Swap parts is not working for my structures. When I swap a structure it becomes unselectable and if I close out the drawing and re-open it the part is gone. I am running C3d 2012 64 it with the latest SP. I've attached the drawing.
I want to create some custom parts, but before I can even get that far, every time I create a new pipe it doesn't work in cad. I want PVC at the end of the day, but I tried to create 3" ductile iron with all the same options as the other pipes in the catalog and it won't draw in CAD. It will let me add the pipe size to the parts list and I can select it when I try to draw the pipe, but when I click in the drawing it goes to 0,0 and won't add any pipes to the drawing.
One of the problems we face in 2010 is the part labeling issue, where it labels the family name for a part and not the description name. The way to get around this was to do a swap part. Well for me when i lay out a storm network, i create it by pipes only and then swap the parts that i need to. The only flaw about this is that you can only do one swap part at a time.
Well if you go to civl3dreminder blog site there is a fix for that. I actually tried it and it worked. I was actually able to swap pipes and structures at the same time. This routine will definitely come in handy.
I just got back from maternity leave and I left work at Autocad 2011 and came back on Autocad 2013. I work thru my viewports in my model space, and I've noticed that when I pan and zoom in or out or move to quickly from one point to another (didn't notice which) my model space swaps to paper even if I'm in a command. Is this something I can deactivate?
I am having a problem with editing in place in Inventor 2012. Some parts will edit in place and some won't. Attached are a couple of files I am using which has this problem. I need the other assemblies in place so that I can locate a hole inline with a threaded insert.
I have been using Inventor 2011 and I have noticed that I can’t create a component *.IAM in place if there is a content center part that is selected. I am saving content center parts as custom.
i've to list all layers and objects in the drawing. I've got 2 checkedlistbox, one for layers, the second for objects.I've got 2 buttons, one up, one down, for swaping order. I've no problem with objects, but it seems a little more complicated with layers.I use this code to swap:
Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction Dim id1 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex)Dim id2 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex + 1) Dim first As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForWrite)Dim sec As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForWrite) first.UpgradeOpen()first.SwapIdWith(id2, True, True) tr.Commit() end using
id1 is the ID of the first layer, and id2 the id of the second layer. ListLayerId contains IDs of all layers. CB_List_Layer is my CheckedListbox.When is swap 2 layers, it don't swap objects in the layers. (ex : What i've got now :
Obj1, Obj2 in layer0 and Obj3, Obj4 in layer1 SWAP Obj1,obj2 in layer1 and obj3,obj4 in Layer0.It's not what i want. I want : Obj3,Obj4 in layer1 and Obj1,Obj2 in layer0)
I have 2 files and I'd like to copy a titleblock from a template drawing and use it to replace an existing titleblock on an in progress drawing. The titleblock on the in progress drawing has attributes, and I'd like to keep them when I put in the new titleblock. The attribute tag names between the 2 titleblocks are the same.
I do not know the exact names of the titleblocks, only that they contain the words "title block" somewhere in their name.
I've developed for Inventor for a while now, but I'm completely new to AutoCAD. How might I go about this?
I believe the basic steps would be something like this:
1. Identify which object to copy from template sheet.
2. Save that object to memory
3. Identify object to replace in existing drawing
4. Copy attributes and get position of existing titleblock
5. Delete existing titleblock
6. Insert new titleblock and copy in attributes
I've taken the Autocad tutorials, and I've searched for relevant posts on ThroughTheInterface. Is there someplace else to look which might give a more in-depth example of what I'm trying to accomplish?
I am running Autocad 2012 and I tried to use the block swap command under the Express Tools. After selecting the block that I want to replace, I get an error stating that the block name contains an invalid character. The name contains invalid characters. The name is: DomeCamera_WallMount, but in the command bar it says object name:*U302. The * is what Autocad doesn't like.
I am using Civil 3D 2010 & getting an error message when I run the command (AddNetworkPartsToProf) to add network parts to the profile.
Here is the message I get when I select a part of the pipe network to draw into the profile. "1 object was of the wrong type. All objects in the pickfirst set were filtered out, please select again".
I have been searching for some information on how to pass objects into a function so I can mess with their properties. Somehow I haven't been very successful. Anyway...What I want to do is take two items (light fixtures) and swap their positions on the drawing. It seems like it must be really simple, but I'm just not finding the key puzzle pieces to do it. It seems like if I could figure out how to pull two objects into the function (whether by selecting them and running the function or by selecting them after I run the function) I could very easily save the coordinates of one to variables and then just swap them.
I have a user having an issue with drawing pipe networks. When they draw the pipe, the structure is not visible. A label shows up, and the structure can be found in the prospector, but is not editable in the plan view (see attached image).
I have a feeling it may be an issue with our pipe networks parts list and pipe catalog location. We have found an issue with our install that defaluts our pipes catalog to our local drives, but our parts list were created using a network drive. Several users have had an issue creating pipe networks when this has happened. However once we switched the pipe catalog to the netowrk drive the issue was resolved.
When we changed the pipe catalog location, it did not resolve the issues.FYI - I have tried the basics (layers on/thawed, pipe structure style layers on/thawed, audit and purge).We are using Civil 3D '09.
I'm currently using the "Pressure Pipe" app in Civil 3D. The thing is, I need to create pipes that are smaller than 100mm (that's the smallest pipe in the catalog). Specifically, I need 50mm and 75mm diameter pipes, parts and accessories. How can I create them?
I am having an issue with a drawing I have been workign on in Civil 3D. In the drawing I have a corridor and many section views thereof. I was performing some section edits and had been working with two model space viewports so I could keep track of the alignment while performing the edits. When I exitd the section editor, one of my two viewports remained aligned to the section of my corridor, though the view had returned to basic model space. When I switched back to a single viewport, I was left with the one oriented to a section view as opposed to my plan viewport. I reoriented the view to TOP only to find that that most of the drawing, at least visually, is missing. A small portion of my corridor is visible, but appears to have been mostly eaten by some digital goblin.
Similarly, only parts of the overlay I had behind the corridor are visible. I can x-ref the drawing into another drawing and everything is visible. I can copy and paste anything I can manage to select in my drawing into another drawing, where it is also fully visible. I have a couple of profile views who are missing entirely, save their axis and band contents, which I can still see. If i rotate the view one way or another, the amount of visible information changes, but I can't get everything back.
We are just starting with Civil 3D 2012. We are doing a pilot project, and the engineer wanted to make a custom curb subassembly matching the exact dimensions (angle from bottom of curb to top of curb) as the county detail. I didn't think that was necessary and thought we could use one of the generic subassemblies. usually use the basic or generic subassemblies or do you create your own to match specific municipalities' details exactly?
Do you find that the parts that come with Civil 3D are usually sufficient for design or do you make a lot of custom parts?
I have Edited the Conc pipe and added a new profile with three new model parameters to be used as list types in the part type. But it will not hold or change the values when selected.
My workflow (obtained from websites : [URL ]was to:
Check the custom parts flag then create the Geometry / constraints, dimensions and variables.
Added the following Variables (PWks, PDpth, PBed) to the AeccPartParamCfg file in the AeccDfParameter & pipe part type as optional parameters.
Edit the parts XML and changed the context & index for each variable.
Restart Civil3d 2013 and run partbuilder. Regen Catalog > Test Catalog.
The part is validated correctly but when I insert it into a new partslist the values I receive for the new contexts will not come in correct as to what was selected. Also after creating a pipe I can not change any of the new values (it does not hold after apply) & the bottom of the pipe in model seems to be at an incorrect level based from the actual pipe data.
The part worked as expected in partbuilder with different sizes before the XML mods.
If I re-open the pipe in Part builder I see duplicate references for the newly added contexts and their index numbers.
Should I just start again or have I done something wrong in the creation process?
Civil3D 2013 / 2014 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB
I have created section views of my allignment and corridor in my drawing the problem I have is. In some of the section views there is different parts of the different assemblies not showing up. For example in one section I have my lane then my curb then no sidewalk then blvd. It is not the same in each section view either some are missing one thing while others are missing others.
one would think that you could just export the .stm file into hydraflow, make some changes, and import, and all would be fine. when i export, all of the structures in hydraflow come up as drop curb. how can they come in as what they actually are.. aka, when the part i use is a 2x4 box, it should come into hydraflow as a "grate inlet", or a st-mh will come in as a "manhole".
and then likewise, when the changes are made, and its brought back into autocad, they all come in as a "standard" style. except the outfalls, which show as a "standard" style, but come in with a different block, and get a whole new label (outfal - x)
I'm trying to swap one type of inlet for another. I can swap the type-13 to a type-R but when I try to swap it for a double type-13 it reverts to the single type-13. This is happening with a 7' manhole as well. I can swap a 6' for a 4' or an 8' but it will not swap to a 7', it reverts to a 6'. Is there something in the catalog for this that preventing the swap?
We recently installed C3D2013. We were using our profile from 2012. When we tried to set the Pressure Network Catalog and then edit the Standard Parts List, we get a message that it references a catalog that can't be found. I have seen this on other posts.
I changed the profile to the out-of-the box profile, and now it will let me edit the Standard Parts List. When I drag the parts list in the _AutoCAD Civil 3D (Imperial) NCS into my original drawing, it loses the material.
What element of the profile allows it to set the Pressure Network Catalog and have it work? Does the Parts List in the template play any role in the interactivity between the Catalog and the Parts List?
Also, if I copy the Pressure Network Catalog folder from the C drive to a network drive, I again get the message that it references a catalog that can't be found. Can the catalog not be moved?
Any way to create a parts list for HDPE pipes where instead of a manhole connecting different pipe sections will run continuously with coupling and elbows and it will connect to other pipe segments using wyes. Is this possible? The pipe should be able to bend either horizontally or vertically like any HDPE pipe. Any HDPE library?
My other question is once I have the layout of the pipe is it possible to calculate the trench excavation and backfilling?
I’m trying to import a .sws file from micro drainage into Civil3D and I’m getting the error on the attached image. When I select the drop down box for the part list I don’t have any options?
Having issues with data shortcutting custom built structure parts? I built a very simple part that has no dimensions and is for plan appearane only (it is a just a rip rap outfall). The part seems to work perfectly in my design file, appearing exactly as I desired with automatic labeling. However, when I data shortcut the pipe network into the plan presentation file, all default pipes and structures are brought in except for the custom built rip rap outfall.
I have tried to delete and reload the data shortcut, changed the part properties, and made sure the parts lists and styles are the same in both drawing files. If I swap the custom part out (in the design file) for a default part, the default part is suddenly displayed in my plan presentation file after synchronizing. It is as if the data shortcut doesn't recognize the custom part, even though it is in the network parts list?
Civil 3D 2010 & 2012 HP Z400 Workstation Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3550 @ 3.07 GHz 6GB of RAM 64-bit OS NVIDIA Quadro 2000 running driver version Win 7 Professional
In a particular road project i need to show for all the cross sections, the coordinates (x,y) of the main points ( for example: daylight, etw and crown). I know that i can obtain it from reports->corridor but as far as i know, i must edit in excel and paste each PK info next to the correspondant cross section.
Is there a way more automatic raher than copy paste the report list?