I had resized the File>Open dialog in Inventor. I had resized it so that it was quite large so I realized pretty quickly when I opened another file, that the window size had rest to its original size.
What I found was that if I export a parts list to excel, then go to File>Open, for some reason the size of my file>open dialog is cleared.
I recently purchased AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 and all of a sudden when I select "File", and "Open", the dialog box from which I am supposed to select a drawing file has a small "Initial View" box with a small check box to "Select Initial View". This box seems docked to the right side of the "Select File" dialog box but I am unable to select the check box. It seems to do nothing. Is this a glitch?
Environment: CS6 (PS 13.0.1) Mac OS X 10.7.5. Plenty of hardware. (Generally starting with .CR2 RAW.)Recently (maybe since the 13.0.1 update??), I have been having problems with the open and save as dialog boxes.
First. The open file dialog always defaults to Enable: blank (i.e. no file types enabled). Each time I have to go to the bottom of the dropdown list and select "All readable documents" before I can open ANY type of file. I've searched in everyway I can think of looking for some method to have OPEN default to "all readable" but can't find anyway to do this. when whipping around at deadline having to stop each time and make this change is irritating. No other program has this difficulty (including Illustrator and InDesign). PS 5.5 did not exhibit this behavior on the same machine.
Second. When I save as and try to select any file format, say going from psd to tiff, the format dropdown list ALWAYS selects the format ABOVE the one I choose. Example: If I select JPEG, PS tries to save as .iff. If I pull the selection down to JPEG2000 it will then save as standard JPEG. Again just an irritant but, tiff (which I need for several other programs) is last on the list thus there is no way I can go one below it to get tiff format selected. It always comes out as png. Also note that the Format selection indicates the correct format - in the case of tiff the dialog box shows TIFF selected, but the program is appending .png. (Continuing the save as (without altering my selection) always results in the incorrect format no matter what the Format dialog says in the save as operation.) Again, no other program I work with (including several Adobe products) exhibits this behavior.
I have created a generic title block for all my drawings and I have some attributes for the block. Is it possible to have a drop down list for an attribute so I do not have to type in the value/text each time? If so, how?
I want to be able click on 'customer 1' or customer 2' ect. and not have to type it in the attribute.
Is there somone who can explain/show a sample of how a custom drop-down list in OPM can be implemented? Based on some articels by Kean Walmsley, I have successfully implemented categorized properties in the OPM using a .NET wrapper and C#. I have a class imlementing the members of the IDynamic EnumProperty, ICategorizeProperties and IDynamicProperty2 interfaces (based on ObjectARX 2013).
However, I do not really understand how to code custom drop-down list using .NET wrapper and OPM. I am using AutoCAD 2013 and 2014. I have read a lot of posts regarding OPM but there was no useful information in regards to create custom drop-down lists.
I am mainly developing for AutoCAD 2013/2014 how to implement a custom property as a drop-down list using OPM and .NET/C# wrapper. I have successfully created categorized custom properties already and can read/save them in XRecords via the OPM. I further implemented the members for IDynamicEnumProperty (using an ObjectARX DLL) in .NET/C# which are:
And I have implemented the GetCurrentValueData() and SetCurrentValueData() members in my .NET/C# wrapper as per the IDynamicProperty2 interface as following:
public void GetCurrentValueData( Object pUnk, ref Object varData ) {AcadObject obj = pUnk as AcadObject; if ( obj != null ){using ( Active .Document.LockDocument( DocumentLockMode.ProtectedAutoWrite, null, null, true ) ){using ( var tr = Active.Transaction ){ObjectId ObjId = new ObjectId( (IntPtr) obj.ObjectID ); DBObject DbObj = tr.GetObject( ObjId, OpenMode.ForRead ); if ( DbObj != null ){try {if ( [code]....
This code compiles without error but instead of the expected drop-down list the OPM only shows a field where I can enter or edit integer numbers, but there is no drop-down list when clicking on the field....
In dialog boxes the drop down menus appear blank until I drag the mouse over it then the contents appear as I drag the mouse across. Also the cursor doesn't echo back (flash). I have tried updating drivers to no avail.
I have been making a title box for my drawing layout and have been using attributes. all my attributes open in the 'Enhanced Attributes Editor'. But for my Scale option, i was wondering if there was any way of creating a drop down list in the enhanced attributes editor instead of typing the value in each time?
I am using AuotCAD Architecture 2012 and suddenly the Xref/Block Object List dialog box stopped opening when I use the XLIST command. How Can I get this back?
if it is possible to increase the number of recently used values/parameters in the dimension dialog, during part sketching. For one part, I use approximately ten parameters that will be used repeatedly. When I'm done with one sketch and start with the next, only the last five parameters are in the recently used parameter list. (Create dimension --> select arrow on right side of dialog, see attachment Dimension_Dialog.jpg, excuse me for the poor quality ). It would be much more comfort to have more parameters in this 'recently used'-list.
Furthermore I'd like to know if it's possible to widen the parameter-list. In my case I've several parameters that start with the same prefix, followed by a differentiating suffix. When I create a new dimension, select the arrow on the right and select 'List Parameters', I have to adjust the width of this dialog every time to see the entire parameter. (see picture Dimension_parameters.jpg)
where the setting for the size of type/font preview drop down is located in CS6, it used to be located under pref->type->type preview - but apparently not anymore. I'm probably "blind", they surely did include this option in CS6?
(A thing I find annoying in CS6 is how short the font drop down list is, only covers 1/3 of the height of my resolution, even though I have hundreds of fonts activated - requires a lot of scrolling! I really hope this gets larger if it is possible to have larger previews)
I have bought the hard copy version of corel draw Suit X5 and waiting for it. I originally dwn loaded it from the web and so did my son. We are working on a project together. He found TT-Musical Symbols in his dwn loaded version and I do not have it on my dwn load version. Do you have TT-Musical Symbols in your drop down text? and or when you dwn loaded the trail version, have you got it?
I'm building a script that will open a dialog box allowing the user to select a font family from a drop down list (not a list of all of the fonts), and then compare that value against the fonts that are in use, highlighting everything that doesn't match. I have not yet built the dialog, but I've got everything else working as I want except the list of font families.
The following code loops through the list of fonts (only 20 for testing purposes), compares the family name to the previous on the list (error trapped for the first loop), and pushes the family name (if it doesn't match the previous) into an array which will be used in the dialog box. With the two alerts at the bottom (for troubleshooting), I expect the alerts to show the same family name. For the first three fonts they do, but after that the array value is "undefined."
var iCount = 20; //var iCount = textFonts.length; var nameHolder = ""; var nameArray = new Array();
1) Any speculation on why this behavior is happening (it isn't truetype versus opentype)? 2) Is there a better way to get the list of font families without duplicates?? 2) Is an array the best way to populate a dropdown list in a JS dialog box??? [this will be my first dialog with a dropdown, the others have user-typed values]
EDIT: Additional Info When it reaches the ninth font in the list, the above script starts writing undefined, but when tested manually, as below, it works fine. Hmmm.
alert (textFonts[9].family); var nameArray = new Array(); nameArray.push(textFonts[9].family); alert (nameArray[0]);
EDIT: More info tried replacing nameArray.push(familyName); with nameArray.splice(i,0,familyName); bad behavior remains
When I open the file.psd to edit or file.jpg (Any file type) The program will appear the dialog and then When I click "OK" to close this dialog.After that, it will appear the dialog to close program.
I could not continue to work.I must close and reopen the program. (Do not open the file.)
I have a friend using Lightroom 3 on a Windows 7 PC. She uses multiple catalogs. (one for each client) as do I. Now when she launches LR the list of recent catalogs is empty. Could this be cleared some where? Why do they not show up and will they start showing up again after she opens different catalogs?
Text Component Editor dialog box not working. URL....Here is an example.I can't modify Label text from Sections and pretty much everything in this area.I think everything happens because of the Country Kit I have installed.Is there any way to repair it? I have all service packs installed on CIVIL 3D 2012.
Here is the error i get: Cannot find the resource string number 25202 in resource - 551157760
I think the problem is coming from Country Kit. Since I put it and I'm using it as a template, my Civil 3D is coming with THOUSANDS of errors.
I was working on a drawing file when my ribbon went haywire. My layer drop down seems frozen so it only shows the current layer and the hatch edit ribbon does not function properly.
The issue with the layer drop down is if I select a line, fill, etc. on any layer the layer drop down on the home ribbon does not change to show the layer that item is on and if I select multiple items on different layers which usually causes the drop down to go blank it still shows the current layer. The object color, line thickness and linetype all change on the properties tab to show the properties of the selected item so the entire home ribbon is not frozen. If I scroll through the layer drop down and select a layer to move the selected item to a new layer AutoCAD responds *Invalid selection* Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/All/Fence . . .
The hatch edit ribbon is completely useless. The angle and scale boxes are greyed out and if I select any of the buttons (Set Origin, change hatch pattern, etc.) AutoCAD again responds with *Invalid selection* . . .
The only CUI shown is the ACAD.CUIX and I have done a Reset and Restore, changed the workspace, restarted AutoCAD and restarted my computer. What am I missing?
Just thought I would post this because I have been looking for a working VBA file open dialog box solution for awhile. I'm an old autolisped making the jump to VBA and I have seen and read various solutons for the equivalent getfiled autolisp function but I never had much luck with them. This one worked for me it uses the Win API to do the job.
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _ "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long
[Code] ....
Make a form and place the following code listed below on a button to call the showopen routine.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Filter As String Dim InitialDir As String Dim DialogTitle As String Dim OutputStr As String
I installed architecture 2011 last night. When I installed it, it did not remove my 2008 verison. So all my files are still opening the 2008 verison. I do not have much space on my hard drive, so if I uninstall 2008, will there be a problem with 2011?
Is there any reason to keep the 2008 version?
Second problem: in 2011, I click on the open button and it does not open a dialog box. It only gives me a line in the command line. same thing happens when I try to save as.
I've made a simple list box with some text entries. I can drag from any node to Acad's Drawing area and drop it. And without writing any code to capture Drop event, same text is written there in Top Left corner of Drawing area.
I want to Catpure this Drop even of Acad Drawing area. I will then be able to use Jig classes to add my own entities.
I tried Application.DoDragDrop() method and invoke DragTarget.OnDrop() but confused very much
im used to opening up two drawings simultaneously, and i used to drag & drop entities with one another but for some strange reason i cannot do this drag & drop thing anymore with my drawings, i tried to use ccleaner to clean up the clipboard, tried searching it here and googling it but still cannot find any clue.
I have recently installed "Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2012 English Win 64bit"., and now I would like to create thru "Make Part" feature an assembly in which I am using in the previous version 2011. The feature options are not working.Step to re-create:
1. Manage Tab > Make Part
2. Under "Place part in target assembly" click the Folder button on New File Location
3. A "Component Properties" dialog box will appear. Now, click "YES" or "NO" button, dialog box closes.....
PC Configuration:
Operating System: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (5.2, Build 3790) Service Pack 2 Memory: 8GB RAM Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Xeon processor (4 CPUs), ~2.8GHz Video Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700 Display Memory: 512.0 MB DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c