AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Bulk / Batch Rename Styles
Feb 4, 2013
Bulk/batch rename styles and is it time consuming? I work in a multi-lingual office where it would be advantageous for people to work in their native tongues but it does make working on someone else's civil 3D file difficult if you don't know the language.
I have 900 files I need to print out. I created an action that simply prints the current document, then closes it. The problem is, photoshop is printing the files out in random order. The files are numerically ordered, it should print in order.
I go to File -> Automate -> Batch and select the printing action that I recorded and set the folder that contains the image files. The image files are all labeled numerically from the data set merge I did within photoshop.
The problem is, even though this list is in numerical order, photoshop will print these out in random order. For example, the file folder containing the image files is listed below in correct order.
Instead photoshop printed them in this order: CustomMailer_Data Set 1, CustomMailer_Data Set 10, CustomMailer_Data Set 11, CustomMailer_Data Set 12, CustomMailer_Data Set 13, CustomMailer_Data Set 14, CustomMailer_Data Set 16
I really need this bulk action to print them out in order, what the program is doing.
I have a machine assembly with old part naming. Now we have a new part naming system. So i am supposed to rename all existing parts, assemblies to new naming system.
E.g. : A machine assembly with old names (lets say part1, part2..... part1000). It has to be renamed to new names (say item1, item2.....item1000).
"part1" should be renamed as "item1" and so on.
Design assistant is not a good option because its a lot of manual work, its same issue with using Vault.
I accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:
ON CARD: IMG_0001.NEF ... IMG_0300.NEF
IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF ... IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
I'm not sure if it possible although I am trying to rename layout tabs an easier way. Say I have layout tabs A01 to A99 and I want to insert another layout tab at position A20. I need to rename (the old) A20 to A21, then A21 to A22 then A99 to A100 etc.
I would like to batch rename all blocks in a drawing to NEWJOB01, NEWJOB02 ,etc. I can't use wildcards with RENAME command because the old names don't always have a common name. I prefer to use a lisp routine.
I am working on a large project where a 3rd Party firm has turned over 100s of drawings that we need to get into our system. The problem is that they did not name their physical files properly. We have a particular numbering system for our drawings, the engineering firm did fill in our attributed title block properly and used our numbering system correctly within the drawing. However, their physical file name follows their format. We need to have the physical file name match the information in the title block to get into our system.
Is there a way to "Batch Rename" these files by reaching into the title block and then renaming the physical file to match the attribute?
I have to be honest, I may use AutoCAD 50 to 60 hours per week, but I am no programmer! I am just the go-to person here for AutoCAD whom is stuck trying to come up with a efficient solution for the project team whose engineering firm could not follow our procedures! I was hoping some sort of batch routine could take care of this problem for us instead of us having to individually rename each physical file one by one.
I'm working with a designer, how to do an urgent batch rename. I'm the project manager rather than a designer so, I don't have the design tools to experiment myself and it's rather urgent. This is the issue:
We have 300+ images. There's a one-digit difference between the low res file names and the high res, color-managed files the designer needs to relink on Monday. In every case, there's a 0 missing before an underscore - so Day Two_0012 has become Day Two_012. This is an easy fix in the file-renaming software I use but I'm in a different city and it's much simpler if the designer, who uses Adobe Creative Suite, does it at her end.
I need to rename a group of .jpg images (about 1000 or so) to fit the names of other associated files.
I have a list of the new names for the files in Excel, and I wonder if I can use Photoshop to automatically rename the current filenames in ascending order to the new names in ascending order (the number of files and the number of names in the list will be the same, and will be in corresponding positions). It is perfectly acceptable to generate them as new .jpgs rather than rename existing ones.
Can I do this at all? Rename based on a sorted database?
I am new to the batch/automate process and am using Photoshop 7.
I know that I am being really obtuse, but batch renaming a set of files really eludes me.My Canon 5D2 has now taken over 20000 images, so I want to place a number before the present file _MG_2459.CR2 to _MG_022459.CR2. This is easily done in Bridge, but I cannot workout how to do such a simple thing in Lightroom.
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
I am having a problem using the batch rename in Photoshop CS2. I am selecting files in Bridge, using copy to other folder, and using sequence number and file extention. I am trying to change .jpegs to .tiffs . The transfer seems to work, the files show up in the new foder but I get an error message in Photoshop saying the files are invalid when I try to open them. I tried converting to .psd but the same result-the files are there but invalid.
I'm trying to find a script that batch rename/renumber a group of selected layers. So far I've been able to find a script that renames every single layer in a Photoshop document (overkill). Or there's the CS6 Tab rename trick (too slow).
I routintely export PSDs from Illustrator for use in After Effects. But in Photoshop, I'll get a couple hundred layers named <path> or <path> + <path> or <group>. Renaming by hand is out of the question. But I don't want to rename every layer the same.
I have 115 files that I need to create six files respectively from each, a total of 690 files. Each of the batched six files are different sizes and the last two numbers need to change. For example, I start with 781.08, from there I get 781.08_1, 781.08_2. 781.08_3 up to _6.
I made actions in Photoshop, but they did not keep the current file name I was working on such as 782.08, it defaulted back to the file name in which I build the actions in such as 781.08.
This seems easy enough, but not sure what the solution is to both re-size and rename the files in a batch process.
I am trying to rename/renumber a folder of 100 pictures, so they are all in 3 digits, but remain in the order & have the same number associated with the same file. Right now the folder is numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.. I attempted to do the batch rename through Photoshop to make the folder 001, 002, 003.etc, BUT when I did this, the first picture 1 turned into 001..which is great...but the old 2 turns into 002, but is actually what 10 used to be.
19 turns into 011 instead of 019 40 turns into 035 instead of 040
Why is Photoshop changing the original number to a 3 digit, but changing the number it should have been. I just want it to be 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012..
Is there a way in PSPX5 or X6 to rename a picture (or string of pictures) so that I can have a "Constant such as VACATION_" followed by the create date from the EXIF data as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a sequence number?
I am not sure about the etiquette of this as I asked the question at NAPP and have as yet gotten nothing. Of course that could be because I'm impatient and more so after I realized I stood a better chance of not just an answer but several variations on the theme.
For years I have stored my images in a folder that is named for the day they were offloaded into the Windows OS computer. I have accepted Nikon, Canon,and Olympus' name for the individual image. So an image would be E:Images20041107DSC_8765.nef.
I wish to go to my files and rename the files with the date ( the image was) actually taken by the camera. I think this is in the EXIF data but how can I access it?
What I want to end up with would have the same format up to the actual image name but the renamed image would be yyyymmdd[taken]DSC_#####.nef where the ##### would be a sequential number generated by the batch or even me.
I have about 160-ish images I scanned in as .tif's (my scanner offers .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tif for saving scanned images as) @ 300-dpi. I'd like to batch export them all to .xcf (for future working with) and .png (I know I could have chose png to start but I thought .tif would be the better choice as a first format). Is it possible to do this with a shell-script? I'm fairly certain I could concoct something to .tif -> .png using ImageMagick (I don't think it supports .xcf) but I'd like to use The GIMP for the whole process if possible, and I'd rather not do it by hand. As it is I'm going to have to figure out how to batch-rename (well, I know how I'm going to do it, a shell script, but how to write it is going to be the tough part for me) about 100 if the images to prepend a 0 to the file name (I started with a two-digit numbering system not realizing I had so many images and would like to keep all the names listing properly on FreeBSD).
Anyway, If such a shell export-to-xcf-and-png script is even possible (I really, really do not want to do this manually).
I love the batch rename tool in lightroom, but I don't like how it handles duplicates. Is there are way I can change or define how it handles duplicate names. I want it to do xxx (1), xxx (2), xxx (3), etc. instead of xxx, xxx-1, xxx-2, etc.
I'm using Inventor 2011 with the style library. I have made some changes to my styles template and want to batch update a group of drawings to the new style. Is there a way to do this without opening each drawing and doing the update?
is there a quick way how to renumber or batch rename all layers in a file so they would be named in consequent numbers? Doesn't have to start from exact number, I was wondering if maybe there is some sort of script that would work?
I want to change the names of my files to YYYMMDD-City-State, type of format.. I tried using the file naming template but all that show on the photos is the date.file extension.
Any way to batch rename a folder full of image files to reflect a specific column in an excel sheet? I have a client who I am shooting product photography for, but I need to rename these images to reflect the part number of each item. These are not in any sequential order.
I'm trying to rename my pipe network using excel. So far i've come to this piece of
Dim handle As String i = 2 handle = sheetStructures.Cells(i, 1).Value Do Set obj = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(handle) Set struct = obj struct.Name = sheetStructures.Cells(i, 2).Value i = i + 1 handle = sheetStructures.Cells(i, 1).Value Loop While handle <> ""
The problem is that the code suddenly stops after this instruction:
struct.Name = sheetStructures.Cells(i, 2).Value
it works fine for the first structure, but then it suddenly stops, as if I had coded "Exit"...
Is it possible to have Lightroom rename the source images according to my custom naming convention?
I just imported 278 photos and they are all correctly renamed within Lightroom however the source files retained the original Canon generated names. I want to rename them for backup/in case I ever decide to stop using Lightroom/etc.
So I'm in the process of upgrading a project from C3D 2011 -> 2012. As a part of the upgrade process I'm doing some drawing cleanup such as purging unused layers/objects, purging regapps, deleting unused scales and finally taking advantage of the Styles Manager in 2012 and purging unused styles.
However, I'm noticing that almost all of my styles are coming up as "unused" unless they are attached to drawing settings, even though there is clearly objects in that drawing using those styles. I noticed this was happening when after running a purge my road profile lines were disappearing because the style no longer existed.
The items that have styles attached are DREF'd into the drawing and are not "live" objects in the drawing, if that makes any difference.
We did the upgrade last week and I am trying to use the drag and drop to bring styles and description keys across. Done it many times between 10 drawings. I am opening 2 drawings-one from 10 with everything I want and one in 12 to be my template.
Problem is I am only seeing one the current drawing when I click on TOOLSPACE.