connecting two circles with different diameter into a solid. I tried loft, but it is a partial solution since it creates a surface. I know there is a solid option. There surely is a way and a simple one but i don't know how. Bellow there is a picture with diameters and length of the mast. Also i included a dwg file. Not much done there.
I had some sheets that I wanted to hide so I clicked exclude from count and exclude from printing.
Now I want to put them back, if I uncheck the boxes the page numbers don't show up in the border. Neither will if give a page number to the pages that were previously hidden in the browser.
Is there any VBA code that can count the number of bends used in a sheet metal part?I would like to make a custom property of this, so it can be exported to Excel for input in our ERP system
I need to know the exact number of pixels that I select for a size comparison. It's a non-rectangular selection similar to a cloud.I'm using CS2 but could upgrade if needed.
I have a demo reel and I want to list my poly count next to my models. maya calculates triangles and faces(which to me are polys also). so should I say poly count: (#of triangles) or poly count: (#of faces). which is the employer more interested in (specifically in the gaming world).
it's my job to create drawings for patent applications, and These drawings usually consist of multiple pages with one or more drawings on each page. Each of these drawings has to be given it's own unique identifier (for example Fig. 1, Fig.2 etc).
In the process of designing a complete patent application it is often necessary to change the order of figures around and/or add new ones, remove old ones and so on. Now we get to the macro part.
What I need is a macro that identifies an artistic text placeholder (let's say <figures>) and replaces it with a text that says "Fig. x", x being counted upwards starting from 1. In essence I need the macro to count how many times it has already replaced <figures>, and insert the correct number. After the macro has done it's work I want every placeholder replaced with "Fig.1" or "Fig. 2".
I am currently selecting 10 objects from a picture and then I delete the background. This leaves just the 10 objects of interest in the image.
I have hundreds of these images and would like to compare the number of pixels or diameter of the objects across the images for each of the 10 objects. Is there a way I can automate Photoshop to go through a directory of images and measure the pixels of each of the 10 objects, and then export those measurements to a file?
The revision Number in the assembly drawing is populated by the Model Iproperties revision field. How can I get it to show the Drawing properties revision number? I need my vendors to see the drawing number and associated revision levels of the drawings which make up the assembly not the Models which they may never see. There are many times we update drawings with notes that do not effect the underlying model but still reflect a revision change in the drawing so I need people building assemblies to make sure they are building the assembly components to the correct revisions.
I am using the sheet list table to generate a table of contents. I add the "Drawing Revision Number" column to the table, but when it generates the list it does not include the field.
Is there any way to add the "Sheet Revision Number" instead since this is what property is actually adjusted in the sheet's properties? (i never change the "Drawing Revision Number")
OR is the solution to change the "Drawing Revision Number"? Where do I change this property at? Is this property applied to all sheets within a drawing?
i m new in auto cad 2010 i today i face new problem i dont this is what? the message is that " the drawing contains a large number of annotation scales do u want to reset the scale list? "
I have the need to make the current open dwg (name) equal to its predefined number in a large list. For example, building66.dwg is equal to 123789. I’ll have a large list in a tab delimited txt file with the example below. I can put the list in the lsp file if needed. Something like (if (getvar "dwgname") make equal to listname) and go out to the list and return its number. Seems kind of easy but I can’t make it happen.
I'm using Autodesk Inventor 2012 SP1 64 Bit on a Windows 7 machine without vault.
I seem to be missing something. I cannot get the parts list in assembly drawing to fill the part number column. See the image below.
The BOM has the part number field filled out as shown below. Is there someway that I need to map the iProperty to the part number column in parts list?
Lets say I have 2 page drawing set of a damper, page 1 contains the main views and all the related part number ballons.
Page 2 contains fabrication details for the parts, brackets, blades etc.
For the parts I just inserted those into the drawing from their respective part file, allowing me to create the necessary amount of views to capture the needed dimensions for the shop.
When I go to apply a balloon to that part it wants to make it part #1 when it may be part # 7 of the assembly.
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
I don't have AutoCad, but I was given a DWG that was created in 2007. It is a map of a lake's water depth vs distance in the east and north directions. Is it possible extract the actual value of water depth from the DWG file? For example the file would contain columns of x-location, y-location, and water depth.
I have a pretty simple data extraction, one length paramater from a group of dynamic blocks. When I right click and select the Update Table Links I get an error dialog that says some files can not be found and when I expand the details the file it is looking for is itself! See the attached snapshot. This function used to work.
I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.
Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.
I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.
Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.
So simple little retaining wall subassembly created in the SAC. When i extract multiple feature lines from a corridor using this subassembly, all the feature lines assume the elevation of the first link i selected. So if i first click on 'RW_Hinge" all successive feature lines will show up with the same elevations as "RW_Hinge". if i erase all the feature lines the select a different link say "RW_Top" then they all go to "RW_Top".
I created a surface with the style showing slopes as 2D solids. I extracted the slopes from the surface and moved them to their own file. They look fine in the file where they reside. When I xreference them into a drawing, they no longer show up as solids. They just show the outlines of the triangles.
I know I could change the style to to 2d hatches instead of solids, but I'm more curious as to why this is happening and how to fix the 2d solids.
when i extract parts of a picture that i want and try to save it, i cannot load the extraction in other projects that im trying to do. Also i cant preview the file before i open it...
[URL]What I want to do is to extract the girl's image and save it with a transparent background as a gif, and then put it up on the web page I've created, which has a dark grey gradient background.
The problem is when I do that, the contour of the girl's image contains a lot of white space and what appears like brush strokes! The white space doesn't show up at all while I'm using the Refine Radius tool on a black background. It also doesn't show up when I save the image as a gif on a dark background layer in Photoshop. It only appears when I save it on a transparent background and display it on my web page!
Here's the image, saved on a dark background:
Here's the image, on a transparent background, displayed on the live web page [URL]
Is it possible to save an extracted image as a JPEG file with transparent background? I would like to use the following image of a Christmas ornament without the white background.
Using Photoshop 7 and the magnetic lasso, I had no problem extracting the original image from a white background. I then open a new transparent canvas and copy the extracted image to this canvas. However when I choose to save as a JPEG image, I'm back with the white background. I see in the Matte menu I can choose other backgrounds, e.g. black, grey, etc.. But is there any way to save the extracted pixels without any background.
The reason I ask is that I want to use this extracted image in PrintShop, a card making program. I would like to be able to insert the image of the Christmas ornament without any background. Very often in creating a card you've already created a colored background. It would be nice to be able to insert the ornament without the rectangular white background.
Basically, I am trying to process a simple drawn map that was scanned and saved as a PDF. The scanned image is old so the paper is yellowed and they scanned it in high res color even though the image is black and white (well, blue ink actually). I just want to make the background white and change the blue/black lines to solid black lines that retain their clarity.
Here is a portion of the image:
The left is the original and the right is what I WANT, but cannot, achieve.
My biggest issue has been pixelation of the lines. I just can't get it smooth like in the right image. I've tried all sorts of filters - blurs, smooths, sharpens etc.. Part of the problem is also the degradation of the image after I extract it from the PDF.
I spent the better part of the day animating a Camera (using the CSTools DocuCam setup) in Cinema. It's excatly how I want it. The camera rig is parented to a null which is simply changing its position around the scene. I'm also keyframing a target null that the DocuCam is following. The DocuCam has several xpressions that cause it to "wiggle" and quickly zoom in and out to give a handheld feel.
First attempt, I brought in the C4d (r14) file into AECC and hit Extract Camera data. Solo'd out just the DocuCam (the currently selected camera in the C4D source file), and added a Solid to the Comp. Scrubbed through the timeline to see if it moved away from the Camera as expected, and it is totally misaligned. The camera doesn't rotate or perform any of the same movement as it did in C4d.
I also tried baking all the keyframes for each of the elements in the c4d file, and re-import. Not any better. All the frames for the camera do import (without the nulls, etc), but again, it looks like I'd have to muck around with some nulls in AE to (maybe) get everything to align.
It will be annoying to have to CameraTrack my 3D rendered scene, when I have all that data in C4D.
Other attempts included:
Trying to use an .aec file and that only imported 1 keyframe for the camera, despite the baking method.
Repeat same procedure, this time with External Compositing Tags attached to the camera and assoc layers. Even attached it to a dummy object (Cube) in front of the camera and tag'd it.