AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Display Reference Points
Aug 17, 2013
I´ve used AutoCAD for a while but this just appeared. The reference points are not displayed on a current line (or any other figure) when I want to join another figure with it, what I mean is that the little green x or square figures won´t appear when I want to join two objects at a point. If I create a circle, for example, and I want to create another circle around it, both with the same origin, AutoCAD won´t display that origin automatically.
Is there a way for me to display different points in each viewport? I have figured out how to freeze layers and realize I can put the points and labels on different layers but am curious if this is the only alternative?
Any way using autoCAD LT 2014 to get CAD to display the elevation heights of survey points without having to type the heights in text bozes next to each individual point. i can insert a field which displays the elevation of the point but doing this again i would have to do every point individually.
Another words is there a way to select all the survey points required and get CAD to display a certain property, which in my case is the elevation height of that survey point, next to it? so it looks like x 23.35 x 23.57 etc..
I will receive printed out drawings that are entirely drawn with the use of ordinates, putting the 0,0 point in the corner of the part, and dim everything from that corner. Like this example:
The problem I'm having is when I recreate the parts digitally and have multiple parts to dimension, I can do one that looks as clean as the ordinate version, but the rest are dimensioned using the baseline tool, and look like this:
Though it works, it takes a while to make it nice and legible for my print out version. And most the time the parts are more organic and don't have any corners, but this is the best example for my question.
I know I can't have multiple 0,0 points in model space, but I was hoping there would be a better way to achieve the clean look of the ordinate points. Or perhaps create a reference point that can be duplicated, moved, and the ordinates will recognize.
Note: As much as I'd like to use paper space to dimension my parts, I can't.
I had some parts that in BOM were checked as "referenced". Then at some point I changed them to "normal".
In the drawing environment they still act like reference parts even though I changed them to "normal" before created the view.
They are still see thru when I go Drawings View/Model State/Reference data/As parts. They act like they are reference parts but they are not anymore. How to make then really "normal"?
I got a survey that has hundreds of cogo points. I need to bring this into a mapping dwg but not as cogo points. What's already in the map file is block reference (trees, power poles, signs, etc.). When I explode the cogo points (select all) they turn into 1/100th of the size (although the Properties scale hasn't changed). If I explode one by one, they are fine. how I can get these cogo points into the map dwg as block reference at the correctoriginal size?
C3D 2012 sp1 W7Pro 64bit HP Z400 Workstation 16 GB RAM Intel Xeon CPU W3565@3.20GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I'm in the process of converting existing VBA code to VB.NET using AutoCAD 2010 and MS Visual Studio Professional, and I just hit a major snag.
In AutoCAD 2010, double-clicking a block will display its attributes in the attributes editor; I would like instead to be able to display my own custom form showing some of the block's attributes, IF AND ONLY IF the block was created by my dot net form (the block would have certain identifiable characters in its name).
So far, I have discovered that this may have something to do with the cuix customization file, as well as setting the system variable DBLCLICKEDIT.
When I add a wall or door the reference dimensions default to the center of the wall or door, etc. Is there any way to have these reference dimensions default to the structural face of a wall instead of continually dragging with everything I draw?
I started a new Windows application C# project in Visual Studio 2005, my intention is to use COM only in this one, not the .NET wrappers. So I added the references like the Autocad 2008 ActiveX and VBA developers guide states:
To fully access AutoCAD automation objects from Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET, create references to the following files:
•The AutoCAD 2008 type library, acax17enu.tlb, located at c:program filescommon filesautodesk shared. •The AutoCAD/ObjectDBX Common 17.0 type library, axdb17enu.tlb, located at c:program filescommon filesautodesk shared.
After adding the references I have under project references “AXDBLib”, but it has the yellow warning sign over it. The error list has two lines: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library "AXDBLib".
The referenced component 'AXDBLib' could not be found. So what’s the problem and how to fix it? I can get around the reference error using late binding and referencing nothing, but late binding is kind of unnatural with C#.
I have a drawing where points that I create will not display.
I have created points in this drawing before.Previously created points display fine.Points created in another drawing and imported into this drawing display fine.All layers have been turned on and thawed, to make sure it's not a layer issue."All points" point group is the top point group.When I create a point manually everything seems to work fine, info is echoed to the command line, etc., but then nothing happens. Obviously it's a setting somewhere, but it is driving me up the wall trying to figure out what setting. I'm sure I will slap my forehead when told what it is.
When I make my rooms for a building, I want them to be a specific distance from the previous wall, say 10'. But when Revit measures the walls, it measures from the center line of the wall and not the edges. How do I correct this so it is measuring from the nearest edge so I'm not constantly having to think about how thick the wall was on each side and manually add 5 inchs or whatever it is in order to get a solid 10' room.
Also, when placing rooms, I have found that the program keeps making the reference distances from points halfway across the house. For example, if I want to make a room 10'x 10', and go to place the top wall of the room. If there is another wall across the hall or something that may intersect if you extend an imaginary line, the reference dimensions won't be 10' from the bottom wall, but it would be something like 4' 5 7/16" from that other room that has nothing to do with the wall I'm trying to place. Does that make sense? How do I turn off or control the meaningless reference points?
whenever I click to attach a drawing reference nothing happens. I don't get the browse to file window.
I've tried using the GUI from the View menu / Palettes panel/external palette, Also from the command prompt by typing external references and attach still no joy.
I have all SPs installed. I tried exporting another user's profile and importing it to my CAD. Do I have to reinstall the software from scratch?
I have a layout in my drawing (Civil 3d 2011) with multiple viewports and my point symbols (trees, manholes, etc.) won't display. I have other layouts in the same drawing that display them fine, but I need to use this specific layout for what I'm doing. This must be a setting of some sort but I can't seem to figure it out.
I have a sketch reference that is giving a cross part failure error. I am unable to select the reference in the browser so I cant delete it or update it.
How to get rid of it. Deleting the sketch and starting again will be a disaster.
We are using Autocad Civil 3D 2010 and are also using the 2010 Vault.
We are having problems with one project in Civil 3D (project in Vault). We are trying to create a surface reference and are getting the error: "Drawing is already attached to project X."
Note: This drawing is not vaulted, only the cross section surface that has the final grade surface in it is vaulted.
When we test the same process with a new document we are able to reference the surface fine and the command shows: _AeccCreateSurfaceReference which works properly.
I have an old map showing a plan of all the fields that used to exist in this area. It is just black lines and words. I need to see through this plan and place it exactly at the right size and orientation using two buildings (which are shown on both maps) as reference points. To do this I will need to resize and rotate the field plan over the modern map, anchoring the first farm point then pull second farm point to overlay on the modern map. I will then be able to see how all the old fields sit in their modern environment and which old boundaries still exist.
Even making the white transparent leaving just the black lines of the plan would be a great start.The field plan is saved as JPEG and the modern one is TIFF. Does this matter?
I have assemblies that are comprised of reference parts - the assembly is a purchased part such as an air cylinder. I have them as reference only in the assembly (ie right click on the parts in the model tree->BOM Reference->Reference). I do it this way so I can adjust the air cylinder how I need it, but still only asign one part number to the whole assembly - as an example we'll say "cylinderX" is the part number, and filename is "cylinderX.iam"
The problem arises when I put cylinderX.iam into other assemblies and try and make drawings of those assemblies. Even though cylinderX.iam is not a reference part (but all it's sub components are), it shows up in an IDW just like reference parts. I am able to make it show up how I want by editing the view properties (Edit View->Model State Tab->Reference Data Line Style "as parts"), but I still cannot balloon cylinderX.iam. It shows up in the parts list, but I cannot attach a balloon to it.
Inventor 2013, 64-Bit Dell Precision M6700 Windows 7 Pro Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz 16 GB Ram NVIDIA Quadro K4000M Space Navigator
I have an alignment with horizontal PVI points that are coincidental with COGO points. I want to display in a profile view, a surface elevation at the alignment PVI points in a band style. Is it possible to do this? If so, how?
I wonder if this can be done. i have a number of blocks which have labels to them i.e. JW1, JW2, JW3 etc. which corresponds to the block name. Is it possible to have the label automatically referenced to the block name so if i change the block name to JW10 the label within the block changes to JW10 as well.
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express..Trying to create first dll in 2013, referenced acdbmgd and acmgd (as usual, as in previous versions) then included:
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
but ...
Error in IDE (Visual C#) when entering: [CommandMethod("TEST")] Error: CommandMethod could not be found .. are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference
I have an old 3DSMax file that when I open it in 3DSMax 2011 I get an error saying it can't find a few JPG files needed for some materials. Normally, I would simply go into the material editor and delete the materials that are referencing that file, but I cannot find those materials no matter how hard I search. For example, I used the "Material > Get All Scene Materials" function in the slate editor, and looked at each one's maps rollout--but I could not find the problematic references.
I did find the problematic file references in the "Asset Tracking" dialog and figured I might be able to remove them in there, but alas I was unable to do so. Maybe I don't know the full extent of what the Asset Tracking dialog is for?
Is there a way to remove materials in the scene that are causing those problems? I'm not sure what is causing the error.
3DSMax 2011 | Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Apple iMac 27" Bootcamp Intel Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB RAM ATI (AMD) Radeon HD 6970M
Civil3D - have surface from contours (plines), breaklines, etc. Have been able to edit TIN to add points or move them in the past (I think). Recently, I can't add or move points through the TIN edit. I'm guessing something I changed (maybe recent update), variable, etc
Is there a lisp that can be assigned to a script file to rotate-reference all items in a file always a certain way. This would be used to rotate files that are exported from revit before another team, that work only in CAD, can use them.
AutoCAD 2014 creating "fatal error unhandled access violation reading 0x0010 exception at 65e3f417h" while attempting to reload a MicroStation file that worked previously in dwg.