AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA - Program Which Can Steer Model
Mar 16, 2011
I was created model of industrial robot with assembly and I need to create program in VBA, which can be used to steering robot arms in model for example used keyboard. Program have to include assembly too. I don't know what I should start do this.
Where I could get a drawing of front axle. I am looking for an axle like a Dana 44 or 60. I am mainly interested in the steering knuckles. I need them for a concept drawing. I already looked at 3D content central and cad block exchange network.
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I have AutoCad2013 installed on my system, I am running Windows 8.1, my system updated automatically. After updating none of my Autodesk software will launch. When I try Inventor I get a capatibility error and I follow the link and get the SP1 file but it says it also no capatible. When I try and launch Autocad 2013 I get an error thas says" acad.exe This app has failed to start because its side by side configuration is in correct" I als have Revit 2013 on my system and an error comes up saying "This app was unable to start correctly (Oxc0150002)"
I just installed Autodesk Inventor Pro 2014 as a student for my engineering class and I have yet to get it to work properly. Every time I try to open the program, it will open to the main selection page. But the first click I do on the screen causes it to say 'not responding'. I have to close the program and try opening it again. The second time, it does not even get past the opening screen. It freezes and I end up having to log off of my user and log back in. I have the 64-bit version that matches my computer.
I'm having an issue where when I run my RULES the model updates 99% of the assembly components. The 1% will update if I run the RULE again with the same inputs. What am I missing?
Is it possible to validate/simulate my PLC program with autodesk inventor, using for example OPC connection between Inventor and my PLC. I know its possible in Delmia, but in our firm we have Inventor.
I have created a VBA program (form with options) that modifies our parts list and saves the information to a text file for use by our purchasing dept. software. I need to be able to run this program on multiple IDW files whenever I have them open and whenever I need. How can I place it on the toolbar (ribbon) for easy access across any open file.
As of now the only I see is to export the form,, then import it to every IDW file, there has to be an easier way.
I'm trying to write a program in C# to automate ballooning from a BOM.The routine must read the BOM and for every row it highlights in all the views the corresponding component.Then the user must be able to manually draw a balloon or balloons to the highlighted items.
When done the next row of the BOM is called, etc.I can choose to start with a BOM from our PDM system or the Inventor BOM, partlist or drawingBOM
I tried different ways but I get stuck on it.I even tried to select the nodes in the browser and called oNode.doselect, but then I can't get the proper type for the selected items to go further?
I wrote an API program (exe file) using VB 2010 Express. I want to ad startup link of this program on RIBON toolbar in case of start within Inventor session.
Is it possible?. Using Inventor 2013 and Win7 64 bit.
I have an assembly as a template that was created by a previous employee. There are known variables that are controlled with an Excel spreadsheet.
What I am attempting to do is create a VB form that the user can input the known variables and then have the program open the template, perform the changes, and copy to the vault. Sounds easy enough. A few caveats:
If I store the template in the Vault (preferred), how do I perform a "Copy Design" with a VB6 program?If I store it on a hidden network drive, this prevents users from screwing it up, but then I have to open each indivual file and perform a "SaveAs". Also easy enough. But, since the previous employee linked each component of the assembly to the Excel file, I would need to perform a "Change Source" to the newly created Excel spreadsheet in each component. Not sure how that is done. I do have VB2010 Express, but just not as comfortable with it as VB6. (I know, get with the current .Net)
I have my projects in their own folders. When I start a new project, I copy an older project folder and paste to start a new project. I do this so i don't have to start modeling from scratch each time. The problem when i do this is i have to change the name and part number of each file to correspond to the new project number. This takes more time than i would like to spend doing it so is there a program that will let me do this in bulk? (change the part number of all the files through their iproperties) I typically have to use the design assistant and change the part number of each .ipt file one by one.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014
We are developing a program for steel structures, for which we are requiring the program related to placing content center component in an assembly file. We will be pleased if the program had provisions for specifying the type of steel structure and length at each occurrence of the object.
The company I work for has used autodesk models and set up their own frame generated parts. Basically took the models and every generated model will have their custom properties specific to our company. These custom parts appear when I change to the correct project and will not show on default. Frame generator has been working fine up until the past 2 days.
When I try and edit the a frame generated piece (deleting a trim with frame generator, editing a part with frame generator) the dialogue box shows and the blue bar is running across the box but it stays in this state until I exit the program. I have even let it load for about 30 minutes before after leaving it to go out for lunch.
This has only recently started happening and I am not sure what is wrong. Frame generator does work like normal sometimes. I don't have any programs that are using excessive amounts of memory in the background.
Our team is doing program customization in Inventor 2011 that extract drawings based on 3D model. When the program runs and reached the line that has either open, close and save method, Inventor program automatically terminated and “Inventor Send Error Report” appears. When we tried to debug the program and when it reached the line that has either open, close, and save method, we force to exit our customized program but the same case, when it is totally terminated, Inventor program also terminated and “Inventor Send Error Report” appears. When we investigate the problem, we tried several solutions such as setting the active document to new variable, added a method to pause the program for few seconds, etc but still no effect. Our machine is using: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2 Intel Xeon(R), 6 GB RAM Is there a VBA for Inventor that is intended for 64 bit machine? Because I think we use 32 bit VBA in Inventor. What does “Inventor32bitHost.exe” means in task manager? Is there any relation to Inventor VBA?
CPU / Computer Case fan - the spindle & blades only. For a better picture, it looks like this: [URL] ...
How do I design the blades? How do I bend the blades? How do I multiply the blades to make it repeat in circle?
P.S. The 3ds max discussion Area is locked, from what I've heard. I want to start creating GPU boards (which I already know how to do). BUT, I don't know how to design a Cooling Fan properly... which function in 3ds MAX... ???
I have a STP file of a seat that I just want to simply modify it's dimensions. Bring some aspects in closer, raise the back, and hollow out the middle. I can't seem to do anything and in searching online I only ended up with Inventor Fusion 2013 R1 that crashes each time, and Fusion 360 which has to be the worst user experience I have ever found in a piece of software.
(Side note I understand a little about solid models and surface models, but I just want something to work, otherwise inventor is a glorified model viewer.
I couldn't attach the file so here is the link to it. [URL]........
I have been reading here that the preferred mode of generating dimensions on the drawing views is by using "Retrieve" method.
My question is: how can I programatically add dimensions or measurements to the model so I can retrieve them in the drawing view? This has to be all done by code.
How do I scale a 3D model that I have imported originally from a ".step" file (or really any 3D model). I have come from SolidWorks, and this was very easy to do. All of the help files indicate that I need access to the original sketch.
So I started on this project recently and was not the original modeler. This section of pipe has some problems where I'm guessing a sweep went wrong. I've tried everything I know to do to try to fix this section but haven't had any luck.
- This model has no tree and is shown as one soild "base"
- I tried to extrude cut the bad section
- I tried spliting the bad section
- I exported the file as an IGES and then tried to remove bad section
I'm sure there are some other round about ways I tried that I can't think of but in the end nothing has worked.
Customer has sent me a 3D Autocad model. Part opens fine in Autocad 2012 and Acad Mech 2012. I need to bring this into Inventor so, from Inventor: Choose Open and select the dwg file.
From options, I select "Import". Select "Next" on the dwf/dfx File Wizard, then Finish.
Instead of Inventor opening the file, I get this dialog.... "Mechanical Desktop 6 or newer is required".I don't have Mech Desktop. How can I get this part into Inventor?In ACAD, I tried ACISOUT and picked the objects.... "339 found, No Solids, regions, or Shape Manger bodies found". Does not export.