AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Customized Keyboard Commands Not Saving
Aug 15, 2011
Whenever I customize some keyboard commands, they always seem to reset after I close and re-open Inventor. I'm not quite sure how I could be missing something. I've gotten very use to these commands in previous versions. Once I setup my commands, I am able to use them for the session.
I am having a problem with Inventor Factory Design 2013 holding my settings for style and my customized keyboard shortcuts. Every time I close inventor I have to go back and re-import my settings for idw's and parts.
Ok, I'd want to have other (others) custom command "create section view2" and optionally call it from an icon.
These commands are saved with the drawing? ( I think yes). Would be there a possiblity to have easy access to this elements to deal with them ? Is it impossible?
Having custom commands cloned and customized from existing
I want to run a macro from a keyboard shortcut like I have been doing in the last several releases of Inventor. I can set the shortcut and it works. If I close/restart Inventor, the shortcut is lost.
I have a user who is disabled. He can only use a mouse and cannot use a keyboard. For keyboard inputs, he uses the On-Screen Keyboard built-in to Windows 7. He has used many versions of Autodesk Inventor... since 2010.
Normally, the On-Screen Keyboard will always "stay on top" of all other programs and windows. With Inventor 2012, the On-Screen Keyboard disappears when you press certain buttons in Inventor. In my screencast, the On-Screen Keyboard disappears when you complete an Extrude function and also when you Fillet. I've also seen it disappear when during a Chamfer, but this is not in the screencast.
This is extremely annoying for a user who can only use a mouse, as he has to constantly bring back the On-Screen Keyboard by click on the taskbar icon. It's also inconsistent with what Autodesk did in the past with previous versions of Inventor.
This is a screencast of Inventor 2012 w/ SP1 and demonstrates the disappearing On-Screen Keyboard [URL]
Is there any way to set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)? I am a average Coreldraw user, knows almost all basics, but lacks advanced use of Coreldraw. I like to use any techniques that saves time. I know it with adobe Photoshop (like action etc.) but not with Coreldraw.. I heard about macros.
For Now I need to
1) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)
2) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button or macros for repetitive find & replace options...
3) create macros for simple moves & then after combine these type of simple macros in one macros...
4) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to that macros...
5) and any these type of time saving technique. (in selection making, replacing, finding, batch process etc..)
I want is make actions & then combine them to script & then set keyboard shortcuts for same...
We are working in AutoCAD 2010 and the keyboard shortcut commands are not working for one of our users. we are having difficulty getting it back online for her. we tried a menu load for the acad.pgp file and it isn't working .
I'm having trouble with the renaming of X-refs.i have made a script file that re-paths required x-refs to a new project, but this leaves the x-ref name as the old x-ref. Any keyboard commands to change the name? or to set the name to file name?
I am wanting to create a .ipt (part) file in Inventor 2012, save it as a .stl file, and open it up in Project Falcon to test it in the wind tunnel.How do you save an .ipt file as a .stl file in Inventor 2012? I hav tried going to "Save as..." and changing the extention to .stl, but not luck there.
I am trying out autocad 2012 for mac. I can't find the 3d commands like I could on the windows version. I don't know if it because of the new 2012 version but I can't find the tool pallettes for the 3D tools.
And save it as an Action called am_Flip_Horizontal.atn. Then how would I go about loading that action automatically each time PS boots and assigning a keyboard shortcut to it (say, CTRL + /) ?
I notice that some Actions are black, some are red. Some have a checkmarks and others have toggle icons. I think I have the concept down, but just not the how-to knowledge.
I have version 2.3 using it on a Mac. I am trying to learn some keyboard commands to do my most common tasks. I cannot figure out how to "delete from disk" via the keyboard. When I hit delete, I get the window that has "remove" as the default. I can go to "delete from disk" with the mouse but I am trying to cut down on my mouse use to save my wrists.
Just had to repair my installation, now I am unable to use any Civil 3D commands, anything with "AECC" in front of it is coming back with "unknown command"?
I am having an issue that appeared this morning when I woke up and turned my computer on... My AutoCAD 2012 (full) is locking up on certain things:
-When I select something without a command on (free selecting) it selects the items fine, but when I press the ESCAPE button to deselect everything there is a 1-2 second pause and then it deselects everything, instead of it instantly happening as it did for the past, oh I dunno, 10 years.
-If I select the items then type the command, normally it would instantly start that command with the items I had selected. Now, after selection items, when I type the command, it pauses for 1-2 seconds and the runs the command as usual.
-I am trying to edit an AutoCAD table, normally this is as smooth as butter. Now, not only are the same issues mentioned above happening, when I go to edit a cell, the typing has a 1-2 second delay and then starts. Once I start editing one box, it will move to the next cell smoothly. But if I click outside the box to end editing, there is a 1-2 second pause.
Last night, I randomly thought, "Oh, I'll run my McAfee virus scan because I haven't for a long time", literally I don't remember the last time I ran that. I also thought, "Oh, I might as well run the Dell PC Checkup scan", this is a factory program that came on the computer that again, I can not remember the lst time this was ran. Both scans went through Full Scans and found ZERO issues. The PC Checkup found one issue on an external hard drive that I use for BACK UP ONLY, I was not concerned with this because I figured it was either just an issue in the connection or between the 2 softwares. Also I wasn't concerned with it because if it does fail, it's a backup drive only anyway, so I'd just replace it.
InDesign and a number of other Creative Suite programs work great when I set my keyboard layout to Dvorak. They continue to interpret commands as QWERTY but interpret typing as Dvorak.
Photoshop doesn't though and it drives me crazy to continually switch keyboard layouts every time I want to go from image editing to text editing. Is there a way to get Photoshop to behave like InDesign with regards to this?
We have lost the use of the two transparent commands 'spe and 'sse. When I either click on the toolbar or type 'spe or '_spe in the middle of a command, they don't work like the other transparent commands. When I click on toolbar by itself, I get an error "Unknown comment "SPE". The other transparent commands say something like "PSE must be called from within another command".
Also, is the actual comment 'spe the command name or is it an alias. I was thinking that if I knew the command name, I could create another allias as a work around.
I am using autocad Architecture 2012. the other day it randomly stopped recognizing most commands. I cannot TRIM, CO, OFFSET, ect. all of the main ones. a couple things still work, If I need to draw a circle I can type D and still input diameter. But for all of the rest of those it says "Unknown Command, press f1 for help."
I am trying to find a way to assign keyboard shortcuts for different selection sets functions/commands.
I failed to find selection set commands in customize user interface menu. seems that they named it in a manner so that people cant find them when they simply look for "selection" or "set" or "create selection set" or "make selection set" .
what I need is:
1. when I select a group of objects I want to make them a selection set with one keyboard shortcut. (to go to the sets menu window and press that "create a selection set" button is too time consuming. I am also aware that just writing a letter to the selection sets dialog creates a set but still I want that shortcut.) an object and immediately jump to the whole selection set with a keyboard shortcut. or toggle through selection sets.
3.delete the active selection set with one keyboard shortcut.
are these functions available as native commands in customize user interface?should I go looking for a maxscript ?
Recently installed the upgrade of AutoCAD 2012 from AutoCAD 2011.
It did not seem to migrate things very well? My PGP did not follow over and in addition to a few other settings.
I use the esc (escape) key to end a string of comands or if I want to go another direction. In AutoCAD 2012 when I hit the esc key on my keyboard it does NOTHING?
It is a key on my keyboard, not a keystroke shortcut?
New to using windows autocad 2012 LT. It keeps locking up the screen, mouse & keyboard. I installed the autocad hotfixs and service packs and it still does it.
I have a Intel Core 2 Quad CPU, Q8200 at 2.33 GHz, 2.33 GB of RAM.
XP Professional version 2002 with service pack 3 installed.
AutoCad sticking on commands like copy selection and move tool, It is running very slow and when saving it says there is no system memory, although my Computer has pleanty of memory (the local disk has over 200GB space)
PC has correct specification for AutoCad 13, and I have never had problems until this morning-