AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Write A Code For Pressing Esc Button
Jul 24, 2013how to write a code for pressing an esc button but in vba
View 2 Replieshow to write a code for pressing an esc button but in vba
View 2 RepliesHow to duplicate the functionality of pressing the F2 button in .NET? I have several commands that write a fair bit of data to the command line, including one that lists individual segments of civil 3d objects and I would like to make the command line appear in a similar fashion to the list command.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to add a stop or cancel button onto ilogic code?
I have code that looks into all .ipts with a certain material type,that works great but if we run by accident there is no way of stopping code until it finishes .
I have created some custom button in VBA. I wish I can make those buttons toggling their image.
For example my custom button toggles Part/Component priority or Highligt on/off and I would like the button image will change showing the current state.
The background image color change will work too, or the some extra tiny mark on working sceen would be useful if it quite complicated to deal with ribbons.
Generally I need to see the current state at glance.
We installed acad 2010 on a brand new computer with windows 7 64Bit.
Acad runs fine. Only frequently after closing a drawing the application crashes.
I've tried to reinstall acad but that doesn't fix the problem.
I'm trying to find a way to add a custom button to my ribbon that will launch a global rule or form using VB. I know of a way using VBA but I want to get away from VBA. I'd much rather create an add with VB and use that.
I'm currently running IV 2012.
I am trying to write a macro for a button that when I press, it goes to a certain folder on a server. Normally when you click on the "open" button, it takes you to the last file location. I want that to be ignored an goes to a certain folder.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a couple of VB pieces of code that set up the standards of my company. What I want to do create a buttom in my Workspace -within a tab created by me with the CUI tools- and trigger my VB code.
How is possible to create this buttom that is connected with my code and displayed in my workspace?
How do I write a javascript code to open InDesign template, import XML, save and export to pdf?
writing the javascript code to open the InDesign file, import some xml that will be randomly coming in and then saving the document.
I have a couple of VB pieces of code that set up the standards of my company. What I want to do create a button in my Workspace -within a tab created by me with the CUI tools- and trigger my VB code.
How is possible to create this button?
I wrote some code in VB .NET 2010 getting started from Kean Walmsley project to create a new layer. I did it working directly from code and not using a command line as he did.
[URL] ...
The problem is that the same code works if I call it directly inside the application code, but doesn't if I throw it from a push button.
I get the eLockViolation error code.
I have created an "addin" to monitor the "SAVE" & "NEW" button press on Inventor.What is the possibility of AutoDesk including this feature to the next release, or better still, creating a "patch" so that inventor can be upgraded to do it automatically, without the need to write an "addin"?
For Example,
If the user presses the "SAVE" button, AutoDesk Inventor would automatically look to see if a macro called "OnSave" exists. If it does, it "runs" the macro, if it does not exist, it works exactly as Inventor does now. This also would work in a similar way when pressing the "NEW" button.
I am making an animation in Inventor Studio. I have created all my sequences for fading and constraint animations, and now I only need to move the camera around my assembly while zooming in and out with focus on the animations.
The way I have done it so far, is as following: Created a camera (Camera1).Set my view where I wanted the camera to start.Rightclick on Camera1 and set camera to view.Then go in a few seconds on my timeline, move my view to a new area and finally "Add camera action". I've done this a couple of times with success, but now I can't do it again.
As soon as I move my view to another area, and press "Add camera action", it does as intended, but now it zooms out, making the animated area small and hard to see. I want it to be zoomed in on a detailed area, but it's changing the view to the whole assembly.
I'm trying to write a program in C# to automate ballooning from a BOM.The routine must read the BOM and for every row it highlights in all the views the corresponding component.Then the user must be able to manually draw a balloon or balloons to the highlighted items.
When done the next row of the BOM is called, etc.I can choose to start with a BOM from our PDM system or the Inventor BOM, partlist or drawingBOM
I tried different ways but I get stuck on it.I even tried to select the nodes in the browser and called oNode.doselect, but then I can't get the proper type for the selected items to go further?
When I try to create a custom ribbon cable I get a message that reads:
"The cable and harness library is being edited by another user or is marked as read only. The Cable and Harness Library will be opened in read-only mode. No changes can be made to the cable and harness library, but wires and cables can still be inserted into the harness assembly."
In my project file I made "use style library" to = Read-Write
System Specs:
Windows 7 Pro
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Autodesk Vault Basic 2014
I'd like to format the memory stick that Inventor was shipped on. (Don't need it anymore) But when I tried to format the stick I got a error "The disk is write protected". Is it not possible to format the disk? I rather reuse it than throw it in the thrash..
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have this little iLogic snippet that writes out the name and value of all parameters in active document.
doc = ThisDoc.Documentparams = doc.ComponentDefinition.Parametersnames = New List(Of String)values = New List(Of String)For Each param In paramsIf Len(param.Name)>4 Thennames.Add(param.Name)values.Add(param.Value.ToString)ElseEnd IfNextMultiValue.List("ParamsList") = namesMultiValue.List("ParamsValues") = valuesGoExcel.CellValues("COVER.DEFAULT.PARAMS.xlsx", "Sheet1", "A2", "A400") = MultiValue.List("ParamsList")GoExcel.CellValues("COVER.DEFAULT.PARAMS.xlsx", "Sheet1", "B2", "B400") = MultiValue.List("ParamsValues")GoExcel.SaveGoExcel.Close
The problem is it ignores the parameter's units and assumes cm for length and rad for angular. I need another nested IF - Then that says:
IF param.Values.'UnitType' is "in" THEN
param.Value = param.Value/2.54
Else If param.Values.'UnitType' is "deg" THEN
param.Value = param.Value*360/2/3.14159
End If
I just do not know the syntax or proper method.
I wrote a small script in python to write dxf files out. I want to add this to a button on the ribbon. I got that sorted out and can get my button to appear where I want it. I am having trouble calling the script from the button though.
The API tells me that the button has an OnExecute() event that I should listen for to call my script. I have been searching on how to do that from python but I haven't had any luck.
Is it possible to write multiple prompted entry fields down in a single pass? As it is now, you can see the taskbar reporting as it writes down each line.
Essentially i've got 6 different fields i'm trying to write down using code like shown below:
If oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox1) <> Me.Title1.Value Then Call ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox1, Title1.Value)End IfIf oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox2) <> Me.Title2.Value Then Call oTB.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox2, Title2.Value)End If
Just wondering if there's a way it can be written down in a single pass to save time or if it's a limitation of prompted entry text.
I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or coloum of a parts list in inventor.
My code so far...
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
I want to print what is in the Message Box into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped. The cell i am trying to print to is a user property in the Parts List.
I'm trying to create an iLogic rule that will print a text string to a cell or column of a parts list in inventor.My code so far...
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
I want to print what is in the MessageBox into a cell in the parts list, and i am stumped.The cell i am trying to print to is a custom property in the Parts List.
When I attempt to place from Content Center some components, I receive the error message I attached:
"Unable to Update Content Part . Write permission is missing."
I receive this error not for all files.
Any QR code creator to use in IDW.
Explaining: having the internet address and putting it in the creator it creates the image code somewhere in the IDW.
how to show in the message box the assembly name or part name in the model browser without selecting it using vba?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI included a VB code in our drawing template, but then I get the "Warning: You have a non-empty VBA project.." message. If I copy the code into iLogic, I just get an error message. Why it runs fine as a separate macro, but doesn´t work in Inventor, or how I can include the code into the template? URL....
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to make some of code collapsible.According to what i know this is achieved like this
"code to be colapsed here"
However it does not work, I am assuming that this is because I am running INV 2009 +ilogic.
I am using below code to create a Rectangle 4 mm X 3 mm x 1 mm, I am using mm template but the model shows 40 mm X 30 mm x 10 mm.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oProjectMgr As DesignProjectManager
Set oProjectMgr = ThisApplication.DesignProjectManager
Dim oTemplatesPath As String
Is it possible in VBA to automatically generate dimensions on a particular view?
Some told me that retrieve dimensions tool will be applicable. Looking for sample code for retrieve dimensions?
Is there a line of code I can add to my default.ivb file which will load another MYFILE.ivb file ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to log out of vault from within Inventor using iLogic codes. I have created an iLogic rule that automates export an assembly drawing and all sub component drawings. In my code, I have suppressed all Inventor prompts but I do not have a way to suppress Vault prompts. I can manually log off from vault and run this rule without any problems. However, if I forget to do so, I am stuck responding to update requests from vault and check out requests constantly for each and every file.
any iLogic code to log in and log out of vault?
I would like to know of a way of grabbing the code that triggers different commands for example, someone a while back gave me this command of
This Application.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("SheetMetalStylesCmd").Execute
this triggers the Sheet metal defaults in a sheetmetal ipt file.Where was the SheetMetalStylesCmd part of it taken from?