AutoCAD Architecture :: Layers Now Not Visible In Pull-down List
Nov 7, 2012
I have an Architecture drawing and only the current layer is visible from the pull-down lift. I can only access the other layers by opening the Layer Manager.
I have an eye problem Macular Dystrophy) that requires the CUI Menus and dialog boxes to be made larger. Changing the customizing windows fonts do not increase the size of anything. I am still using AutoCAD 14 through virtual XP but want to use Autodad 2011 and can't get it to change so I can read the CUI.
I am unable to use pull down menu commands, for example when I want to save as, I have to type it manually in the command open a file I have to type the file name at command line..
when I click save as or any other command from the pull down menu, it does not work, the command line apprars at the buttom of the drawing asking me to manually make an imput...
The best way to explain, is probably just say it shows up when you add "Time Remapping" to a layer.. Is there any way to show a time signature like this, without editing the layer?
Often when I attempt to insert a sheet list from the project navigator to a sheet, nothing happens. The sheet index will not insert. Why does this happen? Better yet, how can I fix it?
Autocad Architecture 2012: my dwg is fully visible in 3D View but partially visible in plan View. What could be causing this problem? See screen shot attached.
Build a model, position it, turn on or off layers you want or don't want to be seen, create a new layout. then reposition, change layers and so on, create a new layout, maybe zoom in on a detail, create another layout and then export all to a PDF.
my problem is if you change layer visibility it affects all layouts , not what I would expect. Or if you zoom in, it still bases the layout on extent , all though display type does seem to hold on the layout it was set for.
so what would be the proper way of showing only relevant information on several different sheets.
I have a sub that gets a page number and a collection of layer ID's to freeze. The sub will freeze the selected layers in all of the viewports except for the new one.
After running the program, the layers in the specific viewport are still visible, but when you go into Model mode in the viewport and check the layer status, it shows the selected layers are set to Freeze in the viewport.
If I save the drawing, exit,and re-open it, the layers are now not visible. I believe I have the "Regen" in the correct spot.
The code is attached.
' Freezes the selected layers in all other existing viewport layouts Public Sub freezeOtherLayouts(ByVal pageNumber As Integer, ByVal layersToFreezeLayerIds As ObjectIdCollection) Dim doc As Document =
When I load a dwg file, i set all invisible layers to visible!The layer properties has been set to visible, but the entities on those invisible layers still can't see.After that I change the layout,just change the 'model' to 'layout1' Then change back to 'model' . All entities is visible!
private void AddNewLayer(Document doc) { if (doc.IsReadOnly) return; using (DocumentLock m_DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument()) { [code]....
I have a dialog box that has 2 list boxes. One box has the available layers in it, while the other will contain the selected layers. I want to use those selected layers as a list of layers that will be visible in a particular view port. I have searched all over to find information on what kind of list I would need and how could I use the list with a view port, but all I've found is info for one layer becoming visible.
I'm also looking into "FreezeLayersInViewport" but info sure seems limited.
Layers are shown in the drop down menu from the ribbon but when I open the layer manager no layers are visible. I can click in the empty space and the layer will highlight. See attached.
When I try to add new layers the layer propert manager is notvisable. I have to hit escape to return to the drawing. I beliesve the dialog box may be trying to go to a second screen I use at home. This happens on my lap top when it is not connected to my second moniter..
I work at an architecture firm, in which we have many drawings, all with multiple sheets. (A1, A2, A3...etc.)
I'm wondering, is there a way to lock which layers are visible based on the sheet you select? I want to prevent someone from accidentally turning on HVAC information on a plumbing plan, if they do not check which sheet they are currently working in.
Is there a way to do this in a more permanent way, other than simply using the Freeze or thaw in current viewport button in the layer pulldown menu?
I am using Autocad 2011 but for some reason suddenly when ever I type layer the layer dialog box comes up but I cant see any layers I reckon it must be some system variable.
I am insert a sheet list table - Two Columns "Dwg #" and "Sheet Title" under the first category (building 1) each column works fine) then under category 2 (building 2) it gets the file name under the dwg #.
I have two problems. I want to change the text size, font, and color to be consistent with my office standards. However I can not find where the Sheet List Style is stored or edited. Which brings me to the second issue, the HELP in Exchange is bogus. Like MANY of the help entries, it refers to incorrectly named or non existent features and commands. In this case it says to "Select the sheet list in the drawing, right-click, and click Edit Sheet List Table Settings." which would be fine, except there is no option in the right click menu named "Edit Sheet List Table Settings".
Clicking on the Manage tab on the ribbon and selecting style Manager, the selecting Documentation objects, then schedule table styles, yeilds...nothing. How can I edit something that has no options?
Hiding the style manager so that all you get when you click on help is a ding that tells you there is a command open, but does not bring the command window to the fore.
I am trying to set up standards for a small company and want to distribute a handout showing what layers we use and their characteristics. Is there a way to do this or do I just open up ol' Word and type it out? I didn't see anything in earlier threads that address this question.
When entering a command with autocomplete on and the List option on, the list dropdown only displays two or three of the possible choices, because the list box opens below the command line, which is at the bottom of the screen. Unless I minimize acad and adjust the window to only fill part of the screen, I can't see the list. This is a shame, because it is a cool feature. Having a dialog box display off the screen? how to get this to either display on the screen? Here is a screen shot of how it looks at window max and window minimumized.
I have a PSD with about 100 layers. When I use the select tool and press while holding CTRL (to activate "auto select layer") I sometimes select invisible layers.
So whenever I open up Gimp and then a new image, the layer for the background don't show up. > [URL]..
I've this window with all the tabs for the brushes, patterns etc and when I want to make the layers visible, I've to drag the layers window to the tabs and then drag it back to where it first was.. (it's quite hard to explain )
so basically, the layers don't show unless i do something what can i do about this?
Any examples on how to list all the layers of a current drawing and populate a ComboBox on a form with that list. It seems pretty simple, i'm just gonig through the .NET Developer guide now but was hoping there was a quicker solution.
I have functions that will freeze or thaw layers in a viewport, but I was wondering how to just check which layers are thawed/visible in a selected viewport.
In an idw, if I select Parts List, the BOM setting of layers can be switched between First Level and All Levels. Once I select my view, the option grays out and selects First Level. I need my BOM to show All Levels.