AutoCAD 2010 :: Won't Allow To Select Objects Underneath ViewCube
Feb 27, 2012
We still do all of our AutoCAD drafting in 2-D.So we don't need the ViewCube.It gets in the way and won't let us select objects underneath the ViewCube.
It is easy to turn it off by going to User Interface.BUT, is there a way to turn it off as the default.The drawing I'm in right now has the ViewCube in half of the Viewports.
I'd assumed it would be "Press Shortcut Key and tap mouse" or something like that... but it's not.
It seems the Command Key changes the mode of the selection tool, whilst partially, sometimes, enabling selecting underneath. But it's terribly inconsistent, and means that the selection mode is changed if I do manage to select the desired object. Is this how it works?
i have created viewports on the defpoints layer in paper space, but now i can't select them to modify. Is there a switch or variable that allows depoints objects to be selected?
Is it possible with the hatch command to be able to select objects first instead of picking an internal point?I looked at this thread first which covers the same problem but not sure if there ever was a solution. URL....
HPDLGMODE is currently set to 2, I tried setting it back to 1 but that brings up the hatch popup window as it does in Classic mode and 0 does the same thing as 2.
I have some blocks that are associated with regions in my drawings. I want to select regions based on attributes in the associated blocks. Is that possible?
Is it possible to link my blocks to an external database and select the regions based on a field in the linked database?
I am running AutoCAD 2010 full version. Every time I select a line or a group of lines or objects. My program freezes up for a couple of seconds each time, to scan the drawing. So a task that should take 10-15 minute is turning into 25-30 minutes nightmare. Every selection I make there will appear a progress bar and the words "Scanning the drawings..." in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Is there some setting somewhere i can turn this scanning feature off? Is this issue linked to the layer states?
I distinctly remember back in the day, (~2006), that you would be able to to choose the items you wanted to hatch first, then enter the Hatch command, hit OK, and your objects would be hatched. Simple! Since 2010, you have to enter the Hatch command, then hit Select Objects, then select your objects, then hit Enter, then hit OK, which I find it is less efficient.
I have been using AutoCAD 2010 for a while now and then all of a sudden, I am unable to select multiple lines. The only way to select more than one line for a command is to hold down the shift button and then select more lines. I think someone was playing around with the computer and must have changed a setting?
I just got a newer computer and loaded autocad2012. If I use the viewcube to rotate to a front view and try to draw or dimension it only will draw on the "top" or XY coordinates while the screen is showing the xz. If I use the view tool bar and switch to the front view I can draw at will on the "front" and the ucs is showing I am drawing on the xy. How do I get the ucs to follow the view with the view cube like it does with the tool bar?
Now, I have checked the ucs settings ucsortho (1) ucsvp (1) ucsfollow (1) What else am I missing?
If I change view with the viewcube, then type ucs v. It will change the ucs to match the view. Why isn't it doing it automatically?
In a drawing, the directions aren't pointing at a 90-degree angle with relation to the command ribbon above it. It's rotated a little clockwise, as are the crosshairs. How do I get the crosshairs and viewcube to be parallel with the command ribbon? I don't need to rotate any objects in the drawing, but I think this is messing up what I see in my viewports in the layouts.
I accidentally turned something on in Autocad, and I want it to go away, I have no idea what it's called or how to get it gone. It's akin to the "select other" window in Inventor when you select at the intersection of several objects.
Right now, when i click one object and then another, the first object becomes deselected. Holding shift is the only way for me to select multiple lines right now (other than dragging of course) but that's not what I'm used to and it annoys me a lot. At first everything is fine but then after a while it does this without me changing any options at all.
A user is having problems when using the copy command in AutoCAD 2013.
When they select objects, its not reporting on the commandline how many objects its found or keeping a running total of objects selected. Not even any duplications...
I've tested it on my machine but i cannot replicate the issue and have never come across this before!
I know this discussion title is a bit murky, but the problem is a bit odd. I have Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2. In this version, I will activate the Select Tool, check Auto-Select: Layer, check Show Transform Controls, and then while using the Select Tool I will drag to create a rectangle to select multiple layers with content within the specified area.
Unfortunately, this action only works when I begin the selection from outside of the canvas area. If started from within the canvas area, no rectangle will appear, it will show me a measurement of my selection size, and then no layers will be selected upon release.
This cannot be working as intended right? I mean multi-select dragging cannot be intended to only work when started outside of the canvas right? Is there some way to fix this issue? Is this a bug? See the images below for more information on this issue.
I'd like to know how to align an object in model space with the edge of my viewport in paperspace.
When I draw, I like to lay out multiple complete drawings in model space, make an appropriately scaled bounding box around them, and then snap a view port to the bounding box in my layout. I usually have multiple drawings lined up in a row in modelspace, so when I want a new layout I do a Save As and then pan around in my viewport to find the next bounding box, at which point I have to resize the viewport to get it to snap to the edges nicely. I really want to be able to to it the otehr way around- while panning I'd like to be able to grab a corner of my modelspace bouding box and snap it to the the corresponding corner of my viewport window. That way making new layouts would be a snap. Is there a way to do this in AutoCAD 2012 LT?
Something changed in my settings & I don't know how to chance it back. I can't click on to select objects inside or behind objects. What do I have to change to be able to select any item I click on regardless of where it is?
I'm trying to select all objects at a particular point, but using .SelectAtPoint appears to only return one entity, even though multiple lines are connected to the point.
Sub getSelection() Dim selection As AcadEntity Dim selPt As Variant ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity selection, selPt, "Select a segment..." Dim selStart As Variant selStart = selection.StartPoint Dim connSetStart As AcadSelectionSet Set connSetStart = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ConnToStart") connSetStart.SelectAtPoint selStart Dim thing1 As Variant For Each thing1 In connSetStart Debug.Print "connSetStart: " & thing1.ObjectName Debug.Print "ID: " & thing1.ObjectID Next thing1 Debug.Print "#objs in startset: " & connSetStart.CountEnd Sub
Currently, when I'm converting architectural drawings into backgrounds for my use, one of the first things I do is select certain objects based on their layer and delete them en mass.
I'm using the QSelect dialog box at the moment, but that's really difficult. I would try writing a LISP or something, but I don't know of a command line version of the QS command to make it work.
Is there a way that I can select one object, and make it select all the other objects in the drawing that are on the same layer? The QS command is handy, but very tedious.
I have a drawing with a bunch of stuff on different layers. I want to be able to see the stuff on those layers but not select them. I know I can lock the layers but if I use a left crossing window to select objects it still grabs the stuff on the locked layer.
I could make a copy of all of it, move it to layer 0, freeze all the layers except 0, defpts, and the layer I am working on, then move the stuff to defpts and lock layer 0 and when I am all done delete everything on defpts and thaw everything.
In general, we can select the objects first and then run a command. I have a problem with this, autocad wont let this in my PC. If i select objects and run a command, autocad wont take the selection and prompts to select objects. I work on PC in a company connected to server, but the problem is only on my PC.
Trouble with embedded OLE DWG objects in word 2010 not opening with AutoCAD 2012
We have a user that can't open some OLE DWG files from within a word document. He had 2010 AutoCAD LT on his machine for a while then was upgraded to 2012 AutoCAD (non LT) once that was there LT 2010 was unistalled. since then he has not been able to open certain embedded OLE files within Word. Other users that have other ever had AutoCAD 2012 have no issue opening this embedded DWG files.
i found this thread (URL....) which sounds exactly what is going on with my enduser. But the fix provided is for AutoCad 2000-2012 not the LT versions.
I am using autocad 2013 primarily and other employees are using 2010. I am saving my drawings as 2010 and for me there are no issues. On the other hand people using 2010 are having objects missing in the drawing. All layers are turned on and all thawed. The primary objects missing are AEC objects. Is there a switch to show or hide these object?
I've been having trouble selecting more than one object with the pointer. the program was just reloaded on the computer, but this problem has happened multiple times now. everything will work fine for a while, then suddenly, when trying to select objects during a command, i can only select one. (ex. trying to copy multiple lines, i can only select one to copy at a time).
I have a lot of polylines that are all over a drawing from an outside source. Unfortunately the only unique properties about them are:
AREA = .14 sq in PERIMETER = 1-11/32"
Everything is on the same layer, color by layer and are at the same elevation.
Any way to select just these closed polylnes? I tried quickselect but the AREA option did not work (it wouldn't except just the .14 value), and there is no apparent PERIMETER value to select.
I do not know what has changed but the select objects works differently now. For example, when 3 lines are drawn and the erase command is selected. I do a crossing window and the command line says 3 objects selected. But when I do it again and only select 2 lines, it says 2 objects selected and the 3rd line is then unselected. It used to say 2 objects selected and ignore but the total was 3.
PROBLEM: When I go to select the objects as as a SINGLE OBJECT, each object within the group is selectable -- as if they were not grouped.Shouldn't it be that when I select ANY of the objects within the group ALL OBJECTS in the group get selected, and not just each object?