AutoCAD LT :: Exporting A Layout

Jan 23, 2013

I like the Export To Model feature except it's useless in its current state. Here's why: it exports the paperspace view of the layout to a new modelspace drawing...but at the wrong scale. It basically just takes a picture of the paperspace view and recreates that in a new modelspace file, ugh. The modelspace scale should be maintained and the paperspace viewport scale(s) maintained.

In other words it should set up a new drawing with the viewport(s), paperspace layout tab and model space drawing(s) intact and recreated in a new file. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting IDW Layout To DWG?

Sep 23, 2011

I know how to do this, simply to a save as copy dwg. But my question is; If i'm showing 2D sketchs from a part in my layout (Get model sktech), why do they not show in the exported DWG?

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get Rid Of The Message After Exporting Layout

Oct 6, 2013

I want to export all layouts in a DWG file automatically with this kind of

LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = "Layout1"

Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SendStringToExecute("EXPORTLAYOUT " & strFilePath, True, False, False)

The layout is exported well, but each time a layout has been exported, a message appears with a question: "The file was successfully created. Do you want to open it now?", and the next layout won't be exported until user click button "Open" or "Don't open". I want export all layouts automatically without user input, so I don't want the message displays after exporting. How can I get rid of the dialog?

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AutoCad :: Exporting Layout To Excel?

Jan 26, 2012

I wanted to know if it's possible to export a drawing from Autocad to Excel. The drawing is in both model space and layout and contains polygons and blocks.

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AutoCAD LT :: Exporting Layout With Model And Xref As 1 File

Feb 21, 2011

I want to export a layout as a dwg file.  Why do I want to do this?  I got a drawing, and they put some stuff on the layout, so I want to export the layout so I can then work in the new file in the model area?  Do you get what I mean?

Also, If I make a layout, I put my Firm Logo and information in the layout.  If I send this to another firm, which isnt using Autocad, they than can only see the model area, so If I can export it into 1 file, in the model area, they cann see the whole thing.

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Photoshop :: Exporting PS Layout To The Web

May 11, 2004

I created a 760 x 400 layout for my front page to make sure my design would fit all web browsers. The problem is I the image is only 760x400, and it does not take up the whole screen.

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Illustrator :: Exporting Layout As Photoshop CS6 But Some Of Layers Keep Merging

Feb 12, 2013

I have created a layout in Illustrator (CS6) and seperated the individual images I require into named layers. My intention is to export as a Photoshop file (keeping all the layers), then using 'Script' in Photoshop to 'Export layers to files..', so I can get automatically save all the elements in the layout as individual transparent png.
When I export the files as Photoshop a warning comings up saying that 'some layer have been merged' and then when I open this file in Photoshop, all but a couple of text layers have been merged into 1 layer. I think it's something to do with the transparencies set in Illustrator but don't know how to resove this.
If it can't be resolve in the method I am using at present, my only other option is to switch off all but 1 layer in Illustrator  and export this layer as a png, but as I have many elements to the layout (including on and off states) and this is just one layout page of many, this manual way of export the files will take me forever!
I can stop these layers from merger into one layer when exported to Photoshop, then any way I can automatic export the layers I have set up in Illustrator, as transparent pngs in a simular way I can in Photoshop.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Find Layout Elements That Are Supposed To Be In Layout Tools Tab

Feb 27, 2013

I have a bit of a problem with Autocad map 3d 2012. When i try to insert a scale bar or a north arrow or any other carthographic element i simply can't find the layout elements that are supposed to be in layout tools tab. I've done a lot of research online and can't come up with anything.

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AutoCad :: How To Change 2009 Layout To Classical Layout

Apr 2, 2011

Where is the button to click to change 2009's layout to a "classical layout"?

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Illustrator :: Change Shortcut Layout And Use German Layout

Oct 26, 2013

I use illustrator for several things.So i really need to use shortcut's.But there is one big problem : I have the english version of illustrator and i have a German keyboard layout.An example :
To blank a shape u use '/' ( English Version )
To blank a shape u use '#' (German Version )
I can't use '/' cause i have to press shift+/ ... I dont know its not working.Can i change the "Shortcut-Layout" and use the German layout ? 

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Export Layout To PDF

Apr 24, 2013

I have been exporting my layout to a pdf and when I open on one computer it is fine, but when I open the pdf on another computer features are missing and I get an error message from adobe "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct this problem"

I have restarted the computers, renamed the file. What to do now.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Tab Order For Layout

Sep 9, 2011

Understanding the "tabOrder" for layouts. I would like to rename my layouts "P1", "P2", "P3".... based on the taborder.

Also, I would like to copy a layout (the last layout tab) and place it at a given point (like the third tab).  Once I can copy it and place it, I'll be able to rename the layout tabs using taborder.

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AutoCad :: Layout Appears According To CTB

Mar 14, 2012

I'm sure this has been talked here before, but i cant find that variable, option or whatever it is that controls if a layout appears according to the ctb selected or with the colors and configuration your using on your drawing.I mean, you have a drawing with many layers of different colors, if your layout is set to use "monochrome", you can only see it with white/black lines.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Insert A Layout

May 20, 2011

Ive recently designed a bracket, ive dimensioned it but i need it to fit onto an A4 template

If i scale it down to half, how do i keep the dimensions the same?

how do i insert a layout?

have i dimensioned it correctly?

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AutoCad :: Plot PDF Layout Name?

Mar 20, 2008

As we all know when u publish a pdf the layout name & drawing file name is automatically inserted into the file name for the pdf ur about to create. Is there a way of controlling this? ie i only want the file name n not the layout name as well,

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AutoCad :: Dim From Model To Layout

Aug 3, 2012

I have a bunch of drawings saved on an external hard drive. When I go to open most of them the dim come up correct until it regens then they change to a wierd scale factor, I can highlight all of them and change back to scale 1 and save but when i come back into it they do the same thing???

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AutoCad :: Drawing For Each Layout?

Nov 3, 2011

I have been using one drawing with in 50 Nos. layouts. Now I want to make the separate drawing for each layout. What should I do? Is there any lisp for do the above function?

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AutoCad :: Different Models In 1 Layout

Sep 10, 2013

If i have two viewports in 1 layout: Is it possible to call different models (from different files) in it?

Lets say... ViewportA has model of drawing A. ViewportB has model of drawing B. But Both viewports are in the same layout.

I want to avoid using clipxref when inserting legends.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Inconsistent Layout Renaming

Oct 23, 2013

I have written this code to check the name of the layouts and determine if the are to our company standard or not and if they are close enough to determine what they should be rename them. I create a drawing with severl differant layout names to test the code but I am getting inconsistent results. The drawing I created has 9 layouts named M2_03, M2_04, m3_01, m3_02, tm01_25, tm2.05, tm2.06a, TM2_01, and TM2_02A. It seems to be crashing on the tm2.06a but I can not figure out why.
Public Class StandFix <Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.CommandMethod("StandFix")> _ Public Sub StandardFixer() Dim ErrString As String = "" ErrString = ErrString & StandardizeLayoutNames() MsgBox(ErrString, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Non-Standard Entities Found") End Sub
[Code] ....

why sometimes it work and checks all the layouts, but most of the time it only does some of the layouts.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Viewport In Particular Layout

Jun 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a new layout and then adding text and a view port. The add text works but the add view port method, written in  AutoCad's Developer Guide, doesn't!
Sub MyLayouts(ByVal LayerVal As String) '*********************' '* Create Layout *' '*********************' 'Declaration' acDocs = Application.DocumentManager acDoc = acDocs.MdiActiveDocument acCurDb = acDoc.Database Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager = LayoutManager.Current 'Notification' acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage(vbLf & [Default].MyApplication & " -> Création d'une présentation. ") 'Transaction database' Using acTrans =

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating A New Layout From A Template?

Jun 28, 2012

I have a small project that I'm working on that inserts a new layout based on a user selected  template size (A, B, C or D sizes). I need the program to insert the layout along with the titleblock geometry from the existing A, B, C, or D dwt files.

I know how to add a new blank layout. However, I'm having some trouble determing how to insert the titleblock geomtry. I've read a number of posts on here related to layouts, and while they were informative, none of them covered exactly what I need to do.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plotting Layout To JPG

Apr 7, 2013

I am trying to plot a paper space as JPG, the drawing scale is 1:1 the paper is the size an a4 page, I tried using the publish to web JPG.pc3 but the lines come out as gray and faint, I tried all the different combination of pixels and scale but without success!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Corrupted Layout Tab DWG?

Jul 10, 2013

i have been working on a DWG (c3d 2012) most of the day, and sure enough, after my last edit in Model space, c3d crashed.  

i can remain in model space, but once I try on open the only layout tab, c3d hangs and crashes.  i was able to create a new layout in the command line and rebuild my layout, but i still cannot open the original tab without a crash.  i ran AUDIT and found 2 errors, but if i allow c3d to fix or delete them, c3d crashes.  also, if i run PURGE, c3d crashes.

how i can determine what is at fault or a method to maybe even isolate the problem? maybe a trick?

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AutoCAD LT :: Blocks Disappearing In Layout?

May 22, 2012

I have inserted blocks into my model space, however when I flick to my layout they dissappear. Also when I pulled a table in from another drawig directly onto my layout the blocks inserted in that dissappear also.

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AutoCAD LT :: Orientation Of Text In Layout?

Sep 15, 2013

When i add text to a layout it plots vertical not horizontal as add and shown in the layout.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Separate Layout Tab

Jun 20, 2012

I have a drawing with a 40 layout tab, so i need to separate all this layout tab in separate drawing, i try save as layout drawing but the layout goes into the model space, i need still in the layout tab.

I want to know if there's a command or an LSP to separate all the layout tabs?

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AutoCAD LT :: Linetype In Model And Layout

Sep 11, 2013

Is there a proper way to change the settings so the linetypes in model and layout will look the same? Or do I have to change ltscale?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cloning Layout Using Same Taborder?

Jul 12, 2013

I have a program that lets the user create a new page, by cloning a selected page and placing it at the desired layout order (taborder).  For example, the user could copy layout 4 as layout 3 and then there are options for changing the layers that are visible.

The problem I'm running into is when a user enters new page = 3, by copying the current layout 3.  What I want is to have the new layout placed at taborder 3, and the rest moved to the right.

It gives me an error, though, saying I'm using the same taborder.' This will copy the selected layout and call it the new page.

Public Sub addPage(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal pageToCopy As Integer) Dim myDWG As ApplicationServices.Document Dim myDB As DatabaseServices.Database Dim myTransMan As DatabaseServices.TransactionManager Dim myTrans As DatabaseServices.Transaction myDWG = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument myDB = myDWG.Database myTransMan = myDWG.TransactionManager myTrans = myTransMan.StartTransaction Dim myBT As DatabaseServices.BlockTable Dim myBTR As DatabaseServices.BlockTableRecord Dim myBTRE As DatabaseServices.SymbolTableEnumerator Dim myLM As DatabaseServices.LayoutManager Dim myLayout As DatabaseServices.Layout Dim layoutToCopy As String myBT =


 I thought, maybe I could put the new layout at the end, and then just change its taborder, but all that did was overwrite the current layout 3 with the new layout.

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AutoCAD LT :: Create A Table In A Layout

Jul 5, 2012

I've created a table in a layout. I have the alignment set to middle center, but some cells in the table will show middle center then the data will be entered top right. I'm stumped as what to try next.

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AutoCAD LT :: Scrolling Through Layout Tabs

Nov 6, 2012

When I'm scrolling through my Layout tabs using the arrows on the bottom left of the screen, if I'm scrolling right I have to click the arrow at a certain speed or it gets hung up on one tab and won't scroll any further. If I'm scrolling left, it only lets me scroll as far as the active tab and then it fades both the "left" and "skip to end left" arrows and won't let me scroll at all. And both directions, unless I'm clicking very slowly on the arrows, instead of scrolling it highlights the name of the tab as though I've clicked "Rename".

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AutoCAD .NET :: Create Layout Without LayoutManager

Apr 12, 2006

I need to be able to make layouts in external drawings, and therefore cannot use LayoutManager. I've got it working but it seems to me that my solution may not be the best or the "right" way to do it. I found out quickly that each layout needs it's own *Paper_Space# BlockTableRecord and I've resorted to creating one myself. In the code below, you can see that I name my new layout "*Paper_Space". It ends up getting named "*Paper_Space#" in the database, where the # gets incremented automatically. Is this the right way to do it?

public void Test()


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