AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing IPart In Assembly

Jul 8, 2011

First off I am running:

Windows 7 pro - SP 1 (x64)
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo Pro CPU E7600 @ 3.06 GHz 3.07
Autodesk Inventor 2012 Ultimate Design Suite

I have an assembly with a couple of parts in. Some of these parts are IParts (NOT Content Centre parts), and they live in my project workspace.

In some case I am able (within the assembly) to right click on the table icon below the part in the assembly tree and change the component to a different configuration. However, I other case I am not able to change.

In the cases where I cannot change, when I right click, IV does not even present the option to "change component".

I am not sure if this will affect the situation or not, but some of the parts were inserted into the assembly as IParts, whereas others were not IParts, but I changes them to IParts after they were inserted into the assembly. I am not sure which ones were inserted as IParts and which weren't, but perhaps this is an issue. i.e. parts that were inserted as IParts originally can be changed, but those that were not IParts when inserted and later converted cannot be changed?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place IPart Into Assembly

Mar 29, 2012

After I place an iPart into an assembly, how can I change from one configuration to another?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart UCS Visible In Assembly?

Jan 9, 2014

I know how to get the "work features" to show up in the assembly however, I would like to to be able to utilize the UCS if possible. When I try to use the iPart Author to select the Work Features the UCS doesn't show up.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using IPart In Assembly (250mm Length)

Nov 15, 2012

I created a inventor part by name "011-03-054-A-25x50 HS" 100mm in length. Used "011-03-054-A-25x50 HS" in a assembly and used the same part in another assembly. Then I created a ipart  with a different length which is 250mm. Now I want to use 250mm length in the second assembly. How do I doit? I couldn't find an answer any where. I am using Autodesk Inventor 2013 in windows 7.

This was called configrations in Solidworks and was very easy to use.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Assembly Constraint Loss - BLOWS UP

Jan 18, 2012

I've got a relatively simple assembly (attached) containing 3 iparts.  I change the center component the assembly and I lose all the constraints.  Only the length changes, I'm sure I did this before but yet it turns out to be an epic disaster. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change IPart Occurrence Color In Assembly

Feb 22, 2013

This one work:

If L(i) = 1 Then oOcc.RenderStyle = _invApp.ActiveDocument.RenderStyles.Item("Red")
If L(i) = 2 Then oOcc.RenderStyle = _invApp.ActiveDocument.RenderStyles.Item("Yellow")

 But I want to change like this and it not work:

Lcolor(1)="Red"Lcolor(2)="Yellow"L(2)=1L(1)=2for i=1 to 2oOcc.RenderStyle = _invApp.ActiveDocument.RenderStyles.Item(Lcolor(L(i)))next

 What's wrong?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Part In Assembly - Change To IPart Workflow

Oct 31, 2011

I have a part that occurs nine times in an assembly. These were all the same parts before but now I need to make them table driven iParts in order to add a custom iProperty that changes to make them all different. They are all the same except for this on iProperty field that changes.I can create the iPart no problem. My questions are:

1.) Should I just open the part file and make it an iPart?

2.) Do I need to replace the files in the assembly somehow?

3.) I would assume that I can just edit the file to make it an iPart and then use some kind of "change component" right click to select which one goes where right?

4.) Is there some other workflow I should be using?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Manage IPart Configurations Inside Assembly Table?

Apr 17, 2013

Basically I need to have 2 configurations of an assembly. These assemblies are identical except there is one part that will vary within them. Eventually I would like to be able to drive an assembly with multiple part configurations and suppressing and unsuppressing of parts from a table however this is my starting spot.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Creation In Sheet Metal And Placing In Assembly?

Nov 28, 2012

I have created the Sheet Metal part wtih negative flange value. Ipart is creating the parts. but unable to use in assembly

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change The Parameters Of A Custom Ipart Inserted Into An Assembly?

Sep 10, 2013

Is it possible to change the parameters of a custom ipart in an assembly after it has been inserted, or can I only do an insert using AddCustomiPartMember?

In that case I simply remove the previous occurrence and insert a new one I suppose?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Parameter Column Changing In IPart Author Table?

Sep 3, 2013

When I place a custom ipart (a simple one in this case) the length in my table changes
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing To Different IParts Within Assembly

Feb 3, 2012

How do you change from one i-part to different one within the assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Size Of Component After Assembly

Mar 10, 2013

I just download the AutoDesk Inventor 2012 but I didn't use this software before. I just download an example and refer youtube to create my own parts. But when I place all parts together, i.e. assemble all parts, I find that the parts are not looks good because the size either too big or too small. I try the whole afternoon but I still can't find the way to change the size of an individual component.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Part Properties In Assembly?

Mar 27, 2012

I have often right clicked a part in the browser of an assembly and edited its properties. This may include stock number, material and adaptability.

Drawings of these assemblies seem to update accordingly. At least initially.

I have noticed often several sessions later, the same properties have defaulted to their original value.

And I came across the statement in the corrections attachment.

What does the highlighted sentence mean, exactly? And which properties respond to a change at the part level when edited in an assembly?

Using Inventor 2012 Windows 7 Dell Precision dual EH(quad core) @ 2.13 GHz 4 G Ram

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing User Parameter In Assembly

Apr 1, 2003

I have a part file ("part1.ipt") that has a user parameter called "Height". When I open this file as a part document, I can modify the "Height" parameter to change the height of the part. This functionality works great:

Set oPartDoc = oApp.Documents.Open(sPartFileName, True)
Set oParameters = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters
'change part height to 30 cm
oParameters.Item("Height").Expression = 30

Now, I am wanting to add this part to an ASSEMBLY document, then change the parameter to 30, but have been unable to do it.
I have this so far:

Dim oAsmCompDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set oAsmCompDef = oApp.ActiveDocument.ComponentDefinition
Dim oOcc As ComponentOccurrence
Set oOcc = oAsmCompDef.Occurrences.Add(sPartFileName, oMatrix)

After I add all the parts, I highlight a part in the assembly pane, I click on FxParameters but I don't see the User Parameters for the part. Are the User Parameters not available when a part is placed into an assembly?

This assembly will have multiple parts added from the same file name, but the "Height" parameter needs to be modified for each occurrence.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Direction Of Assembly Origin Axes

Oct 4, 2011

I recently found an error in my top level assembly which is that the origin axes x & z are pointing in the wrong direction (x-axis points in the negative x direction and the z-axis points in the negative z direction).  how to "flip" the origin axes of an assembly?

Additional information:  I have a top level lattice assembly that consists of a number of lattices (a part to which components are constrained) with the lattice origin planes constrained flush with the top level lattice assembly origin planes.  This top level assembly is used in many other assemblies to constrain entire systems.  Re-constraining my lattices correctly inside of the top assembly is infeasible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Part Parameters From Assembly / ILogic

Jun 12, 2013

Is there a standard command or command sequence that allows for the changing of a parameter, say length, of a component from within an assembly. I'm looking to compile a code that allows for a template to be created, then that template will do changes based on text box input and then save out the modified parts with new part numbers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Weldment Assembly Back To Regular Assembly Template

Jun 6, 2012

I am using INV 2012 and I wan to to know a trick how to convert the weldment assembly back to regular assembly template.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Separate Assembly Out Of Various Component Parts In Existing Assembly

Jul 10, 2012

I'm looking for the best way to create a separate assembly out of various component parts in an existing assembly so that the whole thing can be placed in an assembly as you would a part, I know it's possible to demote components within an assembly but are there any other methods similar / better ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Assembly Has Double User Request At Inserting In Assembly

Sep 18, 2012

We have an iLogic assembly with to parts in it. Maybe to cylindrical parts. The iLogic rules should do the following.

1. Start a Rule after open document.

2. This Rule starts a Rule in the first cylindrical component.

3. This Rule ask the user for a diameter.

4. The assembly gives this new parameter value to the second component

5. Then the assembly calls another rule in the second component to change it with the new parameter

Everything is working fine when the following combinations are taking place:

1. I open up the assembly out of vault or from a local drive or an accessible server drive

2. I insert the assembly as sub assembly in another assembly from a local drive or an accessible server drive

It don't work with the following situation:

- I insert the assembly as sub assembly in another assembly out of vault

Then the user becomes the dialog "Choose a diameter" twice.

I don't know why, but I have the idea it has something to do with the functionality of inventor to insert a component more than once. If you insert a component in an assembly Inventor gives you the opportunity to add more than one occurence after each other. 

change that behaviour? Maybe a switch to change that inventor "add more than one occurence" behaviour.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tube And Pipe Assembly Styles Don't Translate Into Other Assembly Files

Feb 9, 2012

I have encountered a problem with the Tube and Pipe styles. 

As you can see, I have a rack assembly with a custom tube and pipe style. A wire as a tube in orange, and a tube support in white. Both have their seperate colorations at a style in the tube and pipe styles editor

When placing the rack assembly into the main assembly, it reverts to the coppor coloration I changed from the original style.

Steps I've taken:

Exported the styles .xml and Imported the styles into the master tubeandpipe.iam 

Imported the user created .xml styles into the main assembly file nothing seems to work

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Find Interior Volume Of Assembly By Subtracting Assembly From Block

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to find the interior volume of an assembly (when am I not?!?!) by subtracting the assembly from a block that surrounds the most of it.  Somewhere the assembly has a "leak" and I have been trying to use the Cross Section Analysis to track down where the inside lump is connected to the outside lump to be subtracted.  Is there a less time consuming way to dynamically drag a plane across and get cross sectional views?

Even better is there a simple way to animate the analysis plane moving across the block so I can hopefully just watch and pause it when I find a leak?

Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place Assembly Constraints With Parameters From Parts In Assembly?

Oct 30, 2012

it is possible to make a constraint that utilized a parameter of a part within the assembly.

For example, if I wanted to use the thickness of a plate, which I defined in the part, could I call that parameter in a constraint?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Sub Assembly From Parts From Main Larger Assembly?

Oct 31, 2011

My assembly has grown (about 50 parts) to where I need to consolodate some parts into subassemblies for reuse and alternate iterations of the basic design.

When I import the original parts into a new assembly, all of the constrains I created are not there of course.

I've tried creating a new empty part and then deriving a new part from the assembly, but I can't add, delete or edit any parts.

I looked at using Shrinkwrap, Substitutes, iParts, Multi-body Parts, and Multiple Solids but I remain confused.

In retrospect, maybe I should have created the subassemblies between the part and assembly stage but I didn't.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Translate Assembly Component Using ILogic / Offset From Parent Assembly Origin

Nov 9, 2011

I want to be able to control the location/position of a component in an assembly. This is easy enough through the iProperties/Occurrence tab and then adjust the location of the X,Y, and Z offsets. Is this possible using iLogic? I have been unable to find a function to access via iLogic. Ultimately I am trying to translate a component about an axis not a pattern.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart BOM Structure

Sep 28, 2009

How do I change the BOM structure of iParts from Normal to Purchased? The BOM editor in the assemblies that use the iParts have the iParts as read only. I can't find a way to change them to purchased from inside the iPart either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add IPart Column?

Nov 21, 2009

Is there a way to add an iPart column to the iPartTableColumns collection? I'm using Inventor 2009.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Will Not Change

Apr 9, 2013

I've made a component pattern in an assembly using an iPart.  The iPart as several different lengths, but I cannot switch lengths in the assembly.  In other assemblies, right clicking on the Table icon allows me to change lengths, but this assembly will not.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add IPart Member

Oct 2, 2013

In C++ can I use this function, using the key index Member string to select which row in the factory I want to insert?

In the docs all I see is Use an iPartTableRow (but no examples in C++).

Use an index, this works but I need to know the index before using it.Use a set of parameters in a string (but "[Member=142314]" does not seem to work. Can I not simple use a string with the appropriate member? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Un-author IPart

Feb 21, 2012

its possible to UN-author an iPart?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Insert A Row In IPart

May 17, 2012

I want to insert a row which contains data into iPart as new part member but without using excel.

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