AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Parameters Using Apprentice Server
Aug 17, 2013
I have changing the parameters of an inventor document using the inventor API by create an instance e of inventor and open the document,but it take more time .is it possible to use Apprentice Server to change the parameters of the document.?
My code is
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument = inventorApp.ActiveDocument Dim oParameters As Parameters oParameters = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters() Dim oLengthParam, oWidthParam, oHeightParam As Parameter oLengthParam = oParameters.Item("d0") oWidthParam = oParameters.Item("d1") oHeightParam = oParameters.Item("d2") oLengthParam.Expression = TextBox1.Text oWidthParam.Expression = TextBox2.Text oHeightParam.Expression = TextBox3.Text oPartDoc.Update()
how can achieve the same method using ApprenticeServer?
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Jan 10, 2014
I'm using Apprentice Server to change the display name of components.
objInvDoc = objapprenticeServerApp.Open(strFileName)objInvDoc.DisplayName = strDisplayName
Something odd happens: I have two parts, last saved with exactly the same Inventor-Build (2011 SP1 (Build 150282100, 282)). After changing the display name of these two parts, the debugger shows the correct value for the DisplayName-Attribute. But when I open the files, Inventor displays the correct value for one file, but not for the other. In the corrupted file, the old value is displayed.
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Jul 24, 2013
I'm trying to Copy an Assembly via the Apprentice Server functionality.
But I don't want to copy all files with the filesave as feature. Some of the files, has to be used again as the source file. For Example Content Center files should not be copied. Or maybe also some specific defined internal standard files.
Is there a possibility to get this work?
In the moment, I got all these files via:
[...] For each Element As Inventor.ApprenticeServerDocument In doc.AllReferencedDocuments [...]
maybe it's possible to say something like that:
If Element=ContentCenterDocument then BlaBlaBla
I know, there's an "Inventor.ObjectTypeEnum.kContentCenterObject", but I don't know, how to use it, to check the ApprenticeServerDocument with that.-
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Jun 24, 2013
I´m trying to access ComponentDefinition.ReferenceComponents.DerivedPartComponents using Apprentice Server but it tells me "Not implemented". Is there any other way to figure out whether a component is derived or not?
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May 20, 2005
I am having problems printing to drawing sizes other then A Size (Letter).
I have scanned through the messages in this Newsgroup and tried everything that I have found, including making sure that I set the properties in a specific order.
No matter what size I specify, the printer spits out the drawing on an A Size piece of paper.
Here is my
Private objApprenticeServerApp As New ApprenticeServerComponent
Private Sub PlotInventorDrawing(strDwgPath As String, strPlotSize As
String, strPlotter As String)
' Open a document.
Dim odoc As ApprenticeServerDocument
[Code] .......
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Feb 19, 2009
After installing Inventor 2009, you may find that other software on your machine now has connection issues such as Apache Web Server, Skype or other servers/programs that are configured to use port 80.
This is because Data Management Server 2009 is configured to connect to that port every time you reboot your computer. If you go to your Windows start bar, select 'Run' and type in services.msc, you will see a list of services. Scroll down to 'Autodesk EDM Server', its' Status' should be labelled 'Started' and its 'Startup Type' should be 'Automatic', which means that this service is started when you turn on your machine, thus connecting to port 80 automatically.
You could change the 'Startup Type' to 'Manual', so that any of your other servers/progams that need to connect to port 80 will function properly, but that would limit the ability for Inventor 2009 and other programs that are configured to use port 80 to run simultaneously. You would also have to manually start this service every time that you require to use Inventor 2009 and the Vault.
If you don't mind EDM Server to hang onto port 80, but you're having connection problems with Skype, then change over to another port for Skype. Open up Skype, goto Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Connection. If the checkbox is selected for 'Use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incoming connections', then uncheck it and restart Skype.
So, how do you configure EDM Server to connect to another port? There are four configuration files that need to be changed, so the default of port 80 is not used.
1. C:Program FilesAutodeskData Management Server 2009ADMS ConsoleConnectivity.ADMSConsole.exe.Config
Change port value to 8081:
<add key="SSL" value="0" />
<add key="PORT" value="8081" />
2. C:Program FilesAutodeskData Management Server 2009ServerDispatchConnectivity.WindowsService.JobDispatch.exe.config
Add port number 8081: <add key="Server" value="" />
3. C:Program FilesAutodeskData Management Server 2009ServerWebServicesWeb.config
Change port value to 8081:
<server port="8081" sslRequired="false" />
4. C:Program FilesAutodeskData Management Server 2009ServerWebserverConnectivity.EDMWS.Server.exe.config
Change port value to 8081: <webserver runMode="service" port="8081" useHttpSys="auto">
You will have to restart 'Autodesk EDM Server' in services for changes to apply.This should eliminate your connection issues. Why Autodesk has decided to use 80 as the default port number without an easy way to change this through the console is just silly in my opinion.
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Mar 19, 2012
I have design tree like this:
Main Assembly
L Sub Assembly1
L Sub Assembly 2
L Sub Assembly 3
L part 1
in part i have a parameter name ("Panjang")... how to control "Panjang"?. I cannot access a part parameter in Sub-assembly.
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Aug 31, 2011
How do change the decimal separator from point to comma(in model and FX-parameter)
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Jul 19, 2013
I made an assembly that adjusted to sized based on some key parameters. These key parameters are controlled by a form in the main assembly. The keys parameters actually adjust the skeleton file, which then drives the frame, then all the parts are adjusted.
after changing these parameters all necessary parts would adjust to size and keep the location constraints. Worked quite well.
The issue now is that, we adopted a new naming convention and this assembly requires all the part files to be renamed. I meticulously saved each part as their new name and then replaced each component in the main assembly. This worked to an extent. The problem that I am facing is that when I saved each part as there new name, the new part retained the linked parameters to the old part. Is there a way to change this link to the newly name skeleton file?
I looked into design assistant for this process as well, but the only changes I think available were to add a prefix or suffix. If worse comes to worse, I can remodel this project but, I am sure there has to be a way to alter this.
attached is a single part with those parameters in the image above.
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Aug 11, 2013
I have a part called "bracket" which has a multi-value parameter "mass" which can be 100, 200, 300, or 400 and controls the width of the bracket.I have an assembly into which I have placed thee brackets.
How do I set different parameters for each of the instances of "bracket"?I want one bracket with mass = 100, one with mass = 200, and one with mass = 300, such that I have three brackets of different widths.
I must not be searching on the right text in Google because I find only ways to change the value of the parameter within the core component (such that all brackets change and end up the same width).
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Jan 13, 2014
I have some C# code that uses Apprentice to print some idw files. I am having issues that some sheets get printed with a big black splotch on them. I have attached a screenshot of one of these files. If I open it in Inventor View 2014 and print it from there, it prints fine.
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Jan 30, 2007
I've a program which saves a inventor drawing to DWF. See code below. Here for I must use inventor 11 to open the file and then save it to DWF.
Is there a way to do the same with apprentice?
Public Sub Make_DWF(strFilenaam As String)
'open document invisible
Set oINVDoc = oINVApp.Documents.Open(strFilenaam, False)
'make DWF
Dim addins As ApplicationAddIns
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Sep 5, 2013
I have an assembly which contains a CComPtr<ComponentOccurrence> pThisCompOcc , and I'd like to do two things.
Get the name of the "base" object, not the display name of the occurence Change the model and user parameter values of the occurrence I suspect that I need to find the function or method which gives me a CComPtr<PartComponentDefinition> pPartCompDef which the occurrence points to for the Q1, but what about Q2?
Presumably the parameters are associated with the Component Occurrence and the "real" name is associated with the Part Component Definition?
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Sep 10, 2013
Is it possible to change the parameters of a custom ipart in an assembly after it has been inserted, or can I only do an insert using AddCustomiPartMember?
In that case I simply remove the previous occurrence and insert a new one I suppose?
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Jan 23, 2012
When I make a part in Frame Generator, by default it will name the part a big lengthy name like "frame 000001 etc etc". Is there any way that I can change the default naming system and include parameters in the name (the parameters is not necessary, but would be useful).
ALSO, if I name 2 parts the same name will it show up as "QTY 2" in my parts list?
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Feb 19, 2013
Border's Rangebox with Apprentice?
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Mar 9, 2013
Is there a list of possible options for Apprentice with the Open with Options method?
Even if the call is inside of a Try Catch, it doesn't throw an error when a file is missing references it just goes back to the routine that called it.
Dim oDocOpenOptions As NameValueMapoDocOpenOptions = oApprenticeApp.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMapCall oDocOpenOptions.Add("SkipAllUnresolvedFiles", True)
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Dec 14, 2012
I have created a iLogic form for my skeletal part file that drives my assembly. The issues is that it is a few steps to get the assembly to update.
Current Steps: open skeletal part fileuse form to change size parameterssave new skeletal size changesopen assemblypress the update button if changes haven't already been applied...I have tried to link these parameters directly to the assembly and tried to create the form using those linked parameters from the skeletal part file. It looks like it would work, but I am unable to edit the parameters once the form is created.
I am hoping that the I can skip opening and editing the skeletal part assembly fileuse form to change size and dimensions, and all part files and drawings are updated to that new shape and size.
I have tried to create a global Form in the skeletal part file, and tried to update the size changes in the assembly file.I was able to changes the inputs this way, but once I pressed the apply I get an error with no changes. what I want but I am not very up to date on iLogic or these forms. I will be searching Google for now.
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Apr 13, 2012
The documentation says it available in Apprentice but the error message is "Not implemented".
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Aug 31, 2011
I want to change 'mutil value select" to "custom value input" in ilogic user parameters. something like this:
if condition A then
multivalue.setlist("length", 1,2,3,4,5)
(users can enter any value they want, how can i remove the list first and set it to custom value input?)
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Jan 29, 2013
I'm trying to create a routine that enables the user to change the iProperties on an assembly through Apprentice. I had a sample file that was working last week but when I ran it again I suddenly have a runtime error -2147467259 (80004005). Here is the sample below:
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
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Dec 22, 2011
I search a way in a Csharp program to read iproperties without open file in appentrice because it's time consumption. When we right-click on the file in the windows explorer, the iproperties come instantly.
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Mar 12, 2012
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
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Jul 7, 2012
I don't know how to change render parameters. How do I chose background color? Output file size? render quality?
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May 12, 2013
Is there a way to change programmatically parameters of applied subassembly?
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Oct 19, 2011
I'm testing out a Revit Server configuration with a local server on one site connected to a central sever at another site. So far the testing has gone fine but we've run into a snag. The public IP address at the site of the central server has changed because of a change in ISPs. Now I'm unable to figure out how to update the IP addres settings for the central server that the local server connects to..
I've tried running the install again but it won't run since the software is already installed. I've tried running a repair. I've tried logging into Revit Server Administrator but there is no option to change the IP address of the central server it connects to.
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Jul 19, 2012
For starters, I am using AutoCAD 2013.
I am having trouble with changing the text height of attributes in a block. I know that I can normally use BATTMAN and ATTSYNC to change the text height, but those are not working in my case.
I am using a point parameter and STRETCH action to enable my attributes to be moved, while the main object stays in place. When the attributes are not tied to the point parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with any changes to attribute text height. When they are tied to the parameter and I use BATTMAN in the block editor, the block will insert with the attributes at the text height that they were created at. The only way I can change the text height is to use BATTMAN in model space.
I can work with this, but it would be easier to use BATTMAN in the block editor since my attributes are aligned vertically and changing the text size ruins the spacing between them. It would be much easier to both change the text size and respace in the block editor.
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Mar 13, 2012
When I created my subassembly with subassembly composer, it's difficult to change the sequency of the input/output parameters. Do we have an easy way to do that, Like moving?
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May 7, 2013
Is possible to change the default configuration of the wiretap server after install?I need to make it work on another port than 80.
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Sep 30, 2013
Our IT system is not capable of downloading my media from the ADSK Website without timing out. Seems that our internet connection actually comes from and/or is filtered through New York while I am in Virginia.
So I have requested and received a set of media from ADSK for all my products. I am in then process of copying each to a server location to install from. In doing that you must ignore the autorun.inf file but I have also ignore the MID.txt and setup.ini files. The reason being that each of them specifies that the media is USB within them, see attached.
Does these files are necessary to install from the server location and if they are is there a form that these statements needs to be changed to?
Downloaded 2014 product could you look to see if these files exist and what these statements are in them.
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Jan 23, 2013
I have one computer that can't connect to the Vault Server. It use to work fine and I am not sure what happened. I have gone to the extreme of uninstalling and re-installing and still nothing. I am in the same project as when it was working. I have checked the Application Options Content Center and made sure that the Access Options is set to Autodesk Vault Server.
When I click on Vault Server, everything is grayed out except "Log In" and "Connection Options". If I click on either of them the dialog box goes away and nothing happens. No error dialogs nothing. If I go to the project amd click on the Configure Content Center Libraries button it just disappears and nothing happens. Not sure what else to do.
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