AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Parcel Lines Overlap

Mar 3, 2011

I have a GIS parcel file that I have connected to.  The file works fine, but when I change the linetype from continuous to a center or dash-dot linetype I have trouble.  The parcels are all closed polygons so everywhere the parcels touch, the parcel lines overlap and the linetype is very disjointed.  Instead of looking like a "center" line, it looks like a solid line with a radom gap here and there.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Find Lines That Overlap One Another In A Drawing And Mark Them?

Jul 31, 2012

I need to find lines that overlap one another in a drawing and mark them, not delete them.  I am running AutpCAD Map 3D 2012.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label All Parcel Lines At Once

Apr 27, 2012

I need to make a map of a subdivision with all lot dimensions. I see how we can label all the lines of a lot by picking the parcel label, but it only allows one at a time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using 4 Points To Create 4 Lines And 1 Parcel

Sep 18, 2013

I have 4 points (from "Points from file", I created Points #1, #2, #3 and #$ in the non-linear fashion).

1) I want to create 4 straight lines (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2, P#2-P#3, P#3-Pt#4, P#4-P#1) by using some Commands. What Commands in the Command Line should I use to create these 4 straight lines from these 4 points?

2) I want to create 1 parcel (connecting Pt#1-Pt#2-Pt#3-Pt#4-Pt#1) by using some Commands after "Parcel Creation Tools" => Draw Tangent-Tangent with No Curve is clicked.  What Commands should I use in the Command Line to specify these points to form a parcel?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Alert To Overlap Dimension Lines?

Sep 9, 2013

Sometimes someone dimensions a floor plan and starts one direction and then "goes back " the other way over the top of the dimension they just placed, which causes the dimension lines to overlap, which in turn shows incorrect distances when viewing on paper. Any lisp routine that can alert you to the fact that there are overlapping dimension lines (not the extension lines) in a drawing by changing them to color White or something? I have pasted a routine that we use which changes all dimenions with "modified text" to color white. That way I can see if someone just typed in the dimension distance they wanted instead of what was actually there.

(defun c:dc (/ dim_length)
(setq ssmod (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "Dimension")(cons 1 "~"))))
(if ssmod
(setq dim_length (sslength ssmod))
(command "Change" ssmod "" "P" "C" "w" "")

[Code] ......

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AutoCad :: Parcel Label Mask Won't Plot With Lines Merge

Jul 5, 2011

My boss wants everything plotted with lines merge, however, all of my parcel labels will not plot with the text masked. The mask plots fine when it is set to lines overwrite.

ACAD Civil 3D 2012.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Parcel Lines On Xref Layer Zero

Mar 21, 2013

I make parcels in a base dwg and make separate layers for each parcel and labels moving them off the default layer zero.

i xref the base and then try freezing all the parcel layers and the go away but i am left with a copy of the parcel lines on xref layer zero with no control over it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Segments And Feature Lines - Interaction

Apr 27, 2007

C3D 2008

Create Parcel Segments using the Slide Angle Create command
Create a Feature Line in the same Site that bisects any/all of the Slide Angle Create Segments
Save, close and reopen the drawing
Parcel Segments now terminate at the intersection of the FL

Not sure if this is as designed, and I don't recall this behavior in 2007. We have used FLs to assign elevations to Parcel Segments in 2007, looks like this is no longer possible.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Object Layer Line Under Parcel Style And Plotting

Aug 26, 2013

I have a record plat drawing with multiple parcels and parcel styles. For my lands of the grantors I view port froze the lots and right of way layers from my parcel styles. I don’t want to show them in this viewport. To my surprise the lines show up in the object layer we have set for parcels.  This was not the case in 2011. We are in 2014 with the first hotfix update. I understand putting the parcel styles in the object layer, but why another mysterious line under it? I did create parcels from objects, but had them erased when I created them. This did not matter either way. Is there a way to get rid of them? I did put them in a new layer, set it to “No Plot” This kept them from plotting, but I really don’t want to have to take the time to do it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Labeling Outside Of Parcel?

Oct 17, 2012

When creating and labelling a parcel Autocadd Civil 3d places a label in an adjoining area outside of the intended parcel.

The label seems ubrelated to the intended parcel and is labelled with a diferent parcel number, area, etc.. No additional parcel boundaries seem to be created.

Have created a closed polyline for parcel creation as well as a number of other steps to ensure that there are no breaks in the enclosed parcel.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How Polyline Overlap Itself

Oct 5, 2011

I have a polyline and need to check whether it overlap itself. What do I need to do in

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AutoCad :: Overlap Viewports One To Another?

Mar 27, 2012

I would like to overlap the viewports one to another like using Draworder command with raster image. see my attachment to get what I mean.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Delete Overlap Entity In Drawing

Dec 2, 2012

How to delete overlap entities in drawing?

Here i attached the dwg file.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Profile Grid Overlap

Jul 6, 2011

I have the profiles grid to display as my company has displayed them for several years and it worked perfect in 2009. Then we switched to 2011 and now the grid is overlapping back on itself (see attached).

I am working with my reseller and I have done everything that I can think of to get this to not show with no luck. This needs to be fixed by Autodesk in my opinion since we pay for the product to work and it did before. This is apparently an issue in 2012 as well.

How to get it back to the way it was before?

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AutoCad :: Make Shape Overlap The Contents Below?

Aug 8, 2012

I have a drawing with a lot of lines, already, in autocad. Now I want to add tags to the drawing. Meaning, I create a shape, a rectangle and put some words in it. Now I want to paste the rectangle tag with the words over my many lines drawing. But I want whatever lines that gets into the rectange frame to get overlapped by black space in the rectangle.

Its like pasting a sticker tag over my drawing. (what command to type )

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Label Overlap

Mar 21, 2012

I'm thinking that AutoCAD has no such feature, but I'll ask just to make sure.

What I am doing is mapping points which each have a simple point number label. (asbestos load buried in landfill in case you are curious) There are many points which have the same coordinates (up to 20 points sometimes). So, then I have to drag each label individually until all labels are visible.This take a ridiculous amount of time when you are talking about 1000+ points.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Overlap Flange In Sheet Metal?

Oct 28, 2012

I tried to create a overlap flange in sheet metal, but the result is not what I want as I cannot select the gap edge near the circle portion. I attached the file here.

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AutoCad :: Delete Duplicate / Overlap Point Object

Oct 25, 2011

How to delete duplicate or overlap point object? I tried with overkill command, But I didn't get output.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Routine To Check Overlap

Aug 12, 2012

I want autolisp program to check overlap like in closed or open polyline with any other entity in the drawing, whether other entity is overlapping inside the polyline or not, i am beginner in autolisp and want to know exactly which functions are used or the program itself Also if possible to check circular overlap of one polyline with itself.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Miter Sheet Metal Corners Where They Overlap

Jan 29, 2012

I cannot seem to get INV to miter my flange corners where they overlap..

Attached is part I am working on.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Creating A Boundary From Parcel

Oct 19, 2013

I am looking at a large area with approximately a thousand parcels in a shp file.  The polygons of course are independent and the lines sometimes don't touch or they overlap.  I want to be able to draw a perimeter around the parcels.  What is the best way to draw a boundary?  I have tried exploding the polygons and then delete all the non essential lines and then try to create it that way but pline edit and join doesn't work and when you are looking at 10000 segments and the overlap issues or not even touching.  I am just trying to save hours if possible. 

Infrastructure Design Suite 2012 - Premium, Intel Quad Core 2.66 Ghz, 8 GB Ram, Nvidia Quadro FX4800

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Assembly Overlap When Assigning Targets For Median In Corridor

Jul 9, 2012

Here's my assembly :


when I tried to assign the Median Width in my corridor to a polyline representing media width,

I got this overlap in my Section view :

how can I maintain Objects in this cause "Lanes" attached to median no matter width change ?

Intel Core i5 M 520 @ 2.40GHz
8192MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 512MB Dedicated

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Labels In Layouts

Apr 4, 2013

On a road project I have an acquisition parcel that is matched across 2 viewports on one layout. I would usually slide the parcel label so it's only visible on one layout. Then I'd add a second label that would be visible on the second layout.

This line happens to cross the viewport near the end. If I add a label in the lower viewport that looks reasonable. It will overlap in to the upper viewport. I can drag the label to very near the end of the line but it doesn't look right there. I don't think it's good procedure to try and force one parcel label on to it's own layer so it can be frozen in that one viewport.

Any technique for handling this situation?

Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom Parcel Report

Oct 24, 2012

I copied the General Legal Description report and renamed it.  When I ran the report, it asked me to save the file Civil.html before opening it.  If I run the OOTB report it does not ask me to save the page before opening it.  Is this something that I can fix?  I have not found a setting anywhere that changes this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Area Not Shown

Oct 21, 2013

I am new to C3D and I have been going through all of the tutorials and learning everything I can from the given data, which has been amazingly useful.  Everything has been running spot on except today when I was going throughtthe parcels tutorial, I applied Parcel Number and Area to a group of parcels I created via the tutorial dwg file "Parcle-1A".  Everything displays correctly except the Area is not shown as it does in the sample pic.  I have applied the "Parcel Number And Area" to the Area Label Style, but it still does not display the area.  Only the Parcel Number.  Is there some part of this process that I am overlooking?  The tutorial dwg file is called "Parcel-1A".  It was too large to attach, but you can find all of the tutorial dwg files via the Help Menu.  It depends on your OS to where they are located.

If you go under Parcels Tutorial>Exercise 1: Creating Parcels from AutoCAD Objects, you can see exactly what I am working with.

C3D 2014 SP1
DELL Precision T3600
Intel Xeon E5-1650 @ 3.20GHz
NVIDIA QUADRO 4000 Dual Monitor
32 GB RAM / Win7 Pro 64-bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Table Header

Oct 30, 2013

I have a drawing with two parcel tables in it. I would like the header on one to be Line Table 1 and the other Line Table 2, is this possible? When I change the text in the style, the header in both change.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Center Points

Aug 21, 2013

2014 (COM Preferred)

Are Parcel center points available in the API?

The origin of the Area Label would be ideal.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Intersecting GIS Parcel Data With An Alignment ROW

Jul 28, 2011

I am a beginner with AutoCad software, and I am currently using Civil 3D/Map 3D 2009.I imported a shp. file containing property information (owner, area, address, etc), and also imported an alignment row as a sdf. file. The row is a closed polygon.

My goal is to intersect these two types of data so that I end up with information on the number of properties affected by the row.

Is civil 3d 2009 capable of doing this? If so, how? I found a youtube video on using the 'Offset Alignment' command with Civil 3D 2010, however, is not the same for 2009. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Preview List

Jan 7, 2014

What setting/toggle needs to be turned on to preview the list of parcels in a site?  I have a user who clicks on the parcels heading in his site and doesn't see a preview of the list:

Don't deal it as parcel preview when you actually click on the name of the parcel.  That I do know how to toggle on.  We're just looking for the list.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Parcel Userdefined Properties From API

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to set the value of the exisitng userdefined property "Address" of Parcels using the com method SetUserDefinedPropertyValue but have had not luck. I have looked at the following help sections but that has not worked.


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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel ROW As Corridor Targets

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a way to make the parcel ROW as my target with for my corridor?

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