AutoCAD Inventor :: Associate Components To Layers
Jun 3, 2010
Is there a way to associate components to layers so when they are placed in a drawing they are automatically placed on the proper layer.
Example: a frame assembly is associated with a "Frame" layer that has certain attributes. That frame assembly is part of a larger assembly and when that larger assembly is placed in a drawing the frame is automatically assigned to the Frame layer.
Is there a way if I want my suface to be exploded for the components to be sent to different layers. For example if I make a building pad using the grading tool and create a surface for a design. I would like the minor and major contours to be on different layers. Same for my grading I would like my cut daylight boundary to go to a CG-Cut and fill daylight boundary to go to CG-Fill layers. Is there a way to do this? It would really streamline my work designing pads.
When I am in sketch mode I can draw a rectangle and when I go back to dimension it it only adjusts that specific line and not the connecting lines. Is there a setting or command to fix this?
I do a fair amount of design work for the automotive industry.
Most of the industry uses Catia, and they seem to set up so that certain features have certain colours. I think this is done for when the parts go for machining. The CAM system will recognise certain feature colours and then associate certain tooling with that operation. For example a Ø10mm dowel hole is always blue, and a M8 taper hole is always yellow etc, etc,
Any way to associate certain features with colours in Autodesk inventor?
I have to extract two details from a general view in order to some holes could be visible. The problem comes when I try to create the hole table, because I don't know how associate the table to both details.
I would like to find out how to fix two components in an assembly relative to each other, and using VBA.
What I want to do is to build the assembly (which consists of two components A and B, and also other components) and then animate the joint in component B. In order to do so, I have to fix A to B so that A moves along with the joint motion. But my problem here is that the attachment of A to B is not definite - it depends on other components in the assembly, so I cannot predefine a constrain between the two.
Is there a way I can easily fix two components relative to each other in an assembly without prior knowledge on how they are positioned relative to each other?
I'm thinking of measuring and then constraining the origins of the two part files in 6DOF, but I'm not sure how i can extract the angle between the axes and then constrain them in the correct way (mating using angles has always been confusing for me).
we are using level of details to suppress few components. when we are trying to take BOM for that level of details. we are getting the suppressed components also. is there any control we can do avoiding that suppressed component. I know if you make the BOM sequesnce to reference that wont come in BOM. but we need that file for other LOD.
I use hinges in my door assemblies and they are basically placed into the assembly each time and become flexible so the doors can operate. The hinges are one size and don't change in any way or shape. What is the best practice for inserting these hinges into my door assemblies?
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I made a simple aluminum frame with clear polycarbonate shields. Somehow, when I put it on drawing sheet, some parts behind the polycarbonate are missing. If i make the polycarbonate invisible, the missing parts appear again. This strange phenomenon started today. It didn't happen before, and no parts were missing behind the clear polycarbonate.
How to manage the visibility of components in a particular view?
In attach file,View 2 is a detail view of view 1. On view 2, I want to display only the nozzle (Drain (H):1) and shell (C1306388341:1) component. So I need to set the visibility of the other component to false.When I try to code this, the components of model file of view 1 was updated not the view.
Set ViewDocument = oDetailView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument For Each ViewOccurence In ViewDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences If nozzleName <> ViewOccurence.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.DisplayName Then ViewOccurence.Visible = False End If Next
The reference document I set for my code is not the document which contains the view 2. So I need to the actual reference document where view 2 belongs which is in the box of view 2 that contains 5 components.
In ipn file, after I created sequence and wanted to add in some more components. When I edit the sequence, I cannot find the place to add the components.
I would like to know if there is any possibility to replace a component with another one, that has a different internal name. Losing the dependencies would be acceptable.
ReplaceReference and PutLogicalFileNameUsingFull always return the error "wrong parameter".
I'm attempting to run an FEA of a preliminary design to isolate the best locations for weight reduction. When I attempt to do the analysis with convergence criteria of
Maximum number of h refinements: 2Stop criteria: 8%h Refinement Threshold: 0.5
I get the following issue:
Mesh failed: Face failure: Spar:1Model separates into 36 independent componentsSoft spring was added Is there anything I can do either model or simulation wise that will keep the model from separating?
Why can I not constrain placed objects with three constraints? Anything I place constrains with one constraint then is virtually fixed (without being) and cannot even be moved to allow for further constraining.
Look at the vifdeo file attached. I have not problem to create one component fade out (from 100% to 0%). But how to show the another component fade in (from 0% to 100%)? Studio does not allow fade from 0% to 100%.
I was using "copy components" inside an .iam without any problem. Suddently, when I tried to copy more instances, inventor was blocked and I was not able to copy anymore components. Then I had to close inventor because it seems to be in a bucle.
I have a VBA macro that places selected virtual components into an assembly. I can place virtual components with different part numbers into the assembly with no problem. When I try to place the second instance of a virtual component with the same part number I get an error.
For example: If I place a virtual component with the part number C123A456 into an assembly it shows in the tree as C123A456:1 If I try to place C123A456 again it errors at this line.
'Add selected line as a virtual part Set oOcc = oOccs.AddVirtual(sPartNumber, oMatrix)
I can place multiple virtual parts if I append -1, -2, -3 etc to the part number but I would like to let Inventor use the :1, :2, :3 to keep track.
I am trying to understand how fixed constraint works using Vector Components. It shows inches input, not ft/lbs. What I am seeing is if I put down 1 in in the Y insert and it shows the X and Z are unconstrained. What I am trying to is put on a fixed constraint to one direction which is Y. When I use 1 in for Y, it looks like it is using force of some kind. How this Vector Components work?
I have a selection of various components in an assembly model in Inventor which I want to use to demote. When I click off these components the selection set is lost. Is there a way that Inventor can remember a selection set of components so that I do not have to re-select all the components again ? Similar to the 'select-previous' command in ACAD ?
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL) Anthony Goodwin ~ Cad Manager/Senior Designer Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I'm new to inventor and I need to be able to create coppies of a part in my assembly that are uniquely identified so they can be individually changed. I see that this can be done through the ribbon with the "Place iLogic Component" button, but is it possible to do this from the API in a rule?
I have a rectangular chute, tapering in width and height, and intersecting, at an angle, with a round duct. I can't seem to find a way to determine the cut-out in the round duct.
Because the chute tapers projecting the size onto a flat plane to then project onto the round duct doesn't work.
I havent used inventor studio for animation too much. The question I have is why cant I animate a component in a subassembly? I can animate the parts in the assembly, but not any parts that are in a subassembly. Is this how it has always worked or just a 2013 thing. If it is suppose to be like this, I think it is ridiculous and pointless to have this feature. now I have to place all the moving part into the main assembly.
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram Windows 7 64 bit ati firepro v4800
However I cannot find a fix? Is there one? I am trying to install Autodesk Inventor Suite from USB, and I KEEP GETTING THIS ERROR ON INSTALL - "Cannot update system components now. Please reboot the machine and try again."
Things I have tried -
1. Rebooting
2. Different account (admin, both domain and local)
3. Downloading trial from Autodesk, installing
4. Complete removal of .NET, reinstall
5. Enabling updates (mentioned in thread)
It installs just fine on other machines, same enviroment. I cannot find a "checklist" of system components needed for Inventor to install correctly; I've read from other threads it needs .NET, C++ Redistributable, that's about it.
Is there anything I can do without wiping the machine? Is there a checklist for versions of components required for Inventor to run?
Is there any way to group assembly components?I'm aiming at a live mass calculation for different level of details/design views.In this case I'v got an assembly with about a ton of stainless steel spread out on different subassemblies.
I have made representations showing only the welded stainless steel and I would like the weight of these to appear in the partlist. Not the weight of the complete subassemblies.
Opening large assemblies containing LODs some components missing. The assemblies are build with inventor 2010 and now is totally migrated in in 2013 SP1.1 Update1. If you open the sub assemblies these are correctly on. I've tried to set visibility on, off, change representation of view, positional and activate various LOD, including Principal LOD.
If you position another instance of the sub assemblies, one is on but the other isn't visible. In the drawing all is correctly represented
See the attached .PDF
This occurs in Factory and Product design suite. Graphics card and relative drivers are certificated. I can't attach a P&G because is a very large file (250Mb).
I am working on a large plant piping project and while I've seen this behavior before I've never seen it this bad.
Attached is a screen shot of a small portion of the assembly drawing in which you can see a good example of what I'm dealing with.
At the top you can see a weld neck flange that appears to be attached to air where there should be an elbow. In the middle you can see that on one side of the elbow there is missing geometry.
At the bottom is another flange that attached to air where there should be an elbow. This drawing is littered with these errors and as such is unsuitable for even a reference document.
I have turned visibility of these components off and on without resolution. I have turned on tangent and interference edges without resolution.
I have translated a copy to ACAD to see if it's simply graphical but the ACAD file shows the same errors. I have checked parallel and perpendicularity and all is well.
Inventor 2012 Pro 64bit (Build 219 - SP2) Vault 2012 Pro Admin Windows 7 Pro 64bit Quad Core processor 2.26 Ghz 16 GB DDR3 RAM 1.5 GB Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 (Driver Version 2 – 320 GB SATA drives
Lets say you have 100 Keps Nuts in an assembly. Named (KepsNut1,KepsNut2, etc)And you want to suppress them on and off.
Would there be a way to make an array 1-100 and just say suppress/unsupress "KepsNut" & array list of numbers.To basically add the two strings and find all the components in that array and turn them off or on.!
I am having an issue with the visibility of components underneath other, transparent components. The part which needs to be visible is a switch underneath a vacuum formed polycarbonate cover. When the cover is positioned open such that the switch would be partly visible even if the cover is opaque, the switch is rendered. When the cover is positioned closed, the switch is no longer rendered. I have attached JPG's of the two states.