AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Level Of Detail Using ILogic
Sep 14, 2011
I'd like to drive a parameter depending on the level of detail being shown. How can find which LOD is active within ilogic?
I'll use this for driving a weldment : when the weld is on the bead parameter = 6 when the weld is off the bead parameter = 0.1
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Jun 28, 2011
I have an assembly and using ilogic to control the wide of the machine.The wider machine has some different brackets which I am turning on and off by using "component . IsActive" in ilogic.
I had to make a new level of detail for it to work, and this is all fine except everytime I open this assembly it defaults back to master level of detail, so I always get this error.
How do I control level of detail with ilogic or how am i suppose to turn parts on and off.I have seen some impressive assemblies controlled with ilogic how do they do it.
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Jan 26, 2012
Is it possible to set a view representation and level of detail (combine them) at the same time in an assembly. Or do they have to be set individually?
Attached images show the first assembly option with four sections together. The second image shows the second assembly option with the top and bottom sections only.
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Mar 19, 2012
Is there a way to disable the level of detail? I personally find this feature most annoying.
I am now starting to understand it after being tripped up by it early in my Inventor carrier.
But even now in understanding it more, I see no point in it.
The problem I have is I can have more then one level of detail in my model to show a specific way in my
one drawing. Then this specific level of detail when changed for a different drawing will screw with the first drawing.
Why can't one just suppress certain items without having to worry about this. Heck, isn't this what Iparts and iassemblies are for?
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Oct 27, 2011
anyway to get the level of detail into text in an idw?
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Mar 19, 2007
We are starting using the level of detail functionality and I am really missing the opportunity to lock this LOD the same way as I can with a Representation view.. Is there any way to do this ??
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Jul 9, 2008
I am creating a large assembly that will contain many level of details. When I complete a "section" of components, I create a LOD for just that section (all other components suppressed). However, all the components I add after that LOD has been created are added to that LOD. I would like all additional components to be automatically suppressed, unless I have that LOD active.
Inventor 2013 Product Design Suite
Vault Professional 2013
Windows7 x64
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Mar 28, 2012
I know there's the setting in the Tools/Application Options/File dialogue that allows you to set a system wide setting of which LOD that opens each time you activate an assembly.
But what about a file specific setting where you are able to set a specific LOD that always opens for that specific assembly file? Or will that conflict with the system wide settings?
Granted, I know Inventor will open the last saved LOD (based on that system wide setting), but my client has users that, for a lack of better terms, are not paying attention or being aware of what LOD they are opening and thus editing the wrong LOD, etc.
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Nov 6, 2013
When i set a specific Plane in my new Level of Detail (Right click on the box set this view as "top") and save, i switch back to master and now the view from the new level of detail transferred over.
How can i make custom top,front,right niews for my new level of detail so it wont affect other details (especially my master view).
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Mar 10, 2010
I've created a view in my presentation file and tweaked all my components to where I want them. How do I change the level of detail associated with a particular explosion already created? I know when you create the view you can select which representation and level of detail to use, but how do you change these after the exploded view is created?
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Aug 5, 2013
I am running Inventor 2014. How I can sort or re-arrange the list of level of details? I added a new level of detail and it is at the bottom of the list in the browser. I would like to move it up near the top of the list so that similar levels of detail are grouped together.
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May 20, 2013
Can I have an assembly cut and make a couple of view reps or level of details so that one has the assembly cut and one does not.
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Jul 25, 2011
In inv2012 is it possible to sort the level of detail list in an assembly? Or can I move a selected level up or down in a list?
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Mar 30, 2012
First, is there a way to add a new part to an assembly and it only be added to the active Level of Detail (and the Master, of course)? It is adding a significant source of potential error when adding a part to an assembly when you have to make sure to go back and change the status of a newly added part in each Level of Detail.
Secondly, is there a better solution than using Levels of Detail in the first place? We typically have assemblies that are in a few stages: 1) an empty shell 2) shell with ballast 3) shell with ballast and fill material. I have started using Levels of Detail to suppress components at each of those 3 stages because it is important that we have accurate weights for each stage. Our assemblies are not terribly large so memory usage is not really a problem, and I have read on Levels of Detail it is usually useful in a memory management situation.
Lastly, is there any good reason to not be able to save a Level of Detail when there is a positional representation active?
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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Jan 5, 2012
It seems that Views are easier to use, are there any benefits of View option over Level of Detail and vice versa?
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Jul 8, 2013
I can find a method to copy a Design View to a Level of Detatil (DesignViewRepresentation.CopyToLevelOfDetail)
But the opposite way (i.e. LevelOfDetailRepresentation.CopyToDesignView) doesn't seem to exist - it is possible in the GUI.
Will I have to traverse the complete structure and set visibillity one by one to obtain the function then? Or are there a better/faster way to go?
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Dec 13, 2011
I'm trying to use the Level of Detail function to add a hole feature in a sub assembly that will be used in 2 places inside the main assembly, but the sub assembly is present in many other location and does not need this hole. My thought is to have the master level of detail depict the hole feature and have another level of detail with this hole suppressed.I can't get the two levels of detail to save the desired outcome. When I switch LODs, the hole feature will not suppress or unsuppress as desired. Is this possible or am I doing something wrong.
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May 31, 2012
If Inventor 2010 has the capability of showing certain parts/sub-assemblies in phantom style lines on the idw/dwg file?
I have a box unit, where I want to show the base, but with the posts meeting it in phantom. Then when I do the drawing for the posts, I want the base and roof in phantom. Then when I do the roof drawing, I want the posts in phantom again.
I can't change the BOM level as it will apply to every level of detail. when suppressed, they completely vanish. Is there a way to do it rather than find the parts in the browser (whilst in the drawing) and change the properties (over-riding them)?
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Nov 19, 2012
How can i use a level of detail from sub assembly in the main assembly?
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Jan 23, 2012
When holes are put in at the assembly level by using the 2d sketch command, projecting geometry and then using the hole command in the Model tab works great. Is there a way to transfer the holes put in at the assembly level to the detail drawings (ipt)?
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Jun 4, 2012
I need to suppress a pattern in an 2nd level subassembly. But is only able to do it in the same level where the pattern is placed etc:
If Length < 3000 mm Then
Component.IsActive("1 st level subassembly", "Name of pattern in 1nd level subassembly") = False
End If
But if i do it with an MakePath... etc.:
If Length < 3000 mm Then
Component.IsActive(MakePath("1 st level subassembly", "2 nd level subassembly", "Name of pattern in 2nd level subassembly")) = False
End If
If Length < 3000 mm Then
Component.IsActive(MakePath("1 st level subassembly", "2 nd level subassembly"), "Name of pattern in 2nd level subassembly") = False
End If
is it not possible to suppress a pattern by an MakePath?
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Oct 18, 2013
After changing colors at assembly level only ,below is a rule that changes all parts that have material "Plywood" to poplar works great.
However I want a rule that does the same kind of change but on only temporally at assembly level only then we can change back to default colors by removing color override.
It would be good if we can do the following
Search assembly for .ipt files that have material that contains PlywoodChange to color using temporary override of "Clear - Light" Possibility of searching more materials within same rule ie : "Timber" to be black in color"Pvcu"to be white in color
Dim oCurrentDoc As Inventor.Document
Dim oDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
Dim oRefDoc As DocumentsEnumeratorDim oTargetColor As RenderStyleDim oNewColor As RenderStyleoCurrentDoc =
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Oct 18, 2011
is it possible to rename the browser node on part level with an iLogic rule? I know that in the assembly environment is an Inventor OOTB functionality to rename the nodes to the filename, Part number or the default value.
Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Dell Precision M4500
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz
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Jun 27, 2012
How to find the cross section details like area and movement of inertia at particular cross section
in( solid works there is a direct option select the section and select the face and click on the calculate automatically gives the are and movement of inertia etc in part and sassy level also) but in inventor in part level its possible but in an assembly level.
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Mar 11, 2013
I dont see any way to do this, maybe it is not possible ?
Where can I see it settings ? (if possible)
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May 29, 2013
How can I turn it off permanently? Or change the default to off? It's always on when I open my drawings.
I save the files with it off, but when I reopen, it's still on. A real pain in the butt when plotting since if I batch plot, all of my contours are off, which eliminates using batch plot entirely. Luckily, I only have 5 figures at the moment, but once we get to design phase I will have many more and require batch plotting.
I'm using civil3d 2013, I have never run into this before with any other versions.
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Nov 18, 2013
Trying to have ilogic find parts in an assembly that start with 900C7 so I can link the to a cell in excel showing the QTY and the LENGTH..
Right now I am just trying to get ilogic to find and list them then I know I can move to the next step..
And many more.
Here is what I have but it keeps posting the NOTHING message box. I have a few of the parts in the assembly and a few none 900C7 parts.
Dim openDoc As Inventor.DocumentDim docFile As Inventor.DocumentDim assemblyDoc As AssemblyDocumentDim partOcc As ComponentOccurrenceDim FNamePos As LongDim docFName As StringDim oList As Collection = New CollectionopenDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentIf openDoc.DocumentType
[Code] .....
Here is a screen shot of the excel file what I am trying.
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Aug 2, 2013
I need a way to run a rule which is saved in my top-level assembly using iLogic rule which is saved in a part file in the parent assembly.
I have even tried using an external rule in a txt file, but that gives the error "Component: This function can only be used in an assembly." - which makes no sense to me. I hope I am just missing something simple. I cant believe with all its other strengths, that iLogic would be so limited in that regard. Why is there not simply a snippet under the 'Run Other' that allows you to specify an assembly file and the rule name? (like there is for running a rule in a component from the assembly)
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May 27, 2013
What im trying to do is take the i properties from an inventor .dwg, and place them into a specific excel spreadsheet. I've managed to get so far, by using code that Curtis posted, which does the opposite of what im looking to do.The code Curtis posted takes info from excel and fills in iprops.
I can fill in specific cells, for instance columns A, B & C on Row 1 and place that info into a specific spreadsheet. But my code falls down when i run the code on another .dwg, It obviously overwrites what was previously in those cells.... I am looking for the code that looks to see if those cells are in use, and if so, go to the next available cell down.
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Jul 11, 2012
I would like to use iLogic to find the location of the points of a line, determine if the line is approximately vertical, and apply a vertical constraint if it is vertical.
Here is the code process I envision:
1. Automatically select a straight line.
2. Find the location of its end points.
3. Compare the X-value of the end points to see if they are vertically aligned (or almost so).
4. If they are vertically aligned, apply a vertical constraint.
5. Select next line and repeat.
Is this possible with iLogic? I don't see any way of calling a line's sketch points or finding their location.
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Jul 31, 2013
Is there any way to obtain the width and height or bounding box of a sketched symbol?
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