AutoCAD Inventor :: Testing A Counter Balanced Design In Dynamic Simulation
Apr 17, 2012
If i want to see how stable a design is before it tips over after adding counter balanced weights etc. How would i set this up in dynamic simulation?
what i want to do is to mess about by distributing weights at key points to see how the model behaves / how stable it is, and i want to test it until it falls over, this will enable me to test it to it's limits.
I assume i need to place the design on a surface / floor with gravity on and set to the floor. it must be free standing initially.
the item needs to sit on the floor but must not be held back by any constraints so what contact do i use, would it be a spatial contact between the floor and the base component?
In inventor 2013 simulation what is the way to test a fabrication for counter balanced weight stability?
If you see the enclosed rough assembly. I have been playing with variouse stuff and not getting the results i want.
The idea is to work out how much weight the arm will hold without tipping over. and then by increasing the base size and weight or arm length i can then work out the ultimate design for my needs.
The way i want it to work is so that the base is just sitting on the floor as in real life with gravity and weight keeping it there and then as i apply weight to the arm see the tipping or load effect.
This upload is simple and i constrained the base via an axis on the edge put as soon as i run the symulation it just tips over and it shouldnt?
I have tried many other things but get a variety of results like the base suddenly flying off and a thousand miles an hout due to the contacts used ?
I'm designing multiple elements for a vehicle. I need to evaluate multiple dynamic results of multiple possible designs. All the design is parametric so it modifies quickly but I can't find a way to run the dynamic simulation multiple times automatically and get the results from the output grapher for each simulation.
I am trying to do it via API but can't find the class of the dynamic simulation environment in the Object Model Chart to program it via .NET.
I am playing with traces in dynamic simulation and in the output grapher i get values for position like:
P P(x) P(y) P(z)
and in the graph i get some values of the position but i am unsure on where the datum is at this point. I would of thought that the datum would be where the trace is attached? Where the datum is based and is it possible to set a relative datum to when the trace is set?
I have a question regarding simulations in Autodesk Inventor.
For example I have such part:
It is a plug made out of brass. I want to test if it will be able to withstand specified pressure. So I set up where is it constrained - on thread.
And set up pressure from inside on the cap to be 16 bar (1,6 MPa). And also assign materials. And there goes simulation . Everything seems alright. I want to run little bit different analysis. When pressure would be variable.
For example I will have pressure going from 12 bar to 16 bar, and such simulation will be running for quiet long time (as an example pressure will be 12 then raises to 16 then goes to 12 again and then raises to 16 again). I want to know after what time will this plug fail and will be destroyed? I mean i want to know when METAL will get tired and will be destroyed? I was just wondering if such a simulation is possible to be made in Autodesk Inventor?
is their a possibility to applay stress like dynamic i have a shaft that has a pully on it , its conectet on an old way
not with a tight fit so it shrinks on it but it works wit a small cut in the shaft where its bolted with just a tiny metal plate.
at this place will be a stress concentration and i wanne see how the noth effect is when their is a dynamic load on it cause if i put a static load on it i know the shaft can handel it but i real life it has broken couple of times so this is what i want to investigate.
why there is huge difference in Dynamic Simulation results when you use two different input methods? I used input grapher and in linear ramp, I entered input (time/ distance) manually for 6 points and ran simulation. Then I used Spline and used a text file to enter SAME data and it gave me at least 10 times different results. Can't figure out why this difference. This changes my entire design.
I have a dynamic simulation which seems to have corrupted itself. I have a number of Revolution joints which are torsional springs. I’ve enabled joint torque and set a spring stiffness and a free position (+15 deg). Then on the ‘initial condition’ page I’ve set Max (+45 deg) and Min(-15 deg) Bounds on rotation angle and set a stiffness 10x the spring stiffness to simulate the end stops of my torsional spring. The initial position is +12 deg. This was working just fine but since I’ve added a couple more parts (nowhere near these springs) I constantly get the message “The parameter xxx value is out of bounds”. Where xxx is the ‘Initial position’ of the joint. If I edit the joint and untick the Bounds section the message goes away but if I tick it (which I need for my simulation) I get the error message as soon as I pick OK. The position is NOT out of bounds?
I am working on 2 Axis Robot dynamic Simulation. It is suppose to lift weight up by 22" travel horizontally and bring down 22". My input is positions (I noted down angles at four corners for both arms and used them in Input Imposed Motion.) In the simulaiton run, movement is not in a straight line. It kinda moves in a curve. How can I get it perfectly straight.
I like "Shaded with edges", and I want the edges black. I have set up the display to this setting in Application Options, Display tab (Use application Settings), and Settings button. Excellent, that's nice. (I have also mapped the num pad 6 to that style, along with 5 is Shaded with hidden edges, and 4 is wire frame).
However, In Inventor 2014 Dynamic simulation, the visual style defaults to "Shaded" (no edges). Ok, i can live with that, I guess. I'll just hit NumPad 6 and it looks good again.
Ctrl-Tab to another open file, make a change or two, come back to the DynSim and - hang on, where are my edges? I can just hit 6 again, but should I have to? I haven't ever seen this display property changed when changing between files before.
I am having problems creating a Stress Analysis Report from the Dynamic Simulation on this assembly.
My goal is to show the cam shaft rotating at 3500 rpm, and the stress it creates. I am looking to show the stress concentrations at the fasteners as well as the rotating components, the cam will have a torque of 15 ft lb, with a counter torque of the compressor equal to that.
I have been working through Wasim Younis' Book for Inventor 2014, but seem to be coming up short in its application.
Within dynamic simulation, I am trying to have a ball follow a track made of (2) rods, I can do it if the rods are straight but I do not know how to properly apply joints to allow the ball to follow the tracks when they are turning. I need to do this within dynamic simulation because I also hope to add a chain and sprockets with a ball holder to bring the ball back up to the top.
I still don't know how to simulate the following :
My system is basically a clamping device that works with a cam and a metal plate. When loose, the metal plate remains straight :
When clamped, the metal plate bends like so :
As far as I know, the Dynamic Simulation Tool can work with rigid body parts and you later export the simulation to the FEM Tool. I thought I could use a spring-link that would behave like the metal plate but I must admit I don't know the relationship between the stiffness of a spring and the elasticity of a metal plate.
I am using Invertor Dynamic Simulation and I need to know the 2D contact position data to be displayed in the output grapher (i.e. the x,y,z coordinates). Only the forces are computed in the output grapher. I’ve tried using the “trace” feature but this will not allow me trace the 2D contact point. It would even benefit me to know the angle of the normal force relative to the absolute frame.
I am running Autodesk Inventor Pro 2012 and am trying to start learning to use my dynamic simulation and FEA features. I recently just purchased the Up and Running series by Wasim Younis. I was working with his models on the multiple actuating jacks and noticed none of the features are constrained in the assembly. Now my question is, is this how these should always be setup? I am working on trying to set up a simulation of a frame I am rotating 90degrees with 2 hydraulic cylinders working together so as to use the strong side of each of the cylinderds when it goes each direction. The way I have it set up I have the whole thing constrained. The 2 cylinders are constrained so that they have their stroke 17.23" and the turntable frame is constrained to rotate 90degrees. So should I remove all constraints to run dynamic simulation? I attatched 2 photos to show the starting position (travel position) and ending position (working position).
Is it possible to have multiple dynamic simulation states for an assembly, the same way that the Studio environment can have multiple animations, or do I have to create a separate assembly file for each one?
Also, is it possible to save the animation from my dynamic simulation results for later use in Studio without having to re-run the simulation each time the file is re-opened?
I'm using Inventor Pro 2012 -Using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012
I'm designing a hinged cover for something right now that will use a pair of gas extension springs for assisted opening. I'm currently working to figure out how much force it will take to open the cover using different values of spring - it's available in 50, 100, 150, 200, etc., lb versions.
I've tried running simulations using a force applied to the moving end of the gas spring, and I've trued running simulations using a spring joint applied between the fixed and and the moving end of the gas spring, and I'm getting dramatically different results between the two. For instance, using a 200 lb force shows me that I need about 25 extra lbs of force applied to the handle of the cover to open it, where when I use that same 200 lbs on a spring joint, I need 50-75 lbs to keep the cover closed, because it will open on its own.
I am doing dynamic stimulation of machine to separate out material. When i loaded into simulation tab, the moving parts goes as grounded objects. I can't do analysis the free flow of material due to its constraints restrictions. I didn't constraints those components in assembly. Even, i set the flexible option in main assembly. I am not sure where i went wrong. How can i overcome this problem ? I am beginner to Inventor.
I have an issue with a sliding joint in a simulation.Here we have a very simple box with a cylinder that slides around a closed loop curve. The curve as you will see is described by two circles and one elipse that all overlap to give a smooth closed loop. In the assemble this all works fine - you can freely drag the cylinder around the curve. However in dynamic simulation when I try to insert a 'sliding cyclinder on curve' joint I get the message that only lines, arcs and splines can be used for a curve. If I change the elipse to another circle then I don't have this problem. So is Inventor restricted to arcs of circles rather than arcs of elipses? Is there a way around this?, Do have I have to draw the whole curve as a spline?
I have to make a vice and I am trying to make the vice move. I am trying to use the screw simulation in dynamic simulation but don't know how to do it? I have only made the screw and the nut or the thing that it screws into to make the vice work.
Im trying to figure out if Inventor's dynamic simulation can simulate gravity on rope or cable shaped solids.
I have a power cord design that I want to display with its cords in various natural positions (IE Flat on a table, hanging from a wall, etc). (see image attached)
My questions are as follows:
1. Can dynamic simulation simulate a rope/cable type object falling with gravity to a natural hanging position?
2. If it can, can I also then save the resulting new shape/model and export it to showcase for rendering (or render within Inventor)?
3. I am currently creating the cords using the sweep command. Using this seems like it may cause problems for the simulation. If I use the wiring harness design part of inventor to create the power cables can it then simulate the cables naturally falling and resting due to the forces of gravity? I know the wiring harness design area is built in, but I have never even opened it before..
Can Dynamic Simulation drive multiple variables with a single parameter? In the following example, the variables len_A and len_B are driven by size. The parameter "size" varies from .8 to 1.2 (currently I have size parameters in a Multi-Value List).
Is there a way Dynamic Simulation can drive the "size" parameter to animate the assembly? I plan to use Dynamic Simulation's Output Grapher to Plot a Trace of the triangle's apex as A and B vary in length. The example assembly is attached.
I am working on Dynamic Simulation. I ran the simulation for 4 secs, in real time it took more than 4secs but on the screen it was showing it ran for 4 secs. Is it correct? Can we edit settings to make it run for real time 4 secs?