add a line to the code you wrote so I could use iunembed or detach the old image in the begin of the lisp command. Iunembed command ask what to name tif after it is unembed. Is there a way to detach the old embed image and run the other parts of the command? Keep in mind I change the lisp little bit.
; Attach Drawingname Image [insert] at scale 12
(defun c:AI12 ()
(defun dxf_ (n L) (cdr (assoc n L)) )
(defun dxf (n L) (cdr (assoc n L)) )
I was working on a drawing file when my ribbon went haywire. My layer drop down seems frozen so it only shows the current layer and the hatch edit ribbon does not function properly.
The issue with the layer drop down is if I select a line, fill, etc. on any layer the layer drop down on the home ribbon does not change to show the layer that item is on and if I select multiple items on different layers which usually causes the drop down to go blank it still shows the current layer. The object color, line thickness and linetype all change on the properties tab to show the properties of the selected item so the entire home ribbon is not frozen. If I scroll through the layer drop down and select a layer to move the selected item to a new layer AutoCAD responds *Invalid selection* Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/All/Fence . . .
The hatch edit ribbon is completely useless. The angle and scale boxes are greyed out and if I select any of the buttons (Set Origin, change hatch pattern, etc.) AutoCAD again responds with *Invalid selection* . . .
The only CUI shown is the ACAD.CUIX and I have done a Reset and Restore, changed the workspace, restarted AutoCAD and restarted my computer. What am I missing?
I have just upgraded from Map 2009 to 2012 4-bit and many of my lisp programs using map functions do not work. Is there an explanation for this and is there a new "catalog" of data extension function and such available somewhere?
When I load Elements 10, from the home page it lets me hit organize, but when I hit "Edit" it does nothing. On the Edit drop down menu, I usually hit "edit with photoshop editor" and it takes me to the screen with all the tools, but now it does nothing. I can't get any of the tools to load.
We have been asked many times if it is possible to combine two projects and still retain the editing functions, That both projects open in the same timeline showing all clips and the edits that have been applied, allowing for further editing of the full project.
We have always assumed this is not possible and suggest rendering the project to a video file, to be added to the second project. Otherwise use Nesting, adding the VSP to the timeline, something I do not recommend anyway.
Video Studio uses Instant Projects and these do open in an existing project and display individual clips.So why cant we create our own Instant Project” of a project and simply add that to another project. Well we can.I have just tried and was successful, there was a but of a delay in reading the clips with Video Studio doing a Not Responding act, It was quite a long project, a bit of patience and things loaded ok.
Using File – Export as Template an Instant Project Template will be created having the default location within the Custom library.Once created can be added to any project.
I recently installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 on my MacBook Pro. I attempted to select, then edit a photo that I created a while ago. All of the Edit Functions were dimmed. I confirmed that the photo was set with RGB color mode, and it is in Full/Edit mode. The primary functions that I attempted to use were Copy & Paste. I opened the same file on my iMac and it worked just fine. How I can make the Edit Functions work on my MacBook Pro?
When you use the wheel autocad zooms in and out. Is there a way to make it so when you hold ctrl and move the wheel Autocad pans left and right? ANd a shift+wheel pans up and down?
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
I would like to know about the permission needed to edit the autocad file. In my folder there are many autocad files. I need to give the edit permission to one particual file to a specific user.
First i tried with folder level security. But i failed.
1. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete,Write Attribute) in the folder level. But when i tried to open the drawing file, it throws an error. Error: "File is currently using by the user1. Would you like to open the file read-only?"
2. I have given full permission for the particular user (Except: Delete) in the folder level. Now i could open the file successfully. But after editing, when i tried to save the document, it throws an error: Error: "Unable to save to drawing D:TestTest.dwg as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to "D:Testsav460B.tmp"
3. Now i have given full permission for the particular user including Delete permission in the folder level. Now i could save the drawing succesfully after editing.
From this , i guess, it needs delete permission in the folder level to edit and save the drawing (I understood this is for creating/deleting tmp/.bak files during saving the document.). But giving delete permission in the folder level is very risky.
why I can't edit the "Vector Graphics" section in my PC3 file? See attached PDF. I belive that this is causing some undesired results when publishing to the plotter.
when path parameter is set to @"d:\test.dwg" it works and saves the file but when set to @"\\server\New Folder"\test.dwg" it does not work.what should I do?.
I want to add an attribute to a BLK file I have from a past release. Using this .BLK file, I can create a table from attributes in my drawing using a LISP routine.
It seems there is no way to create or edit a .BLK file that I can use for this in ACAD 2011, it only creates .DXE files.
The problem with the .DXE file is that is saves the drawing that the original extraction is performed on. When I use the .DXE in another drawing, it uses the original drawing data unless I manually "delete" the old drawing reference using the dialog box in the extraction wizard.
The .BLK file works perfectly, but I want to add an attribute. How can I create a new, or edit my old .BLK file?
Will I have to reinstall an older version of AutoCAd to accomplish this?
Lisp that can create layouts (using a dwt--I would code in the file path to my dwt) reading data from a csv file??? I would create the drawings ahead of time, all I would need is to run the lisp and it would create all the layouts in those dwgs and name them according to the csv.
The csv file contains the drawing names in column A and the layout names in column B. So, what I want to do is create "n" number of layouts in specific dwgs, using the cell data it reads from column A--which are the drawing names, and then rename all those layouts with the cell data from B--note it would not create duplicate (existing) tabs. This way I can re-run it later to add new layouts to the drawings as needed.
The reason is that I work on projects with several hundred layouts--thus the need to create layouts more easily across as many drawings as necessary. Instead of renaming/deleting a ton of layouts; it would be easier to start with a minimal template(s) and have the lisp create the exact number of layouts we need instead of going back and making a ton of edits. Since the csv is created at the beginning of the project, any changes later (adding layouts), can easily be done by running the lisp again.
I uploaded a lisp file into AC 2012 and it shows that it uploaded sucessfuly. However when I go to run the routing i get the error message 'error: bad character read (octal): 4'.
I have to list all object data on some 4000 drawings. The drawings have been created in an unkown version of autocad and are electrical in nature. It would be great if a LISP file could be created to extract all of this too individual Excel or text files.
I'm relatively new to the software and have somehow managed to delete/remove the bar/ribbon with all of the functions related to the actual drawing of..well a drawing.
I wrote some LISP programs. I would like to use the output data generated by LISP program in Command arear of AutoCAD. I Heard we can dave the output data into .dat files.
I've started a new job and inherited a lot of custom files and menu's without documentation.
The company CUI is setup as the enterprise menu and displays READ ONLY on my system. And the company palettes all have a padlock displayed. All relevant files are on the server.
WHat rights do I need to edit and update these files?
I'm having issues with updating an MTEXT attributes value using lisp.
If I insert my block (this is a titleblock) and run my lisp routine the MTEXT attribute updates fine. Once I edit the MTEXT attribute with the MTEXT editor, and then run my lisp routine again, the MTEXT attribute will not update anymore. All the single line (DTEXT) attributes update fine. The lisp routine I created has worked for years...this is the first time I've tried it with an MTEXT attribute.
We have had custom toolbars for many years that included custom pop menus etc. Now that we are running cuix customizations how do I edit these customized pop menus? Do I need to rewrite this stuff in lisp, vba, .net, whatever?
whether within AutoCAD or thru Autolisp or VBA, to individually edit text that has been grouped. Ungrouping and regrouping is too cumbersome. Search and replace will work, but will change all instances of text that match the search / replace criteria.
I have many texts fields in my drawing. I need edit the format of all field. e.g field - 1030.60 convert to - 1.030,60 Is there any lisp doing that? I mean, select multiple field and change it.