We have 2005LT for kitchen design. I need to recover or find a pen assignment. The "Plot Syle Table (pen assignments) window is showing "peacock.ctb (missing)." Is there a way to recover this setting?
I've edited the plot style table in the past to do things such as change yellow to print black. I've also successfully used it to select monochrome to print B&W. Currently it's not working. I can select a different plot style, apply it and see it look correct in paperspace. However, when I preview or print it, I still get yellow, printing yellow or if I try monochrome, it will still print in color.
I make sure to click apply to layout and I've also tried restarting ACAD and neither seems to work. I've also tried using the page setup manager and it still prints differently than what I select. Is there some other variable I can turn on or off that I am not aware of?
How do the plot styles(pen assignments) differ for each drawing? On what basis these plot styles are created differently for each different drawings?expecting replies.
I just completed a new drawing from scratch and I'm ready to plot. Problem is that the plot styles are missing. I tried opening another drawing to see if the plot style would show up, and it did. For some reason this new drawing is missing most of the plot styles.
Is there a way to load them into this new drawing? Also, is there a way to avoid having to load them everytime I create a new drawing?
Here's my problem: I have a customized plot style table "SK.ctb". I have it saved both in the appropriate folders on my computer and in a shared folder on the network. Usually when I am working in a file and open the plot window, my plot table is available in the list at the upper right "Plot style table (pen assignments)".
Right now I am working in a drawing that was sent to me by another firm. They of course didn't send me their pen assignment tables, not that I really care as I would rather edit the layer colors if necessary, but use my own. The problem is that in the plot window it is only showing their plot styles - none of mine! Theirs are all listed as missing, but I can't get it to even look for the plot tables I usually use.
Publish works as expected in foreground, uses proper page setup plot style and color table an dthe results are black on white.But when using PUBLISH in background it shows an error for each ""WARNING: Incompatible or missing plot style"" and the created PDF's are in color instead of balck and white.
Having problem with the monochrome .ctb plot style table not showing up in the plot dialogue for AutoCAD Architecture 2010? Typically it seems to be standard upon install of the software.
I feel a new install of Windows 7 coming on. It is very strange why the Plot style manager has gone for a walk it may still be about but I can,t find it. Is it loaded with Autocad.
How does one convert an stb file to ctb. I have tried using the CONVERTPSTYLES command to no avail. After selecting the stb for conversion, i am getting an error message stating that the stb does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert drawings.
I am trying to convert all missing PlotStyles that are missing to one that is not missing.
I am working with the Style Manager and Display Manger. We use a custom .stb and in this custome .stb we have eliminated some of the standard PlotStyle Names such as Full Saturation, well as you may imagine some of the default materials, walls etc... under Style manager reference Full Saturation, right now I am going in by hand, one by one, changing this to AsDrawn.
Is there a way I can automate this for two purposes? 1.) so I don't have to do this all by hand 2.) as we "copy" elements from older jobs we can macro the change of plotstyle and so when we get drawings from outside we again can macro the plotstyle to AsDrawn.
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
AutoCAD - Why does the Normal plot style plot in color? Black seems to make a lot more sense. Almost everyone in Architecture uses black prints most frequently so that should be the default. And you can't adjust Normal to all black. So what was AutoDesk's reasoning?
I am an experienced Autocad user, and plotted with ctb files. I installed 2013 and plots come out not as i want. Although i assigned a ctb plot style, lines come out according to an unknown plan to me. I attached the file. It seems that the lines are influenced by the ctb file, but some colors are fadded I found it. i had to assign the color black to all colors, since it plotted with colors, on the black and white plotter. But a new problem arose. now i don't see colors when i am in the layout, all lines are white!
I am using a custom plot to pdf routine(Autocad 2012 x64); everything works ok, I can assign different plot styles but for some reason I cannot assign the "none" after I used a different ctb file. A snippet is bellow:
BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(spaceId, OpenMode.ForRead); Layout lo = (Layout)tr.GetObject(btr.LayoutId, OpenMode.ForRead); // We need a PlotInfo object linked to the layout
When trying to assign the "none", the code fails. I don't know what I am missing (if I am not wrong it used to work with Autocad 2010?)
1. Create a layer that is Color 250. 2. Create a Plot Style that can have the true color 255,255,255 set.
It seems I can only use the 255 default AutoCAD index color palette. I would like to have some solid filled hatches to be the physical color 250 in the drawing, but I want these objects on a layer that plots the true color 255,255,255. The reason, is because I want to use these solid filled hatches as a mask. I'm not going to use that as an alternative.
I just don't want these solid filled hatches to be white. I can live with it, and it's working fantastic for the use I need but am just trying to see if this option is available.
I recently did an Autocad course at a Educational Institute. When it came to printing out our drawings the pen assignments were already set and lineweights determined.
At home on my computer when I print my line weights are all the same as I do not have the pen assignments set as they do at school. How do i set and save my lineweights so when I go to print these are always set and are the same?
I've plotted many drawings and I've always just taken it for granted that the plot style table that I typically use, monochrome.ctb, would be there to select in the plotting window. Usually, the drawings from my customer, have this option available to me in the plot style table when I get ready to plot. However, a few have come to me recently in which it was not available. Instead, the drawing had a monochrome.stb which does not plot out with a true monochrome appearance. I do not want this. I do not know how to get the monochrome.ctb style from my other drawings to work in my new drawings that only have monochrome.stb. I know very little about the different plot styles and how to modify them or import/export them. From what I gather by browsing this site is that you might be able to save plot styles to a folder in your computer and then import them to your drawing. Is this true? How I can get this monochrome.ctb to work in my drawings that only have monochrome.stb??
new at autocad 2012 (previous CAD07 user)im having trouble setting up my page, never had a problem with this before..... i need an A4 scaled drawing in paper space.
my current setup.... paper size: A4 plot area: extents, ticked centre the plot scale: 1:1
the result: titleblock cut off on left and right sides
its only when i need A4 size (red margins!) A3, A2 etc are fine....i dont know what else is needed? I installed CAD12 only a few days ago and im the first and only AutoCAD user at my work. Im not sure if there's some intial setup settings that are required.
Essentially, I've got a bunch of extruded polylines - so, some 3-d shapes - that I'm viewing in a new layout/'viewport' (?), which is set to SW Isometric view in '2D wireframe' viewing style. I've got my lines in different colors, mapped to be all black but different line widths in a custom Plot Style .ctb file.
So, when I change the 'page setup' to "display plot style", everything seems fine. All the lines go black in the viewport, and it seems as though I've configured everything correctly. When I preview an export to .pdf, however - or actually export it - this is lost. The export comes out in color.
I've done exporting using both EXPORTPDF, and PLOT, in both cases making absolutely certain that the .ctb file is being linked correctly (with EXPORTPDF, I've done it both using the 'current' page settings, and also 'override'), and with the PLOT, using the DWG to PDF converter,
I've looked through EXPORTSETTINGS, EXPORT...
On the same computer, with another earlier, simpler file, I have no issues accomplishing what I want.
For additional information/to make things more annoying for me, at this stage, the previous file which DID work seemed to conserve layer information, and allowed me to edit individual lines later, if necessary... This colored "I don't care about your plot styles I'm not going B/W" file seems to just be a flat image.
I've compared the two files in two tabs extensively, and can't seem to find ANY other difference, in any of the settings...
PC running Windows 8, Autocad 2014, Adobe Reader XI. Tried both the DWG to PDF and Adobe PDF plugins to export to PDF...
I need to create a new plot style from scratch.I am working for a company that is just starting up, and need a color dependent plot style (.ctb).Where is a good place to start, and what do I need to keep in mind while creating said plot style? How do you have yours set up?
I am using the monochrome plot style and plotting to PDF. My text looks great in the Plot Preview, but once actually hit 'Plot' the line weight of my text and dimensions appears super thick and heavy. They are also assigned to the lightest line weight in the layer property manager.
I've the same problem: in autocad Architecture 2011, in "plot style table", there is no "monochrome.ctb". Just mentioned "none" and "new"; How I can put in monochrome into the plot style table?
Logitech M305 - 3-button mounse (Left/Right/Center wheel) Center Wheel may be rotated or pressed for 2 separate functions. When rotated, does scrolling, when pressed USED TO PAN. Now, for some reason it's changed to zoom.
How do I change the middle wheel, when pressed from Zoom to pan. I looked within the help desk and there is informaion on Macros and other commands, can't really understand that, but just simply need to get it back to the PAN command.
is it possible to have multiple plot style tables in one drawing ?
The purpose would be to plot xrefs with plot style table x while maintaining the company's plot style table for the drawing itself. The output would then be a plot in proper style for all parties involved.
This would save us the job of converting the layerstructure we get delivered by external parties to our own.
Essentially, I've got a bunch of extruded polylines - so, some 3-d shapes - that I'm viewing in a new layout/'viewport' (?), which is set to SW Isometric view in '2D wireframe' viewing style. I've got my lines in different colors, mapped to be all black but different line widths in a custom Plot Style .ctb file.
So, when I change the 'page setup' to "display plot style", everything seems fine. All the lines go black in the viewport, and it seems as though I've configured everything correctly. When I preview an export to .pdf, however - or actually export it - this is lost. The export comes out in color.
I've done exporting using both EXPORTPDF, and PLOT, in both cases making absolutely certain that the .ctb file is being linked correctly (with EXPORTPDF, I've done it both using the 'current' page settings, and also 'override'), and with the PLOT, using the DWG to PDF converter,
I've looked through EXPORTSETTINGS, EXPORT...
On the same computer, with another earlier, simpler file, I have no issues accomplishing what I want.For additional information/to make things more annoying for me, at this stage, the previous file which DID work seemed to conserve layer information, and allowed me to edit individual lines later, if necessary... This colored "I don't care about your plot styles I'm not going B/W" file seems to just be a flat image.
I've compared the two files in two tabs extensively, and can't seem to find ANY other difference, in any of the settings...
Additional info:
PC running Windows 8, Autocad 2014, Adobe Reader XI... Tried both the DWG to PDF and Adobe PDF plugins to export to PDF...
Say I draw some lines on layer "0" and use the "block" command to make a new block. Next, I insert that block I just made onto some layer "X".
I am using .stb.
How can I control the plot style of the block?
Also, if the block is used as a civil 3d object, say a pipes structure, where does the plot style in structure properties fit into the hierarchy?
I have tried changing all the following variables to no affect: layer "0" plot style, layer "X' plot style, object properties plot style, stucture style plot style
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3