the line. When the line is selected by LISP, only the specific texts with insertion points on the line are selected. Does it make sence?

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AutoCad 2D :: Draw Single Line Offset To Geometry That Select?

Oct 5, 2012

Is there a way to draw a single line offset to the geometry that I select? I am trying to use multi line by modifying a style but it will not allow for one line offset at 4".

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