AutoCAD Inventor :: Saveas Case Sensitive?

Oct 15, 2013

Does Saveas really need to be case sensitive. I just spent a lot of time trying to figure out why my addin wasn't working and all that was wrong is I had a capital P on png.

Dim sPath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sIDWName) & "PartsLists"
Dim sFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sIDWName) & ".Png"
Dim sFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sIDWName) & ".png"
Dim sPNGName As String = sPath & "" & sFileName
oCamera.SaveAsBitmap(sPNGName, 1124, 899)

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block Table Case Sensitive Keys

Jul 1, 2013

When I want to test if block with a given name exists in drawing, I use Block Table. Has(key as String) method, which is case sensitive, but then, when I try to insert a block with the same name, but different case, the block name is considered the same.

How can I test if the block in in the drawing then?

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Photoshop :: Installation Of CS6 (Extended) On Case-Sensitive Drives

May 10, 2012

I understand that under the "system requirements" the Adobe website says that you can't install PS CS6 (Extended) on case-sensitive drives (I'm using a MacBook Pro, OS X v. 10.7.4).  This seems to have been the case at least since CS5.I didn't see this, and I bought (quite excitedly) the update from CS PS5 (Extended) to PS6.  I had NO PROBLEM installing PS5 on this drive. 
Of course, as other users have indicated, the installer refuses to let you install on a case-sensitive drive (e.g., no options to install on another disk).  There is also no mention that CS6 must be installed on the boot drive.Requiring installation on the boot drive has serious implications for those of us who require case-sensitive drives for other work; I don't want to have to reboot from another drive when I use PS, and switch back and forth -- that's simply foolish.
From my point of view (as a user, granted), this is lazy programming, and this needs to be fixed ASAP.  At least in my case, I have a $400 lump of software just taking up space, when I want to be up to my eyeballs enjoying PS6 in all it's glory.
If I wipe my drive, format it as not case-sensitive, then I lose functionality for other critical work.  Further, I'm not sure that the process of  wiping the drive, formating it as non case-sensitive, and restoring everything from TimeMachine would even work (since the backup material is coming from a case-senstive drive and trying to go to a drive that is not case-sensitive).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Searching For Dynamic Blocks With Visibility Perimeter That Is Case Sensitive

Dec 19, 2013

create a routine to list all the dyanmic blocks in my drawing with a specific visibilty parameter name. The problem with the blocks that I'm trying to search for in my draiwng is that the visibility names are very similar with the only differences being CASE sensitivity (ie. OBJECT vs. Object).
(defun c:test (/ BNAME DATA E I PNAME SS VIS) (if (setq data nil vis (getstring T "
Enter the Visibility Parameter Name: ") ss (ssget"_X"(list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "`*U*")) ) ) ;; setq (progn (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))(cond ((and (setq bname(vla-get-EffectiveName (setqe (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)) ) ) )) ) (setq Pname(car (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(j) (eq (strcase (vla-get-PropertyName j)) (strcase vis) )) (vlax-invoke e 'GetDynamicBlockProperties) )) ) (not (member bname data)) ) (setq data (cons bname data)) (foreach itm data (print itm)) ));; cond );; repeat );; progn );; if (if (null data) (princ "
Block/Parameter Name not found")) (princ))

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Photoshop :: CS5 Install On Case-sensitive File System - Can't Choose Different Drive (Mac OS)?

Jan 3, 2012

I just upgraded my macbook pro to a new drive and 10.6, and chose 'case sensitive' HFSX, 'cause I'm a heavy command line user and wanted the maximum BASH experience.I'm trying to install the CS5 demo to try some web design tools, and the installer immediately says "Installation to case-sensitive drives is not supported. choose a different drive location to install." So case-sensitive drives aren't supported; crappy but fair enough.
The error message leads me to think that I can just choose a non-case-sensitive drive to install to, but I never get a chance to pick one - I click on the installer and it goes straight to the error message.So - how do I pick a different drive to install to? Am I just an idoit, is there no way to select a different drive, or will it not install on a system that even BOOTS from a c.s. drive, regardless of the format of the drive that CS5 is installed to?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Use All Caps On Drawing Or Upper Case / Lower Case

Dec 14, 2011

do you use all caps or do you use upper case/lower case in your drawing title block, bom, and notes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Force Saveas From External App?

Aug 29, 2012

I want to force a saveas from an external app using code as below:-

If OApp.Ready Then
Call oDoc.SaveAs(File_Full_Name, True)

However, Inventor invariably crashes at this point - especially if panning a model. Is there a way I can either lock Inventor from the user whilst the save is happening or check that no mouse or keyboard activity is in use?

I have tried monitoring the status bar text for "Ready" but tihs is unreliable.

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Revit :: Change Lower Case Word Of Shared Parameters To Upper Case

Apr 2, 2013

I want to change the lower case words in shared parameters to upper case. Is there any way to make such a change in .rfa/.rte/.rvt file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Select Case

Aug 12, 2013

I am trying to write a code that says if a door width is within a certain range to select a specific product. The range is something like 19" to 21" select hinge 1, if it it within 21.125 = > 24" use hinge 2 .... etc.

I am new to iLogic programming, and I am pretty much self taught. I am also getting used to doing things a different way so I can make iParts out of them. I already have my door dimensions in a spreadsheet so I can control it from there.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modeling Crank Case

May 6, 2012

Here is the original drawing I am trying to model in Inventor:

My front view looks like this:

My 3d view looks like this:

Compare my front view with the original and you will notice an extra circle. I am not sure why that is, but I think it might be because I may not have not modeled the backview properly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Upper Case In Part List?

Jul 24, 2013

I wonder if one could change the characters in the part list to upper case when the file name is in lower case.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Shaft / Fan To Spin Inside The Case?

Jan 10, 2014

Have attached a simple assembly..i have constrained the parts but how do i get the shaft/Fan to spin inside the case?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Case In External Ilogic Rule

Sep 6, 2012

I've made an External rule in Ilogic that must read a parameter value (Thickness) to set a value in a property (StockNumber).

The value is not written to the property by Using 'Select Case', see code. There is no error or something like that. So what am I doing wrong?

Tested in an internal rule, where Select Case = <Thickness> instead of Parameter ("Thickness") and that works fine.....

Select Case Parameter("Thickness")Case 2iProperties.Value("Project", "Stock Number")="686001"Case 4iProperties.Value("Project", "Stock Number")="686002"Case 3iProperties.Value("Project", "Stock Number")="686003"End SelectiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True

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AutoCAD 2013 :: SaveAs And Block Creation

Jul 21, 2012

I have a student that downloaded and installed the 2013 student version of AutoCAD.  She then opened a drawing we were working on in class (2012 standard version) and continued to work at home.  She is able to save that drawing by clicking the save button on the Quick Access toolbar, however she is unable to "Saveas" that drawing to a different name or different release.  The dialog box resets the file name to a file path on her C drive as soon as you move the mouse.

The same thing happens when she goes to make a block - she can type a block name in the window, but as soon as the mouse moves, the name changes to a block name already in the list.

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AutoCAD .NET :: SaveAs With Paperspace Layout Current

Jan 18, 2012

I have a bit of code that batch processes from a template drawing. It all works fine until I get to the SaveAs() function. I have narrowed down the problem to have something to do with the drawing starting and saving in a paperspace layout. When I run the code with the template saved in model space it works fine but whe the current tab is a paperspace layout I get an error during the saveas() function "eInvalidInput"

I am using VS2008 and Autocad 2011. Is there a difference in saving with a paperspace layout current?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Retrieve SaveAs Version In Database.BeginSave

Mar 30, 2012

Is there a way to retrieve the fileversion in the Database.BeginSave event when the user has choosen like version 2004 in the default SAVEAS command?

I only found the OriginalFileVersion and LastSaveAsVersion property, however I have to add something in the database for version 2004 before it is saved. Or is there another approach?

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AutoCad :: SAVEAS Looses File Name When Saving Through Shortcut Key

Feb 27, 2013

I have a folder on a my desktop with shortcuts to my active projects in my company's network. When I run SAVEAS in AutoCAD, I browse for the respective file using the shortcuts folder. However, the file name is now changing to the name of the shortcut folder. For example, a file is named PreliminaryPlat.dwg. I want to SAVEAS PreliminaryPlat.dwg in P:/111-05-02/Plats. Rather than go through hundreds of folders in the P:/ drive, I click on a shortcut in a FOLDER on my desktop for P:/111-05-02/Plats. When I run the SAVEAS in AutoCAD, the window is prompting me to save the drawing as P:/111-05-02/Plats. I found this error happens when I SAVEAS using a folder shortcut.

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AutoCAD .NET :: SaveAs API - Don't Receive Call Back For SaveComplete Event

Dec 3, 2013

I am facing problem with SaveAs API which is when called to save the top drawing of one or above level structure we don’t receive call back for “SaveComplete” event. When we call SaveAs API, it is expected to receive first call back for BeginSave event and then SaveComplete event. But we don’t receive the call back for SaveComplete event.Below is the scenario:

Create a drawing say, “TopDrawing” and attach another drawing (as xRef) say “ChildDrawing” to the “TopDrawing”.
Save the drawings.Now modify the “ChildDrawing”.After this we are using following SaveAs API for the “TopDrawing”.
inline Acad::ErrorStatus saveAs(const ACHAR* fileName,
const SecurityParams* pSecParams = 0);

Observations: After using this API we receive call back for “BeginSave” event. But we are not receiving call back for “SaveComplete” event.Due to this we are not able to save the TopDrawing after the modification of its reference. This issue is observed in more than one level structures also.This is observed with AutoCAD2010,11,12 and 13.

Expected Results:

We should receive call back to SaveComplete following to the call back for BeginSave event in order to save the structure correctly. What needs to be done if I want to get result as I am expecting after using SaveAS API.Also provide me the information about the libraries which are used for SaveAs function.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Detect User Hitting ESC Key During SAVEAS Command

Nov 8, 2011

I'm putting together a simple lisp routine to issue bound, purged drawings.

I have code that will do the binding & purging but need handling the saving.

This is my approach :

(1) ask the user to save the drawing using this line (command "_saveas" "" "~")

(2) run a subroutine that binds xrefs etc (this works ok)

(3) run the QSAVE command

Trouble is, if the user cancels or hits escape during the SAVEAS command the subroutine & QSAVE will still run, overwriting the current drawing. How do I handle this scenario? Or should my appoach be different?

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Illustrator Scripting :: CS5 - How To Disable SaveAs Option

Aug 29, 2013

I need to hide/disable the "save As" and Save option in the "illustrator application CS5" menu via scripting.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sending Drawings Containing XREFs With Sensitive Data

Aug 28, 2013

I have drawings which are occasionally transmitted to vendors, building officials and other parties.   These drawings contain XREFs for the floor plans, roof plans, site plans, etc.  Some of these XREFs contain layers with sensitive information the client does not want distributed to third parties. 

If I'm just sending a PDF or plotting locally the sensitive layers are turned off or frozen and the PDF is plotted without layers.  This is sufficient to protect the sensitive data.  But if the third party requests a CAD file then I have a problem.

If I use Send to create a package of dependent files including XREFs they are included whole with all of the sensitive data on frozen layers.

If I Bind the XREF to a copy of the drawing for distribution the sensitive layers are still included as frozen layers. 

In either case I am confronted with the task of deleting a large number of layers and we all know what a chore deleting layers with content can be.  There has to be a solution to this problem, either an easier way to delete layers or a way to filter them in the binding process.  Currently I am removing the XREF and making a block of the essential layers each time I have to make a distribution but these are large and complex drawings making this a chore as well.

Arguably this would be much simpler if AutoCAD had a better method for removing layers such as offering to a. move all contents to layer 0, b. delete all layer contents or c. cancel instead of just telling me I can't delete the layer because there are contents like we're still using R12.

AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013

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AutoCAD 2010 :: XRef Context Sensitive Menu Not Showing Up

Feb 17, 2012

We have a drawing with an xRef in model space and it is exposed through a paperspace viewport.

While in PS, we activate the viewport so that we can then select the xRef and with that done, we right-click on the mouse and now we have the issue.

On all computers but one, we see the pop-up menu on the left of the attached pic, but on that one computer we see the menu on the right. The difference is marked off in red and as you can see, the section with the xRef options is missing for that one guy. Why?

We are all using the same enterprise customization file and each user has their own main customization file. I have checked his main customization file and don't see anything that would be causing this.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Batching SaveAs In CS6 Will Not Save PDF Compatible

Sep 12, 2012

So I'm using a script that I wrote to bring in files that were converted from CorelDraw to EPS (this is the best conversion process to preserve text and drawing assets).  Basically the script takes the art in the EPS, groups it, places a rectangular border around the art and centers them.  We do this so that they come into InDesign correctly sized.  The problem is, it used to be 100% automated, just about, however now the saveas action command will not remember that "Save as PDF Compatible" needs to be set to true.  When I do a saveas command, it's check by default, but when the saveas command is batched, it does NOT do it that way.  When I try to bring batched AIs into InDesign, it's text that says it was not saved as PDF Compatible.  Am I going to have to script a save function to get control of the saveas settings?  I don't understand why PDF compatible is checked by default, yet batching saveas saves as if it unchecked it. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Saveas Drawing With Default Drawing Name

Oct 13, 2013

I am trying to put together a lisp routine for exporting a Civil3D drawing to basic autocad entities and convert it to a clients layer standards.

I don't want any user input, so I see two problems with the routine at the moment.

Step 2. SAVEAS - I want the drawing to be saved in the same directory as the current drawing, either called "CLIENT_export.dwg" or preferably "Export_{current drawing name}.dwg". If the dwg exists I want it either to overwrite or increment a suffix number.

Step 4. At the moment it askes the user for a selection, I want it to select "ALL"

;;;Purpose to convert a Civil3D drawing into CLIENT layer standards.

(defun c:client ()
(setq old-echo (getvar "CMDECHO"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)


I don't have any experience with LISP or any other programming. I have just been cobbling this together from bits and pieces I have found on the web.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2008 - Change Case Not Working?

Nov 8, 2013

I have a single AutoCAD LT 2008 user who lost the ability to change the case on text in a drawing. Normally, he would highlight text, say it was uppercase, right click to choose change case and he would select lowercase and it would do as designed. Now, it simply deletes the highlighted text.

We've done a repair install with no result. Anyway to restore or fix this functionality?

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AutoCad :: System Variable For Upper Case?

Apr 11, 2013

I have a computer where all text entered in AutoCAD text/mtext comes out in uppercase. Pressing the shift key while entering the text has no effect. The CAD-Girl involved has admitted to sniffing around in Express Tools System Variables and changing a few, but she cannot remember any more which ones she changed.

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AutoCad :: How To Use Lower Case Letters In Attributes

Sep 5, 2012

im using 2008 autocad . whenever i make an attribute using ATT command. it's forced as uppercase. how can i use lower case letters?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Brushes Not Pressure Sensitive With

Feb 4, 2009

Running on Vista Business 32bit, Phenom 9550 Quad Core, 4GB RAM, Nvidia 7600 GT.

I just tried my WACOM tablet and the brushes were very slow, missing the start of some strokes and most importantly no pressure sensitivity. I did
a little searching and someone suggested switching off OpenGL and this has
fixed my problem.

Does anyone else have a similar experience ?

Also, is my 7600 GT card not powerful enough ? When I moved to CS2 from 7,

I had to upgrade my graphics card - which was running just fine with 7.

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GIMP :: Pen Input Is Not Pressure Sensitive?

Jul 19, 2013

I use GIMP 2.8.4 and ThinkPad X230 tablet with Windows 7.

The pen input is not pressure sensitive. All I see is a box that is titled Dynamics and displays Pressure Opacity. It's in Normal mode.

I upgraded the multi touch driver. How do I make it work?

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Lightroom :: 4 Develop Sliders Are Very Sensitive?

Mar 23, 2012

I am finding that the LR4 Develop Sliders are very sensitive compared to LR3.  Holding down the Shift Key while adjusting the sliders will give precise control when needed.

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Photoshop :: Pen Sensitivity Not Available Without Pressure-sensitive Tablet

Sep 30, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CS6 64-bit with a Wacom Bamboo Pen tablet.  I've already tried fixing/resetting the tablet numerous times, and I've come to the conclusion that the problem is with Photoshop, not the tablet.  Important points of my problem
1. Whenever I completely reset my computer, photoshop recognizes the tablet and uses it correctly. The problem arises after I close my laptop or unplug the tablet.  When I try to use it again, it gives the triangle warning box that says pen sensitivity is not available without a pressure-sensitive tablet.
2. The tablet with Pen Pressure works in Manga Studio 100% of the time.  This is why I'm posting this in the Adobe Forums, not Wacom.
I've tried several fixes, I must have reinstalled different versions of my Tablet Driver 10 times at least, it always comes back to this same problem.  No matter what I do, it works for awhile, but when I put my laptop to sleep or unplug the tablet, photoshop no longer recognizes it.

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