AutoCAD 2013 :: Referenced Text That Formats And Wraps Like Mtext Entity?

Aug 20, 2013

I have a set of notes for a given jurisdiction that I need to show on mumltiple layout tabs within the same file. However, the notes need to change their width, number of columns, height, etc. for each layout tab to work with viewports and other drawing elements within each tab. My question is this- is there way using fields, blocks, rtext, something that will allow me to create one master copy of the note and basically have instances of the note on those other tabs that I can adjust the wrapping, height, columns etc.? I could just create a bunck of copies of the same note, but then if we get a comment from an AHJ about the notes, we need to make sure the comment is addressed in each instance of the note instead of just one master note. Is there way to do what Im asking, or is the technology just not there yet?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Access Text In MTEXT Entity

Dec 29, 2012

I am wanting to use autolisp to access the text in a MTEXT entity.  assoc(1) gives me the first bit of text, but not the rest.Is there a way to use assoc to access each of a number of matches or do I need to write my own routine to find all the 1's?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text Suffix As Separate Text Entity

Nov 12, 2013

We have many text entities in our drawing quoting a number "S3". We need to suffix that number with the text "PT" Most, if not all, of the "S3"'s are MText.

However, the "PT" text needs to be at about 70% of the size of the "S3" and be positioned almost like a superscript. It also needs to be a different colour for pen table reasons.

S3 = Colour 2, 0.35 text

PT = Colour 1, 0.25 text

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AutoCAD .NET :: Catch Message Or Event / When Begin To Edit Mtext Entity

Sep 12, 2012

Is there anyway I can catch the message or event when I begin to edit Mtext entity?Because I want to do something when the mtext began to input.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Text Larger Than Mtext

Sep 28, 2013

I have made a dynamic block with attribute text. Everything works fine except the text comes out as larger than the mtext that it was created from. The text height & the width factor are the same since i created the attribute default by copying the mtext. when i close the block the text appears longer than the mtext it was created from.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert Multiple Text Items To Mtext Without Combining Into 1 Mtext?

Jan 31, 2012

I have multiple singular text objects on my screen and I want to convert them to mtext so I can use the Background Mask option within mtext on my drawing. how to quickly select all the text and convert it to mtext without it combinin ginto 1 mtext?

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Photoshop :: Text Layer No Longer Wraps Words?

Sep 25, 2013

All of a sudden, I cannot get text to word-wrap. Instead, it's just a single line of text and all the words stack on top of each other, regardless of the size of the text box or any other settings.This happened after the last update. The program is CC updated.

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Photoshop :: Adding Pictures Into Paragraph Text So The Text Wraps Around The Pictures

Feb 7, 2006

I am trying to place pictures into my paragraph text so that the text wraps around the picture (like you can in Word).? Can anyone let me know how to do this in Photoshop 7.0 for Windows??

All I can find is how to wrap text around object (i.e. word on a coffee cup image itself) or putting the actual picture as fill for the font.?

how to do this? I have included a PDF of a sample of what I'm trying to do.

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AutoCAD .NET :: If Selected Entity Xdata Contains Value Then Select Additional Entity

May 22, 2013

I would like to add additional entities to the selection if any of the selected entities contains a an xdata value.

If I put the condition into the ImpliedSelectionChanged reactor I imagine will probably loop back on itself.

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AutoCad :: Insert Text With TEXT Or MTEXT Command The Text Is Displayed Mirrored

Apr 9, 2012

When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?

I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Offset Sketch Entity

Oct 24, 2012

In 2013 SP1.1 we are noticing that when using offset in a sketch, the offset line/curve is invisible and cant be seen until a zoom is done, then it appears. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Video Showing Sub Entity Selection With Use Of Control Key?

Jun 6, 2012

Does any video showing sub entity selection with use of control key?

I can not seem to get it to I don't know if I am doing it wrong, or if I have somehow disabled the feature....

Perhaps there is a link out there showing it working?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 Save As To Older Formats Not Responding?

Sep 30, 2013

in my autocad 2014 save as in 2007 & 2004 format system is not responding and not able to finish. but when i save in 2013 and 2010 format is ok. i install same copy of autocad in my laptop its working good.

my system config: operating system - w7 64bit

8gb ram and 1tb hard disk

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AutoCad :: Viewport Set For 2D Wireframe - Text Won't Show Up If Over Box Entity

Aug 17, 2012

my viewport is set for 2d wireframe, even when i have certain layers turned off or frozen the viewable lines in the layyers that are 'on' are broken as if i was in 2D hidden. text wont show up if over a "box" entity, no matter what elevation i set it at. The results come out upon printing as well.

There must be a display setting i am unaware of to fix this. Why do certain entities override others even if the later is at an elevation above it? Someone referred to draw order before but I still do not understand how to make that work.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Using TEXT Not MTEXT To Create Multiple Lines Of Text?

Oct 4, 2011

3rd party tool which didn't match our scaling needs the file is a fas so I have tried to reverse engineer the whole function using trial and error. The following code works perfect except we need multiple (x amount) lines of text I have at current the M txt function which mimics and is effective for today however we need all lines to be individual.

I’m playing round with a loop but how to achieve my need..He had a 3rd party tool which didn't match our scaling needs the file is a fas so I have tried to reverse engineer the whole function using trial and error.

The following code works perfect except we need multiple (x amount) lines of text I have at current the M txt function which mimics and is effective for today however we need all lines to be individual.
;Starting lisp program...(defun C:REDtext ();Creating Layers (if non existant)...(command "layer" "m" "TEKST-1.5mm" "lt" "continuous" "" "c" "1" "" "");Memorising previous layer...(setq MYOLDLAYER (getvar "clayer"));Setting requierd layer...(COMMAND "LAYER" "SET" "TEKST-1.5mm" "");Setting variable "MYHEIGHT" to "DIMSCALE" x 2...(setq myheight (* 2 (getvar "DIMSCALE" )));Requesting and storing usser defind point...(setq MYPOINT (getpoint "Start punt :")); Requesting and storing user defind text...(setq MYTEXT (getstring T "Nieuw tekst :"));Placing text...(command "text" MYPOINT MYHEIGHT "0" MYTEXT); Restoring previous layer...(setvar "clayer" MYOLDLAYER);Closing lisp program...)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Draw Text Entity In 3D

Apr 29, 2012

how to draw a text entity in 3d, where I know the 3d ins point, and the plane it should be flat to.

I have not drawn text or inserted blocks programatically before where the plane they lie on is not flat.

I have done it before by setting a ucs and drawing stuff, but now I want no switches of UCS involved.


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AutoCad 2D :: Multiple Instances Of Same Text Values In Same Drawing But In Different Formats

Dec 18, 2011

I need multiple (say two) instances of the same text values (in the same drawing) but in different formats.

Consider this: I have a drawing sheet with a title block that contains the drawing number and the author's name at the bottom with some other drawing details. Now I wish to have these "values" arranged in a matrix form at the top also, for indexing purpose.


One way is to manually enter each value, one by one, in the matrix box but that would be too time consuming. So, is there a way to automate this; where I can enter the values in the bottom title block, which would automatically update the above matrix?

I believe it can be done using a combination of Attributes and Fields but am just not getting it. To make the issue even worse, I need Numbers without hyphens (-) and only Initials of the author's name!

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Mtext

Sep 20, 2013

If I put a single line text and use it several times and then select them all I can change them in the properties all at ones. How do I do that with Mtext, if I select all and go to the properties they are opened one by one and you can change that.

Is there another way to do that as a single line text with the same.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Adding Content To Mtext

Oct 30, 2013

I am trying to add labels everywhere on my drawing to show the properties of my objects i.e. lines. (But the thing is, I need static text). This is because I need to be able to "distort" the drawing for legibility purposes but retaining the label information. This is a common drafting task in surveying. Solution A - add the labels and then convert then into text. (I don't think Autocad allows this) Solution B - add the mtext via script, but so far I am stuck on the text editor.

Here's what I have done so far. mtext 100,100 <-- I'll need to come up with some calculation to automatically place the text in the middle of the line. j mc r 96d08'27" 130,100 "186° 08' 27""" <-- how to you add the content of the mtext object?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Rotate The Mtext To Be Isometric?

Dec 11, 2013

why when I rotate the mtext to be isometric in this drawing, the multiple lines become offset.

I created the mtext orthagonally like normal and used the rotate command 30 or -30 angles.  Is there some other type of isometric rotate or something.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Match Mtext Properties

Sep 18, 2013

I am using LT 2013. I cannot figure out how to match properties for text. I click on the 2 options and the box witdth, orientation, layer will match but not the style or font. I have tried using Quick Properties to select but have not had any success with this tool. Here is what I did:

Created a style and named it Arial.

Open the Quickselect box.

Apply to : click the box and select the various mtext objects.

Object Type: mText

Properties: Style

Operator: Select All

Include in New Selection Set is checked.

I click Ok and the objects are selected.

Next I go to the Properties Manager and change the style to the one I want to use, bu the text does not change. If Idoubleclick a text object it shows the correct style, but not the correct font. What have I missed doing?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: CHANGESPACE Command And MTEXT

Aug 22, 2013

I used the CHANGESPACE command today to bring a piece of mtext from model space to paper space. I had a background mask on the mtext and when it came into paper space, the height of the text box displayed right but the width stayed the same as it was in model space. I played around with column settings and also the WYSIWYG in editor settings. Nothing seemed to make difference. What am I missing? Using autocad 2014

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dialog Box For MText Is Turned Off?

Jul 15, 2013

The dialog box for MText is turned off.  How do I turn it back on so I can edit text from the editor?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Qleader Won't Attach To Mtext

Feb 22, 2013

I have an older drawing that was created by somebody else that is chock full of bad CAD.  I have to add some leaders to some text and I'm using the "QLeader" command.  For some odd reason when I implement "QLATTACH" it won't attach the leader to the text.  

Yes, I could recreate the text with the Qleader command but I'm trying to avoid having to do that because there is a lot of text.  I'm not a fan of the rigidness of Mleader either so that is not an option.

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AutoCAD LT :: Updating Proxy Entity - Can Proxy Entity Attributes Be Changed

Feb 27, 2012

want to upated attributes in proxy entity is this possible?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mtext Change Bullet Symbol?

Sep 19, 2012

When I create Mtext with a Bullet list, I want to change the bullet to something of my own choosing, instead of the blakc dot. I've been looking into this before, but couldn't find a solution. Some time back, I received a drawing from someone else. See attachment. It contains a piece of Mtext wich uses an alternative bullet, in this case a hyphen. So it CAN be done. Only thing is, I can't figure out HOW they did it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Default Mtext Background Mask

Mar 4, 2013

Is there a way to change the defaults?

Presently, the Fill Color defaults to "Red" and I have to check "Use drawing background color" every time.  Certainly there must be a way to change this?

While I am at it, how about line space distance?  Ditto on default justification, height, etc., etc.?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Create Attribute / Mtext In Block

Nov 10, 2013

Is there a way to create an attribute or MTEXT in a block where part of it is User defined and the other part is constant?



Where "AUTOCAD =" and "LAYERS" are constant


"12345" is the user defined part.

The reason why I would like this is because i want to be able to Middle Center Justify the text and if i were to create 3 separate texts then it wouldn't be good (2 texts and 1 attdef)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Global Editing Mtext Setting?

Sep 27, 2013

sent drawing out to vendor, received back drawing where they had changed the width factor to .75.  is there a way to globally edit all these mtext entities?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mtext Not Showing Up In Paper Space

Jun 26, 2013

I used "save as" to create a new drawing from an existing file that I did not have any problems with.  For some reason, the mtext that already existed shows up in my viewports as well as new leader text, but any new mtext that I've added does not.  The viewports were also already existing from the previous file.  I have not changed any settings either!

All of the layers are on, and I've tried deleting and re-adding the viewports with no luck.  All of the text settings are the same as the original file, and like I mentioned before I did not have any problems with the previous file.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Select Entity With Options To Type In Text / Pick Point

Nov 6, 2013

I am looking for some code that would allow me to select a MTEXT Entity - or other entity -  (as the DEFAULT option) but also to allow me to type in some text manually or to pick a point in the drawing. Something that would present the user with:

"Select an object or [P to pick a point]"  or

"Select MTEXT or [M to type].

I can write some code to type in text manually as the default option and get the second option to select entity using get string and then write some condition of if code but I don't know how to do it having entsel as default option.

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