I have just purchased PaintShopPro X4 Ultimate on disk and have repeatedly a version of an installation error:
Error 1901.Error attempting to read from the source installation database: C:windowsinstaller1021ae5.msi
I've done an install of the download version and then uninstalled and repeated the disk installation: this gave the same error except a different *.msi file.This is a Windows 7 home professional X64 system and I tried it on both my own logon (nominally an 'administrator') and on the 'super administrator' mode with the same problem.
I have an Wood works Sizer to size beams and columns. What I normally do is insert an OLE object for a beam component right into Autocad. In older versions of Autocad, I could then double click on the ole object and design the beam right from autocad.
I have tried inserting one of these ole object (as a file) into Excel 2010 and everything works as expected. However, when I insert the same file (Insert...Object...From File) it is inserted as a Package. If I double click on the OLE icon I am taken into a dialog "Create Package" asking me to type the name of the file I want to package. I can't get autocad to open the source application to edit the OLE object.
If I look at the same process with inserting an excel spreadsheet, the source object will say Excel and everything works fine when do an ole open.
Is there some way to change or register a source application for my custom file type? I notice that my application is not listed in the Insert Object - Create New object type list.
For some reason, I can't seem to find all the right steps in the right order to accomplish this. Maybe what I'm trying to do isn't possible.
Using either Map3D 2011 or Map3D 2007:
I have a database (SQL Server) and a drawing (.DWG) with object data fields. For simplicity, lets say the database field names match the object data field names. The key field in the object data is already filled in. I would like to link to the database so the rest of the object data fields are filled from the database. Is this possible? If so, how? The closest I have gotten so far is creating a link template and using mapod2ase, but that creates a separate set of Link Template fields instead of filling in the Object Data fields.
Would you have a solution to accessing ODTables for a dwg object only loaded into memory? I have 1000+ dwgs that I want to return a string with the names of the various ODTable names for auding purposes that I would prefer to just side load rather than full load for performance reasons.
I'm attempting to use something like this (which works fine on an open drawing):
Public Function ReturnOBJData(acObjIDIn As ObjectId, intOffset As Integer) As String 'Don't forget that table is 0 based offset so....plan accordingly Dim strRet As String = "" Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acDb As Database = acDoc.Database Dim acEd As Editor = acDoc.Editor [Code] .......
In a fashion along the lines of
Public Function GetTables(strFileIn As String) As List(Of String) Dim lstReturn As New List(Of String) Dim acMapApp As MapApplication = HostMapApplicationServices.Application Dim acActiveProject As Project.ProjectModel = acMapApp.ActiveProject Dim acTableList As Tables = acActiveProject.ODTables Dim acTable As ObjectData.Table
[Code] ....
The problem is that I can't seem to link the ODTables object off of the memory database object. In this sample, the msgbox always returns a count of 0 where I would expect it to be in the range of 1-4.
I have 200,000 lines with some object data. LINKED to these lines is a database with some more information. Basically I want to export all of these lines to shape files, converting the information in the linked database to be the new object data. (This is for the client to view the lines on ArcGIS).
I have done this a few times in the past, but working with this volume of lines and data, Its taking an extremely long time.
My question is, could i use autolisp to quickly transfer the database data to object data before i export to shape files? or if there are any other options.
Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.
I'm trying to change the dafault varible for the mirror command from no to yes. whne you do the mirror command after you choose your second point it asks if you want to erase the source object and the default is set to no but I would like to change it to yes. I'm able to change the macro for the mirror button which works but only when I push the button. Before the cui file I remember everything was done from the acad.pgp or the acad.mnu files but with the new CUI file i can't seem to locate wher to change the actual command and not just the macro for the mirror button.
If it is possible to replace objects in a scene with light objects. The normal replace function in the import menu will only replace normal mesh objects with other mesh objects. But if I try the same by replacing box objects in my scene with the light source object I saved in a separate max file, it says it doesn't find any objects in the max file with the same name despite it having the exact same name. (both objects in question have all lower case letters in the name)
I'm currently using Max 10 to render lightmaps for a first person shooter game and I use various scripts to get the game content into the scene. The game also provides object positions for glow objects which are in positions I intend to use for light sources. Normally I go through a long tedious process of cloning light objects and positioning roughly in the same area where the glow objects are. (objects I decide not to replace with the game's object meshes appear as standard box objects in max unless I convert them to mesh objects).
But I would like to create a set of light objects and do a batch replace on some objects already in the scene with my light objects. This would save me a lot of time. Is there a function max that can do this or is there a script that can do this?
I am working on the AutoCAD customization and doing the same by VB.Net & C#.Net. But I just want to know the difference as mentioned below:
1. Insert Block In AutoCAD
Using VB.Net without using DataBase services..Only 1 statement is required to Insert the Block objAcadDocument.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(Required Arguments are here) Using C#.Net with DataBase services
There are many statments are there to insert only 1 block..Like Start Transaction, Lock the document, Get the Object Id Block etc...So my quetion is that when I have to use DataBase services and when not
what is the advantage of doing customization using DataBase services rather than go for wihout DataBase services.?
I'm rigging a model of a robot and I have wires (nurbs circles extruded along a curve) attaching to two objects that are on different joints. I have it rigged so that when the first joint moves, half of the CVs of all the wires (in a control cluster) move along with the joint (and, in turn, the object they are attached to). This much works fine, the extruded nurb follows the curve and stays the same diameter from start to finish. My problem starts with the rigging of the second joint (the second joint is the parent of the first joint). I've tried many different ways of rigging it, but as I'm only just starting rigging my thought process isn't quite a straight line yet. Basically my problem is when the source curves physically move, the extruded surface goes twice the distance as displayed in the picture below.
I need to know how to get the extruded surface to always be in the same place as the curve with out breaking the connection.
When I select "Object Properties" as the source for the callout text, it always includes the field name. For instance, I select Field A and Field B as active fields in the Object Data Manager and enter "x" and "y" respectively, as the fields' value. The callout then produces the text "Field A = x" and "Field B = y". I only want to display the field's value (i.e., x and y). I don't want or need the "Field A =" or "Field B" = " displayed.
I need to copy a layer from one drawing to another, the problem is that one of them is in model and the other one is in paper. The method I tried using was: I used the q select command to copy all objects from one layer on to the clipboard and then tried pasting it in the other drawing (which was in paper) - and nothing got pasted.
Any equivalent ObjectOverrule for the PnId Database?
If an entity is copied I dont want certain field values to be copied.I've tried an ObjectOverrule but I can't get the RowId at that point.
I also noticed that the field values are set as XData. I edited the XData in my ObjectOverrule but the values still gets copied.Is there a setting at project level to control which fields not to copy?
I am trying to convert several drawings that are linked to an SQL database to SQL spatial. The drawings are from a Autodesk map 2004 system. I have Map D 2013 64Bit installed on a laptop along with SQL server 2012 RC0 (Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 11.0.1750.32 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.1.7601.17514 Microsoft MSXML 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.269 Operating System 6.1.7601).
To keep my rouge laptop off the company network I exported our existing SQL data to a access database that I placed on the laptop and converted back to SQL and linked it to the 2004 drawings. That part worked fine. I would like to convert all of them to SQL spatial. I have converted a small drawing but it took a couple of hours. I am in the process of a larger drawing that has 60,000 entities and it has been working for 8 hours and only has 4550 of them completed. I am using the output to fdo connection.
As part of the automation requirements we are working on (through the .NET interface), we would like to find out whether a given drawing contains a sphere and if it does we would like to know its properties. We are doing something like this, to loop through the database and am able to get all Solid3d type of objects.
What I would like to know, if a given solid3d object is a sphere or otherwise. The code snippet is pasted here for reference:
bool bContainsSphere = false; foreach (ObjectId Id in Ids) { DBObject oObject = ts.GetObject(Id, OpenMode.ForRead); if (oObject.GetType().Name == "Solid3d")
I have a preview control on a window that I want to display temporary custom entities that the user can build before adding to the current working document. Is there a way to create a temporary document and database that I can show in my preview control? The Preview Control was created with the guidance of the BlockView.net sample.
What I mean by temporary, is a document / database that cannot be displayed or edited in the editor window.
I'm having a problem accessing data manager tables in the 2011 version. My C# .NET code worked fine with 2010. Here is a sample of the 2010 code that works, but returns zero length tables in 2011.
ProjectPartCollection oPP = PlantApplication.CurrentProject.ProjectParts; PlantProject oPProj = PlantApplication.CurrentProject; Project oProj = oPP["PnId"]; try { //get ACAD data table [code].......
The last two lines fail to object any meaningful data in 2011. In 2010, I would have all the table rows and could access tags and asset information.
I have 1 drawing open, I have another drawings Database open . I have found the LinetypeTableRecord (in the Database) of the line type I want to copy to the open drawing.
How do I copy a LinetypeTableRecord from one drawing to another?
I'm having a complete blockout on my attempts to create a new material with VB.NET.
Dim db As Database = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.DatabaseDim tm As DBTransMan = db.TransactionManagerDim myT As Transaction' myT = tm.StartTransaction()Dim tt As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Material = New Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Materialtt.Name = "Mat_new"tt.Description = "New Material"myT.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tt, True)myT.Commit()
It was noted that this code didn't work (which I can confirm):
"Just a guess, but you probably have to add it to the Database in order to use it."
I can't find any way to add this to the database. I'm working with the R2010 drawing format it that is relevant.
i have 12 base maps (transportation.dwg, utilities.dwg, etc) and each of these base maps is attached to a data source (.mdb). when creating a new drawing and inserting these basemaps in the Task Pane by Attach Drawings & Query, i loose the connection to the data source in the new drawing
is there a way to have the datasource carry through and retain the attachment to new drawing?
also, in alot of maps we create we Xref (Transportation.dwg) and we loose the datasource in that situation too.
i'm new at this so hopefully my question makes sense.
Any good source for DEM files? Geocomm has STDS DEM's but last time I tried them they looked like junk. I can't seem to find the layer on the national map server or earth explorer.