AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Parcels Colors
Mar 21, 2013How can i change the front (lines facing to the streets) line color from parcel? My parcels lines must have two colors.
I send in attach an example.
How can i change the front (lines facing to the streets) line color from parcel? My parcels lines must have two colors.
I send in attach an example.
The normal color scheme for xref'd entites is the color gray. Is there a way to change them so that the linework can be more distinguishable? With everything being gray, it is hard to differentiate between contour lines and feature lines.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to clean up the drawing. I have erased everything, but there are still 20572 parcels somewhere in the drawing that I couldn't delete.
The file is too big to attach so use the link to download:
Create a large number of polygons (plines, parcels, whatever) that represent spaces on a building plan
Assign a space number to the polygon
Link the space number to an Excel spreadsheet (or Access DB) so that the characteristics of the polygon (line and fill color, for example) are chosen based on the "owner" of the space (e.g.; Engineering, Common Areas, etc.).
Display a label stating the space number and the space name. Is this best done with "Parcels" in Civ3D, or with "Polygons" in Map, or some other way.
I want to get vertex from survey figure or parcel.
I have seen this for feature line: [URL] .....
But "Autodesk.AECC.Interop.Land" doesn´t have AeccLandSurveyFigure.
How can I do it? Is it necessary convert survey figure to polyline?
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit
Is there a way to improve the error of closure of a Parcel. I have one Parcel that has an EOC of 0.0161'. That's a little higher than I like to see. I understand that some of this has to do with the precision of the analysis. But with bearings to the second and distances to the hundredth, I'd like to think we could do better than that.
I suppose that if I changed the POB the closure might improve. But I want the POB to be the closest corner to an existing monument.
was showing it off in class and it's always worked before but now it's not working on any of the computers. Just tried it on my laptop with the same results. I originally thought it was an issue with 2014 but 2013 isn't working either (and I know it was working in the past).
The only thing I can think of is my computer recently upgraded to IE10. Could that be it?
Any lisp routine that will remove "phantom parcels" in a drawing? They are the parcels many topics on this discussion forum have topics on, that can be selected but can't be deleted by any simple means.
The drawing is relatively new...with minimal objects in it. Just some Feature Lines and 3D Polylines. I have Sites in my drawing...but no parcels. Only thing in the sites are the feature lines. When I do a Q SELECT for the parcels it selects and highlights my feature lines, which is weird.
Any way to create a parcel from an object (closed polyline) and populate the parcel with Object Data from the polyline?
I have imported a .shp file into a drawing and the result is many closed polylines with properties similar to the attached image. I would like to bring this data into a parcel object for labeling purposes.
I have 4 points/corners (with XYZ-coordinates) of a square shape created in the DWG of my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 program. I want to create 2 "triangle-shape" parcels (one parcel connects Points #1-#2-#3-#1 and the other parcel connects Points #1-#4-#3-#1. How can I create these 2 "triangle-shape" Parcels from the 4 points/corners of a squre shape?
View 9 Replies View RelatedYou can see in the attached screen cap that colors 1-9 appear as white on my screen and that colors 10-22 are not correct either. This is only occuring in one specific drawing. Is there a preference that I switched somewhere that would make this happen? I have double checked that everything is ByLayer or ByColor that I can think of. If I insert this color chart into other drawings it looks fine. using C3D 2012.
I would just restart my drawing, however it is the new company template file that I have invested many hours into and would really like to be able to keep working with it and not start over. Or is there a good way to import and overwrite all the Prospector settings into a blank drawing?
I'm almost done with my elevations! One last thing, though.... When I print it, it comes out all green. Is there anyway for me to change the colors so it's just black and white? Also, when I print it, there's a line between my 1st floor roof, my floor joist, and the floor for my 2nd story. Is there any way I can get rid of that, such as joining the walls? I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2013.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm new to AutoCAD 3D and Rendering. In a model I'm currently working on, the colors I have in the 3D model become different colors when I create a rendering. For instance, in the model I'm working on, in the model, the object is blue, when I render it, it's grey. Is there a setting I need to change?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to make a map with 16 different plots (A1 to D4) in AutoCAD. Every plot in this map is connected to an excel file, where is some information listed (area, height, year, type) per plot. This map need to be dynamic, so by chosing what to see (for instance: area), the color of the parcels needs to change according to the value per plot (for instance: 12 m2 = yellow, 24 m2 = orange, 48 m2 = red). The two files I am using are send with it.
how to program this in VBA in AutoCAD. The shape of the plots I want to draw on my own (hatching each plot is also no problem), and somehow I need to name each plot (hatch). But how can I name the plots (hatches) and change the colour per plot (hatch) in VBA? The files I am using have 1600 different plots.
I am going through an architectural background, converted over from Revit. I have to go through and routinely burst the object, then qselect, choose what is not equal to bylayer, and change to bylayer.
I don't want to burst everything, making a monster out of the file, but going into every individual block to change the colors within the block to bylayer is also extremely time consuming.
Is there an easier way? maybe a wishlist item for ACAD 2014 to include objects within blocks, when using QSE?
I'm working with Autodesk Inventor 2009. I have several parts colored in gray, black and red.
The grey color is the basic part color/material.The black color is feature color styles.The red color is face color styles. I need to change all the face color styles (red) to the original part color/material (gray/default). I can do this by right-clicking on a surface > properties > face properties.
My problem is that I have a lot of surfaces (mostly due to fillets). I can choose multiple ones with ctrl + click, but even that would take forever.
Is there an easier way to change all the face colors at once?
I have noticed when changing colors in the layer manager it does not take the first time and sometimes the second either. It does not seem to matter if creating a new layer or simply modifying existing.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to change the color of everything in my drawing except for 3 layers. There are hundreds of layers and blocks in this drawing, even after purging. I want to avoid just exploding everything and putting it on one layer.
I want to change everything to grey except for the 3 layers I'm working in. I'm using ACAD LT so I can't create a script to do the job. The only thing I can think of is going into the layer properties window and selecting each layer and changing the color one at a time.
How to edit the string below so that it will ignore all layer names starting with "E-". I want to change all XREF layers in the current dwg. to 161 but ignore all XREFED layer names that start with E- such as E-lighting, E-power etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded the SSURGO file from Web Soil Survey. They are in .shp files, I have imported the spatial files into AutoCad Map 3d 2012. My goal is to create a Topology so that I can detemine the soil type and acres of parcels of land.
When I click on the polygon in my drawing it is a closed polygon with double line or overlapping lines and it does has object data but it is part of the line not a point as I am used to.
Windows 7 64-bit / CorelDraw X4 Educational Version with Service Pack 2 installed
I was working on a file last night and had objects Powerclipped into an object. Next thing I know, the colors are all completely off. They just changed on their own. I don't know if I saved the file and it just did this, or if it just did it on its own. But it always seems to be related to the Powerclip. This isn't the first time I've lost information using X4's Powerclip.
The scarier part is that it seems to be affecting multiple documents of mine that have used the same color. We're talking about months of work.
Also, this isn't the first time colors have just changed on me after closing a document and reopening it. I've set colors to RGB black and when I've reopened it at a later time, it changes to R:2 G:2 B:2
Tonight I'm going to try and uninstall X4 and reinstall and see if it remedies the issue. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try a different version, perhaps downloading a trial of X6 and see if it corrects the issue.
I have a picture that I would like to change the color on. Is there a way to sellect all of a given color, say Pantone #150 +-10 points to Pantone 825 +-10 points automatically?
I would like to use the eyedropper tool to pick the color on the picture as the starting color and in the color selection area for the ending color and have Photoshop handle the change for me.
I have used Hue and Saturation as well as Color Balance but the results always look kind of cartoonish.
I have a black and white photo, which I want to change (let us say) to Orange and Blue. What steps do I go through. I know that with an "overlay" I can change the Black part, and I can even invert it. But how do I get BOTH colors to change?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am completely new to photoshop, just got Adobe 7.0 today. A friend of mine did this for me earlier today and I want to learn how to do it. Anyone who thinks they'd be able to help me with this please contact me via AIM or MSN messenger so you can help me step by step if possible. Otherwise just post a few instructions here if you can.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am running cs5 and all of a sudden my pencil has started alternating between the background and foreground colors. What have I done to it? and how do I fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI never thought I would have a problem with photoshop, but unfortunatelly here it is )) I'm using it for 6 years already. (
I face this problem for a first time and I read in google but didn't find a solution, only this which didn't help to solve the problem .....
Is there a simple, quick way to change a color? I know about fill but but the color I want to change isn't solid, it has a texture and colr variances in it so it looks like lips.
I'm trying to change the lipstick color in "The Sims 2 Body Shop". All I want to do is to quickly change the color while not changing anything else.
I have a set of buttons that are coloured. I would like to change these buttons to another colour! - The problem is that they are not one single flat colour - but are instead made up of shades i.e where there is shadowing.
Is it possible to just brush over them to, say, change them from green to orange?
I'm not an expert on Photoshop but i do what i can, so i made an image to my cousin and she wants to print that image in a big size but the place were she wants to print it told me that i had to change the image to CMYK and then change black to 50-50-50-100 and blue to 100-60-0-10, cause they use CorelDraw but i don't know how to do that in photoshop. i mean i went to image-->mode-->CMYK color.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a web template that I am trying to change the color on some of the sections.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSomebody want me to edit their picture where an orange tank top has to be changed for a dark blue color. That person did provide the specific HTML code # for the color wanted. Once the tank top is selected, how do you manage to colorize it to that very specific HTML color. Unless I'm wrong, "colorize" is the only function that add color to something without losing the detail of the original picture. All other thing you can use to change the color only add a solid opaque color. You can desaturate the tank top,open a new layer and add the specific HTML color to that layer and then reduce the opacity but...even thought the details that were lost are now visible, the color has changed.
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