AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Expression To Round Pipe Slopes
Oct 8, 2012We Need an expression to round Pipe Slopes to the nearest 0.5% slope. We were working with:
ROUND(({Pipe Slope}/0.5))*0.5
but it only returns 0.00.
We Need an expression to round Pipe Slopes to the nearest 0.5% slope. We were working with:
ROUND(({Pipe Slope}/0.5))*0.5
but it only returns 0.00.
I would like to create an expression that returns the inner pipe diameter if the pipe is circular, and the inner height and width dimensions if the pipe section is square or elliptical. I tried this in the expression editor:
{Inner Pipe Diameter}|{Inner Pipe Height}&{Inner Pipe Width}
but it returned ? in the label .
Am I limited to the fields that appear on the label for a pipe network data band, or can I add my own customized expressions?
Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014
I am trying to work out a way to set up my Structure Table so that I can show either the Inner Pipe Width OR Headwall Base Width to avoid having Question Marks showing in my Table? Is there a Function in the expressions that equates to a Non-Existent or Null Parameter. Ie.
IF({Inner Structure Width}=???,{Headwall Base Width})
Also, Is there a way to hide Structures from a Table, in particulat, Null Structures?
Currently using Civil 3D 2013 & 2014 SP1
I tried to work with grading but it didn't work,
1 - The square helicopter pad is flat and grading with 2:1 fill, 1:1 cut.
2- The second FL is 2% slope down and grading with 2:1 fill, 1:1 cut.
3- The third FL is slope down to meet the existing road, both sides will same cut and fill.
I am using Civil 3D 2012. I am drawing a water line in a profile with a vertical scale of 1" = 10'. I am trying to draw lines at 45 deg angles to account for standard fittings.
Now, I tried to block a 45 deg angle and exaggerate the y scale, but for some reason this does not work well mathematically. Is there a way to draw lies at a certain slope, or at a certain angle from another line, while taking into consideration the scale exaggeration?
I was wondering if it's possible to add surface slopes on grid (similar to how there is a tool for adding spot elevations on grid). I can do them individually at a grid spacing but that's tedious, and considering you can add spot elevations on a grid, I'm not sure why this wouldn't be possible.
If there isn't a built-in tool for this, would it be possible to make a block of a bunch of one-point spot slopes and you simply choose which surface & the insertion point when you insert the block?
I have a ditch and a road that need to follow separate profiles but be integrated with each other as a single corridor and the ditch's 3:1 slope needs to meet up with the road's 2% slope. Is it possible to have the two subassemblies target each other without having to create a dummy surface or a feature line for targeting to?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a surface and i have the outer border of a pond i want to create (see attachments). What makes it difficult for me is that different areas of the pond have different slopes. The area marked as "A" has a slope of 1:5, the are has a slope of 1:2 and the rest of the pond has a slope of 1:1.
My problem: I do not know how to grade the borderline so i end up having a surface with different slopes as my pond.
I am trying to create in my sub assembly a daylight with a variable slope to a graded ditch then it back slopes to natural ground. (image attached). How can I do this in Civil 3d 2012?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a large ex surface that I have divided into basins and such. I know need to evaluate the slopes in these areas. To do the whole surface at once seems to not be possible. Is there a way in c3d to view analysis information for a section of surface for instance in a polyline or fence?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any subassembly can get variable slopes depend on depth like in Land desktop as you can see in the attached file.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for either a corridor style or surface style to display slopes while in plan view while working on a corridor. I know you can turn on slope arrows as a surface style, but I am actually looking for the grade to be displayed next to a slope arrow. Hopefully I am explaining it properly.
I just am looking for a better way to spot errors before putting surfaces into machine control without checking station by station in the section editor.
I am new to Civil3D And I am using it for one purpose, Im working at producing planning drawings for solar farms, and the client has asked to me produce topographical surveys highlighting where the gradient or the slope is greater than 15 degrees. Is there someway i can use Civil 3d to do this?
Ideally im looking at producing a 3D Model which has shaded areas for the areas which are above 15 degrees. And Hopefully another shaded for areas between 15 and 10 degrees, 10 and 5 and 5 and 0
The topographical surveys i am downloading at the moment are from a site called promap and are DSM Type?
Our provincial standard requires subgrade and subbase surfaces to have a normal cross slope of -3%. The base and asphalt surfaces have a normal cross slope for the driving lane of -2% and -5% for the shoulder.
I have been trying to figure out how to do this in C3D. I have thought of different ways of handling this for a straight tangent, but have not tested them. What is causing me the most grief at the moment is how to handle this in a curve with super elevation.
The transition will be different for -2%, -3% and -5% Runout distances.
Can C3D handle this? What about using Subassembly Composer?
(I should mention that I have tried with Subassembly Composer, but I am not sure how to deal with superelevation. -
how to create an assembly with different inclinations of terraces and slopes
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just want to start by saying I have been extremely impressed with the speed and effectiveness of finding Civil 3D solutions through this forum. However I do not think there is a way to solve the problem below without making a custom sub assembly.
There is a common problem that I run into when modelling earthworks on airfields. All Taxiways and Runways will have sepirate areas that determine the slope of earthworks in that area. As an example I will explain my problem for a Runway.
Any ruwnay will have a Strip area (150m offset from its centreline) and a Clear and Graded area (105m offset from its centreline). Therefore any earthwork slopes between the runway pavement edge and 105m offset from the centreline will be determined by the requirements within the Clear and Graded Area. Likewise any earthwork slopes between 105m and 150m offsets from the centreline will be determined by the requirements of the Strip area.
My problem is that when overlaying a runway, the new earthworks required may extend beyond the clear and graded area (and into the strip) at some points but not in others.
Therefore I would like a sub assembly that does earthworks at a set slope unless it passes the clear and graded line where it would then continue the earthworks using a different slope. It should be pointed out that the clear and graded line will be present along the entire length of the runway and the earthworks may or may not extend beyond it.
Just for the sake of clarity, when I say earthworks, I mean the subassembly within autocad that will "Cut or Fill" at a set slope until it reaches a chosen surface level. Similarly the "clear and graded line" and "strip line" are 2D and mearly delineate the areas in plan.
save time and make my model more dynamic. As it stands I have been getting around this problem by modelling the earthworks at the initial slope (clear and graded area) and then manually amending the corridor to use a different assembly where the earthworks extend beyond the clear and graded line.
Need to identify areas of 100sf or less within slopes exceeding 40%. Is there a simple way to identify this within C3D?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an existing ground profile, and a design profile. All I want to do is label the slopes of the design. When I click my line label style and turn on the text it labels the existing ground and the design ground. I cannot find the setting in my two profile styles to turn the slopes off in the existing ground.
Oh, how can I get a tick on the V.C. dimension line?
I saw on you tube channel [URL].........
How to make this label where I can show the design slope in plan.
I am trying to create a label for slopes in cross sections for a surface created from breaklines using gade breaks as you can not weed segment labels
I am weeding the labels out based on the change in grade of the section profile and making the label text high very small of the labels I do not want to see. But the first label returns ??? because there is no grade coming in so I get ??? instead of something usefull like null. Any way to convert?? to something you can evaluate and use.
Is there a way to create hatching for the slopes surface style instead of using solid colors?
View 2 Replies View RelatedPipe network storm pipes: Fairly new to Civil3D and trying to set up parts list for the storm sewer pipe and would like the plan view to appear as it does currently. We use a polyline for centerline of pipe, similar to dashed linetype but line and space are the same, width set to pipe width.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created pipe network for my storm drain project. I have located all the structures (manhole) to all angle point of my alignment as required. Also I "insert" manhole every 400' per local code requirements using the command "network layout tools; structures only. My problem is I couldn't find the tools how to trim the pipe that pass through the manhole. Please see attached pdf file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne of the things I seem to struggle with is being able to depict a single pipe when it needs to be shown in one profile as a crossing pipe, and another profile where you you show a lenghwise slice through the pipe. I end up tracing the pipe with eliptical objects where I'm cutting across the pipe and setting up more for the lengthwise/sideview of the pipe. Is there a way to have two different styles for the same pipe, one for a cross cut and one for a lengthwise slice?
View 1 Replies View Relatedis there a way to include the pipe min/max cover as part of the str/pipe label?
Civil 3D 2013 SP1, Win 7-64 bit
Using Network Layout Tools, can you attach a pipe to a structure in a different Pipe Network? 2013 Civil 3D
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I evaluate and expresion to the nearest tenth?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
Note: Its all Resistentialism, so keep calm and carry on
64 Bit Win7 OS
I am trying to create an expression in SAC and am having trouble getting it to work the way I want. The goal is to have the subassembly figure out what slope to use. If I do not have super elevation, I want it to use the grade for the in the input.output parameters. If I do have super elevation, I want it to use the super settings. So far I have this
This works if I am only creating a left side. However, I want it to decide which side super elevation settings by the input parameter side.
One of the main things I do is label elevations from an alignment and a profile, in plan view.
I have a style that does this, and it gets to the point where it asks to pick the profile.
If the profiles are data ref's, i can pick from a list, but if the alignment is xreffed, you must do a graphical pick.
This is super inconvenient, as my profile views are in a different base than my alignments, and they are way off to the side.
So I must xref the profile base in, and split my viws so I can pick them without excessive zooming.
Did Autodesk neglect the fact that if they make objects available via xref, they also need to make child objects available?
If I choose to use a dref as the data source, I must make a dref to the alignment and each profile I want available.
Three steps per street at a minimum.
This is also super inconvenient.
I'm struggling to find a decent workflow on this. Both approaches seem painful.
I had always thought the xreffed objects would provide the profiles, and only found they do not just now [URL]...