AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Linetype Scale For Individual Survey Figures?
Mar 19, 2013He has a survey figure that is too short to display the text in the linestyle. When I change the linetype scale for the object, it has no effect.
View 1 RepliesHe has a survey figure that is too short to display the text in the linestyle. When I change the linetype scale for the object, it has no effect.
View 1 Replieshere's my process:
1- Import the asc file into my drawing.
2- Convert the asc file to a FBK file
3- Import my FBK file. The survey figure linework generated doesn't overlay my previously imported asc file. I checked the FBK file and the coord's match the asc file. I'm confused as to why the survey figures don't overlay the survey points from the asc file, since the coords match in both? The survey figures are all shifted .7' and 54deg. from the points. The elevations are all good on the survey figures, as they match the survey points.
So my quick fix is to explode the survey figures, since I don't really need them for what I'm doing, and then select all the 3d polylines and move them to them to an appropriate survey point. Everything then looks fine and I can get the job done.
However, I would like some insight as to why this might be happening. It's strange that the FBK and asc coordinates match, but the survey figures aren't lying over them.
I have a drawing that is about a month old with survey data and a surface in it. I went in to modify the surface and noticed a crossing breakline message that was never addressed. I attempt to do a grip edit on the survey figure that is crossing ,and update the database from drawing and I get a message saying the figure is in not in the database. I know I have the correct database, because if I select the figure in the prospector tab It highlights the one I'm working with. Somehow the objects in the drawing have lost association with the database.
Any solutions short of re-inserting all my figures from the database? I'm not going to do that in this case since the edit was small and is already done.
(running C3D 2012 sp4, Win7 64bit, 8GB)
I want to get vertex from survey figure or parcel.
I have seen this for feature line: [URL] .....
But "Autodesk.AECC.Interop.Land" doesn´t have AeccLandSurveyFigure.
How can I do it? Is it necessary convert survey figure to polyline?
Autocad Civil 3D 2014 +SP1
Quad Core Intel i7 3770-cpu 3.40Ghz.
ssd samsung 840 pro 512gb+ssd samsung 840 pro 256 gb+1tb hdd
32gb RAM 1600 Mhz.
nVidia Quadro 2000.
Win 7 Pro 64bit
what if i have points that are non-consecutive? the survey crew is new at this so i'm getting some higher number points that line work wise appear in the middle of lower number points. the figure seems to draw numerically. is there a way to do a figure by proximity?
Dell Studio XPS 9100
Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz
12GB Ram
64 bit
C3D 2012 SP3.0
I have imported surveydata into the survey database from FBK and processed linework. I do as many edits to my figures as I can by editing point codes and processing linework, then I fix the rest of the figures manually editing them and pushing the changes back to the survey database.
Once you have started manually editing figures you can no longer 'process linework' as you get double ups of figures you manually edited.
My issue is that I have made some adjustments to some of my control point coordinates after manually editing figures, so that all my survey points move. I try to update the survey figures so that they move with my points but Civil3D tells me that it cant update them because they were made by processing linework.
Is there anyway I can get my figures to match my points without reprocessing linework and then making all the manual edits again or exporting an FBK from the database, remove the figures and points from the dwg, reset the network and import the new FBK?
We should be able to update figures without processing linework, even if that was how the figures were originally made!
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
I'm setting up some computers for training some new users on Civil 3D 2011 and Im having problems with importing points and creating figure lines, works great on all the computers in the office, but in the training room can not get the figure lines to assign to the proper layers. They all go on the zero layer. All the setting I see are the same.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a client who uses Bently MX Roads for road design and requires that survey data be supplied in GENIO format. I realise that there are many possible options to get Civil3D survey data into MX, but I am trying to explore the use of the Subscription Extension to Import/Export GENIO.
Surfaces - no problem. Points - I see how I can get that to work. But the only linework that can be exported is Feature Lines, and it is also important that the feature lines have a name (likely related to the layer it is on).
I can convert survey figures to feature lines and name them one by one but would be very time consuming for a whole survey. Is there any way of doing all figures at once?
I'm guessing not and that it is probably easier to do the Genio creation from dwg in MX itself.
Civil3D 2014 - Windows7 64bit
I am happy that survey figures now have the long awaited "linetype generation" on in 2013 but sometimes I need it off. Is there a toggle or am I now STUCK with it on all the time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to change my ground conductor from solid green to a dashed line (green is OK) on a set of drawings, but all the dashed linetypes I can find don't show up well at the scale that I've drawn the circuits. I can make them look OK by changing the linetype scale in the properties manager window, but there are a boatload of these lines in eight viewports; finding them all would be a major pain. They are all on a single layer, though, but in the layer properties manager I do not see a way to change the linetype scale for the layer. I could use the properties manager to make the change if I could select everything on the layer. Is there a way to do that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a problem between my template in inch and the one in mm.
Its the linetype scale that is wrong in the mm one, when i draw in the inch one, everything is fine but when i draw in the mm one, i have to set the ltscale to like 25 to see them at the same scale that they are in the inch one.
My guest is its because i've create my template for the mm one base on the inch one and i just change the unit type to mm. Is there a setting i could change that will arrange this?
Product Design Suite 2013
Quicker way to change the overall linetype scale than using the 'modify properties' dialogue box that comes with Autocad 2008? I've attached an image that specifically shows what I am trying to change, but I get tired of always having to scroll down in the box to find this variable. I would love to have something simple like the old DDCHPROP dialogue box (see smaller image). LISP routine or something where I click on the toolbar button, and simply change the overall scale without having to navigate through the native one?
We have our description keys set to use parameters to scale blocks. We would like to use attributes in survey for more flexibilty. Is there a way you can scale using a style or description key via atributes?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit
C3D 2014 SP1
Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram
Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I'm looking to change an elevation of a survey point within a drawing. I can see where it is possible to manually unlock the points from the Survey Database to allow the user to edit the point. I'm not seeing a method or property in the API Help for 2013 to do the unlocking with code.
Also is it possible to convert a Survey Point to a regular Cogo Point through the code? Or do I have to delte the point and then recreate it as a COGO point? I think this will be my work around if the above doesn't work.
i have a simple fence line type with "x"s....if i draw the line straight up or to the right it looks perfect. but if i draw it anywhere to the left then the Xs are off centered.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am new to Civil 3D upgrading from LDD2009. I am trying to edit some point descriptions brought in through a fieldbook import through my survey database. Under my survey database in Survey Points I hit EDIT POINTS and it brings up the SURVEY POINTS EDITOR. My points are listed as white observed points but when I click on the description cell it won't allow me to change anything.
View 7 Replies View RelatedRecently we have discovered a problem (bug?) with the survey database. We usually import our field data from our Trimble controllers into the survey database (SDB) through Trimble Link. We have been very careful to get all the survey database settings right, so that the data comes through correctly and have been successful up until the last few weeks. We find this a good workflow, where we are able to make edits to our field data (change target heights etc) easily in the SDB and comparisons with Trimble Business Center and direct output on-screen in the controller confirm that our data is reliable. We often have both GPS (long Network RTK vectors from the nearest network base station) and total station observations in the same file.
The issue is that, as the fbk file is imported, the survey database settings change to reflect the content of the fbk file. The "Atmospheric conditions" and "Curvature and Refraction" settings, which I have purposely left unticked (the controller applies these corrections), become ticked. This throws out our heights, especially on the long GPS lines.
We do have the option for a workaround, which involves going back into the Edit Survey Database Settings after import and updating the data in the sdb, but this is clumsy.
This seems to be similar to the issue that was discussed here. However, we have only just encountered this issue in the past month or two, which coincides with when we rolled out C3D 2012 Service Pack 4 across the office. We are planning on implementing 2014 soon, so I have tried it out on 2014 as well, with the same result.
Is this something that others are dealing with too? Perhaps there's some sneaky setting somewhere that I haven't found which locks down the SDB settings preventing them from being changed on import? Otherwise, I think this is a bug.
I am also bracing myself for some comments regarding the dangers of using GPS in the SDB!
Civil 3D 2012 SP4
After reviewing many similar topics, I am still at a loss here. We are finding that the settings for using shift to deselect items seem to be changing within individual drawing files.
I open 2 drawing files. In one, the shift/deselect works fine, but in the other is does not deselect anything...
Further - within the non-working drawing file, the option to activate 2 hotpoints on a line and then stretch that line no longer works either.
Like everyone dealing with these shift/select/deselect issues, we are wasting an extreme amount of time trying to resolve issues that never seemed to be issues with past versions.
I copied some Survey Data of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 for Surveyors to my C3D 2013 machine few weeks ago. Now I cannot do the "Import point file" of the Survey2 Data B in Survey Databases, because the Survey2 Data B is locked up - see the attached file that has a red circle with an arrow on. How I can unlocked the locked Survey 2 Data in the Survey Databases.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi set linetype scale in one of the drawing which is lts value is set to 900..when i select line and open option in order to set linetype scale it show the message..
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I draw a line at my template it always has the line type scale 5 as default under properties.
I know that I can chance this by hand or chance a basic line type scale with the command "lts".
But all the lines in the drawings of our partner have the line type scale 1 under properties. So if I used "lts", there would either my lines or their lines be scaled wrong. Also I don't want to chance the default line type scale of each line by hand.
Is there a possibility to set up something that each line I'm drawing, starts with a specific line type scale as default under properties?
Same linetype and linetype scale but different appearance!
I got the linetype Dot2 with linetype scale 0.02
The linetype Dot2 with 0.02 linetype scale appears in two different ways!
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
in layer translator the linetype scale does not work.
when i use layer translator, the resulted drawing comes with all layer ok but the linetypes scale does not.
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2007 and have a problem with linetype between two drawings. I have a standard key which I use on a number of drawings, problem is when I copy from my original file (in model space) to paper space on another drawing the linetype isn't viewed the same.
I've set LTSCALE to 1. PSLTSCALE to 0, Global scale factor to 1 in both files but still no joy.
Im using LT 2012 & have an issue with a few drawings.
Example:I draw a single line & set to 'Dashed' (or any other type). If i then rotate that line the linetype scale changes to a very small dash & the actual scale of the line changes. rotate it abit more & it will change again.
I have loaded an insulation linetype and I needed to make the ltscale of that line .194 in the linetype manager so that it would fit in my 3.5" walls.I would like my insulation linetype to always be drawn at .194 ltscale. All of my other lines/linetypes I would like to stay at 1.00
When I changed the linetype scale of the insulation to .194 every other ltscale went with it. Is it possible to change one ltscale independently of all your other linetypes?
Is there a way to have certain figures auto-hatch upon import?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've not used AutoCad for probably 15 years. I used it in my government job, but have forgotten many commands. I have inserted a building survey into a new DWG, and remember that I can find a dimension on that survey, and use it to begin a scale for the drawing, so that I may make additions to the building drawing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI work very closely with a customer, and have been asked to implement their drafting standards for a dwg file they received from another vendor. I have attached two drawings, 1 (their vendor's) and 2 (mine, in progress). When opened, I notice the linetype scale *appears* different between the drawings (note the differences within "LINE LEGEND" section of both drawings). It *appears* as though Drawing 2 has double the linetype scale of Drawing 1.
I realize that within Drawing 2 I could set the LTSCALE variable to 0.5, but that seems like a work-around and may cause problems with other aspects of the customer's drafting standards in the future.
I've already confirmed that both drawings have the same values for LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE, MSLTSCALE, CELTSCALE. I've also already confirmed that, for the "PACKAGED EQUIPMENT" entry with the legend, the properties dialog box shows the exact same values for all fields. Lastly, (trying [URL] .....) I re-loaded the linetype for PHANTOM2.
I'd like to have them both appear the same, if possible.
I'm drawing a gas line (the one that says gas throughout the length of the line) and i can't seem to scale the text 'gas' properly, it seems that it is all squashing up and i cant make out what it says. I've tried ltscale, psltscale and the actual linetype scale of the line to no avail. I'm sure this is a simple problem, i just cant work it out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to insert an ordinance survey map into model space of an existing metric drawing.
When the map appears, it is the size of a postage stamp in relation to the existing buildings in the drawing.
Is this because the OS Survey map is drawn in meters when my drawing is in millimeters?