AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copying Alignments Into One File - Profile Views With Ease
Feb 12, 2013
I am doing design for a road network. For the ease of design, I designed the main roads and split the whole network into parts. Every part will contain Main Road Alignments and alignments for a respective parts only. Now I want to combine all these into one file. When I copy all alignments into one file, the surface I created earlier is duplicating and software gets hanged.
I have 3 profiles that I've superimposed together. Then I created sheets using the superimposed profile. I used the wizard and had Civil 3d do it for me (2012). Now I have to add a 4th profile to the mix and get it to show in my profile views that have already been cut. The data is shortcut into the drawing with my cut profiles views. How do I get it to be in the cut profile views without re cutting everything?
As we have a option of creating the profile from file ,by using that option we get PVI point but not the curves so every time want to copy a alignment from one profile to another in order to maintain the same levels in both the profiles using create profile from file options curves will not be copied but its pvi points will be displayed so i need to convert those pvi points to curves .
the other method of copying is by using superimpose profile option by doing so their is one problem arises that is in the copied profile if i want to see the details of the vertical geometry of that copied alignment the details of the curve will not be displayed in that band.
After offsetting a profile line vertically, lets say minus 5 feet, for design purposes, is there a way to take that new polyline that is created and making it a polyline so it can be smoothed. Almost everytime, the enginner has asked me to smooth out that polyline that I have offset vertically, because it is now going to be used as a pipe in the final design. I have been drawing a polyline over the top of the profile line, so it looks smooth........
How can I copy a profile view style from one drawing to another? I can't seem to locate the ones I created in toolspace to be able to drag them from one drawing to another.
Is there anyway to have the Pipe Networks tab of the Profile View Properties dialog box default to having "Show only parts drawn in profile view" selected automatically?
I have a storm water pipe network and a sanitary pipe network. In the profile view I am displaying both networks. My question is in the profile view the storm pipes are in "front/foreground" of the sanitary pipes. Is there a way to "trim" out the sanitary pipe profile lines where they pass behind the storm sewer.
Kind of like a display order so looking at the profile I can tell which pipe and in foreground and which are in the back ground.
I have been using feature lines along buried utility locations to project these objects to section views. It works great. I created label styles, and It pops a vertical label on the section view that points toward the existing ground. I tried to use the same feature lines to project objects to profile views, and get very strange results. I do not get an option to select a label style, that field is blank, and on the profile view there is not a point where the alignment and the feature line crossed, but a line drawn all over the general area of the utility location. I have attached pdf examples of a sucessful section view and an unsuccessful profile view. I manually added the "EXISTING WATER" label so that it's easy to locate the line representing the water line.
I am trying to use the plan production feature and I've got it working pretty well except when it creates the profile view, it cuts off the data band and also makes the viewport at the very top edge of the profile, so in the viewport I can't see the data band or the top edge of the profile view.
What setting am I missing to make it show the data band?
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
What are some workflows people are using for creating P&P sheets?
I have a project that is 8 miles long so I created all the profile views (18) in one base map drawing using the plan production tool and then they are xrefed into my individual sheets.
I'm finding that doing a save or regen take approx. 30 seconds each time. That seems unusually slow to me.
I asked my reseller about it, and their comment was "We wouldn't recommend that many profile views in one drawing".
I assumed (maybe falsely) that if the plan production tool allowed it, then it should work.
I've been trying to use the automated plan & profile production tools with 2010, but haven't quite gotten the final product I wanted so I've resorted to manually setting up my own "viewframes" to align my viewports with. However, when I snap to either the top right of my profile view or the bottom right of my profile view, Civil 3d automatically crashes. This makes creating closed rectangular polylines to act as "viewframes" around my profile view very frustrating since at some point or another I'll forget to turn osnap off and blam!, civil3d is gone. It only happens with split profile views and it only seems to happen at the right side of the profile. It doesn't seem to happen at splits. It has happened in 2 different drawings. It has happened with different profile view styles.
Update: It only happens when Node is enabled in OSNAP so I can Node and be fine, at least until the next day I forget to disable Node while doing something near a profile.
I defined alignments and a surface in Civil 3d, then reopened the same drawing in Autocad 2012 to amend some line work (just because I like drafting in this better). When I next needed to do an inquiry off the surface, I opened the drawing in C3D, but all the alignments and my surfaces were gone! Why doesn't C3D retain alignments/surfaces after you've opened a drawing in Autocad 2012? Would you recommend keeping a separate C3D base drawing for the design work, and another for the drafting? and just xref-ing between the two?
Some authorities (in Australia) require profile views to include diagrammatic representation of the curves, transitions and slopes. For example refer to the image below, which are from NSW Rail Corp guidelines. Similar information is required by some Council/Authorities for road projects.
I have trouble producing cross sectional diagrams and profile views for a roadway. So far i have a contour surface and a roadway centerline associated with it with alignments. I need to produce cross sectional diagrams showing elevations of the ETW on the level road as well as on super elevations.
in civil 3d 2013 i have a existing surface, alignment, and profile that is data linked into another drawing when i create a profile view from the profile data link when i get to the profile display options under update mode it shows as beening static, i don't want it to be static i want it to be dynamic. is there a way or setting that will let me change that to static? we show the existing grade as hidden but with the static option set the grade shows up with long and short.
Is it a bug ? I can add data, and I see it onto my section views but I cant view it again in the dialog. In example, I add a profile at 11 m. using markers and i see it. If I come back to the dialog to add or delete data related I see nothing....
When a Station Equation is added to an alignment it causes all of the profile views to get messed up. In addition once the EG profile changes the entire FG profile may also need to be changed. See this video I uploaded to Youtube that fully explains and shows the problem: [URL] ........
So, any way to some how lock the profile views start and end stations? Or to some how lock the PVI locations on a a proposed profile to certain stations?
how to show arrows (solid or stick) between vertices in Profile views. It seems other design packages can do it so I hope C3D can as well, however I can not find anything detailing if it can be done or how. I attach and example so you can see what I mean. Arrows show sections of differing flow/pipe size & grage for each pipe.
I am working C3D 2012. I have a proposed alignment and profile design by another firm that I had to tranfer into C3D. I had no problem getting the horizontal alignment to display from a text file. I tried to do the same with the profile by using the 'create a text file and create the profile from file' command. I got the POB, PI's, and POE to display. I then defined the VC. I wanted to verifiy that the profile was indeed accurate compared to what we were provided. So I tried to execute a profile report PVI Station and Curve Report - I keep getting an error that "No FG profiles in dwg".
I know the Proposed profile is indeed set to proposed in the properties. I have noticed that the icon next to the profile I create from the text file is different than the profiles created from scratch.
Is there a way to convert this profile to be recognized as a FG profile?
I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
How do I project the Proposed Road Level information from Road_1 at the intersection of Road_2 (Alignment_GA.jpg) onto the Start of the Profile for Road_2 (Alignment_Profile.jpg) to give me my tie in start point?
How do I obtain the exact change of the intersection Point? How can i extend Road_2 onto the horizontal curve of Road_1 so i know they exactly intersect?
I have a more than 10 number of alignments of road network in MX Road. I imported these alignments into Civil 3D. The problem is I am not able to edit these alignments.
I have two alignments that are not parallel that make up one corridor. Each alignment has a separate profile running along it. At stations where I have a template drop in my section editor, it is not representing what is really happening because it just is perpendicular to one alignment. Is there a way to develop a secondary alignment that will have my section editor show what will be parallel to both alignments.