AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Rectangular Box To Move Around Pump?
Nov 15, 2012
I want to rotate and scale the pump, which that seems to still be working fine.
It has a rectangular box that I what to move around the pump, keeping the box and text East-West, I had been able to do this before in AutoCAD 2010, I am currently using 2013.
I've got a rectangular block that I need to stretch by both ends at the same time, maintaining the center/insertion point as it grows. I have attached the block to show what I'm working with.
I thought Linear Stretch Pair was the answer but I can't make it work.
I'm working on a dynamic door block, which allows me to add some height and width values to the door. everything works fine when I put in the attributes right away when I insert the block. Only if I want to mirror and stretch the block before I enter the values they want move to the correct position. After I run "attsync" it moves to it's correct place.
I would like to find a way to give a maximum and minimum length to a stretch (or move) but without absolute values.
simplified example of my block:
I have 2 squares, of which one big on, and a smaller one within the bigger one. I want to be able to stretch both squared indefinatly (no problem there), but the big square may never become smaller than the small one, and the small one may never become bigger than the big one...
In other words: the inside square should always stay inside the bigger one, no matter the size of the squares.
The problem with this block is that I have a hatch pattern between the squares, and as soon as i stretch the small square outside (or equal) to the big square... the hatch pattern 'crashes'.
1. Move the right piece so it ends at 3', 4', & 5'. 2. the move right hook and 'backing' to stretch/copy (or array) so it adds a hook to the right and fills in the backing.
so this means that a 3' gets 4 hooks, 4' gets 5 hooks and 5' gets 6 hooks.
3. the block as shown is the smallest configuration with 3 hooks.
I could just set up a visibility and draw each one at it's appropriate length but I'm trying to keep this simple block to a min size. If all else fails, that's the route I'll take.
I've tried a couple different configurations and I keep getting duplicates or the end piece doesn't move the correct distance.
I have a dynamic block that I am trying to add some pretty basic functionality to (at least it seems like it should be simple!). Since I’m still relatively new to DB’s, I figured I’d give some background on what I’m trying to do, cause maybe it could be done with a much easier approach than I have come up with. So if you don’t feel like reading the details, see the fourth paragraph for my actual question.
The block is a sheet reference annotation (that shows: SheetNum/TotalNumOfSheets) that we typical put in the notes section of our construction drawings. It looks nice when the text (which are attributes), lines up with the text in the note (usually Mtext, but sometimes a Mleader). So I constantly find myself completing the tedious task of placing the block at the insert point of the Mtext (which is always justified LEFT TOP), and then calculating the distance down to line that I want the block to line up with.
So what I want the block to be able to do is to be able to have the user grab the block by its basepoint, place it at the insert point of the Mtext object, and just enter the text height of the Mtext note, the line space factor, and the target line of the note that the sheet reference block should line up (the input would all be done via custom block properties in the Properties Palette). And since we almost always use a text height of 0.125 and Line Space factor of 1, those will be the defaults, and really the only thing that would need to be entered would be the line number of the Mtext that the annontation should line up with.
I already figured out most of the constraint parameters necessary and calculated the offset equation using custom parameters. I have all the linework moving correctly using the vertical constraint parameters, however, I cannot figure out how to get the Attributes to move along with the linework. I know how to move text and attributes using Action Parameters, but I can’t do it with Constraint Parameters. So I figured that maybe I could chain an Action Parameter to the Constraint Parameter, but I couldn’t figure out how to do this either. Also, I am using visibity states and would like the visibility grip to move along with everything else as well.
My block is attached. I used some lines for the Constraint Parameters to be associated with, but they are only there for the block to operate correctly, therefore they are invisible in both of the visiblity states. Probably not the best way, but it works.
For our office I'm trying to figure out (so far without success) how it might be possible to constrain movement of a block's geometry to a single plane?
I can use a stretch grip but that will mean you can go in one direction only (positive) not negative, I want the freedom to be able to move backwards and forwards in the X-Plane.
Block I'm working on (progress so far) attached. It is designed to display height relative to a datum point in the block, and for use in drawings so you can place it all over and pick up levels to top of things like steels.
The block allows the use to pick the stretch grip to go up, so the objects moved will be to a point which will be relative to the base point of the block, which will be set at a datum level for the drawing. Relative to the base point a field will extract the y-coordinate of an object in the block, add a suffix of mm, that will then be the level relative to the base point.
I want the move command constrained to move the block geometry in the drawing but only in the x-plane; if the entire block moves accidentally in the y-plane it will also move the base point also, which destroys the idea of measuring against a fixed datum.
[URL] how to add a dynamic radius, with reference to the Move and scale actions.
"1. Set the Radius to Independant and move the center point to the center of the radius"
"2. Add the Scale Action to the Move Action"
"3. You already noticed the angle of the stretches (45, 315) needing to change and the Move multiplier of 1.414"
I am trying to design a column block, but following the above instructions for the root radius the radius moves when I test the block!
1. "move the center point to the center of the radius" What does this mean. I am selecting a liinear parameter, selecting the mid point of the arc first and then the arc center point.
2. "Add the Scale Action to the Move Action". How do you add the scale action to the move action.
I'm trying combine a Move and Stretch Action such that the same handle MOVES the detail UP/DOWN and STRETCHes the detail RIGHT/LEFT while maintaining the base of the detail line at the reference line. Sounds confusing maybe but this is the most intuitive and elegant way to design it. However, I can't get it to work.
The attached detail achieves the same functionality but is a little clunky.
I've got a block with 2 lines of text, the second line being optional. If the second line is omitted, the first line should be moved down, so it's centered.
I can handle the second line being omitted with a visibility parameter. And I can handle the first line being moved down with a move parameter. But how can I link the two?
Ideally, I'd be able to re-use the line 1 attribute and display it in whichever place was correct, but that doesn't seem to be possible.
I've got a section marker (the letter designation with arrowheads pointing in the direction of the cut) that I cannot get to behave correctly.
When I set a parameter to one end with a move action, in order to have the arrowhead and attdef for the letter designation move upwards, all is well. When I try to do the same to the other end, the letter desingation attdef will not move.
Neither attdef is set to "Lock Position", so I'm puzzled why one works and the other end does not. I've tried a move action on both ends and a combination of move/stretch, but I can't get it to work.
We have a title block wherein the Location attribute is normally a single line, but occasionally is two or more lines. Within the title block this attribute is surrounded by lines, left, right, top, bottom.
We would like the bottom line to move down when the user adds additional lines to the attribute.
I've made annotative blocks and I've made dynamic blocks... My intent is to integrate both but I can't find a way to move dynamic block parameters separately at different annotative scales.
In other words, if I insert an annotative dimension and add multiple scales I can move the dimension grips independently at each scale. If I insert a dynamic block I want to be able to use the dynamic block's action "grips" to do the same. However, with a dynamic block, if I move a stretch action at one annotation scale it moves the action at all annotation scales.
I have created a dynamic block with several visiblility states. The block works great for what I need it for. however, I am trying to add one more action to the block but am having issues.
This block is essentially a 24" retail cabinet with the visibility states showing the different drawer and shelf configurations. I want to be able to lengthen the cabinet in 24" increments and have the visibility show for each 24" section.....e.g. I want a 10' cabinet so I bring in the 24" starter block. Then stretch the cabinet to the 10' mark, then I can chose any drawer/shelve config for each 24" section (they are all different).
I can get the block to stretch in 24" problem.....i just want the visibility state to be duplicated as well for each section. Now as it stretches, there is only one Vis state and it only populates the first cabinet.
I could do this by copying the block over and over 5 times.....but I am hoping there is a way to make this dynamic.
I have a block I am making into a Dynamic Block. I will be adding in different visibility states. Depending on the visibility state the block would need to be inserted from a different point.
My question is, is it possible to add multiple insertion points to a dynamic block so depending on the visibility state it defaults to the correct insertion point?
I try to create a new pipe dynamic block. But I have a problem with my block. In the block, the distance2 I wanna change to some sizes follow the table. And the center line, it changes follow the sizes table, and must be center line when I change pipe size. I can not do it. How to make the block working correctly.
Is there anyway to link standard AutoCAD Grips and there commands to Dynamic Block Actions? I want to stretch an arc by its midpoint grip. This accomplishes something that no other commands do.
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
I have a dynamic block, that represents a stirrup.
I inserted in the block a Block Propreties Table, that have some preset dimensions for the stirrups. The grip of this table I decided to put in the top right corner.
The problem is that I can't make this grip moveable )
new to dynamic blocks but looking to streamline my wiring diagrams here and have created a block that shows the typical wire styles we use in a simple easy way. I now want to add an overall flip to the entire block and have not been able to find set this. I would prefer to use the same label and go from there. I have included the block to show what I mean. It is only working on the single visible item at the one time. I know this has to be possible just let me know what I am doing wrong. I am running AutoCad LT 2013
I need to create a dynamic block for a "Glass Panel" in a balustrade. I need to be able to insert it, in one corner and stretch it in another corner, to suit the staircase angle.
I've created the block, but it isn't working correctly. I've attached a drawing, with the left hand drawing a sketch of how it needs to be. The right hand drawing is my dynamic block attempt. As can be seen, when the block is stretched between the 2 points, it doesn't follow the angle of the staircase correctly (Very slight run off)
I wish to create a dynamic block containing some attributes. These attributes are inside rectangles that can't be modified in length using linear parameters ; but the attribute has to be always in the middle of the rectangle. So, I draw a line inside the rectangle (in a hidden layer) and insert the attribute with center justification (not sure for the translation) that I place in the middle of this line ; then I put a coincidence constraint (not sure for the translation, but it's the first one) linking the middle of the line with the middle of the attribute.
But here's the problem : when stretching my rectangle, the insertion point of the attribute suddenly changes from "center" to "bottom left".
I am looking for a way to use the ATTIN/ATTOUT workflow to bring in data from an excel spreadsheet to drive the size of each of my block's instances. The block will be simple, a rectangle, with width and length parameters. For each entity in my excel/csv file these parameter values are spelled out. I know how to display these parameters in my attributes, but I don't know how, if I were to feed in these values, to drive the geometry. If there's a better way to take a list of width and length values to generate a series of blocks each with a rectangle containing its respective size.
I need to do some repetitive task on a lot of dynamic blocks, unfortunately, when I open each file, AutoCAD keeps asking if I want to open it with the block editor.
Is there a way to disable that dialog and open the files as normal dwgs?
A hint: BLOCKEDITLOCK doesn't make it, it shows another dialog...
usage of dynamic title blocks with visiblity states and defining page setup override templates which use same for quick plotting using sheet sets.
I have attached a simple dynamic block that I built which is the outter frame of our company title block, it is designed to allow users to quickly switch between Landscape and Portrait orientations.
The problem I am having is when I go to define page setups for my Sheet Set Page Setup Override Template I am unable to use the "Extents" option with auto-center because the "Extents", as defined by the page setup, includes ALL objects in the paper space regardless of visibility, so my title block ends up being centered in a stupid way if that printing configuration is used.
The only solution I have found is to use the "Layout" option when defining page setups, but this option produces other issues in other ways when printing. I don't want to use the "Window" option either for the potential for users to be using the page setup overrides to print drawings using different paper sizes or drawings that were not originally created using the current template the override is designed to accomodate.
Is there perhaps a system variable that defines whether invisible objects are included in the "Extents" setting in the page setup? I'm sure you'll all agree that Extents is the way to go in this situation, but it is not performing exactly as required.
I'm trying to make a dynamic block of a column radiator.
It should be very simple. It's a 46mm wide module that comes in a range of heights (300, 500, 600, & 750mm) and a range of assembly widths (9, 13, 18, 22 & 27 modules wide - more commonly given as mm widths of 414, 598, 828, 1012 & 1242 respectively).
My attempt at constructing it has gone quite well, but when 'stretching' the block a ghost of the core 414 (w) x 300 (h) unit remains. I attach the block to give you a better idea of what I mean.
I have a drawing ("SURUBURI.dwg") with several dynamic blocks ("M12", "M16", "M18" ... an so on...). I want to insert in my current drawing, one of the blocks from SURUBURI.dwg, for instance the block named "M12".
For that i tried creating a new command "INSERT_M12" that has the following script :
I have successfully created a dynamic block. I can insert it into AutoCAD, and it behaves like I want, except for one thing.
I can select the block and change it by taking a grippoint and place it at another position. So my block is e.q. stretched, just like I wanted.
But then. When I want to use the ordinary STRETCH command of AutoCAD, I can only stretch the insertion point of the block, but not the grippoints. Is there a way to set a grippoint to be select edable by commands like STRETCH.