AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Flat File To Specified Directory?
Sep 23, 2011
I am trying to use this code to take the flat pattern and save it to a specified directory ("X:Burn Files" ) but I can't get the path to work. I can save the file just fine but not where I would like it to go.
Public Sub WriteSheetMetalDWG()
' Get the active document. This assumes it is a part document.
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oCompDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition
I am making some iLogic automated parts which I want to save when I place them in an assembly.
Now I have the folder the file needs to be saved in allready specified in the simple code I wrote but I want to be able to browse the folders to select a specific one.
I run the code by activating it in a Form that pops up when you place the part in an assembly.
The simple save as code I wrote is as following:
Workspace = ThisDoc.WorkspacePath()If System.IO.File.Exists(Workspace & "Parts" & "Cable Tray-" & Partnumber & ".ipt") = True Theni = MessageBox.Show("The partnumber you chose is allready in use, choose an other number.", "Save Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)Else If System.IO.File.Exists(Workspace & "Parts" & "Cable Tray-" & Partnumber & ".ipt") = False ThenThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(Workspace & "Parts" & "Cable Tray-" & Partnumber & ".ipt", False)End If
How I can browse the folders to select the folder to save the part in when placing the part?
I am working with inventor 2014 professional now. But There is a problem. it is ( a: 2d translator not installed and b:sketch export failed ) . dxf drawings of sheet metal environment, particularly these problems started recording format.
I have read all the topics about rule that save flat pattern (.ipt) as .dxf file. Unfortunately, It doesn't work with Inventor 2012. I found rule by Rob Cohee and it works but it saves all lines. I need dxf file with only outer and inner profile, no bend lines.
A colleague and I are working on a large assembly together, and we have received several .stp files from a customer (originally created in ProE), many of which are sheet metal that need to be unfolded and flat patterns made in drawings. The sheet metal default thickness has been changed to what the material thickness is. We have measured the edges on each side of and the radii of the bends, and they all appear to be consistently uniform. Yet, we get an error when trying to unfold or flatten the outer two bends. The customer sent us a flat pattern .stp file as well after letting them know we could not unfold the part, and there are many dimensions that we have to manually inserted to the drawing with the flat file because it does not have the bend information in it.
Is there something that we are missing to make this part unfold all the way?
In case my signature does not attach, I am running 2011 SP2, Windows7 Pro (SP1) 64-bit, 12GB RAM, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz, NVIDIA Quadro 2000 Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
I have problem with Save As Command from Flat Pattern in Sheet Metal Mode. I want to export to DWG file from Flat Pattern to send this layout to our Laser Machine database.
I want to create a hole approx 586x586mm. But every time i try inventor respond with "The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result" If i do a slightly smaller hole it will work, but that is not what i want...
I'm trying to make an action that would perform some operations on images and save them to two different folders (as PDF and as JPG). Here's what my action looks like:
I make a droplet out of this action, and run it on a directory with a bunch of jpg files. However, all files are saved the same two locations: "archivepages_c.pdf" and "archivejpeg600pages_c.jpg".
I created an iLogic rule that allows in a sheet metal part to the informations Length, widht and area of a flat pattern. This rule run and the iproerties are created (see attachment file).
Now, I will run this rule from an assembly file to create automatically, in all sheet metal components, theses iproperties.
Is it possible ? what must I change in this rule ?
Where I work we do a lot of plate and punch holes in beams for rebar. Is there a way to pull the flat patteren layout of sheet metal and convert to an NC1 file. I can export to a DXF but then i must manually go in and make changes to the DXF in order for it to cut right on our plasma and laser tables. As far as punching holes and cutting beams any clues on this either? We were outsourcing our drafting work before but now we are switching over to in house. I have contacted our supplier of plate nesting software and it looks like they sell something but that means another license of it on another computer.
I can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I was trying to spare some room on my C: drive so when I went to save for web last time, I decided to save the images and html on D: drive instead of C:. Ever since then, when I go to save for web I get this error message: "Could not complete this operation. The directory name is not valid". I even uninstalled PS and reinstalled it to see if the factory default settings might override whatever I screwed up!
Having trouble plotting a dwg file when it is deeper than 5 folders in a directory. I was given instructions a few years ago on how to correct this, but unfortunately lost/forgot them. We just upgraded to ACAD Mechanical 2012, and I need to modify this setting was something simple, I just can't remember.
I'm using the file dialog snippet as the foundation for a save as dialog box for saving a new copy of my template assembly to a project folder. Is there a way to disable the ability to click on a file in the window which puts that filename in the input box? The assembly file name is standardized and pre-"calculated" by my code and its a decent hassle if you accidentally click another file because the user would either have to rewrite the file name by hand, or cancel out of the dialog box and re-navigate to the project folder.
if i need to rename or change anything in the iproperties of ipt, im doing it from the problem is that, when i change something in iproperties of an ipt thru vault, i have to open the idw to update it.
as most of the iproperties in ipt shows in the idw.
its easy to change the properties in vault. but its deleting its purpose if i have to each idw to make sure i have the updated there a code where i can open all idw and save the same file and checking to the vault automatically?
I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
How to set cute pdf to always auto print in same directory as source file. Also use source file name except with .pdf extension. I would like to add a macro to my save button so it does this automatically and never have to convert again. This would also be useful for dwf format also. Disk drives are massive now so no need to save space.
Autocad is saving files to the Temp folder. I like to keep that folder nice and clean. My question is: which file location in the options dialog box that controls that issue?
I have an application that would export the BOM to a *.csv file format.... I used to save the information in exactly the same manor as viewed in Inventor. For some reason, my application is now saving the information all mixed up. If I am in Inventor and export it manually then open the *.csv file the information is exactly as I wanted it. Pragmatically, it jumbles up all of the information.... this is the code I have been using for quite some time.
Public Sub ExportBOM() ConfigurationLocation = "ExportBOM" Dim oBOM As Inventor.BOM oBOM = oAsmCompDef.BOM oBOM.StructuredViewFirstLevelOnly = False [Code] .....
how can i get this to mimic programmatically what is done when you do it manually? Oh.... running IV 2011.
When using the default Standard.idw template, if you place a view of a file called for example 'AB1234.ipt' then save the IDW, it defaults the name of the IDW to AB1234.idw.
Someone has goosed up one of our IDW templates, and this no longer happens. Irrespective of what I change the IDW part number or browser to now, it defaults the save name to Standard.idw.
I am updating a lot of parts before putting them in a "vault" Is there a way to list the I properties and document settings of all parts and assemblies in a directory rather than opening each part individually. It would be great if I could make edits that way as well. (for example change a status to released or a BOM to purchased.
every time when I want to open a file, Illustrator keeps showing the same directory (for example HD Macintosh/workfolder).
Normally Illustrator would show the last directory I used. For that matter, Illustrator also does this when I want to save an Illustrator file. It's a bit annoying when I have several documents I want to save into the same directory or folder and I have to click to the right directory for every document I made, because normally Illustrator shows up the last directory I used.
I use Illustrator CS5.5 on an Imac running iOS 10.8.2.The second problem I have (with Illustrator as well as InDesign) is that after my iMac hasn't been used for a while and it goes to sleep, after waking up, both Illustrator and InDesign crashed. This problem doesn't occur every time, but every now and then.
Have an easy file open and am trying to save a copy with a new name and Inventor either does nothing or crashes. Original full path and file name contains 243 characters (counting from drive letter to extension) New one will have 247 characters.
This is supposedly within the path/file name character limits for windows 7, which according to the ms website is 260 minus one for the null character at the end making it 259. So I am over 10 characters shy of the limit dictated by the OS.
Is inventor placing a stricter limit on the number of characters in the full path/file name? If so, why?
Obviously, working up the tree and adjusting upper level folder names is not an option as that would break every link in every assembly at that level or lower.
I need to save as thumbnails (like jpg or bmp or png file...?) in other directory in VBA. I seen lots of examples but in 32 bit with ThumbnailView companent.
I need to get this in Inventor VBA and 64 bit system and I do not want to install any other companent.
I used to be able to save my .idw files as an autocad .dwg, then be able to open and edit them in autocard. Now it seems that I can only save as inventor dwg and I am unable to edit the drawing in autocad.
"The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. The database in K;lah/blahlah.widget.ipt* could not be saved".It's nothing to do with an improper name; even saving as the default 'Part 3' doesn't work.
At the moment I'm limping by using Save Copy As. Neither Save not Save As work at all.