AutoCAD LT :: Assigning Attributes To Blocks And Extracting List

Feb 15, 2012

I have a drawing with a bunch of blocks. the blocks repeat themselves, but I need to define different attributes to each one of them and then being able to extraxt a list that I can read in excel.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Assigning Attributes To Blocks Using Polyline To Sequence Order

Sep 4, 2011

Any routine that will allow to draw a polyline through existing blocks, in the order the blocks should be numbered? Therefore when the sequence has been specified by the polyline then user to define the number system required, and the blocks are automatically numbered in the sequence of the polyine start to finish.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create A Master List Of Construction Notes Then Use Blocks Attributes With Fields

Nov 16, 2012

I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.

Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extracting Attribute Values And Assigning To Variables?

May 27, 2013

How can specific attribute values be extracted from a drawing and assigned to a variable in lisp. 

The existing title block is having attributes : Area, Sub area, Description, Drawing type. I want to extract this values and assign it to some variable which I have already listed and then it shall be assigned to some other attributes in the same drawing with Area1, Subarea1, Description1, Drawing type1... and so on.. Both the attributes shall be in the same drawing file.

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AutoCad 2D :: Assigning Attributes To Polylines?

Jan 6, 2014

I would like to assign attributes to polylines so when I draw out a wiring diagram I can label the wire without having to type it out every time. I was thinking maybe a linked table or something not sure.

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AutoCad :: Extracting BOM From The Attributes

Dec 7, 2013

On an HND assignment there is a drawing of a Villa in plan view with outer walls, inner walls and then some attributed blocks created for furniture. Once drawn the second task is as follows.

Task 2

Write a report describing the methods you used, with a layout plan inserted into the document and to include a bill of materials extracted from the attribute files.

How you would go about extracting the BOM from the attributes?

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AutoCAD VB :: Extracting Certain Block Attributes

Aug 21, 2013

I'm trying to loop through all the blocks on a drawing and if the block contains a group of tagstrings (B,C,D and H) I want to then extract the textstring from all 4 attributes and place them in a ListView. I got it to work but it is not consistant. Sometimes it doesnt get all of the attributes. Basically just want to grab all of the blocks that the 4 attribute tagstrings (B,C,D and H) and extract their textstrings to a ListView. Here is the code I have so far.

For Each objEntity In objModelSpace
With objEntity
If StrComp(.EntityName, "AcDbBlockReference", 1) = 0 Then
If .HasAttributes Then
TableData = .GetAttributes

[Code] .........

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AutoCAD VB :: Extracting Attributes Into Text File With A Script

Sep 12, 2013

I have a requirement to extract metadata from AutoCAD files with a script. This metadata is the attributes that appear in the files Title Block in the corner. I have come up with some code that I believe can do this, but I cannot run it, since I've been developing in Visual Studio using .NET, and it appears that that .NET API can only be used to build plugins for AutoCAD.

Do I have to use VBA to access the COM? How do I even get started with VBA/COM API? It took me forever to actually find a listing for the .NET Object Model - I don't want to search for that long again to find the COM API, especially if I'm going about this in the wrong way again.

Here is the code I've written to extract the Attributes, but it's probably very wrong as well, since I have not had the opportunity to test it:

class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
try { using (Database db = new Database()) {

[Code] .......

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AutoCad :: Assigning Blocks To Different Layer

Jun 22, 2011

How do I assign the blocks coming in from Architect's drawing (Partition Panels - about 50+ styles and each style is a different block) to a different layer along with those layer properties without having to explode & re-define?

I want to keep them as blocks but for uploading to a IWMS system which will only recognize certain layer names. They are changing over to the layer name I select, but their properties are not (example: color)

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Maya Animation :: Assigning Expressions To Animated Attributes?

Dec 30, 2012

I've set keyframes on the Glow Intensity attribute of an object so I can slowly reduce the intensity at certain points. Now I need to create a new expression to give a random flickering to the glowing object as the scene plays, until the glow finally dims out.

But when I select Glow Intensity and try to create the Expression, there is no option now to 'Create New Expression'. The other options are still there, but it seems that at the top I'm left with an option relating to the Animation Curve Attributes (animCurveTU..?)

Is there no way to add a rand() expression to give some flickering to the Glow Intensity if I also have a few keyframes set that slowly dim the overall intensity level? Surely not.

I've tried to manually create the expression in the Expression Editor, but when I have to type in the name of the attribute, it hangs the whole program and I have to kill Maya and restart. Either it will not work that way or I'm missing something.

Maybe another way get the flickering short of manually keyframing the intensity level for the entire sequence.

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AutoCad :: Extracting Dynamic Blocks?

Apr 3, 2013

regarding extracting dynamic blocks.

Is there any way I can tell AC to only extract what my Visibility States are showing? IE if I have 2 Vis states within a block, 1 for a 2 seater couch and 1 for a 3 seater, can I configure AC to extract whichever Vis State is active? Currently it simply extracts the block name.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extracting Metadata From Smart Title Blocks

Oct 17, 2012

I need to load a couple hundred drawings to Vault. Most, if not all, of these AutoCAD drawings use the 'smart title block' and I was wondering if there was a way to extract all the data from the title blocks into an excel .csv file to then be imported into Vault saving me SOOOO much time and work. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Creating Template File For Extracting Information From Blocks?

Jul 7, 2012

i want to know how to create template file right from scratch and which format I should use to extract information from blocks and its attributes.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Plots All Blocks To PNG - Open DWG / Get List Of All Blocks

Nov 30, 2012

I have a program that plots all blocks to png - open a dwg, get a list of all blocks, insert each into an empty dwg, zoom extents, and plot using the OOTB PublishToWeb PNG.pc3.  In the attachments is an example of the problem.  When I do this manually from a layout, I get the correct image.  When I plot from code using the same PC3 file, draworder is being ignored.  

It works if I apply transparency to the block and use ps.PlotTransparency = True, but I would prefer not to have to tell the user to change the block definitions.  Is there a plotsettings property I am missing?

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AutoCad :: Export Attributes From File Using LIST

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to export attributes from an autocad file using LIST and I keep running into trouble with the file cutting out data. I am wondering if there is a way to print the LIST file that AutoCAD creates to a text file so that I can get all of the data in one go instead of having to repeatedly "Press ENTER to continue:"

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: SDF To Blocks With Attributes?

May 19, 2013

I'm looking for a map tool that can convert feature data from an SDF file or SHP to autocad block's with attributes data. My client just want blocks with attributes and dont work with sdf or similares, they extract the attributes and then work them in other software, so, i wonder if there is a autocad map tool that make the conversion from feature data SDF to blocks with attributes, that will make the work mutch more easier and fast. 

Other question relational with blocks. How can we link block attributes and excell in real time, where i could change cells data in excell and the update happens in the open drawing and vice-versa?

And would like to know if there is a way to make this happen without vba tools or lisp's...just with map tools. 


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attributes In Blocks

Jul 25, 2013

some attributes you can double click and edit within the dialogue box, others you have to double click and they are greyed out in the box, you have to click the little button with ... on and edit in place on screen... why?

whats the difference between the block atributes?  attached is an example...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Attributes In Blocks

Mar 20, 2012

I'm working on creating some blocks for our office.  Basically it is a simple block with a few lines that remain and then a couple attributes you can click on and change.  I have added the attribute and all is working well.

My only issue is I would like to make the text in the attributes to be bold.  For some reason I can't see to do this.  Is it not possible.

Basically I want to try and get some of the attributes to stand out more than others.  I tried changing the color and the lineweight of the attibute (which worked the color is different) but when it prints it doesn't change at all.

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AutoCAD .NET :: 40000 Blocks With Attributes?

Aug 3, 2013

I am looping over a set of 40000 entities converting them to blocks and adding 35 attributes to each block. Till here its fine my .net program converts to block and write atributes to each one of them in 2 hours. But after the program finishes and I try to save the file autocad takes ages to save the file and also it stops responding. Is autocad not able to handle 40000 blocks with attributes. I am using autocad 2013. The dll has been developed using visual studio 2010.

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AutoCad :: Two Attributes In Dynamic Blocks

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to create a dynamic block with two attributes, a double grid head, when I add a stretch parameter to the head it only affects the first assigned attribute.

I have added a stretch parameter to each attribute and only the firt attribute will move. What are the rules with attributes in dynamic blocks, the only thing I found was I have to lock posistion for attributes to be affected by the paramter assigned by the dynamic block.

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AutoCad :: Price List - Using Attributes In Block / Data Extraction

Jul 15, 2011

I want to make a price list, using attributes in block and then extracting them to cell matching some cells with excel

While in data extr wizard for some reason I cant get the size column to set in ascending order.. Why does size 10 brake the logic?

Can I edit the extracted data without launching data extr wizard?

Data extr wizard brings a data in one table what if I want the table to display other types of attribute ( example see pic for instance instead of EL i have SS no problem until now, but my matched data link in excel is for EL and not for SS)

Its hard to explain Basicly i selected the column in excel for one type of attribute "EL" and I want fo a different name of same attribute different cell matching.

See pic:

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AutoCAD .NET :: Populate List Of Block Names - How To Edit Attributes

Mar 10, 2012

my job is to make an editor for blocks in C#. There should be a WPF-window were the user can see a list of blocks. He selects one and than he should see an overview about block attributes like insertionpoint, basepoint, rotation and scaling and he should be able to edit these attributes in this form. 

I know how i can populate a list of block names, but I fail at finding an opportunity to edit these attributes. 

I get the blocktablerecords, but then?

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AutoCad :: Creating Drop Down List In Enhanced Attributes Editor

Oct 11, 2012

I have been making a title box for my drawing layout and have been using attributes. all my attributes open in the 'Enhanced Attributes Editor'. But for my Scale option, i was wondering if there was any way of creating a drop down list in the enhanced attributes editor instead of typing the value in each time?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Redefining Blocks With Attributes

Apr 12, 2012

I have a large amount of P&ID drawings that have blocks with attributes. One of the blocks is missing an attribute field that I need so I recreated the block using the same name and added the missing attribute. When I reinsert the block and say "yes" to updating the block's definition within one of my P&ID drawings everything seems fine except when I try to edit the block to fill in that field. 

The newly added attribute doesn't show up but when I right click one of these blocks and select Block Editor the new attribute field does shows up so the redefine did work I just can't use that attribute. Is this a bug in AutoCAD? How I can use this attribute?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Create Blocks With Attributes From Attached MDB?

May 7, 2013

I have an access database attached to a blank drawing.  The database is a list of existing oil wells.  I want to have civil3d (or map) create a custom block (I already have the blocks created) inserted at a coordinate in the database and propagate the other fields in the database into attributes in the blocks.  For instance, the first two fields in the database are the x and y.  Some of the other fields in the database are the well status and company name.  Is it possible for Map to read the first two fields to know where to put the block, then select the block to insert based on wells status and company name, and then complete attributes from the other fields (section, township, range, county, etc) into the block?  I'm having a hard time getting my head wrapped around the map3d user's guide talking about topologies, link templates, object classifications, etc.  Using Civil3D 2013 infrastructure design suite, Win 7 64-bit, office 64-bit.

Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid

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AutoCAD .NET :: Update Blocks With Attributes Of A Given Layout

Nov 2, 2012

Every time I try to update blocks with attributes of a given layout, this only updates the last active layout. example:

I have three layouts: Layout1, Layout2 and Layout3

layout of the three blocks I would need to update the reference but I can Layout1 default that always takes the last active layout. In the following paper space specific code, but as it would to tell a particular layout.

Private Sub UpdateAttributesInDatabase(ByVal db As Database, ByVal blockName As String, ByVal attbName As String, ByVal attbValue As String) Dim psId As ObjectId Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Using tr Dim bt As BlockTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable) psId = bt(BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace) tr.Commit() End Using UpdateAttributesInBlock(db, psId, blockName, attbName, attbValue) End Sub 

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Lookups And Attributes

Mar 22, 2012

I'm trying to set up a dynamic block with an attribute/field within it that the user(s) edit using a lookup table.

I understand basically that a field must be created as the attribute that then references a lookup table with the inputs listed. However, I really do not know how to create a lookup that has custom information such as below:

Site:        Unit Code
Site X           100
Site Y            200
Site Z            300

All I have seen explains how to create a lookup from an existing parameter (liner etc) and I don't seem able to create something specific to my requirements. I forgot add that I want the user to see "Site X", "Site Y" etc in the dropdown - but the attribute to reflect only the Unit Code.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Linking Attributes To A BOM?

Jan 9, 2014

I need to know if there is a way to link an attributed F-N bubble with qty's to the BOM. This is for electrical wiring diagrams for aircraft. So I have serveral part numbers to a BOM, but no real accurate way of finding total quantities other than manually going though the drawing.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Using Attributes In Formulas

Dec 9, 2012

I am trying to create an attribute that displays the product of an Area of an object in the block and the value of a different attribute. For instance, here is what makes up the dynamic block:

1 rectangle (with width and height parameters and stretch actions)
1 Attribute called "ForcePerSQIN" - the value of this is entered separately for every instance of the block by the user
1 Attribute called "Total Force"

In the "Total Force" attribute, I want to create a field that contains a formula to multiply the area of the rectangle (which I am able to obtain with no problems using the Area property of the rectangle object type) by the value of the "ForcePerSQIN" attribute, which is user-defined. The problem I have is that it appears as if the value of this attribute is treated as text and thus cannot be used in the calculation; I get ######.

Is there a way to make the "ForcePerSQIN" parameter treat the user-defined value as a number instead of text so that it can be used in the calculation? Or is there a better way to accomplish my ultimate goal?

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AutoCad :: Creating Annotative Blocks With Attributes

Oct 7, 2011

I have been making blocks Annotative by using block Editor. I would open block Editor and change the block property to annotative. When I do that I notice that the block's attributes become unreadable. The block's attribute appears to become so squished up the I can't read it. I have tried to change the attributes width to make it readable but that does not work.

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AutoCad :: VBA To Read Blocks Attributes Inside DWG

May 23, 2013

At each projects, i need to copy and paste the values of attributes of all instances of a type of block in my drawings, paste them in a excel sheet, it take so much time and is possible to make errors.

Is there hints to read a DWG as a text file and retrieve the attributes values of all these blocks ? I would give special names to these blocks, and also specific quantity of attributes, to work.

I meant Excel VBA, not AutoCAD VBA, cause i will manipulate excel sheets depending on the results.

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