AutoCAD Inventor :: How Solidworks Output G-Code To Machine Parts

Jun 24, 2013

How Solidworks has the ability to output G-code to machine parts without the use of a seperate CAM software.

If Inventor has the ability to do this with some sort of add on? Or even if Autodesk offers a program that does this that would work well with Inventor or if I must use a seperate CAM software to do it. I have used Mastercam in the past but wasn't sure if there was an easier way to do so.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Code To Set Parameter In Bunch Of Parts?

Jun 25, 2013

Is it possible with iLogic code to set a parameter in a bunch of parts equal to another paramter?

I want some iLogic code that will go into my pipe parts and make the PL param = D2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Code To Constrain Two Parts Using Mate Constraint?

Apr 27, 2013

Im looking for VBA codes to crate mate constraint between two parts?

I have crated two parts and called up those two parts in assembly document as occurances

but i'm unable to constrain it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Code To Calculate Interferences Between All Parts Of Assembly

Mar 6, 2012

I want to make a vba code to calculate the Interferences between all parts of an Assembly.

First I modify all holes with thread. Next with de CommandManager I Launch the AssemblyAnalyzeInterferenceCmd. And finaly I modify all holes with thread back.

My question is :

How to wait until the AssemblyAnalyzeInterferenceCmd is finished to continue the code.

Sub Interferences()
 Call BeforeAnalyzeInterference
 Call AfterAnalyzeInterference
End Sub

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AutoCAD 2010 :: G-code From 3D Mesh Model For CNC 3axis Machine?

Sep 25, 2012

create a G-code from an AutoCAD desktop 3D model of a 1911 pistal grip saved as a DXF file. I have a CNC 6040 3 axis routing machine. I have tried to load the DXF file as an import but the file is not recognized by the Mach3 software.

I have downloaded a lisp comand for my AutoiCAD program which is supposed to generate a G-code within Autocad but It doesnt recongnized some 3D elements. I am having a dificult time getting the generater to read a "mesh" 3D form to generate a G-code. I hope this doesnt sound all too confusing... the bottom line is I cant seem to get a G-code out of a 3D CAD form....way to generate smoothly a G-code from an AutoCAD 3D form?

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AutoCad :: Nest Parts For Cutting On CNC Machine

Dec 17, 2011

i am trying to use autocad to nest parts for cutting on a cnc machine. is there any way to make a 2d part have a projected boundary of say .5 inches larger than the part so another part cannot nest closer than that. after the nesting is done, the boundary would be removed. the parts are different sizes and shapes so the projected boundary would have to enclose the part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrate Solidworks To DWG

Oct 12, 2011

I need to migrate 5000+ SW drawings files.  Some have broken model references.  I was hoping to use task scheduler but it produces empty DWG for any SW drawing that has a broken reference.

Now there is a feature in SW called QuickView that opens in the last saved state but doing so only allows to save to TIF.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating 3D PDF File (Like Solidworks)

May 16, 2013

What's the easiest possible way to create 3D pdf file out of inventor 2012 (alike solidworks) ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Assembly To SolidWorks

Mar 29, 2013

I have an assembly designed by somebody else in Inventor. I exported it as STP under Inventor 2013 and imported to SolidWorks 2012. It took over half a day. After the import, some of the objects became big spheres. Know what is going on? I then saved a sub-assembly from Inventor and imported to Solidworks. I tried to use Feature Recognition. However, SW reported that "FeatureWorks. Part contains overlapping solids. FeatureWorks can not proceed further." In the tree on the left, I see a list of Imported objects. I cannot even edit those objects. What is the best way to import design created in Inventor to SolidWorks anyway?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Solidworks Files

Mar 2, 2012

We are working with a business partner who has been sending up Solidworks files to import into Inventor and up to today we've had no issues.  We just got a bunch of files today and when we import them they appear to be empty.  Can Inventor only import certain versions of SWX? 

We do not know if our partner updated their SWX or not.  We have tried various settings in the Options window and still the same result.  I've attached a sample file.  We are running the Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 - Ultimate with Inventor SP1.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display States In Solidworks

Jan 31, 2012

Solidworks has something called display states where you can change each component in an assembly to appear differently.  For example; one part shaded another line edges without hidden lines, yet another showing the hidden lines along with the line edges.  Then once these are set this can be brought into a drawing.

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AutoCAD VB :: Show And Close Parts List Iso-main Menu With Code?

Dec 15, 2010

How do i show and close the parts list iso-main menu with code?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Switch From SolidWorks To ILogic And IPart

Aug 8, 2013

We are looking to switch from SW to Autodesk in order to utilize advanced surfacing in Alias, and its interoperability with Inventor.  However, we need to continue to perform Kinimatic linkage studies as well using Inventor.  I need to make sure we can perform the same calculations with ease before making the switch.

At this point I am trying to mimic in Inventor the kinimatic studies I perform in SW.  In SW I would perform these studies within a single part file, using a single sketch only (no solid parts).  Within this part file I would break up the total "travel" of the linkage into configurations that are driven by a "Design Table".  The Design Table would be used for both the main driving value, and for any driven values I wanted to use for analysis.

I am trying to find a way to get the same driven variables written to an Excel file to use for analysis using Inventor.

As a test example:

I would like to drive one variable(Damper Length) to get ~20 different iParts, each with the linkage moved to a new point within its set range of motion.  I then would like to write several Driven variables(Displacement_1-3 shown in "RULE CODE" attachement) from each iPart instance to an Excel file.

I have been able to get my 20 iParts and the linkage to move accordingly(iPART INSTANCES attachement), but I have not figured out how to write the driven data to excel for each iPart instance(20 rows of data, 3 columns).  I have only been able to write the dimesions for one row of data...whichever iPart is currently open.

with the necessary iLogic code or another solution?  It seems like this should be pretty straight forward.  Do I need to be using the "ChangeRow" iPart Snippet?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Converting 2D Files From NX / Catia / Solidworks

Sep 20, 2013

I had a question as to whether or not there are any upgardes / improvements / options in any of the later Autodesk versions (2013, 2014) have the ability to convert 2D drawings from NX/Catia/Solidworks to Inventor. Is it possible to convert 2D drawings from these other software to extensions that are compatible with Autodesk software? I'm running an earlier version of Inventor on my machine but it seems as though even those at our other locations running Autodesk 2013/2014 are having trouble converting 2D files properly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible solidworks File convert Into IPT Or IAM

Nov 14, 2013

Is it possible solidworks file convert into the ipt or iam edt.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Does It Open Or Import Solidworks Files

Sep 6, 2013

Does Inventor open or allow me to import Solid Works files?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Opening SolidWorks File - Error

Apr 5, 2013

I am having an issue opening a SolidWorks file in Inventor. The file is a native SolidWorks .sldprt file. This is the procedure I followed: File-Open in Inventor, changed file type to SolidWorks Files and selected the file on my computer to be opened. I then recieve an HTML error message stating "Error - Translation failed. This version is not supported." I am currently using Inventor 2013.  I received the file from one of our sister companies and we were hoping to be able to exchange native files easily using Inventors built in translator.

Any translator or add-in that would work to open files of this type.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Open Frame Assembly In Solidworks

Nov 20, 2012

I am having trouble opening an assembly I made on inventor in solidworks. First I drew a frame using just lines and saved it as frame.ipt 

then I opened a new assembly and placed the frame.ipt into the assembly. Once that was done I was able to add a frame to follow the path of the lines by clicking "insert frame" 

This assembly was called frame.iam 

When I try opening on Solidworks it does not work. I clicked body and features and either way it did not work.

I have transferred assembly to solidworks before but I think I am having trouble with this one since I made a frame using  inventor tools instead of just making every single part myself and then constraining it together in an assembly. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Multiple Files From Solidworks - Translators?

Oct 26, 2011

I have to import multiple files from Solidworks.  I don't have any issues with that except that when I import these files they are base files.  All the intelligence is wiped out.  I know that Solidworks can import Inventor files and keep all of the intelligence in the file.  Does Autodesk have translator software that will allow the import of a solidworks file and keep the intelligence used to build the model?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reading Solidworks 2012 Files Directly Into System

Sep 3, 2012

We are using Inventor 2012 and would like to read Solidworks 2012 files directly into the system. This can be done with Solidworks 2011 files but our vendor upgraded his software between the time he sent us test files to try  the import and now. Can you tell me if the is a plug in or something that will allow us to read SW 2012 files or should we upgrade to Inventor 2013?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assigned Colors Are Lost When Importing STEP Or Solidworks File

Sep 14, 2011

When I import a STEP file or most recently a Solidworks part the assigned colors are replaced by the standard gray. Is there an option I'm missing to ensure the colors are retained? I am using Inventor Professional 2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Solidworks 2011 STEP With Only Construction Group Wires

Jan 10, 2013

import this Solidworks 2011.STEP. Can turn this .STEP into a usable inventor part?

I'm using Inventor PRO 2012 64-bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Timestamp For IDW On 64 Bit Machine

Mar 2, 2010

Is there anyway to get a timestamp onto the idw. I have been using the one that could be down loaded that Steve Krause had made but that one doesn't work on a 64 bit machine.

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Photoshop :: Upgrade To CS5 On New Machine Invalidate CS2 On Old Machine

Aug 4, 2012

Got a new computer. Copied and upgraded Photoshop CS2 to CS5. I would like to give the old computer to a family member or friend. Will they be able to use the CS2 on the old machine? (an iMac 10.6) or is that the end of that CS2? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Parts With Custom Parts Created From Content Center

Sep 27, 2012

I am trying to replace a custom part - created from a content center part -  with a copied part with a different name.  (I am using the replace tool in an assembly.)  However, Inventor is not replacing the part with the part I pick but rather the content center version of it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Showing Two Instances Of Parts List And Adding Custom Parts

Mar 30, 2012

On the main sheet of my drawing I have the overall Parts List.  Shows almost all parts except for the few that we don't want to list.  On the second sheet I inserted a Parts List to show only parts that are shown in a detail on that page, made the rest non-visible.

On the main sheet there is an item (#13) that has a QTY of 3.  Two of those Three are optional parts.  What I'm trying to do is insert a custom part into the Parts List, give it an item number of 13A and put in the description "OPTIONAL", then do an Override in the balloon to show 13A.

I get it in the Parts List, Apply it, close it, save the drawing.  Looking at the Parts List, item #13A is there, but item #14 is gone.  I go back into the Parts List and 13A is there and there's a blue box around the item # and the description.  I uncheck Static Value and number 14 shows up (item # and the description).

Then I go over to sheet two, open that Parts List and it lists 13A at the bottom with all the info I added in sheet one and it's non-visible.  Go back to sheet one, open the Parts List and there is no 13A to be found.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Parts With Work Planes Defined By Other Parts

May 2, 2013

I am working on an assembly that is designed around a box (bounding box) that could change size.  I modeled the bounding box and placed it in a new assembly file.  All other parts have been created within the assembly by referencing that bounding box with starting work plane and project geometry.

The problem comes in when I change the bounding box dimensions.  The work planes for each additional part, which were defined by the faces of the bounding box, do not move when the sides move.  Also, my projected geometry is not updating correctly.  This is a simple box, with all 90° corners.  So, all associated parts (at this point) are just rectangles. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Update When Modifying Model Parts In Idw

Aug 21, 2012

My parts list on my idw do not update when I make changes to the model. Specifically, I have deleted a bolted connection on my design and replaced with a different components but the parts list table does not update - all I see is a lightning bolt in the browser next to the parts list but I cannot update it here.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Virtual Parts Weight Total BOM And Parts List

Aug 7, 2013

I was using virtual parts to add nuts and bolts to a drawing in 2013

I can make a VP bolt in the assembly, no problem, set it's size, weight, etc.

In the VP itself, there is no option for number of bolts I want it to emulate. For arguement's sake the weight was 1 pound per bolt (they are big bolts).

I can go into the BOM and say quantity 60, hit done and save the assembly.

If i open the drawing, the parts lists shows 60lbs for the 60 bolts total - which it should when summing the weight.

The problem is the BOM/assembly. If the weight of my assembly (without bolts) is 10,000lbs, the assembly sees the VP weighing 1lb and says the total weight is 10,001 lbs. Am i going to have to pattern a fake part to get this to work right? Shouldn't the total weight take into account the quantity set in the Bom??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Display Density Of Materials Assigned To Various Parts In Parts List On Drawing?

Dec 9, 2013

Is there a way to display the density of materials that are assigned to varius parts in the parts list on a drawing?  I don't need the mass of the parts I just need the material density to show up next to their respective parts.

For example, if I have a part with [steel mild] material assinged to it (no matter the size) I need a column in the BOM on the drawing to show: 490.684 lbs/ft^3.  "Worry when there's something to worry about."

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BOM Casting / Machine / Assembly

Sep 28, 2012

These will be family table parts and assemblies but just to keep it simple for now lets look at non family table parts and assemblies.The attachment is a drawing of a casting, a machine part that is made from the casting and an assembly that uses the machine part.

The casting will have a drawing that has no BOM.The machine part will have a drawing that has a BOM that calls out the casting.The assembly will have a drawing that has a BOM that calls out the machine part.

In the models:

I would like to have an assembly and a machine part the is linked to the casting part so if the casting part changes the machine part and the assembly changes.

In the drawings:

I would like to be able to use existing iproperties or user defined ones and use one parts list style so I can create a drawing of the casting, create a drawing of the machine part where the bom calls out the casting description and part number and a drawing of the assembly that calls out the machine description and part number.

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