AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Components In Sequence For Animation?
Nov 28, 2013In ipn file, after I created sequence and wanted to add in some more components. When I edit the sequence, I cannot find the place to add the components.
View 2 RepliesIn ipn file, after I created sequence and wanted to add in some more components. When I edit the sequence, I cannot find the place to add the components.
View 2 RepliesI have tried to record a simple animation sequence in Inventor 2012, I press the record button, select where to save .avi file, click play and it runs the animation. The file appears as an .avi in the saved location however it will not play (file size is 0).
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I have made a 3d Spectrum analyser , its made of rectangular boxes 16 rows and 16 boxes in each row.
So i have made my cam from Bottom Left corner to Top Right over 96 Frames.
What i need to do, is make some of the blocks disappear and re appear as the cam pans across.
In sketchup i did it by HIDEING the component (block), make new scene, then un hide it..
I am thinking of purchasing VideoStudio pro X3, but I can't seem to find out from the website if it will do exactly what I need.
I want to use an image sequence of an animation created in Lightwave 3D, bring it into VideoStudio and then create a BluRay disc with it on. I am hoping to do this in one go rather than convert it to a movie file first.
In Maya, how do I do a transformation sequence. my plan is to have the character transform into a tiger human hybrid that is at least twice the size. (also its texture changes as it morphs)and can there be a bone rig that grows along with it?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there any way to export max 2012 animation to obj sequence?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a animation and want to export the animation to sequence images. The sequence images is in the custom selected area.
I just know to use the Rendered Frame Window to render an image with selected area and save to a png file. But I cannot do that for every key frame.
Is there any way to get a sequence of frames into Photoshop and have the layer visibility set up to play straight away ?
What I mean is, I'm using Bridge to import ....Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into Photoshop layers, and was wondering if the frame visibility could be automatically set to play the animation.
Currently all the layers come in visible and I have to "Alt" click the layer visibility in each frame....can be a pita with large animations. It would be cool if I imported frames 1 to 50 and PS set them up to play in order as imported.
I am creating animations with rendered image sequences with StudioMax. I'm looking for a way to overlay a PNG with translucent background onto my render frames as sort of a logo border/window.
[URL] Specifically at the :18-:19 second mark, where the model is rotating but the logo image is static. The above animation was created in Blender and I've been told they add that as a 'background' image when they render.
Again, I render out individual images and use RAM Player to create an .avi that I then import into Movie Maker or similar application to add title screens, etc. None of the applications I have available to me or are affordable appear to allow me to do Video Layers which would also allow me to accomplish this.
I'm doing a HD production (1920x1080) and can't get any animation previews to run at 100% when trying to create from the Animation Sequence? Surely there can't be a limit to the maximum size you can preview at?
View 9 Replies View Relatedi would like to know how can we import multiple .fbx animations in sequence, in the same .ma or .mb (ex: idle.fbx + walk.fbx + run.fbx...)
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy the create animated sequence (Make Preview) will often times freeze and get stuck on one frame even though the time is progressing? Quite often when I create my previews, it will progress to a certain point and the frame won’t progress and it will continue to create the same frame over and over even though the time slider is progressing through the animation. I’m using Max 2011 and 2012 but this has happened in 2009 and 2010. To fix it I have to keep a close eye on the sequence images and stop the preview to restart it at the point it stopped.
3ds Max 2013/2014
Autodesk Inventor & AutoCAD
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8.00 GB of Ram
I've tried deleting all preferences. I was working with the camera originally then suddenly the keyframes wouldn't appear as red lines (there was only 1 camera) and appeared blank, i deleted these 'blank' keyframes and ever since I've been unable to play the entire camera sequence, the timeline simply sits at 0. I've tried a new camera with it's own keyframing but to no avail, it refuses to play.
edit: I just tried in a new scene also, same problem. It's making it near impossible to preview animations in real-time.
Is there a way to export all frames of an animation at once as a sequence of gif files? (rather than going to file-->save for each frame)
A related question: is there a way to select multiple objects on different frames for easy editing?
Though I am a long time CorelDraw user I've recently download VideoStudio Pro trial. The problem I am having is importing a sequence of animation images (360 total at 30frames/sec) The images where render and exported from Lightwave3D (jpg)
The only way I found to import the images was through the capture button and that worked fine. Once that was done imported VS editor and exported to several formats...
the problem is the sequence is choppy and not smooth it is a wee bit choppy the 30 frames/sec imports fine but the final play back is not smooth as it should be. If I export directly to video from Lightwave the playback is smooth. I'd render direct from LW but LW is is a wee bit wonky at time when writing direct to video format. LW prefers direct to image then you would composite in a 3rd party program
I tried VS video at 60 frames, 15 frames that made no difference at all the same unsmooth playback
How do I import a sequence of images at 30/sec so then export so that the playback is smooth.
why my video plays faster than the set animated sequence i have saved in the playback preferences. I have a camera on a motion path and have slow the playback speed to 3fps yet when i play the avi video in quicktime after it's rendered it plays much faster.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to "render every Nth Frame" with a value of 0.5 oder 0.25 ?
To create a slow motion of the complete sequence without to use rescale time?
I would like to find out how to fix two components in an assembly relative to each other, and using VBA.
What I want to do is to build the assembly (which consists of two components A and B, and also other components) and then animate the joint in component B. In order to do so, I have to fix A to B so that A moves along with the joint motion. But my problem here is that the attachment of A to B is not definite - it depends on other components in the assembly, so I cannot predefine a constrain between the two.
Is there a way I can easily fix two components relative to each other in an assembly without prior knowledge on how they are positioned relative to each other?
I'm thinking of measuring and then constraining the origins of the two part files in 6DOF, but I'm not sure how i can extract the angle between the axes and then constrain them in the correct way (mating using angles has always been confusing for me).
we are using level of details to suppress few components. when we are trying to take BOM for that level of details. we are getting the suppressed components also. is there any control we can do avoiding that suppressed component. I know if you make the BOM sequesnce to reference that wont come in BOM. but we need that file for other LOD.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI use hinges in my door assemblies and they are basically placed into the assembly each time and become flexible so the doors can operate. The hinges are one size and don't change in any way or shape. What is the best practice for inserting these hinges into my door assemblies?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
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Memory: 16 GB
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3D Connexion SpacePilot
I made a simple aluminum frame with clear polycarbonate shields. Somehow, when I put it on drawing sheet, some parts behind the polycarbonate are missing. If i make the polycarbonate invisible, the missing parts appear again. This strange phenomenon started today. It didn't happen before, and no parts were missing behind the clear polycarbonate.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to manage the visibility of components in a particular view?
In attach file,View 2 is a detail view of view 1. On view 2, I want to display only the nozzle (Drain (H):1) and shell (C1306388341:1) component. So I need to set the visibility of the other component to false.When I try to code this, the components of model file of view 1 was updated not the view.
Set ViewDocument = oDetailView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument
For Each ViewOccurence In ViewDocument.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
If nozzleName <> ViewOccurence.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.DisplayName Then
ViewOccurence.Visible = False
End If
The reference document I set for my code is not the document which contains the view 2. So I need to the actual reference document where view 2 belongs which is in the box of view 2 that contains 5 components.
I would like to know if there is any possibility to replace a component with another one, that has a different internal name. Losing the dependencies would be acceptable.
ReplaceReference and PutLogicalFileNameUsingFull always return the error "wrong parameter".
How do I specify which template my imported components use?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm attempting to run an FEA of a preliminary design to isolate the best locations for weight reduction. When I attempt to do the analysis with convergence criteria of
Maximum number of h refinements: 2Stop criteria: 8%h Refinement Threshold: 0.5
I get the following issue:
Mesh failed: Face failure: Spar:1Model separates into 36 independent componentsSoft spring was added Is there anything I can do either model or simulation wise that will keep the model from separating?
Why can I not constrain placed objects with three constraints? Anything I place constrains with one constraint then is virtually fixed (without being) and cannot even be moved to allow for further constraining.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLook at the vifdeo file attached. I have not problem to create one component fade out (from 100% to 0%). But how to show the another component fade in (from 0% to 100%)? Studio does not allow fade from 0% to 100%.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was using "copy components" inside an .iam without any problem. Suddently, when I tried to copy more instances, inventor was blocked and I was not able to copy anymore components. Then I had to close inventor because it seems to be in a bucle.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a VBA macro that places selected virtual components into an assembly. I can place virtual components with different part numbers into the assembly with no problem. When I try to place the second instance of a virtual component with the same part number I get an error.
For example: If I place a virtual component with the part number C123A456 into an assembly it shows in the tree as C123A456:1 If I try to place C123A456 again it errors at this line.
'Add selected line as a virtual part
Set oOcc = oOccs.AddVirtual(sPartNumber, oMatrix)
I can place multiple virtual parts if I append -1, -2, -3 etc to the part number but I would like to let Inventor use the :1, :2, :3 to keep track.
I am trying to understand how fixed constraint works using Vector Components. It shows inches input, not ft/lbs. What I am seeing is if I put down 1 in in the Y insert and it shows the X and Z are unconstrained. What I am trying to is put on a fixed constraint to one direction which is Y. When I use 1 in for Y, it looks like it is using force of some kind. How this Vector Components work?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a selection of various components in an assembly model in Inventor which I want to use to demote. When I click off these components the selection set is lost. Is there a way that Inventor can remember a selection set of components so that I do not have to re-select all the components again ? Similar to the 'select-previous' command in ACAD ?
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Anthony Goodwin ~ Cad Manager/Senior Designer
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)