AutoCAD Inventor :: Leader Lines Invisible

May 2, 2013

Recently upgraded to 2014 and now anytime I add leaders to a point inside a view, the leader disappears.  If I move the start point to the outer extremity, then it shows up fine.

Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Inventor Pro 2014 - SP1
Win7 Pro x64
Dell T5500; Xeon E5520 2.27GHz; 15 GB ECC RAM; Quaddro FX4800; SSD

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retrieve Lines Made Invisible In 2D DWG

Sep 18, 2013

I'm editing someone's 2d inventor dwg, and want to show a part behind an object in the section that isn't currently showing (the part I want to show is on the model, in the appropriate level of detail referenced by the 2d view.) 

I believe that the author turned the line visibility off. Is there a way to turn all line visibility back on in a 2d view? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hole Dimensions Multiple Leader Lines?

Oct 12, 2011

I was wondering is there a way to have a hole dimension with multiple leader lines. Using Inventor 2011

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AutoCad :: Leader Converts From MTEXT Leader To BLOCK Leader With Copy / Paste

Apr 5, 2012

Is there anyway to prevent AutoCAD from converting a MTEXT leader with a block element attached to a BLOCK leader when doing a copy/paste? See screen shot.

2012-04-05 3-09-00 PM.jpg

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AutoCAD LT :: Snap To Leader Lines?

May 17, 2013

Sometimes I can snap to leader lines, sometimes ACAD will not let me. Right now I can only snap to endpoints of leaders, nothing else.

Even if I type mid or int it will only snap to the endpoint.

Win7 64

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Invisible Contour Lines When Plotted

Jun 27, 2013

When I plot my dwg my contour lines disappear.  Looks good in model and layout but when I plot (usually to pdf) the contour lines do not show.  Labels for contours are there.  I attached samples.

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AutoCAD LT :: Leader Lines - Boldness When Copied / Moved

Apr 20, 2012

I have been having a problem with AutoCAD LT2010 for some time now, and cannot resolve the problem. When I create a drawing and label-up the entities with ‘Leader Lines’ they appear to be clear and crisp, but when I copy or move

the leader lines to a specific point, (i.e: end point of leader line to mid-point of another) they automatically turn to ‘BOLD’ yet the text font is still the same as originated. This is infuriating when trying to create presentation drawings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Vertical Text With Leader Text With / Without Leader Arrow

Nov 27, 2013

I would like to add a Leader Text to lable a part- referencing the Part Number or whatever, move the text close to the edge of the part, to remove the leader/arrow and make the txt rotate 90deg to be vertical. I have messed with style settings for a new Vertical Txt style, and Vert Dim style -(pointed to the Vert Txt style and adjusted Notes and Leaders tab)

i don't understand why in the Format Text window the "rotation" box is always grayed out. can you unlock it?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: When Copied Leader Lines Appearing Bold

Sep 20, 2012

I am using vanilla autocad 2011. installed from the autocad mechanical suite. I keep having a problem when copying blocks, leader lines and text, they sometimes apear bold in paper space. I have used the trick of changing the Z dimension from 0 to 1 and back to 0. My leader lines do not have the ability to do that. How can I keep this from happening. Autocad 2010 never had this isssue. Attached is a capture of the problem, you will see the bold text.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Simple Program That Changes Color Of M-leader Lines?

Mar 19, 2013

have a simple lisp (no v.b.) program that changes the color of m-leader lines in acad 2010?

IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit

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Illustrator :: Invisible Lines Showing On Export

Dec 26, 2012

I have designed artwork that uses lots of colors and lines. Everything was pretty much designed with lines and shapes and then I used live paint to paint in certain sections. The artwork looks perfect when exported as a GIF and it appears fine in Illustrator. The problem happens when I export the document as a PDF. When I export it as a PDF, tiny white lines show up where I have invisible lines in Illustrator. These invisible lines were put there in the first place so I could have set regions for the live paint without them showing. I'm not sure why they are showing up when I export.
I have tried multiple PDF settings and also tried flattening the layers and attempting to use Transparency Flattener Presets and export it as a PDF 1.3 but it is still greyed out in the export options when I try.
I've attached a screenshot of the PDF after it has been exported to see the lines. You will notice black lines and thicker white lines (like the one at the top), these are intentional. the ones that are undesired is the thin one near the bottom whre you can see theres a break point in color and then multiple ones going up. Deleting these with live paint selection, expanding the art, using direct selection tool to delete all ruin the art flow or do not work.
Exported image:
How it looks in illustrator:

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Have Arrow Leader Convert To Loop Leader In One Click

Jun 1, 2006

Is there a way to have the Arrow leader convert to Loop leader in one click. Our company standards use diamond tags and sometimes i have to change the arrow to loop by inserting a leader.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Add Leader Part To Leader Created When Drag Station Offset Label

Mar 6, 2012

C3D 2012 running with 64 bit Win7 all up to date on a capable Dell Precision

I want to add the leader part to the leader that is created when I drag a Station Offset label. This would be the part in a three point leader that goes horizontal for a short distance before the label text begins, similar to how a multi-leader is created. Looks weird having the C3D labels be the only "leadered" noted be without the landing.

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AutoCad :: Leader Annotation Bind To Leader?

Jul 15, 2013

When I use qleader with mtext annotation , The arrow and texts are inserted as two unit. I can rember there was a facility to use this two objects as a one unit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set All Surface Bodies To Invisible

Jul 16, 2013

I found a VBA-code on internet which turn off all work features (plane, axis, points) in all documents in an assembly.

I want to modify it so it turns of all surface bodies instead. I use skeleton modelling where i only want to keep the solids visible and not the surfaces. When I run this iLogic rule all solids get turned off instead of surface bodies.

This code works (when edited) for axis, points, planes, allworkfeatures etc.

'catch and skip errorsOn Error Resume Next'define the active assemblyDim oAssyDoc As AssemblyDocumentoAssyDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'get user input as True or FalsewfBoolean = InputRadioBox("Turn all Work Features On/Off", "On", "Off", False, "iLogic")'Check all referenced docs Dim oDoc As Inventor.DocumentFor Each oDoc In oAssyDoc.AllReferencedDocuments 'set surface bodies visibility For Each oSurfaceBodies In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies oSurfaceBodies.Visible = wfBoolean Next Next'update the filesInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Invisible Flat Pattern In IDW

May 3, 2012

I just got around to installing my subscription upgrade from INV PRO 2012 to 2013.  I am having trouble getting sheet metal flats to show up in the idw's.  The folded parts are visible, solid parts are visible, etc.  The problem seems to be specific to flat patterns.  I have attached a screen shot of a sample part.

When I hover the mouse over where the flat pattern should be, the red dashed box which usually encloses the view shows up, however it is tiny.  Barely the size of the view label. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Subassembly Invisible

Nov 18, 2013

I have some parts in a subassembly that I want to make invisible. When I input my iLogic code(that I used hundreds of times before) the part is made invisible in the subassembly only if I open the subassembly. When I go back to the parent assembly it still shows the part visible. Here is a sample of my

If ACCESS_DOOR = "NO DOOR" ThenComponent.InventorComponent("INSPECTION DOOR:1").BOMStructure=BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructureComponent.Visible("INSPECTION DOOR:1") = FalseElse If ACCESS_DOOR = "12X12X6"


 The components I'm referring to are the components "Component.Visible("ACCESS DOOR STUD:2") = True" for the stud,clamp, and handle.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Presentation Component Invisible In Drawing

Mar 22, 2007

I created a IPN from an IAM for an exploded view. When I put the base view of that exploded assembly into a drawing, one of the main components is invisible. So when I mouse over the edge of the view, the bounding box does not even reach high enough to possibly include this component. All other components are visible in their correct exploded positions. I tried deleting the view and placing it again, but it does the same thing. The colored and shaded preview just before view placement shows all parts where they should be.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Dogleg From Leader In IDW

May 29, 2012

In an .idw I can add a leader with text and by simply leaving the text editor empty I can create a 'blank arrow'.

However, my nice arrow has an annoying dogleg reference line on the end of it. Is there anyway I can get rid of the reference line, without the chew of creating a sketched symbol or creating a new style??

I've added a screenshot to explain it a little clearer.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Attach Text To Leader

Dec 28, 2011

I am using "Attach Text to Leader" to add information about ballooned items to the balloon leader. The same information is needed for each balloon leader as shown below.


I would like to just copy the fields from the first "Attach to Leader Text" and paste them in the subsequent  "Attach to Leader Text"  instances, instead of picking the "Type" and "Property" from the pull down lists for each of the three property I want to access, each time I place a  "Attach to Leader Text" .

The problem is the fields in the subsequent  Attach to Leader Text  pasted instances do not automatically link to iProperties on the ballooned item? how to automate this procedure/

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Copy And Paste Leader

Jul 24, 2013

Ever since updating to the latest service pack I can no longer copy and paste leaders inside a drawing. 

I used to be able to set up the leader I wanted and then copy and paste to all the parts I wanted to assign it to but I can't paste anymore. 

I am using the iproperties data within the text box..

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Second Leader To A Weld Symbol

May 3, 2006

How can a second leader be attached to a weld symbol? I tried RMB on the symbol and choosing "Add Vertex Leader". This only put in another vertex and not a leader.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Leader In Sketched Symbol

Sep 9, 2013

Adding a leader by checking a box when inserting a sketched symbol. My problem is regarding the leader start point. Can we change the justification of the leader or text, so it does not finish centered on my text? I want the leader to connect outside the text box to correspond to our presentation standards.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get BOM Of Item Leader Is Attached To

Nov 4, 2013

I have a sketchedsymbol with leaderline.  How can I get the BOM of the item this is attached to?  I don't see any referenced way to do this.  I assume it's possible because a balloon can get this info.

The full extent of what I want to do is to create a split balloon symbol.  The top portion of the balloon with hold the detail number, the botton half will hold a user prompted text entry.

Win7 x64 - 16gb ram
i7 3610qm
FirePro M4000
Inventor 2013
ETO 6.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Invisible Line Visible Again In Drawing

Mar 9, 2012

in a drawing I made some lines invisible (right-click on the line, and uncheck visibility). how can I make these lines visible again? for obvious reasons I can not right-click on them (they are not visible), and I don't find them in the browser tree.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Detaching Text From Leader Line

May 15, 2012

I'm trying to add a single leader line to a drawing wihtout any text attached, the only way I can see is it use the 'leader text' command but now I can't detatch the text, is there any way to simply add leader only ?

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Horizontal Leader Line

Oct 24, 2013

The text commant in a drawing has the option to attach an arrow head with a leader. I want the text to be horizontal, so, i drag the leader line approximately horizontal.

Is there a way to make it horizontal? i tried pressing shift but no

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Leader Text - Assembly Description

Oct 19, 2012

I have a question on Leader Text.  Lets say I have a multiple sub-assys in a main assy.  When I do the leader text on one of the sub-assys it will take the description from the individual part in the sub-assy.  Is there a way I can make it put the assembly description rather than the part description?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Word Wrap Leader Text

Apr 16, 2012

How do you word wrap leader text?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Sketched Symbol With Leader

Nov 6, 2013

I trying to insert a symbol with a leader but i have a error message after de step 6, with this code?

the code

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Leader To Referenced Part In Assembly IDW

Mar 22, 2007

I have placed an subassembly into another assembly that I am working on. This sub was then chagned to be a "reference". Now in the idw, I would like to pull a leader to the subassembly and I want the text in the leader to say what is in the "Title" Property of the subassembly. When I change the format of the leader text to be Type = "Properties-Model" and Property= "Title", I get the title of the part in the subassembly, not the title of the subassembly. It is like the subassembly is a phantom assembly, but it is not. The workaround is to manually type in the text, but this is a mistake waiting to happen.

Is there a way to get the leader to note the title of the subassembly correctly.

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