AutoCAD 2013 :: Double Click Editing Does Not Work On Inserts Or Their Attributes
Oct 10, 2013
We are starting to install AutoCAD 2014 on our machines. On one of our machines, the user can't get double click editing to work on inserts. I can open the drawing on my machine and it works fine. She is using the same profile and workspace and both machines have SP1 installed. Double click editing works for other objects (MLeaders, Text...) but not for inserts or their attributes. The only way she can edit the attribute text is through the property window.
Processor: AMD A6-5400K APU (with Radeon HD Graphics) - 3.60 GHz RAM: 8.00 GB System: 64-bit OS: Windows 8 Version: AutoCAD 2004 LT Second, what we do.
Commercial MEP design. Project in mention is a 65,000 sq.ft. Italian food market.
Third, the problem.I am experiencing a selection and double click editing problem with AutoCAD 2012LT & AutoCAD 2014LT. On Friday, June 28th we recieved updated (not new) backgrounds from a lighting designer for two floors of the building whose MEP system we are engineering. The second floor had no problems really; we reset some annotation scales and the updated backgrounds plugged right in. The first floor, however, was so messed up that we copied and pasted the track lights and all else into our file directly (vs. xref'ing) and instantly, after a save, it is impossible to evoke any kind of edit with double click. In order for us to modify anything, we have to type the command before editing. So if I want to DDEDIT, I have to type that in before changing the text. If I do select the text first than CAD freezes, takes a huge dump, wipes for 5 minutes, and then the text editor appears. This problem is ubiquitous with all 2012 LT machines and up. AutoCAD 2005 LT has no problem (lmfao).
Any way to customize the double-click of a block attribute to run the _ATTIPEDIT command on the targeted attribute? I know this can be achieved by holding Ctrl & then double clicking, but I am often using my hand else where on the keyboard, or even more often, when entering many values into attributes, I am using my left hand to keep my place on a sheet of paper as I scroll down it and enter in the values.
Double click editing does not work even though it is selected in options. Also, when I try to rotate a view in mv setup it rolls 180 degrees instead of the 90 I entered. Use 2007. Do I need to reload?
I currently have a bug, I can't double-click on the text box for editing text and when I click on a line I can't change propretie of the line by changing on toolbar.
What I would like to happen is have the full property menu open when I select more than one line of text and then double click. As it is, the quick properties opens (in 2011 and previous, full properties opened) . I still want the Edit Text window to open if I double click only one line. I have gone into the user interface and customized some of the items I want for double clicking, I know how to do that, but I'm not sure what change to make for the multiple item double clicking. I actually would like the full properties anytime I pick and dbl-click anything, you know, like the old days.
I have just noted that I cannot single click on entities to open properties or double click on text to launch text editor. The facility has just stopped of its own accord.
There have been no crashes or changes to my systems. No-one else uses this station or this software in my office so how can these things just go wrong by themselves?
I checked options and mouse config and nothing seems to be out of place there.
Why my ExpoCad Carpet Tools are working fine other then the Carpet Properties Tool? When I double click on a run of carpet, the quick properties shows up and not the carpet properties menu box.
Every time I double click on single line text it brings up the properties. I have searched online and made the changes to certain toggle settings and still nothing. I'm not doing something right I just can't figure it out. I know "DDEDIT" can do the trick. But, I know double clicking has worked on previous version and I want it to work on my 2013 version.
I made my plug-in for Autocad 2012.I register my plug-in in registry and so it's autoloaded.If I open Autocad I saw my toolbar, my message from IExtensionApplication.Initialize and all my commands (marked as [assembly: CommandClass) works fine. No problem.
BUT! If I open autocad file by double click - autocad opened. Now I saw my toolbar, saw my message from Initialize!But any commands didn't work. Autocad said that command is unknown. What can be a problem? My be in Autocad version? I have student version and startup message about it.
When I go into CUI & try to customize the double click for say line & set it to bring up the properties box it works, but it changes all double click actions to do that unless there is already a default double click for a particular command. When I set the double click in the hatch command to edit the hatch (hatch box pops up) it works but it will change the line double click to do the same thing. I don't remember having this problem in 2009. I'm saving in the CUI every time I try this.
I just got a new pc upgrade so I'm walking through everything to see if it all works. Now when I double click my mouse wheel, nothing happens where before it would zoom extents. I'm using a MS Wireless Mouse 5000 with AutoCAD 2013.
I played around with programming the mouse buttons directly, but I couldn't get it to work right. I don't see anything in AutoCAD about a setting for mouse wheel double click. All I see is that it just says that double clicking the mouse wheel should execute the zoom extents command.
Using 2012 in my CUI I could set the general note label to use the double click function. When I double clicked on any label I'd get the editor box pop up. Now in 2013 for some strange reason that no longer seems to work.
I must be using the Enhanced attribute editor the wrong way. Every time I double click the attribute block the enhanced attribute editor opens the dialog box and I have to resize it so a can see all my tags. Then I have to click the tag I want to change then click the value to change it. To change a different tag I have to repeat that process over and over. It makes attributes a complete waste of time. It’s faster to change Mtext or Dtext. I must be doing something wrong. Is there a way to get the dialog box in the image to pop up when I double click the attribute block?
There is a way to change the text in a tag to include spaces without getting the error that tags cannot be null. I've forgotten how to do this. I can't find this in my AutoCAD manuals, or on-line.
right clicking the mouse normally repeats the previous command. In this case I right click to repeat the "break at point" command. Instead of getting the break at point command, I always get the "break" command.
Since we updated to CC, I have a very good chance of this not working evey time I try it. Maybe 10% of the time, it will select the word/line as it should. My prefs are identical for this feature as they have for the past several version of InDesign. My partner also has trouble with copy/paste in InDesign and Illustrator as well.
I recently upgraded to Maya 2013, and have lost my Right click menu. I get an error message along the lines of "Wrong number of arguments on call to buildBakingMenus" - I'm at work right now, away from Maya, so I do not recall the error #.
When I right click objects, and certain nodes in the hypershade, it does not work. Right clicking does work when holding alt - to zoom and such.
I have a tool palette with our typical symbols which are blocks. All the blocks on the tool palette shows correct and the proerties of the blocks are correct but when I decide to drag a block in from the tool palette, no matter which block of 30, the same block inserts. How do I get the palette to insert the correct block.Using ARCH 2013, 64-bit, windows 7.
My friend here at work can't seem to double click on anything to edit it. If he single clicks it to say change the layer it wont change it. We have looked in our 'options' menu and everything is set up correct for double clicking. we have re started his computer but that didnt seem to work either.
I've just upgraded to ACAD 2012 from 2009 and have copied over my CUI settings and getting different results when Double clicking on regular ( not Dynamic ) blocks. The macro for this i've set to ^C^C_refedit.
This previously would automatically select the NESTED block in the list of reference names if double clicked on in the drawing, however now in 2012 the parent block is always selected and i need to hunt through the list to find the actual nested block that im wanting to edit.
Is there a setting / variable that has changed in the upgrades? I have Automatically select all nested objects selected in the Reference edit dialog box and all other options match my 2009 as far as i can tell.
I want to change the blocks and hatch double click actions, but when I open the cui customization there are no commands listed in the "double click action" option. Double clicking does in fact work properly, so there should be no reason the default cui (C3d.cuix) does not show any commands in the "double click actions" option.
Arcticad gave me code to work out the right keywords to search for. The only google hit was a chinese website.I added it to his/her code but didn't delete any of the existing handlers just in case.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports AcApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.ApplicationImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput<Assembly: ExtensionApplication(GetType(VbExtApp))> Public Class VbExtApp Implements Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IExtensionApplication Private DocMan As DocumentCollection 'Initialize sub. [code]....
The pre-loaded double click options in the CUI were getting really annoying, so I deleted all the double click attributes (while in the CUI tree) to have a clean slate to work with, but now I can't figure out how to add DDATTE to work on a double click.
I followed the Help guide and got all the way until it told me to "drag the command you want to add the double click action in the Customizations In <file name> pane", but I cannot find the DDATTE command in the Command List.
Trying to change the Hatch double click command from quick properties to the familiar hatch edit dialog. When I go to the cui, hatch edit doesn't even appear as a command. There a lots of commands that don't appear in the CUI command list.
I added it, but I cannot get it to stick when I drag it to HATCH in the double click list. The the HATCH Advanced element box "ID_QUICKPROPERTIES" is greyed out so I cant retype it to "hatchedit"
It could be because I let autocad migrate from 2008 (pre ribbon) when I installed.