AutoCAD Civil 3D :: General Legal Description For Parcels?
Jun 24, 2013
was showing it off in class and it's always worked before but now it's not working on any of the computers. Just tried it on my laptop with the same results. I originally thought it was an issue with 2014 but 2013 isn't working either (and I know it was working in the past).
The only thing I can think of is my computer recently upgraded to IE10. Could that be it?
I am close to getting my general legal the way i want. The only thing i hope to change now is the way the bearing is shown. it currently spits out as 89degrees 50minutes 50seconds. I simply want to add a space between the number and callout.
I am using Civil 3D 2012. I am executing the reports General_Legal_Description_for_Alignments and _for_Parcels.
Through some research I was able to figure out where to adjust the precision. I was also able to learn that editing GeneralLegalPhrasings.XML is where I would format the wording.
But, the changes I make to GeneralLegalPhrasings.XML are not being reflected in the reports generated.
For example, Civil 3D defaults a line course to something like this: Thence N DEG MIN SEC E a distance of X.XX feet.
I edited all the mete type = "line" to read as follows: N DEG MIN SEC E, X.XX feet, thence
Here is an example of one of the lines: <Mete type="Point" connect="Line">{lineDirection}, {lineDistanceFoot} feet, thence </Mete>
They all look like this, except the type and connect values change.
I have to draft a lot of existing lots and easements from legal descriptions and recorded map documents. Does Civil 3D have an option to enter metes and bounds (bearing and distances into a table format and then "autodraft" from the entries in that table?
While generating a General Legal Description for Parcels xml report for a parcel with numerous tangent curves, reverse curves and compound curves, the report labels all of them as non-tangent.Also, I write my legal descriptions for curves by citing the bearing and distance OUT to the radius from the beginning of the curve, but the routine gives me the bearing and distance IN from the radius. It is using the code {curveStartDirection}.
Is there a different code I can use that would give me the opposite bearing? Is there some resource that lists all these codes for parcels?
How to get a tangent bearing or radial bearing to show up in the legal description writer? All I can get are their opposites. Is there some code that I can add that will swap their direction (say NE for a SW)?
The convention out here (OR/WA) is to show a radial bearing (from the PC to the radius point) or a tangent bearing (into the beginning of a curve) for any non-tangent curves. So far, I haven't been able to figure out how to do this automatically.
Also, any good guide or list of variables for using the Parcel Reporting for legal descriptions in c3d? I really want to know what ALL the different pieces of data are that I can use in the legal writer, and how to manipulate them.
we are updating fron LDD 2004 to Civil 3D 2012 needles to say it a huge change. I've got my template almost done I'm just having one problem. With LDD any point that came in with a raw descripitoin not within the description key it would be placed in the current layer with point number, descripton and elevation. How do I make that happen with Civil3D do I have to change my default lable settings? When I import points with a raw description not within my description key it places the point on Layer 0 and only shows the node no point number.
Create a large number of polygons (plines, parcels, whatever) that represent spaces on a building plan
Assign a space number to the polygon
Link the space number to an Excel spreadsheet (or Access DB) so that the characteristics of the polygon (line and fill color, for example) are chosen based on the "owner" of the space (e.g.; Engineering, Common Areas, etc.).
Display a label stating the space number and the space name. Is this best done with "Parcels" in Civ3D, or with "Polygons" in Map, or some other way.
Is there a way to improve the error of closure of a Parcel. I have one Parcel that has an EOC of 0.0161'. That's a little higher than I like to see. I understand that some of this has to do with the precision of the analysis. But with bearings to the second and distances to the hundredth, I'd like to think we could do better than that.
I suppose that if I changed the POB the closure might improve. But I want the POB to be the closest corner to an existing monument.
Any lisp routine that will remove "phantom parcels" in a drawing? They are the parcels many topics on this discussion forum have topics on, that can be selected but can't be deleted by any simple means.
The drawing is relatively new...with minimal objects in it. Just some Feature Lines and 3D Polylines. I have Sites in my drawing...but no parcels. Only thing in the sites are the feature lines. When I do a Q SELECT for the parcels it selects and highlights my feature lines, which is weird.
Any way to create a parcel from an object (closed polyline) and populate the parcel with Object Data from the polyline?
I have imported a .shp file into a drawing and the result is many closed polylines with properties similar to the attached image. I would like to bring this data into a parcel object for labeling purposes.
I have 4 points/corners (with XYZ-coordinates) of a square shape created in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. I want to create 2 "triangle-shape" parcels (one parcel connects Points #1-#2-#3-#1 and the other parcel connects Points #1-#4-#3-#1. How can I create these 2 "triangle-shape" Parcels from the 4 points/corners of a squre shape?
I go through a lot of sketch stages to get to a final picture, and I sometimes print on legal paper. My Brother printer does fine at that with Apple Pages, MSWord, Acrobat, and Illustrator, but with Photoshop there's a problem. I set up a legal-size image in PS, go through all the settings I can find for printing to a non-letter-format sheet, hit print, and what I get is a letter-size patch of image on a legal-size sheet. Clearly, either I am missing something or PS is missing something.
Is it a know issue that when you have a General Note style with a Dragged State where the Display is set to Stacked Text. If Background Mask is set to True. The Mask does not encompass the whole text.
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
I was wondering if it is possible to use an expression in a general note label? The type of label I am using is a general note label that displays our finish grade profile elevation in plan view. What I am trying to do is add a value to that label for the TC elevation and G at the ROW. I noticed in the settings tab of the tool space, surfaces has an expression button that has what I want but I am not seeing that under General/Label Styels/Note. Is it possible to right my own expression? We are using Civil 3D 2008 with Windows XP.
Original intent was for daylight to have 4:1 slope and keep within the R/W. This causes some areas to hold water as shown circled in the image. I know I should be able to give it parameters or targets to avoid this.
We use STB plot style tables for all of our drawings. I have several general note styles setup in Civil 3D 2012. When you pull the note text out so that you have a leader, the leader does not plot per the plot style assigned to the layer that the note is set to display on on the General tab. It appears as the proper color and freezes with the layer properly, but it plots with the settings of the plot style assigned to layer 0. Is there a reason that the leaders don't use the plot style setting form the layer it is displayed on?
Has used ssmpropeditor with civil3d 2012. I see that it's approved for 2013 on the autodesk exchange sever, but no mention of how it works with 2012. We are looking at using this to make SSM more user friendly to manage our keynotes and general notes as custom properties in the SSM. We already use SSM to plot large jobs, populate title blocks and when notes reference other sheets.
Is there a way to change the marker style on general note labels that are already in the drawing without having to select them all and change it in the properties? I want to change the marker style from "basic" to "none" on the note labels but I'm not seeing a ToolSpace setting to change them all at the same time without having to individually change it...
I extracted a dynamic feature line from the gutter flowline of my Corridor. I labeled Multiple Segments for the feature line with a grade and vertex style that uses the "General Segment Grade" text component.
I am overiding lane cross slopes in the Section Editior and the segment grade labels for the extracted feature line do not update after I Update Corridor in the Section Editior.
If I raise/lower the CL profile of the corridor, the label updates. Just not reacting to these Corridor edits.
Peculiar behavior: The label will update to reflect the Corridor update if I Isolate it.
Does the Style setting Plan Readability work for General Notes? I've been thinking we should use notes for all our text so that they react the same as all the other Civil 3D labels. But they don't seem to. They scale correctly but stay parallel to the UCS.
I've tried this in a fresh drawing from a simple template and from an OOTB template. They never rotate in a layout. Is this the normal behavior or am I missing a setting? This is how I have it set in my style:
Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
I want to implement the following Key SAN10L....I have tried many codes to accomplish this: SAN*L, SAN##L, SAN?L. The 10 in the code represents a number from 1-99. The "L" is alphabetic. I want to use the survey database to create linework. I have everything setup, but cant get the code to work to generate the linework.
I'm trying to make a description key set for our surveyors and am running into a problem with one description. For an iron rod they will use the description CH*IR 3/8 W/CAP. I cannot get the point to come in using the right point and label styles.
I know the default Description Key Sets can be set in the Properties. If I set the order in our template drawing this does not seem to hold when a new drawing is started with the template. How can I set the default description key for when a new dwg is created from the template?
For some reason in my base template for field work the "Disable Description Keys" option in Points Creation is set to "true"
How can make this default to "False" in my template. I've tried changing it and then saving the template again but it reverts to true all of the time. I have to select my points and do apply desc keys whenever I import points.
I am making a directory full of the blocks we will use for the description key file to use. My understanding is that all of these blocks (manholes, hydrants, trees...etc) should be on layer "0" and of standard size. Manholes should be about 3' in diameter, transformer pads around 4' square....etc. Essentially, 1 = 1 true scale.