AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Command Not Responding

Oct 4, 2013

I have looked at all the discussions relevant to this problem and can't find an answer. I am doing the TOOLING TUTORIALS for Inventor 2014. My O/S is Windows 7, and my Graphics card is a Gforce GTX 570, so I know my equipment is up to doing these tutorials. But, every time I click OK to start the pattern in the section "Patterning Mold Assembly Components", I get a message saying "Pattern (not responding)". I have tried and retried at least a dozen times to be sure I followed all instructions to the letter.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Flat Pattern Command Missing

Dec 27, 2011

I recently switched to Inventor 2012 from a previous version. I cannot find the create flat pattern command. Some of my coworkers were able to customize their RMB menu to have this command, but I am not even able to do that! (They don't have the command on the ribbon, either.)

I attached a picture of my sheet metal ribbon...

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Illustrator :: CC Not Responding To Open Command In OSX 10.9

Dec 17, 2013

I just upgraded my iMac from Snow Leapord to Mavaricks 10.9 and Illustrator CS6 or Illustrator CC will not respond when you try and open a file. I tried Clicking on File/Open and also Cmd+O and it will not bring up the open dialog and will not respond and I have to force quit the program. If you double click on a file it opens but when you try and save it, the same thing happens, not responding and have to force quit. It also happen in Photoshop.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Pattern Overlay / Pattern Of Holes For Metal Floor?

May 25, 2012

where could i find a pattern overlay/pattern of holes for a metal floor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Circular Pattern Of Single Occurrence Of Rectangular Pattern

Mar 27, 2012

How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?

A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Circular Pattern / Rectangular Pattern Features

Jul 25, 2012

As you see in the template photo (the photo was scanned by Microsoft Security Essentials, healthy) I wanted to extrude my circle, and I made 28 pieces with circular pattern feature; now, do I have to choose all the pieces by one by to be able to choose all?

The sum of the problem: while using the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern feature in Inventor, sometimes I want to extrude (join) or cut the drawings that I made (augmented) with using circular pattern feature, rectangular pattern feature. in this case do I have to choose all the augmented members one by one (for instance I make 42 augmented members), it can take a lot of time.?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use Feature Pattern Select While Creating Pattern

Jun 29, 2013

How is it possible to use "Feature Pattern Select'' to make the Pattern a want in an assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Pattern Off A Feature In Another Pattern / 2013

May 31, 2013

Is it possible to take a feature created by a pattern and reuse it to create another pattern?  I have a circular part on which I have created a linear pattern (using the rectangular pattern feature) of holes, 6 in total listed as 3 ccurrences.  if we number the holes 1-6, I would like to make a circular pattern based off holes 2 and 5.  I have been unable to figure out how to select the individual "occurrence" related to the hole once in the pattern feature.  If I create the circular pattern first and then the linear and try to suppress the others it supresses both holes in the occurrence.

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AutoCAD LT :: Cursor Moving In Grid Pattern Without Command

Feb 4, 2012

Multiple times, when I have been working in a file, my cursor can no longer move smoothly over the drawing space.  Istead, it moves as if it was in a grid and I can not move the cursor freely.  The grid view is off so that is not the problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Component - Associated Feature Pattern

Jul 31, 2012

I am creating an assembly with my base part being a weldment. I've added other components that mount to my base part. Now I need to add fasteners to the mating components. I have added my first fastener and now want to pattern the said fastener using the "Pattern Component" and by using the "Feature Pattern Select" option and selecting "Associated Feature Pattern". At this point I have already selected the component that I want to pattern and selected the "Associated Feature Pattern" to select my base pattern. The only problem is that I am unable to select the pattern desired.

A note on how my Weldment was constructed -The holes were created in the "machining" step of the weldment, not in the individual part before it was placed in the weldment assembly.

If I move the hole feature and its pattern to the individual part and then place it in the weldment assembly, I can then create an "Associated Feature Pattern" in my assembly file.Why can I NOT create the associated pattern when my hole features are created in the weldment assembly? Or am I missing something?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Won't Update Unless Edit The Pattern?

Nov 20, 2013

I have an assembly which I am using as a icopy component. In the assembly I have the adaptive sketch which os used for the icopy function and a part which is adaptive to the sketch. I then have the part pattern itself in the assembly. The problem is the pattern will not update when changes are made unless I edit the pattern. The pattern references parameters from the sketch so that when the sketch changes the pattern should change. It works but the pattern will not update unless i open the pattern to edit it. Is there a vb function which will force the pattern to update when a change is made? I tried the update document vb functions but no change. I will try to get a sample together that is a smaller file size so you can see what I am talking about.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Goes Blank And Not Responding?

Jul 30, 2013

We are seeing lot of performance issues with Inventor 2013 SP2, especially when trying to add assembly into assembly.

I am trying to add an assembly (138MB, 780files) into a newly created assembly (new/blank file).

Sometimes it crashes when creating BOM.

Machine details:

Win7 64Bit OS
8GB Ram
i7 – 2640 @ 2.8GHz Processor
NVIDA Quadro 3000M

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Driver Not Responding

Sep 7, 2012

We just installed the Autodesk Package. AutoCAD works fine, Revit seems to work, but we are having the display drive not responding, when we try to start a sketch in Revit.

ATI Radeon HD 3740 graphics card.
Windows 7 - 32 bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler Is Not Responding

Mar 21, 2012

I´m having a problem with the Inventor 2012 Task Scheduler. I´ve done a couple of migration tasks over the last 2 months, actually quite some big tasks on our Vault Server.

Now I´m getting no more access to the application, it´s either showing a message that the server is busy and not responding or the application starts up and sits for a minute in the task bar and then opens up but still I can´t click any menus or create a report to control the tasks I've done earlier.

But I need to check the last couple of tasks to see which files have been successfully migrated and which are not. I know that I can view the logfiles manually but that still leaves me with no more tasks that I need to run to fix our database and Inventor files.

Let the application run with administrator rights doesn't work either. What else could be done to get the task scheduler back up running?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Goes Not Responding (AdApplicationButton)

Oct 25, 2013

Every time you work on large assembly or drawings inventor goes not responding and in the task bar an ADApplicationButton could be seen which is running in the background while inventor hangs.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constant Not Responding And Freezing

Aug 7, 2013

Ok, so I just got a new computer after having to deal with "Not Responding" from my old computer all the time just to find out I still have this issue with a brand new computer.  It's really frustrating because it will do this all the time with small assemblies, big assemblies, parts, it doesn't matter.  It also can be at any random moment from rotating the model to adding a constraint to saving.  It doesn't seem to have any real pattern it just seems to happen all the time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: (Not Responding) Upon Opening Of Program

Dec 10, 2013

I just installed Autodesk Inventor Pro 2014 as a student for my engineering class and I have yet to get it to work properly. Every time I try to open the program, it will open to the main selection page. But the first click I do on the screen causes it to say 'not responding'. I have to close the program and try opening it again. The second time, it does not even get past the opening screen. It freezes and I end up having to log off of my user and log back in. I have the 64-bit version that matches my computer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Application Menu Not Responding

Mar 30, 2009

Haven't figured out the trigger yet but after working in INV for a little while the "Application Menu" (used to be the File menu) does not respond to clicking on any buttons..Flyouts work but when you press the actual button nothing happens..

All other ribbon bar buttons function properly. Simply closing INV and restarting fixes the problem temporarily.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fusion 2012 Freezes And Is Slow Responding?

Oct 4, 2011

I just started using Inventor and it is very slow, freezes for a few seconds, and is non responsive. My AutoCAD Architecture 2012 works just fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Moving Geometry From Flat Pattern Sketch Space To Flat Pattern Space

Jan 2, 2012

I am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.

Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.

When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly.  What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way Of Creating Pattern

Feb 27, 2012

is there a simpler way of creating these patterns or a way of doing less work to create these patterns?can this be accomplished with a formula/ function?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Keep Cut In Flat Pattern

Mar 2, 2012

My next challenge with my rolled cone bottom is to place an oval in the cone that will give the right edges for the lazer pattern. If I create the cut while in the formed  shape the edges are not perpendicular to the face in the flat pattern. If I place the cut in the flat pattern, it is suppressed when the part is returned to the formed state.

In other packages I would unfold the part, place the cut, and then refold it retaining the cut. How do we deal with this situation here?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: DXF From Flat Pattern

Mar 14, 2006

I want to make dxf files from a flatpattern with ApprenticeServer in a VB6 project. I tried this code but I get a Error 5 on the line :

oDataIO.WriteDataToFile sOut, strFilenaam

What's wrong?

Public Sub Maak_UitslagDXF_Appr(strFilenaam As String)
Dim oApprenticeServerApp As New ApprenticeServerComponent
Dim oPartdoc As ApprenticeServerDocument
Set oPartdoc = oApprenticeServerApp.Open(strFilenaam)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't See Pattern In Assembly

Feb 22, 2012

I did a pattern in part file which i want to use to rdive an objert (another part) in assembly but whan i place the part in assembly i CAN'T see the pattern so i can't select it & use it.

Is there any way to make the pattern visible/useable?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Any Way To Pattern Sub-assembly?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm trying to pattern a subassembly onto a final assembly in Inventor, and it won't let me select the subassembly as a feature to be patterned. Is there a way to pattern a subassembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Flat Pattern With Rib Features?

Dec 14, 2012

My flat pattern of a sheet metal part fails when I added strenthening Press ribs to the middle of the part using an iFeature.

I know Inventor is not capable of flattening embossed sheetmetal but is there a way to still get the flat pattern & ignore the formed areas?

Seems to me I was able to add some model features in the past like bosses, extruded holes KO's etc & I could still make a flat pattern.

I know I can use derived part to do it but that adds complications.

IV 2012 SP2
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Show Flat Pattern

Aug 26, 2012

It's my first time using sheet metal in a drawing and I can't figure out how to show flat pattern in the drawing. When I insert the base view into my drawing, the bottom to "Sheet Metal View" to "Flat Pattern" is shown, but it's ghosted out so I can't select it. Is there something I have to do in the part drawing in order to activate this feature?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolted Connection Will Not Pattern

Oct 31, 2012

I have a simple bolted connection (bolt, nut and washer) and have tried to pattern this to make a toal of 4 bolted connections in a linear pattern. The preview looks fine however when I hit apply the patterned components disappear. I'm not sure why this is, I am using Inventor 2013 64-Bit SP 1.1

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Helical Component Pattern?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a sheetmetal assembly with helical shaped parts. I need to place about 50 little brackets and some corresponding rollers along the length of these helical pieces. The spacing is even so a pattern would be perfect, except I don't know how to get it to follow the shape of the part. The brackets are located to slots in the helical parts which were made with a rectangular pattern in the unfolded state. I tried to do a "feature pattern select" but it only saw the rectangular pattern as it is in the unfolded state (a straight line). I then gave up on patterns and started working on manually mating them into place but realized that the geometry of the slot was distorted (theory) and didn't leave me with any useable surfaces.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pattern Subassembly By Parameter

Sep 5, 2013

In my head assembly I have a subassembly that has derived parts from my skeleton. My skeleton (part ending with skt in the picture) is in the subassembly.

In this subassembly I made a view representation: NoSKT..When this is activated the skeleton is hided (see picture).If I now make a pattern of this subassembly in my head assembly with for example a parameter from my embedded excel or a parameter in inventor "quantity = 2" inventor will add 1 element with the same view representation. Still no problem.

The problem is now when I change the parameter. If I change the quantity to for example 3, the view representation of the third element is gone and the skeleton will become visible.I have many parts like this in my head assembly and quite a lot of patterns. Which means a lot of skeletons become visible. Is there a way to stop this from happening?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modifying Component Pattern Through API

Mar 15, 2012

I have a component pattern with 3 components in it and I need to remove one of the components from the pattern. How can I modify the pattern through the API? I have tried various things but I do not appear to be able to change the pattern.

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