AutoCAD Map 3D :: Domain Tables In Properties?

Dec 4, 2012

In map3d i would like to add tables to objects such gas, sewer lines and so forth. I would like to specify which lines are composed of certain metals, their conduit size and year built.

I was wondering if it is possible to create a table similar to the one attached. I would like the table to have a domain drop down list, so that users can select from predefined entries, to avoid human error typos and keep good organization in the data entry.

Is this possible with map3d?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Various Block Properties Tables In One Block?

Jun 26, 2013

is it possible to define more than one block properties table in a DB?

I have a block definition with several attributes. I would like to pick a (predefined) value for each of the attribute. Making just one block properties table means that I need to fill all the possible combinations of these attributes.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Application Domain And Managed ARX

Dec 20, 2009

Since acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are not in the GAC, the fact that I can install my dll on any folder is because it will run on the same application domain as Autocad, where acdbmng.dll and acmng.dll are loaded at Autocad startup. Right?

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AutoCad :: Profile Move From Old Domain To New One

Feb 12, 2013

I have a question about moving a AutoCAD profile from a old domain to a new one. We have setup the new domain account to use AutoCAD but none of the settings transferred over. Would the settings still be saved on the old user account?

This is AutoCAD LT 2005

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force All Users In Domain To Load Same Add-ins?

Feb 27, 2013

How can I force all users in a domain to load the same add-ins with Inventor Professional 2012?

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AutoCAD LT :: Domain User Cannot Access 2007 Unless Set As Local Administrator

Jan 22, 2013

One of our domain users cannot access Autocad 2007LT as a domasin user in Windows 7. As soon as we make him temporary admin it allows him to use it. A pop up box appears asking far administration credentials before he can use autocad. We have tried giving read and write access to the autocad files that we think it links to but this has not worked.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Recover User Settings And Profile After Changing Domain?

Mar 29, 2012

We had to migrate from one domain to annother on our network. This meant that each user had to create a new profile.

Before we migrated I tried to back up the user data from the old user but once I am up an running agian all the AutoCad settings are no longer included. I understand you can export those while you are logged in and can see the macros etc. can you simply move the files that store that information (I can still access all the files from that user I just can't login as that user anymore)

AutoCad 2011 

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Photoshop :: Frequency Domain Analysis Of Image?

Aug 14, 2012

Does photoshop offer frequency domain analysis of an image?
The standard way to remove noise, i.e. background spots, is do spectrum analysis and remove those high-frenquency signal. Is photoshop image-> adjustment -> level a frequency analysis?

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Photoshop :: Domain User Can Not Open PSD Error...

Jan 26, 2009

Recently the user had crashed his system. So I had to role out a new system for this user, CS3 is part of the image, but Photoshop can not open PSD files unless I run as Administrator(s).

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Photoshop :: Automate Process Of Scanning Bunch Of Old Public Domain Magazines

Aug 24, 2013

I'm trying to automate the process of scanning a bunch old public domain magazines.  When I try to create an Action to automate the process of the following mouse clicks:
File > Import > WIA Support
Click START button on WIA Support screen
Choose which device I want to use [flatbed scanner] > Click OK
Choose Custom Settings > Click PREVIEW
the Action stops at the very first step above (File > Import > WIA Support).
Maybe Actions aren't the best way to go about automating this entire process.  If there is a better way this can be done how do I go about it?  I want the macro / Action to stop at the last step above because I often need to adjust the portion of the page that I actually want scanned so I need to do the final step manually (actually scanning the page once I'm satisfied with the preview).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Paste Website Domain Name Without Causing Underline For Hyperlink?

Oct 9, 2013

How do you paste a website domain name without causing the underline for hyperlink?

When I copy and paste text which includes a website link [URL] how do I stop or prevent the underline? I have tried changing the options in the page setup for text for automatic Hyperlinks but that does not stop the underline when pasting text

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Properties Palette Started Only Showing Current Properties For The Drawing

May 22, 2013

the properties palette started only showing the current properites for the drawing and not the properties  of the entity selected. what causes this i am using autocad civil 3d 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Properties And Quick Properties Not Displaying Information For Objects

Jul 10, 2012

When I select any object, my quick properties tab is blank and my properties tab doesn't register anything.  Also, I get an error message when I go into my CUI to try to modify the quick properties tab.   Pretty frustrating. I've attached a couple of images for reference.  I've repaired, re-installed and unistalled and re-installed and still have the same probelm.  
Dell Precision T3500
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3530 @2.8GHz
ATI FIrePRo V5800 (FireGL V)
12 GB Ram
64 BIt OS

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Not Wide Enough / Can't Read Actual Properties

Feb 13, 2013

Somehow the Properties Palette has gotten less wide- such that I can't read teh actual properties.  Previously I was able to make it wider just by hovering over it, clicking on an arrow and dragging it wider.  Not now. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette In 2014 Shows Only Current Settings Of General Properties

Aug 13, 2013

It's not just the layer that isn't being displayed in the Properties Palette.    My 2014 Properties Palette isn't contextual--displays only the general info--none of the object specific information. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties For AEC Objects Not Displaying In Properties Palette?

Jan 16, 2012

A user showed me today that she cannot see any properties for a wall, door, or other AEC object in the Properties palette.

Some options like height, width, etc. are shown, but not layer, style, etc. from the General portion of the Basic tab.

Is this going to be a reinstall scenario or is there a fix for this?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2014 - Properties Box Does Not Display Properties Of Selected Object

Jun 6, 2013

I recently upgraded from LT2013 to LT2014. I never had any issues with 2013, but now seem to be battling with 2014. My OS is Windows 7 Home edition.

When selecting an object and then clicking the properties menu, the properties of the selected object are not displayed, but instead the properties of the selected layer are shown.

In the attached screenshot:

1) My active layer is "AM_VIEWS".

2) The layer of the object that is selected is "MEDIUM".

3) The properties dialog box shows the properties of my active layer and not the selected object.

I am therefore unable to override any settings of the selected object and manually change settings e.g. Linetype, Linetype scale etc.

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AutoCAD LT :: Many Perimeters For Dimension Properties Not Showing In Properties Palette

Mar 8, 2013

I recently had to reinstall my AutoCAD LT 2008 and now when I open the properties palette to make adjustments to dimensions and fine tune, many peramiters that used to be visible are no longer there and accessible.  I used to be able to adjust the dimscale as needed in the properties window, but can't now.  How do I get it back?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Properties Vs Model Properties In Drawings?

Oct 25, 2010

I want to set up my drawings so that the title block displays properties from the model.  I want to set this up so there will be drawing properties to extract into Vault.  So I want to know what other Inventor and Vault users are doing to get model properties into Inventor drawings:  Using model properties in the title block and nothing to extract in Vault or Copy model properties so Vault has data to extract.

I want to know what the best in class practice is?  What are others doing?  I do not want to use iLogic I was out of the box Inventor functionality.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Properties / Quick Properties Won't Display?

Sep 10, 2013

For the last couple weeks I've been unable to view object properties or quick properties. If I right click on an object and select quick properties, a blank window comes up:

Similarly, if I bring up a properties window and select an object, the selection field remains blank and the object property fields are not populated with information relating to the selected object:

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AutoCad :: Attributes Not Displaying In Properties Tab Or Quick Properties

Jun 11, 2013

I finally got some Lisp scripts working. They generate a block library from a CSV file. The script reads the file, and generates a simple rectangular block based on dimensions on the line. I have another script that can read a csv of block names and values, and add these as attributes to the block.

The attributes added are simple, like "weight" and "max stack qty". I would like to be able to see these values in the properties tab or in quick properties. In my CUI I have "Display Custom Attributes" checked under "block reference".

However, when I select a block, no attributes show up. I can get it to show me things like "name" and all of the scaling values, just no attributes.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Spatial Join Between Two Tables

Jan 6, 2012

I have 2 SHP files, one with lot information, the other with OCP. I created a join between the two tables but the resulting data was not spatially related. The objective is to show the land use of each lot.

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AutoCAD LT :: Linking Excel And Tables

Aug 1, 2012

Well I had a day and a half trying to figure out how to bring Excel data into LT.  Again. Here is what I have found out:

Running Excel 2010 I have a xls files (of type '97-2003 xls - file includes VBA).  The file spits out a ton of data that I want to put in a schedule in AutoCAD.  The schedule format needs to match our standard format  -  RomanS in white and blue.

If I copy and paste as a link the font remains stuck as Arial (regardless of source font) and can't be relaxed unless you go one cell at a time in the text editor.  Also the resultant table size is tiny -   

If I save the file to .XLSM (macro enabled '10 excel file) the results are the same.  If I save the file to .XLSX ('10 excel file and ditch the VBA project) the results are sublime - the font is ok and I can go back and forth from AutoCAD to my now broken spreadsheet because VBA IS MISSING!   The resultant table size is tiny but I can deal. I don't see how AutoCAD can work with xlsx but not xlsm.   

I also found that if I save the sheet (values only) as a .csv file I can use that to create a table from file without font overrides screwing everything up.   

I'm running AutoCAD LT 32bit on a Win7 32bit OS.  My Office version is 2010.  I would like to link data to a '97-'03 version of an xls or an xlsm without having the font overridden to Arial.  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Copy Tables

Apr 21, 2010

Is there anyway to copy a table from one sheet to another?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selecting Tables In A Drawing?

Oct 29, 2011

I have a need to delete all the tables in my drawing.

I started with the SS14 code from Jerry Winters VB.NET progamming and modified it to select tables.  Unfortunately, when trying to select a table, the code does not work.   I tried it with Polylines, block references, Mtext and it worked OK with all of them.  See the code below:

<CommandMethod("SS14")> _ Public Sub SS14() Dim myDB As DatabaseServices.Database Dim myDWG As ApplicationServices.Document Dim myEd As EditorInput.Editor Dim myPSR As EditorInput.PromptSelectionResult Dim mySS As EditorInput.SelectionSet Dim myFilter(0) As DatabaseServices.TypedValue myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "INSERT") myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "TABLE") ' myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "POLYLINE") ' myFilter(0) = New DatabaseServices.TypedValue(DatabaseServices.DxfCode.Start, "MTEXT")
'''' Chenge items commented out above for testing.
 Dim mySF As New EditorInput.SelectionFilter(myFilter) myDWG = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument myDB = myDWG.Database myEd = myDWG.Editor myPSR = myEd.SelectAll(mySF) Try mySS = myPSR.Value If Not IsNothing(mySS) Then MsgBox(mySS.Count) End If Catch ex As SystemException MsgBox(Err.Description) End Try End Sub

What am I doing wrong?  Or is there a bug when selecting "Tables" as distinct from other entities?

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AutoCad :: How To Insert Tables From Excel

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to insert tables into AutoCad from excel the problem that I have is with the text style.

Every time I copy and paste as a linked AutoCad entity the text does not come across as the correct text style - for example if I want the table text to come out as ISOCP it comes across in a bolder text, requiring me to enter in the cell and select ISOCP I don't have to highlight the text in the cell i only have to enter inside the cell.

See the attached video.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Accessing Database Tables

Sep 21, 2011

I'm having a problem accessing data manager tables in the 2011 version.  My C# .NET code worked fine with 2010.  Here is a sample of the 2010 code that works, but returns zero length tables in 2011.


ProjectPartCollection oPP = PlantApplication.CurrentProject.ProjectParts;
PlantProject oPProj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject;
Project oProj = oPP["PnId"];
//get ACAD data table

The last two lines fail to object any meaningful data in 2011.  In 2010, I would have all the table rows and could access tags and asset information. 

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AutoCad :: Updating Text From Tables?

Oct 22, 2012

Long ago, everything was done in Imperial and now we are converting to Metric, the issue is that the drawings we have no schedule of members and we (a colleague and I) are constantly discovering new members, this is causing no end of trouble with our numbering system.

What we would like to do is set up a master-table with 5 categories (UB, UC, PFC, EA and UA) and then have the labels for all the members dependent on this table. If we were to change the value in the table, the label would automatically update. Is this at all possible? I looked into the Xref and RText commands and they seem close but not quite there. Ideally the table would be in a separate dwg so we can work on drawings at the same time.

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AutoCad 2D :: Tables Embedded In MText?

Nov 20, 2013

Can you embed a table in Mtext? So when you edit the text the tables move with the text if you're taking out paragraphs in Specs and stuff.

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AutoCad 2D :: Fields And Tables Over Excel?

Jan 28, 2014

I'm trying to do a spreadsheet inside a drawing. Trying to use fields because I believe they behave better with feet and inches than excel (without jumping through hoops)

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AutoCad :: DXF Files For CNC Driven Tables?

Jul 17, 2013

I have used DXF files in the past for flat non-complicated cnc machining. I have a situation were we manufacture pipe and I would like to create the pipe in 3 dimensionally in AutoCAD and convert the dwg file to a dxf file for the steel cutting table. Will the DXF conversion convert the round cyclinder in CAD to a flat suface for cutting?

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