AutoCAD Inventor :: Information Regarding Counter Shrunk Holes Exposed In API
Oct 28, 2013
what information regarding countersunk holes is exposed in the Inventor API? Can we extract individual values for the countersink diameter, the countersink angle and the through/straight hole diameter and depth?
While I'm at it, is there an in-depth reference document (PDF) for all of this information. The only thing I could find was an image of the object model but that only gets you so deep and doesn't have an explanation of any of the properties shown on the chart. (I tried searching for various hole-related properties shown on the chart and got zip.)
I'm currently using Inventor Professional 2012, and have been experiencing problems with virtual memory usage. In past versions of Inventor, the small bar graph counter at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen (Virtual memory counter? Not sure what to call it...) would "re-fresh" after closing a model, drawing, etc. (i.e. Once closing the file, the counter would change from yellow to green, bringing the virtual memory usage back to zero). However, this isn't happening with 2012, and I'm not sure if the problem is the way Inventor was installed onto my workstation, or if it's a problem with the hardware. A temporary solution has been to shut down Inventor when the bar graph gets too far into the yellow range (or red), and then starting up Inventor again.
Specs for my workstation are as follows: Windows 7 (32-bit), processor is Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3503 @ 2.4GHz 2.39GHz, 3GB RAM.
Much of our work is structures fabricated from steel plate. One of our practices is to add a note " (SK) " to the description of plates that have a detailed sketch somewhere in the fab drawing set (simple rectangular or circular plates with no additional features do not get these detailed sketches). The actual "detailed sketch" is just a dimensioned drawing view of that plate.
I've been working on automating this process so that Inventor can actually determine for the user whether or not the sketch is required. I have it in certain part templates by default. Other templates add the note automatically through iLogic when certain plate features are selected, or when the model consists of multiple part features.
This leaves one remaining case that the current set of rules can't catch - when the user creates cutouts, notches, etc. by modifying the sketch for the original extrusion. I have determined a method for catching that case, but haven't yet figured out how to program it.
What I want to do is count all of the lines, arcs, and circles in the first model sketch. If that count returns a number other than 4 lines, the note will be added. If any arcs are detected, the note will be added. If any circles are detected with lines also present, the note will be added. There may be other cases that will come up in testing that need to be covered, but I ran into an issue before I got that far. Construction geometry messes up the count - I need a way to exclude it.
Below is the test code I have so far for the counter. what techniques I can use to get construction geometry out of the count. This code doesn't include the provisions for actually adding the note yet - I'm just trying to get the counter working right first. Instead it's just displaying the total count in a message box for test purposes.
In inventor 2013 simulation what is the way to test a fabrication for counter balanced weight stability?
If you see the enclosed rough assembly. I have been playing with variouse stuff and not getting the results i want.
The idea is to work out how much weight the arm will hold without tipping over. and then by increasing the base size and weight or arm length i can then work out the ultimate design for my needs.
The way i want it to work is so that the base is just sitting on the floor as in real life with gravity and weight keeping it there and then as i apply weight to the arm see the tipping or load effect.
This upload is simple and i constrained the base via an axis on the edge put as soon as i run the symulation it just tips over and it shouldnt?
I have tried many other things but get a variety of results like the base suddenly flying off and a thousand miles an hout due to the contacts used ?
Any way to show clearly that there are counter bores on both sides of a plate. It does show the dotted lines for when it is on the down side of the plate, but in some sections i have a counter bore of the same diameter on both sides of the plate. Is my best bet just to to create two drawings of the upper and lower faces?
Also i've been trying to use the hole tables, something thats new to me, and i can get all the holes coming up, but im unable to get them to show up as actual counter bores, instead it shows up as two entries.
If i want to see how stable a design is before it tips over after adding counter balanced weights etc. How would i set this up in dynamic simulation?
what i want to do is to mess about by distributing weights at key points to see how the model behaves / how stable it is, and i want to test it until it falls over, this will enable me to test it to it's limits.
I assume i need to place the design on a surface / floor with gravity on and set to the floor. it must be free standing initially.
the item needs to sit on the floor but must not be held back by any constraints so what contact do i use, would it be a spatial contact between the floor and the base component?
When viewing the model on screen it's exposed correctly, but whenever I try and render it out it's overexposed. I have included a screenshot of the rpref.
I have been doing contour renders with Mental Ray. Suddenly the interface in the Render Settings > Features tab has shrunk into the upper right corner, instead of taking up the entire window space.
Maya gives me the following error message:
Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2013/mentalray/scripts/createMentalRayFeaturesTab.mel line 835: Cannot find procedure "miContourEqual".
I have deleted prefs. When that did not work, I uninstalled and reinstalled Maya. That has not worked, either.
I have an existing extrustion with holes in it. All in one sketch.
I go to add an off shoot from the existing main body in the sketcher. In that off shoot I add a circle
in the middle of the off shoot to represent a hole. So fa so good, or at least I thought. I exit the sketch mode
and my extrustion looks fine with the exception of the hole is not there. Why? Why doesn't Inventor recognise the
circle sketch as hole geometry like it does in the originally created sketch?
In Solidworks, given this same scenario, would have recogized the circle as a void and thus created a hole.
I ended up deleteing the hole out of the main sketch and doing a seperate hole cut feature. I am sure I am missing something and in the process of learning would like to know if indead I did not do this the correct way.
Basically I’m trying to create a circular cut in a flat pattern for a hole made in a rolled piece of sheet metal.
I have created a "case" (this is what we call it) to mount an axial fan, it will require holes for mounting the motor plate. When I create these holes in the rolled case assembly they appear to be fine, but when I flatten it they are turned into two sets of semi-circles or ellipses.
This is only a problem when we run the parts on our Laser; the laser will attempt to start the cutting at the end of each of these "semi-circles" causing a hotspot where the two semi circles meet. This causes the hole to be slightly smaller than intended in this area causing great difficulty inserting bolts, they normally require drilling.
Our material thicknesses vary from about 3mm to 8mm.
I’ve included a crude example of what I’m trying to achieve. To really see what I mean, place the file into a Drawing file and zoom into the hole. I couldn't add the file, with only 3 features the file was 5mb in size.
By the way, I have a temporary solution, it's just a little complicated. (My solution: use square holes first in the un-flat, use the diagonal lines from each corner of the square in a sketch on the flat pattern to place a circular cut on its mid points.)
How do I place a hole on a circular part at a specified distance from the edge. This works on other parts with straight edges, but there is no option to do so on a circle.??
I have a couple of quick questions about dimensioning holes in drawings .
First, if I have a hole in a rod or shaft so the surface isn't a full circle I get the dimension as a radius. Can I change it to a diameter?
Second, in a model, how do I dimension or measure to the edge of a round rather than to it's center? In SW I could hold the shift key while selecting, is there a similar method here?
I have an assembly which consists of parts and holes, when I open a part the holes are not visible as they were created in the assembly - how do I display the holes for these parts that were created in the main assembly when opening a part file ?
I have a cabinet that we make, and we put some holes through the sheet metal skin of the cabinet at the assembly level. I use iLogic to turn these holes on and off, depending on configurations.
Sometimes when switching between configurations the holes that were suppressed will disappear from my model and leave me with just the original sketch. So my iLogic rule errors because it can't find the hole feature.
I am using planes based off of the origin planes to define an axis that I use as my hole center line. And I then make a sketch on the XY origin plane to create a point for my hole. So everything there is independent of the cabinet model.
I have a 3 part assembly . Holes have to be made though the 3 parts . The holes can be made and snet/projected/though all/though distance and this work fine. The holes are shown in each part and the participant command works fine
1. When placing pumps,bolt-on walkways etc..etc..on to a metal frame at the assembly level do you place the pumps/walkways first and then add the bolt holes to the frame or do you create the bolt holes first in the frame and then place the pump/walkways on to the holes?
i have edited an associative part within an assembly. Created a sketch on one of the surfaces, and projected the surface of another part, which had holes. Then created a set of holes, by selecting some of the hole centers from this projected sketch. Later I wanted to remove one of these holes, but it doesn't seem to be possible. I can not de-select a point.
I am trying to Drill a series of holes on a cylinder. I cannot find out how to start the sketch on this surface so that i can drill on the rounded part of the cylinder.
I have a problem with a model and the drawing. In the model i have mirrored some holes. In the drawing the hole-table shows some of the mirrored holes on the position of the original ones. Also some entries are doubled.
I have also tried to redo a fresh drawing, the problem persists.
System: Inventor 2011 64 bit Subscription bonus pack with sp2
I also tried o another system without change. The model is too big to attach, so i attached only a pdf-dok.
I seem to have made what many might consider a rookie mistake. Built a fairly complex structure for an overhead crane system and get to the end to find that I missed two holes. The problem with these two holes is it is ONLY 1 plate (my grounded part), but I have used this same part in one other instance. So if I edit (even from within assembly) and add the two holes to the grounded plate it creates them in the other plate, which I dont want.
Since I have the second plate being used as a refence to locate MANY other parts on this unit, it would be quite difficult to replace it with a new part (same but different file name).
Any way to add said two holes to the grounded plate only and not the other?
If I have a "large" tube with a series of holes along it, say 9mm diameter...
I have another component (an 8.9mm solid cylinder) which should be inserted in those is the best way of doing it?
I thought about adding a work axis in each hole, but can't find an easy way of doing even that!So how would you do it?
If I make a hole in a rectangular block it all works out, the toroid appears and I constrain the small 8.9mm to the axis of the hole in the block.That does not seem to work with holes in the large tube.
I created an ipart and on some of the parts i need holes in them and the others i do not. I use the hole feature and made my holes but it shows up on all of the parts. I go into the table and change all the holes for the parts i don't need to a dia of 0. now those parts wont work because of the error of having the hole dia set to zero.
Is there a way i can suppress the holes on the parts i don't what the holes to be in?